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Feb 28, 2011

GimpInBlack posted:

Hollowpoint, the game of bad people doing bad things for bad reasons. Think The Expendables or comics like 100 Bullets or The Losers.

TechNoir, hard-boiled detective fiction in a dystopian near-future. If Dashiell Hammett wrote Cyberpunk 2020 games, it might look a lot like this.

Amaranthine, a game about serially reincarnating immortals and the bastards that love them. Best described as "like Highlander, but good."

I own the first two games and they both own, but I would love to see Technoir get the F&F treatment.


Feb 28, 2011

neonchameleon posted:

Musk is something the Second Skins do wrong and I've seen nowhere else. Moves that work in context but don't have to be taken in context. The worst case I can think of is The Cuckoo which has (or at least had) two mandatory skin moves - Feathers and Shredding The Looking Glass. The entire purpose of Shredding the Looking Glass is to tone down the otherwise overpowered Feathers. So people who take Feathers without Shredding cause problems.

They fixed that in the final version; you automatically take Shredding the Looking Glass when you take Feathers.

Feb 28, 2011

I was a little disappointed that the Matilda reference only went that far. :( I thought that seemed like a good chance to introduce a move where you benefit for immediately lash on people slighting you with mind powers but I guess that might overlap with the Witch too much.

Also yeah, please cover the Proxy.

Golden Bee posted:

I thought Gazz had stopped posting updates, but I revised my Proxy draft to include all the moves and will go back to it again soon. I personally enjoy his reviews and won't be doing another of the skins for the skinless.


Feb 28, 2011

Kai Tave posted:

I'll be honest, a number of conditions that people make up for Monsterhearts remind me of that guy who makes Fate aspects based on how cool he thinks they sound, not whether or not they convey what they're intended to represent appropriately.

My PBP experience tell me that every Fate game is full of those guys and gals. :v:

Feb 28, 2011

Kellsterik posted:

Thinking of Wild Talents, would there be any interest in a writeup of Progenitor? It's an extremely well-written superhero setting book by Greg Stolze in the form of an alternate history from 1968-1999, emphasizing how superpowers drastically change the world and the idea of creating your own worst enemy.

Please do it. I would love to be able to point at something and say "yeah, this is why Progenitor owns".


Feb 28, 2011

gradenko_2000 posted:

That is, Numenera was released in 2013. The Strange was released a year later. The Cypher System Corebook was released this year. The two preceding games already had these issues: having to spend points from your pool and having the pool represent your health didn’t sit well with some players. Having to spend XP to gain in-session benefits fought against wanting to bank XP to level-up your character didn’t sit well with some players. But they never tried to address these issues, even as optional rules.

To be fair, they do include a suggestion to separate XP gained from GM intrusions (for bennies only) and XP gained between sessions (for advancements, likewise), so every PC can advance equally.

Then it goes on to say how a Good GM should be able to manage everyone's XP anyway and playing the game is more important than everyone getting cool new options at the same rate. :v:

Mitama fucked around with this message at 13:08 on Sep 17, 2015

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