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The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Alien Rope Burn posted:

So! As we know by now, Tarnow takes normal metals and converts them into magical super-metals. It talks about them being lighter than normal M.D.C. material, but for some reason the armors listed here are two to four times as heavy as regular Rifts armor.

Yes, but they have an excellent marketing department.


The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

The key to borgstromancy is to take everything completely literally. If you assume things are metaphors then you'll get hopelessly confused.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Humbug Scoolbus posted:

In volume or surface area?

Assume a perfectly spherical wolf.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Communist Zombie posted:

There might be hope for them afterall. :unsmith:

The fact that the very first thing in the book is a fic about a woman being attacked by a tentacle monster did make me narrow my eyes, but well wait and see.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Of all the RIFTS stuff you've seen so far, what would you say is the most horrifically overpowered / broken-and-abusable thing that players can access? I know there's a lot of competition there, but I'm curious.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Valatar posted:

There are evolved levels for giant, but as being mutated by dragons into a perversion of nature is not looked upon favorably by the giants, there aren't many valid reasons for a player to receive evolved levels.

This is interesting, because I remember AU saying that the Giants had uplifted the Sibbecai into their current (intelligent) form. Is that fluff gone, or is it a case of "the only good fleshcrafting is my fleshcrafting"?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Lynx Winters posted:

Yeah, now that I think about it, reading it to my friends took about an hour because we couldn't stop laughing at poo poo like "were-storms." When the full moon comes out, he turns into vicious precipitation!

Are they vulnerable to silver iodide?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Gazetteer posted:

Next time: The Beast -- He tried to kiss me, so I turned into a cobra

That never helps.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

ZeeToo posted:

Coming of Age (level 3) is a qedeshim/qedeshot spell where the sex priest turns the target from virgin to not-a-virgin, giving them a +1 to ability scores for XP (they pay, not the caster). Casting time: one action ten minutes. Honestly not too embarassing, given that whole focus on community integration and being a priest(ess) of Ishtar. Although it does have a duration of "permanent" instead of "instant", which means that the bonus could be dispelled if dispel magic or anti-magic field come into play. You don't get the XP back and you can't get the effect reapplied because you're not a virgin. Lovely.

Yes you are. The effect got dispelled, so you're back to virgin city.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Kurieg posted:

If I remember it correctly they used the transitive property on "if we live in a post scarcity society we can turn people into dragons" to turn it into "once we have dragons we'll be able to create a post scarcity society". So they decided to start with 'turning people into dragons' And they would do this by creating an offshore micronation that is somehow a massive economic power.

I've spent all this time on lead into gold and it turns out it was people into dragons all along?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Does HSD provide any support for going all Red Faction / Smash The Lack-of-state ?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

There's an easy hack to make the HSD background make sense: It's an in-character document cut-and-pasted from a Marscorp primary education textbook.
This explains both the "everything is great since we removed every possible check on corporate power" propaganda and the lies-to-children simplicity of the explanations for things.

Fakeedit: Plus the total whitewashing of the Human Genocide. "Then all the remaining humans just decided that they would all like to move back to Earth, where they were killed by Slenderman. The end."

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Kai Tave posted:

Yes, Changing Breeds devotes a not inconsiderable amount of attention to actual literal poo poo. Remember, this was written by a guy that White Wolf cut ties with during the nWoD transition then invited back to write this knowing in all likelihood exactly what they were going to get, and then published it anyway.

I'm willing to guess that they knew exactly what they were doing and it sold decently. There was a portion of their old fanbase they were no longer serving, why not toss out a book to get some money from them?
It's a crap book, but if it's crap that sells is it still crap?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

They knew exactly who they were selling to.
(Furries. It's furries.)

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Warlocktopus posted:

Back in my horrible, horrible MU*ing days, there was a Heavy Gear MUX which explicitly mentioned that giant robots were NOT part of it. I always wondered what on earth was the point.

Gears are more sort of 'medium robots', so maybe they were just ditching some of the stupider Striders?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

That's the one where the default assumption is 400 character points I believe (equivalent to a small superhero).

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Doresh posted:

JC exo-armors are sadly not nearly as ridiculous. I think none of them hold a candle to Heavy Gear's Aller main battle tank.

What's ridiculous about the Aller? Big slab of armor with a honking great gun strapped to the top. Do not confront directly.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Doresh posted:

For your daily dose of metaplots that will never be resolved, there's been some disturbing news from the planet Tek'ek'hal (or Tek'ek'hali, the book doesn't seem to be sure).


The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

hyphz posted:

I just liked the idea of her being heroic compared to the nastiness of most of the characters.

Another must have for her, I think, would be a Winged Fairy Dress. It lets you fly, but also lets you voluntarily shrunk to 10 inches tall, with no mention of Body stat loss. Because the image of Lucinda being uppercutted into the stratosphere by Tinkerbell is just too hilarious.

(Young Freud, I had your picture in mind at the time too...)

You've basically made a one-person Witch Police. You can never be sure whether Dame Hilda is watching you, hidden. And if you step out of line your last thought will be "WTF!" as your head breaks the ceiling on the way to the stratosphere.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

"Mad science doesn't pay the bills"? Even if it can't be reproduced you could make tons of money selling it as a service. "Your satellite in orbit for $100/kg, no questions answered." Or use your Super-Prospect-O-Mat to find a huge deposit of rare earths, buy up the mining rights, then have the site surveyed conventionally.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Cythereal posted:

A related ability at four dots of Epikrato is large-scale public manipulation. Like elections. Or the stock market. Weather control also becomes possible at this point.

So I could, say, short-sell everything then crash the stock market?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Cythereal posted:

With enough successes? Yep, you certainly could. Every axiom makes you capable of horrible, horrible things past two or three dots, though some require more creativity than others.

I'm just still harping on the "short on money" thing.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Kai Tave posted:

. Even if you changed Nippon Tech to "Sleeping Dogs: the Cosm" why would you bother going there?

Because you need 800kg of semtex to foil Möbius' plans and where else are you going to get that on short notice?

(Insert 'vital indication', 'medical care', 'hired ninjas' etc as appropriate.)

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

pkfan2004 posted:

It really would. How in the hell are you gonna kidnap the Commissar's pet Grox with getting killed by the Grox being the least of your worries?

"We're going to need an Ogryn."

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

How does Genius feel about 'off-label' uses of the Axioms? F'rex, using the space-travel axiom to drop big rocks on something (duplicating the effect of the blow-things-up axiom).

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Automaton (biological) + pill form is a pokeball, right?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Humbug Scoolbus posted:

GURPS: Voodoo did it better than most.

GURPS authors seem to do as much research as the rest of the industry put together.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Would Dr. Dinosaur be a good example of an Unmada? He spouts crazy bullshit that is obviously nonsense but... somehow isn't, and makes elaborate nonsense machines that can do anything if it involves crystals.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Halloween Jack posted:

The only thing that will kill an Immortal is beheading severing their spinal cord between the heart and the brain.

40mm frag'll do that, no worries.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Alien Rope Burn posted:

Then can take any class that doesn't involve the Coalition / Triax, power armor, or juicing.

So basically none of the good ones?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Does Brucato find a way to cram bestiality into every third paragraph in his other work, or is it only in Furry: the Yiffing?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Mors Rattus posted:

Ashwood is somewhat less likely to murder random civilians.

But only because they die too easily.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

So Prometheans treat MDC damage as SDC... does that mean that if one becomes MDC somehow (Einherjar? There was some kind of template) they are practically invulnerable?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Kai Tave posted:

No, I get that. My point is what the hell were they trying to make where step one was "take cancer from serial killers' brains and implant it into other peoples' brains"? What possible mass-market biotech were they aiming for with that one? A lot of the Cheiron stuff seems a little too out-there to be stuff that was just incidental byproducts of trying to make the next aspirin.

Implant that allows you to turn your conscience off... hmm, sell it to up-and-coming executives?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

pkfan2004 posted:

Oceanid bloodlines are nothing if not stable and reliable. Every few generations pumps out a few Leviathans and the number is somewhat constant. A lot of Oceanid families know how to predict when the next batch will come. The wild card is they never know which family will get them. Anyone who has the direct lineage of an Oceanid has the potential to become one, and sometimes families with reliable Oceanid inheritances lose their shot of getting one ever again because of a forgotten bastard or a family member cut their ties. Oceanid families tend to approach human families a lot to bring them back into the bloodline so they don't lose a shot at getting one in the future, keeping heavy track of genealogy.

So... the less competition, the more likely it is that my child will be the one to Exalt?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

So I'm confused. Do you take a RCC and an OCC, or just a RCC?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Alien Rope Burn posted:

There's also the weird Murphy's Rule where some races can take "Men of War" OCCs... which includes Coalition OCCs. Guess you can hide a lot under those skull-helmets...

Aren't you a bit gigantic to be a stormtrooper?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Halloween Jack posted:

It would be interesting, to me, if Cliomancers' sense for historical importance allows them to know if something is significant.

"But why aren't we talking about ACORN?"

"I walked past their office. Didn't feel a thing."

But Cliomancers are about pop-history. It's what is known, not what is true.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

How does the Law of Transaction interact with major Epideromancy charges? Say I cut my hand off for a major charge, and use it to 'completely redesign my body'. I can't get my hand back because of the Law, but I've now got five arms and these nifty chin-tentacles so the fact that one arm ends in a stump doesn't bother me that much.
(Then I get assassinated by the Sleepers because seriously)

Also, could a Cliomancer with enough writing chops create a new landmark by writing a best-selling pop-history book that makes everybody think a major historical event happened there? The landing site of the ancient astronauts or something?

The Lone Badger fucked around with this message at 09:43 on Jun 9, 2015


The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

oriongates posted:

This is a classic example of selling your car to buy a new tire. Keep in mind epideromancer transformations like this are permanent (unless you sacrifice another hand or major body part to change back) By turning yourself into a raging tentacled hate-beast that hand is the least of what you've lost. Sneaking around the loss of your hand by transforming yourself into a monster (more monstrous than even someone like the Freak) doesn't mean you've managed to cheat've cheated yourself out of your humanity.

If they had the courage to take control of their own bodies they'd be hideous tentacle-beasts too. Don't blame me for others being weak.

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