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Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Ratpick posted:

Real Monsters.
Do you run MH often? I've run it about as much as I've played it(+/- 5 sessions) and find it's rare to find good GMs, or even interested GMs.


Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Midjack posted:

Not coincidentally, neither of those games have love and sex as their main point.

MH has a core move called "Turn Someone On".

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
lovely Topher skins:

Nearly all of them. They don't work or they work too well. I played in one game against an Unseen who only 1 person even knew existed. And who only wanted to hug her true love mortal. It's basically a ghost that's even less bound to stay in the game.

Awesome non-core MH Skins:

The Reverant/The Faithful (the tempted bible thumper). The Second (Donnie Darko; the person who can't live with their mistakes so they make things worse). The Genius (who seeks to UNDERSTAND the creating dangerous poo poo / being lured out of his shell at the wrong time).

Of the second skins, "The Sasquatch" always seemed cool in the angsty-90 kids way, and has the coolest move I've seen.

LONG FUSE: When you or someone wrapped in your arms would take harm, you may negate that harm. If you do so, name something that you hold dear - if you
don't destroy that something later, do yourself the harm then.

Strontosaurus and I made a Monster Hearts Skin, The Parent.

Golden Bee fucked around with this message at 09:39 on Oct 19, 2014

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

PresidentBeard posted:

Is the parent supposed to be a joke skin?

That's an unfair assumption, just because there's a move called LYDIA, DID YOU TOUCH THE THERMOSTAT.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Cythereal posted:

Eh, I can actually see some basis for a skin that could be called the Parent: the elder sibling who, due to family crisis, ends up effectively playing the role of a parent to their younger siblings, probably involving at least one missing or dead actual parent. There's a ripe source of drama for you.

You'd like "The Heir", where you gain supernatural powers by killing your siblings before they do you in.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Mexcillent posted:

The Calaca should be the kid who had someone die recently and has just gone all out in mocking death and life, not caring at all.

That's not grounded in the mythology though.

Calaca as Cancer Kid is a fascinating take.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Poison Mushroom posted:

Agreed. I'd probably give playing that a shot, depending on how it was written.

While there's room in the space to make it monstrous (origins: Mayfly, Cut by the Strega, Rough Diagnosis), and a clear darkest self, there's no WANT, is there? What's the anti-social behavior pattern, especially if you're on the 5th stage of grief?

Maybe you have a stat that goes from Denial to Acceptance. When you're in Denial, you remove conditions and delay harm. When you're in acceptance, you can't Run Away or Shut Someone Down, but gain access to a growing-up style move; you can inspire others.

STAGE THREE: A force beyond your understanding will get you what you need. On a 10+, they'll clear a condition from you; the coughs go away, sand flows into the hourglass. On a 7-9, what it wants is reasonable...but it's someone else's.

Note: You can't take "Short Rest for the Wicked" unless you change your playbook to Ghoul. When you gain your 3rd advance, your time is up, unless you've made other plans.

Edit: We should just have a MH thread, since it's taken over this and the A*W thread.

Golden Bee fucked around with this message at 07:30 on Oct 21, 2014

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
The "You automatically kill someone by kissing them" is bullshit, just like the vampire's feed. And the transformation makes you more powerful than the Werewolf or the Chosen. And the male picture looks like he's :fap:.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
Did someone say "Bad Monsterhearts Skins?"

[Google it.]

Gamebreakers, badly formatted ones, ones where the core move is 12 sentences long, everything's there.

Notable: Repeats! "The really dark cool scary guy who's a serial killer for real!" (aka "the stranger"). Buffy pictures!

Golden Bee fucked around with this message at 14:34 on Oct 27, 2014

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

When you used to play Cowboys and Indians on the playground, there was one kid who had a super-invincible forcefield. You could ignore them, theoretically, except they were the batman-power-ranger king.

"Skins for the Skinless" was built by such a person, and the Proxy is the worst example.

Basically, you're obsessed with Zalgo or Homestuck or Creepypasta. You have a mask, a subject who you torment, and you're trying to bring other people into your cult. So you're a Mortal/Queen/Infernal mashup, with Homestar Runner starting with 5 strings on you.

You get a mask (there are a few interesting selections) and a name (helpfully suggested are "a unique name" and "a kid's name".)

Unfortunately, we get to Backstory, and things get off the rails.

If the Proxy is going to be balanced, the game needs to focus on them. The infernal is a great class, because their metaphor (addiction) and methodology (giving strings to the Dark Power) give a method of behavior that could fit into a high school. We all know that guy.

The Proxy starts off with one string on everyone, and two more strings on their subject. They give away one string, plus five to It. Already the laser shields are up; starting with 3 strings on someone means you can gently caress up their day pretty well.

The Proxy's base move is OK, albeit terrible; when you offer your subject XP to do something, they mark their advance. When you do it 5 times, they have to take a proxy advance.

The Sex move replaces your Target with a new Target. You both mark experience, and you get +1 to causing harm to your new target. The person you had sex with now has to mark XP to taking a Proxy move.

There's already a way to model spreading diseases/mind control (the Queen brings anyone she sleeps with into her gang). This one does it only for one person and is semi in game, semi-out. If your subject wanted to explore the Werewolf space and take 3 specific moves, you'd be handicapping them.

The following non-core moves are so absurd, they need to be quoted in full:


Am I Interrupting? You can spend two strings on some- one to gain complete access to their home and identity. You have full access to all their social media accounts (e-mail, Twitter, YouTube, G+, etc) and may make irreversible changes to those accounts. You can also edit your target’s uploaded videos, inserting scenes, frames, audio, or text, either obviously or subliminally. You may enter their home with sufficient stealth as to record video of them sleeping, without triggering security, being discovered, or leaving accidental traces of your presence.
Yes, at the very start of play, you can without a roll break into someone's house and ruin their lives. YOU CAN NOT BE CAUGHT.
This is better than the Ghost, who is a literal ghost. Overpowered, yes, think of it the other way: you've robbed yourself of all the drama of breaking into someone's house, learning something you didn't want to know, having a moral crisis...a good half of play is done away with.


DistortionYou can cause distortion in any photographic, video, or audio recordings of yourself. The distortion may range from mild static to severe interference. Anyone viewing or listening to the distorted recordings of you must hold steady; results of 6 or less give the viewer the condition Fascinated.
Play a weird video in the hallway. Everyone there has to hold steady and if they fail, you win! Congrats, in two moves you're an undefeatable serial killer.


Path of Black Leaves
Unless you allow it, you cannot be run away from. You will always be around the next corner or hiding behind a nearby tree, or your victims will find themselves repeatedly passing through the same hallways and doors without actually getting anywhere. You may release your victims at any time.
Compare this to the Vampire's "Inescapable", where you spend a string to make someone stay, and if they leave, you gain two strings on them.


When you are masked, others must hold steady before they can attempt to turn you on, shut you down, or lash out physically at you. If they roll 10 up they may make the second roll normally. If they roll 7-9, they may make the second roll at -1. If they roll 6 or less, give them the condition Hazy Memories and they may not attempt the second roll.

And here's the forcefield. You have a nuh-uh button that requires someone to roll + cold to interact with you.

Cryptic Bullshit is nearly a good move, but it's a stat replacement that allows you to remotely shut people down with dark as long as you use a creepy video. You get a +1 as well, which is better than other stat replacement (the Ghost has a similar move).
The Collective allows you to attack other players when you gaze into the abyss. So, you have tons of moves to not be hurt and can attack/shut people down without ever seeing them. You're a mixture of a decker and serial killer, which I guess matches the intent, but there is 0 reason for other people at the table to interact with you, positively or negatively, and if that's the case, why are you playing a roleplaying game?

Edit: 11/8/2014 edited for tone and completeness.

Golden Bee fucked around with this message at 07:59 on Nov 9, 2014

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Lurks With Wolves posted:

Also, can I just say that it's really weird for someone to take a pack of playbooks someone else is writing up and writing a post about a skin that has four other skins between it and the point the other reviewer left off at?

It's weird but I really, really hate the Proxy. Some other skins are OK (the Unchained is good), some are broken-boring (the Unseen who can be played by someone not-at-the-table), but I woke up this morning with a need to decry the Proxy.

Maxwell Lord posted:

I don't get what the Proxy even does.

It tries to murder people and avoid Slenderman. Torn from the headlines, except the skin predates the stabbings by at least six months.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
Want to kill folks? Try the chosen or werewolf or vampire or ghoul or

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
The thing about a Carrie skin is that Carrie was a singular movie. Unlike romantic sagas (Twilight, Buffy, True Blood), Carrie didn't have to school the next week. So after you have a big psychic're done. If you're lucky enough to dodge an asylum, you gotta move to a new town.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

pkfan2004 posted:

Granted, now you have to absolutely rewrite the Skin from the ground up, but. Also please share the mechanical aspect of the Proxy, because that seems like a great idea done absolutely terribly and I want to see the nitty-gritty.
I thought Gazz had stopped posting updates, but I revised my Proxy draft to include all the moves and will go back to it again soon. I personally enjoy his reviews and won't be doing another of the skins for the skinless.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
Gazateer, what's your take on the Giant skin? It's not For-The-Skinless, and it embodies a teen archetype/monster. My qualms are the "roll 2d8 instead of 2d6 whenever your size would apply, 8s cause problems" and the "hide your heart" move (which makes you unharmable and unable to be manipulated by strings).

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
Yeah, the Giant is pretty lackluster.

Here's the core move, Size Matters:
You’re huge. When you make a move, and your size matters, roll 2d8 instead of 2d6. For each die that comes up an 8, choose one:
} you break something,
} you hurt someone,
} someone gains the Condition 'terrified'.
The MC will will say what or who.

Here's "Hide Your Heart":
When you remove your heart, gain the Condition 'heartless'. While it is hidden, people can’t spend Strings or inflict harm on you.

Here's Gentle, which is feat-taxy;
When you act with care, roll d6s instead of d8s.

The move "Castle" is thematic but bizarre:
You have a special place made just for you. When someone enters your castle,
gain a String on them. While they are there, spend a String to have them do
one of the following:
} encounter a guardian,
} find something you think they want,
} gain the Condition trapped.

The other one (Swallow Whole) lets you eat people, belch up secrets, and regurgitate them unharmed. Goliath lets you kick rear end and impress others in physical contests (I guess you could use those d8s and your +1 volatile to gain strings on folks through arm wrestling tournaments).

The one that annoys me most as a GM is "Companion: You have an animal companion, also very large."

So there's a new game mechanic (is it a gang? Does it collect strings? What kind of harm does it take?) with no explanation. Compared to Dungeon World, where the ranger's animal companion gets 9 whole sentences and covers 1/3 of the sheet.

Oddly, it looks like The Giant has been playtested, as the Development team is noted as:
Ross Cowman (creator), Robert Bruce, Orion Canning, Terri Cohlene, Morgan Stinson, and Jackson Tegu.

Golden Bee fucked around with this message at 22:57 on Nov 25, 2014

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Mors Rattus posted:

Okay, so...I can't be harmed, and people can't socially harm me, and the cost is a Condition, which is pretty meaningless because I am largely immune to negative consequences.

Why would anyone think that's a good idea?

Normally I'd say ignorance, not malice: every move seems designed by someone who is unaware of at minimum one core mechanic. Perhaps Ross Cowman just added Jackson's name for creating MH.

Golden Bee fucked around with this message at 23:01 on Nov 25, 2014

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
I guess it makes sense for other base moves, but I've never even heard of the set. They're not even in the "84 skins and the core rulebook" place.

Otherwise, you could apply your giant status to everything. "I turn them on by showing off my loooooong legs. I shut them down by putting my chest equal to the top of their head. I run away with my huge strides."

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
2d8 would be an OK flat roll, but in MH you're supposed to be bringing +1s, stat bonus and strings to the table.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
The Harpie is in the Fury 'mode', in that you get superpowers instead of teen drama powers. The question worth asking of a skin is, "would I, a teen monster, accept someone who acted like this, even with misgivings?"

Golden Bee fucked around with this message at 00:33 on Dec 3, 2014

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
It's hard to be charismatic when you talk about besting other people. Even more so when they're people you sat down to have fun with.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
Alien Rope Burn, I'd like to officially call out whoever gave you this challenge as an rear end in a top hat. This thread is now a Wick Occupied Landfill.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
People have layers. MH (all the times I've played) is about moving between the monstrous and the human; not entirely fitting in one world, or the other, but being hosed up in your pursuit of it.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
If Wicked wanted to "blindfold me for authenticity", I'd do it, then swing a PHB as hard as possible at his head. As I stomped and stomped, aiming for his disgusting facial hair, I'd ask if that was a critical hit, how many hit points he had left!?

Also I hate that there's a John Wick movie. I assume Keanu smugly tells the camera operator how useless movies are, how unrealistic.

Golden Bee fucked around with this message at 08:47 on Dec 3, 2014

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Evil Mastermind posted:

Please stop posting Play Dirty.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Tolan posted:

I wonder if I can dig up my copy of Orkworld. I think I read it quickly when it came out and then it's been on the shelf for ages. Don't recall much beyond "well this is not the usual GURPS/D&D thing".

It has rules for tactics AND strategy, and not only medicine...but sickness!

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
This is the least-worst skin so far. You could take a few core moves ("Red Flag", a revised Labyrinth, and "Tributes") and create an awesome High School archetype: the badguy's legbreaker.

If you did that, though, you'd need another way to play, so I'd lean on a 2nd archetype: The perennial fuckup. You're stupid and yet people keep you around, out of guilt, avarice, or because they think they can use you.

For moves in that direction:
Reverse Queen's "And your The Enemies Closer to get:
Kingly Father
When you do a favor for someone, you can gently caress it up on purpose. Take a 6- result and gain a string on them. If it's blatantly obvious you screwed up, gain another on them, and they gain a string on you.

Other possible moves:

One More Chance
When you spend a string and promise things will be different this time, roll to turn someone on. You can take the "they promise you something you think you want" result, even on a miss.

Too Far
When someone lashes out physically against you, you can give them one string to receive one additional harm. If they don't, you both gain the condition Bloody.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
The "Advice for the 2nd skins" are based on what he wanted the skins to work like, not aggressive any playtesting.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
In the games I played, once the Mummy hooks up with their soulmate, there's basically no way to socially separate them. The +1 bonuses and magical bag-of-tricks means NPCs and other PCs have an uphill battle against someone who can heal repeatedly.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.
The Meddler may be bad, but I'm happy we're not posting John Wick columns anymore.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Kurieg posted:

Don't forget, while Onyx Path is stuck in the past working on games like Vampire: The Requiem and Werewolf: The Forsaken. His Allmighty Dotness is working on something new and amazing.

Succubus: The Reborn

The idea of a party constructed only of succubi is hilarious.

How are they differentiated?
What do they get up to?
Is it just Flavor of Love crossed with King Solomon's court?

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Halloween Jack posted:

I would actually be totally cool with Torg forcing your cyber-samurai to become a caveman with a stone fist and a macahuaitl, and so on, but only in a system where the precise difference between a monokatana and an obsidian knife isn't modeled in the first place.

How would you be modeling this in FATE, anyway? Like, have some of the characters' Aspects be "floating" ones that change with the scenery?

Your high concept never changes, but "This Dimension is DIFFERENT!" and "All Dimensions are alike" becomes setting aspects. You can compel the former when your Cyberarm doesn't work. You invoke the latter when you realize that Renaissance politics are pretty much dealing with the Yakuza.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Azran posted:

In what language is the title for that liberfurry game written in?

People called Furries go to the House.

Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

Count Chocula posted:

But that one character tells you so much about the world of Unknown Armies. It tells you that while your cabal is screwing each other over for a bit of power, inspirational sports stories like Rudy and The Natural are happening at the same time. It tells you that the world of Unknown Armies is a world where a sports player who's beloved enough actually CAN win that final game by calling on the strength of the crowd!

It's also a world where maybe a famous boxer gets mixed up with the wrong people, a staple of pulp. Or a world where a luchadore really can fight for the people.
As long as you're on Periscope in the demon's lair?

But even if you're Shaq with a camera-team, doing Shaq-Fu doesn't help unless your Sports skill is lower than your avatar skill. So it's all pointless.


Golden Bee
Dec 24, 2009

I came here to chew bubblegum and quote 'They Live', and I'm... at an impasse.

fool_of_sound posted:

So how is asking players to act as though their characters are invested any different that a Compel in FATE...?
In Fate, you get a reward for accepting (or proposing!) a disadvantageous situation. And you can refuse it for a fate point.

In D&D, it's adversarial, because a "take 2 keep the better" is less advantageous than being able to declare a story detail, or reroll, or take +2 to a roll, or activate a Super Stunt.

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