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Oct 26, 2007

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Ningyou posted:

On that note, I'm pretty sure I remember one of the major antagonists/THREATS TO FAERIEKIND :frogsiren: in Changeling being a fuddy-duddy psychiatrist (who went around pushing the equivalent of reparative therapy on those poor whimsical dreamers and just *oozed* with Banality.)

Subtlety? Never heard of it!

Was one of the writers mad about being taken to psychiatrists as a kid or something?


Oct 26, 2007

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Kavak posted:

Then scroll out as far as you can.

Space owns.

:laffo: at the Core Route. I cannot loving believe that they named all the sector blocks along the way.

Oct 26, 2007

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Halloween Jack posted:

UH is one of those settings that seems like it wants to be taken seriously but it's just begging to be played fast and loose. The ideal party would be a badass Undertaker, a Mourner, a Dhampir vampire hunter, the aristocrat bankrolling it all, and everyone is secretly loving. Okay, maybe I play too much Apocalypse World.

It sounds like you should just play apocalypse world set in some sort of semi-rebuilt London.

Oct 26, 2007

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Glazius posted:

I wonder what the smallest coherent unit of the WLD actually is. It's not even a region, it would seem.

An empty 5' square it seems.

Oct 26, 2007

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pkfan2004 posted:

The Vitalists believe that the Earth itself is depleted of energy and that's causing some kind of rot and decay and that's why Animates hunger for living flesh.

So this game is really starting to remind me of Ar Tonelico, but with the anime replaced with steampunk.

Of course, the people in Ar Tonelico were pretty sensible about "GTFO the planet's surface" and they also explained why the planet is hosed (idiots who watched Dr Strangelove and thought "man that doomsday device isn't nearly powerful enough").

Oct 26, 2007

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The Iron Rose posted:

I kinda want to hear more about this monk now.

I'm kind of interested too, because if I wanted to build an ultimate melee death machine I'm not sure I'd have used monk at all, since IIRC most of the easy ways to get Pounce were via Barbarian.

Oct 26, 2007

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oriongates posted:

And there we go. That's basically it for Truth and Justice. Since I feel like it's hard to do the game Justice without some good examples does anyone have any super-human characters they'd like me to stat up? Existing ones or original characters are fine.

Green Lantern or Dr Strange or someone else with a ridiculously broad meta-power, provided you do examples.

Oct 26, 2007

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In addition to that, Jesus the Swedish Army just won't leave anything alone.

Oct 26, 2007

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Mr. Maltose posted:

"Hey dudes, let's not talk about the bits the book hasn't covered yet."

And somehow people can't even do that, Jesus.

Hasn't "you can't be a mech-piloting Taeger" been covered in the corebook? Because it doesn't seem to be new information.

Oct 26, 2007

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Kai Tave posted:

Rifts always seemed pretty schizophrenic about the whole "post apocalypse" thing because on the one hand you have things that point to the post-rifts world being some hardscrabble existence cobbled together from the shattered remnants of the old world shot through with a bunch of weirdness from other dimensions and then on the other hand you have long masturbatory sections detailing various nations' military infrastructure and there are a bazillion corporations and factories just churning out tons of advanced technology and magitechnology and alien technology and all that poo poo, which implies that the apocalypse was really more of an inconvenience than anything.

I sort of like the idea of post-post-apocalypse, where there's been a somewhat uneven recovery going on. Not that I'd use Rifts for it.

Oct 26, 2007

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Ratpick posted:

I'll probably do the Ghoul tonight after work. Where the Ghost is one of the saddest Skins in Monsterhearts, the Ghoul is definitely the most creepy, at least in my opinion. Also, the Ghoul also contains the one thing (and the only one thing) in Monsterhearts which I consider potentially problematic, but even then it's mostly a case of "a catpiss group could turn this into something sick."

I was reading back through this thread and I thought "man, Monsterhearts is cool but I will never play it."

Oct 26, 2007

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Fluid Initiative COULD be a good idea, especially if it let you do have moves that messed with the enemy turn order, but it seems like it'd be too big a pain to track.

Oct 26, 2007

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theironjef posted:

That's bad but nothing yet has beaten the Haven system where art identification became more difficult as a factor of how singular or well known the piece was. Way way easier to identify a random Rothko than the Mona Lisa. His thinking was that the Mona Lisa is more vauable so it's probably "harder."

Or for creatures, in D&D 3.5 the DC to identify a creature is based on its HD. So creatures from another plane of existence can be easier to identify than an Elephant.

Oct 26, 2007

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Jesus, the Pathfinder SRD Wiki thing for Path of War is horribly organized. I can't even find the part where it says what the weapons for a given discipline are. I had to look back of Libertad!'s posts.

Oct 26, 2007

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Poison Mushroom posted:

DH1e always made me wonder how it'd operate if you basically cut a 0 off of just about every single number except Fate and Wounds and used d10s instead of d100s.

Doesn't DH have critical failure on a roll of 100? Would you make critical failures 10x as likely, or do something else?

Oct 26, 2007

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Esser-Z posted:

I mentally inserted an "r" into both of those, which made it immensely more acceptable.

I might actually do SECRET CABAL OF CORGIS ACTUALLY RULE THE WORLD as a plot in some game sometime.


Oct 26, 2007

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inklesspen posted:

If I ran Tenchi Muyo, it would just be psychic tree space opera.

I like that idea. Also the idea that spaceships can transform into humanoid-scale things (Ryo-Oki I think?) seems like a good fit for space murderhobos. Now you don't have to steal your spaceship back at the end of each session.

Oct 26, 2007

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Mors Rattus posted:

The FFXIV solution is to have the PC not be 'some random rear end in a top hat', but in fact the single most important person i nthe world. (The rest of the party, story-wise, are treated as 'the buddies that you, the World-Saving Hero, have gotten together to help you out.')

This is more or less what WoW: Warlords of Draenor does, except when it suddenly doesn't. Hanging with Khadgar/Chromie to deal with that whole "Gul'dan is alive" thing. Khadgar is the greatest. "Ordinarily I wouldn't ask you to assault a fortified moving train - ah, no, that's not true. This is exactly the sort of thing I'm going to need from you. All the time."

It's just that whenever anything tangentially related to Orc Jesus happens, Metzen fucks it up.

Oct 26, 2007

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So out of curiosity what would the DC be for making a really obnoxious canonical device, like the Planetary Re-Origination System that they have in the Halls of Origination?

Oct 26, 2007

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The book stacked the "libertarian" and "furry" templates on its Author, to min-max batshit insanity.

Oct 26, 2007

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I think you have the text for not-leadership under Packrat.

Oct 26, 2007

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So furries stole Lina and that other lady whose name I forgot's clothing, and now they have to defeat them to get it back? I could totally see that as an episode.

Oct 26, 2007

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LornMarkus posted:

Actually the names are drawn from there but the big deal is the difference in use: Callers are old style summoners while the Summoner class works like Yuna from FFX, where they're completely replaced on combat by their summon rather than just it being a much more grand spell.

Summoners also made an excellent stand in for Dante from DMC.

That actually sounds kind of cool. I liked Yuna and how summons worked in FFX.

Oct 26, 2007

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Glazius posted:

Huh. No Hoffmanites? I suppose tech isn't yet advanced far enough for colonizing a heavy-G world.

I'm not sure where you'd find a heavy-g solid world in our solar system.

Oct 26, 2007

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Are the white bits around him bad copy-pasting on your part or the game's?

Oct 26, 2007

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Doresh posted:

Seeing how strangely everything is worded in this book, could the RAW of this ability be interpreted so that "ANYTHING" includes "inner organs"? Then you could trade those delicious cakes for hearts.

Use breath mints so you can deliver them into their mouths via blowgun.

Oct 26, 2007

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theironjef posted:

Dang, I'm gonna have to throw out all these System Mastery: The Geeksiahs shirts I was saving for a summer sale. Ask him anything you guys, like "Hey, don't you actually specialize in misanthropic teenagers?"

Maybe he's mad that anime is better than him at misanthropic teenagers.

Oct 26, 2007

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I think Gaia's just happy to have someone to chat with.

Oct 26, 2007

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If they have no relation to normal science, how did they guide human technological advancement and hand down free goodies?

Oct 26, 2007

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Cythereal posted:

They didn't. Lemuria was playing an entirely different kind of scientific game. Eugenics was one of their main stocks in trade.

Ah, I was thinking they were just "evil version of the protagonists" and not a broader thing.

Oct 26, 2007

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So if interaction with mortals causes super-science to degrade, how the hell does super-psychology work?

Oct 26, 2007

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Evil Mastermind posted:

Hard numbers like that are always funny because they end up generating situations like this.

I kind of like the idea that people are vaguely aware of this, but haven't really done enough testing to get the exact numbers. So you'd have, say, a crime lord who insists on having exactly 88 subordinates and no more.

Oct 26, 2007

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I feel like if you're going to keep Axioms for not-Torg you might want to mess with them. I'd at the very least suggest a Life Axiom, which governs how crazy biology can get. At low levels you have sterile places like city-world or whatever, at high levels you have Godzilla/The Zerg/Kryptonians.

Oct 26, 2007

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theironjef posted:

I played a Warlord for like two years straight in that game and never failed to come up with a badass non-magical description for the crazy poo poo I was doing. The guy playing the fighter was the same way. The trick was just being willing to grab the reins on describing the monsters if your power happens to move them around. Come and Get It becomes even more awesome when you describe how the taunted monsters roar and snort in outrage at your demonstration of superiority. Man I miss that. My at-will was literally fastball special-ing the halfling rogue across the field (Opening Shove was the best power in the game by god).

Does 5E not have a warlord? BOYCOTT FOREVER.

Oct 26, 2007

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Kurieg posted:

I can't tell if you're being facetious or not, but that was a huge issue during 5e's development. There are certain builds of bards and fighters that have some enabling things that seem Warlordy, but "you can't shout arms back on" so healing is a magic only club again.

I'm not. I felt betrayed by how 4E was handled and this is sort of a "final straw" thing.

Oct 26, 2007

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theironjef posted:

I dimly remember there was some rule in place that gem prices were literally fixed, to prevent the wizard from playing 25,000 gold to the rogue for a chunk of glass, casting his spell, and then getting his gold back.
D&D economics.

I know a guy who wouldn't run 4E because it removed all pretense of simulating a world. He's otherwise an excellent DM though.

Oct 26, 2007

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Nessus posted:

The one AD&D ism that always stuck with me was that making a permanent magic item cost the creator a point of Constitution. I believe this was explicitly not temporary. (Resurrection also required one, and your roll for 'coming back from the dead' was also related to your Constitution.)

Also, making a magic item was a sixth level spell. How many motherfuckers could've been doing this? Obviously the intention was probably to keep PCs from just cranking out +5 swords and +5 armor of the relevant sort for the entire party, but it just didn't add up with having even the odds of a PC having ONE permanent magic item by the time they got to 9th level or so.

I'm sure the solution is feats, though.

Well if magic items last indefinitely, then it sort of makes sense that there's a huge pile of them, even if they are difficult to make. On the other hand, you'd expect to see a huge variety of styles since you could easily see magic armors made hundreds of years ago.

Oct 26, 2007

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Nessus posted:

Yeah but how many thirteenth level wizards (or whatever) are there?

Given that civilization has been around for a ridiculously long time in most fantasy settings (30,000 years in Forgotten Realms), probably enough.

Oct 26, 2007

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Yeah, those "can't be combined with biological" bits are terrible. How is my Genius supposed to play real-life Starcraft without accurate Zerg?


Oct 26, 2007

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Since we talk about Pathfinder in here, did anyone ever make a Warlord-alike for it to go with the Tome-of-Battle-alike and the Tome-of-Magic-alike?

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