Cardiovorax posted:And then some clever-rear end Shard would come up with a way to engineer a situation where a denial made something come true and gently caress you over. Nobilis is just not a game that lends itself to competition or powergaming, because it basically relies on everybody in the group agreeing that yeah, what just happened made sense, with a minimum amount of fuss and mechanics. It's the anti-Paranoia that way. Or even that others get pissed at Mr. Denial working on their aspects/territory, not including times they cant deny something because the relevant nobilis is more powerful than them.
# ¿ Jun 28, 2014 03:07 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 18:02 |
Galaga Galaxian posted:The reason Cuba and some other Islands were largely deforested was because until refining diesel from the murk was developed, trains and airships were powered by wood-burning steam boilers. Oh god. I cant imagine if Haiti OTL would be better or worse than Warbirds regarding deforestation.
# ¿ Aug 14, 2014 22:53 |
It seems Wildfire, the infamous developers of Cthulhutech, have released a new game line: The Void. A sci-fi horror game thats more near future and gritty than Ctech. I heard it described as more Alien/s than Ctech's Pacific Rim. And the core book is free to download and is Creative Commons licensed! And it seems to be a all around good game, and has made quite abit of progress from all the issues plaguing Ctech. And they recognize that they're not done! Here a dev agrees to remove the grognardy sidebar defending their use of only male pronouns! Seriously it seems the only apparent issues are that sidebar, this line from the history section: "Global religious intolerance had finally declined, but so had spiritual passion and the moral compass that it provided.", and maybe the section on making players uncomfortable when appropriate (there was no rape mention and was talking about the character getting horribly murdered). There might be hope for them afterall. And it seems theres a Cthulhutech 2nd edition in the works Ettin.
# ¿ Aug 22, 2014 04:58 |
Kavak posted:the huge blowup with the Exalted 3rd Edition Kickstarter* What was this, since I only vaguely follow Exalted news?
# ¿ Nov 14, 2014 07:15 |
Fossilized Rappy posted:Mutant Defector (Trans-Genetic Mutant only background): [...] Mutant Defectors also get mutant-sized combat fatigues, which makes them the only You forgot to finish that sentence Rappy. Im gonna guess theyre the only ones that get armour/clothes?
# ¿ Jan 11, 2015 05:43 |
NGDBSS posted:Where are the frog-people, gatormen, or lungfish-people? Hell, why aren't we seeing squid-people or insect-people? I figured that they would atleast have one or two families that would be 'other', like insects, aquatics, and whatever else. Actually...Im willing to bet there will be references to insect kin or fish kin later in the books but arent available in chargen because
# ¿ Jan 16, 2015 21:29 |
Oberndorf posted:I recall, deep in the past, there was a comic, roughly Eastman/Laird in style that was a direct parody of the first issue of the Larry Hama GI Joe comic, except that the characters were animals. I recall mostly rabbits. I'm now curious if this is at all related to Albedo. And, coincidentally, if anybody recalls that comic besides me. I have heard about a manga set in Vietnam/Korea War where all the countries were animals based on puns from their names, but I cant remember the title. The only pun I can remember is U.S.A. G.I. > usagi > is japanese for rabbit. So that might be it? Edit: Night10194 posted:I think that might be Catshit 1? Someone mentioned it awhile ago and I vaguely remember seeing something about a manga about rabbit special forces operatives called that? Im pretty sure that was its english title, or something close with 'poo poo' in it.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2015 22:03 |
PurpleXVI posted:Implants function at "Cuil"-levels Worth noting that 'cuils' are are a reference to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdEdE96En0. Which is supposed to be a unit of abstraction/sur-realness/hyper-realness, and not some sort of quantum-magic spell level.
# ¿ Feb 2, 2015 02:09 |
PurpleXVI posted:So, let me get this straight. If I start out by buffing my Ledger stats sky high, quickly earn 1000 credits, buy a death ray, then I get a boost to my Ledger stats, which will allow me to buy more death rays, or other stupidly expensive items(I guess it could be taken as meaning a different item each time, but I only need one Annihilate-status weapon, anyway). So it's like some sort of self-sustaining reaction where the richer I am, the faster I'll get richer. Then I'll use my normal level-ups to bump my body stats to 3 as fast as possible, so I can pay money to boost them even quicker... actually, surgery counts as an item, right? So hey, I'll get a ledger bonus for increasing my body stats under the scalpel, too! I actually consider this somewhat logical for a fully unregulated capitalist system, the more money you have the easier it is to exploit various loopholes and such in the economy (which includes bribes, lawsuits, just buying out competitionm etc). There is a reason why wealth concentrates into a smaller and smaller fraction of the population.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2015 09:46 |
Mors Rattus posted:Strictly speaking, no. Practically speaking, you're gonna have some trouble getting into multiple conspiracies without pissing your GM off. But it's not exactly hard to infiltrate the Union or the Lucifuge as a conspiracy person. That'd be totally fine. Actually Id more say that the low level ones could probably mix easily, the ones that get supernatural powers would be the ones thatd piss a gm off-except for the priests since they could just straight up say piety/faith and catholic rituals. pkfan2004 posted:the creators are currently working on making Leviathan God Machine Chronicles-compatible. Good luck with that, I mean it, maybe it'll make some of this game a lot...less clunky to deal with. Ive peeked into the new Leviathan thread and they're also changing the theme of the game a bit. It will still have puberty themes, but will be more about old age. Like your old and past your prime but you have your kids (cults), who then get in trouble and come to you to fix it (which you cant always).
# ¿ May 29, 2015 05:12 |
Egregious Offences posted:The whole "magic union" angle could work really well as a way to introduce the different splats of magic users. Also, mages that refuse to join a specific school/style of magic could be part of a IWW style "One big union of all the wizards". You can probably also craft the IWW's wheel of industry into a literal magic circle. I mean look at it.
# ¿ Aug 27, 2015 19:03 |
Halloween Jack posted:I've avoided Exalted ever since someone who wrote for the line straight-up admitted that there are nods to Homestuck fandom in there. Wait what? Do you know who said that or where they are, because Im a fan of both Exalted and Homestuck and never noticed any. Edit: Unless it was about third edition, since it technically hasnt been released yet.
# ¿ Oct 5, 2015 18:02 |
Nessus posted:As for futurism, I think the transhuman singularity folks have kind of been hijacked by some kind of weird right-wing thread which was not necessarily originally present, even if, of course, just about anyone who is a thought leader on transhumanism is also going to be a giant nerdlord. Well futurism does have its root in the Italian fascist movement, and i remember reading that some of fascist parties in Italy were atleast interested in transhuman in the last quarter of the century.
# ¿ Nov 30, 2015 02:56 |
Nessus posted:That's pretty bleak about Eclipse Phase, I thought it was a bit brighter than that. I mean, in terms of day to day lived experience. It actually depends on where you 'live'. For most of the people in the setting its a post? Cyperpunk society except the corporations give a slight drat about the poor (outside of the martian peasants) and everyday life isnt poo poo. From there it ranges from scifi nordic social democracy, anarchist communes, space nazis*, and anything else you can think off. But still, the 'average' 'person' in EP is at worst slightly better than modern middle class living iirc. *who according to canon hate genetic and body modification so much that they've banned the cure for cancer and other inheritable diseases.
# ¿ Dec 4, 2015 02:35 |
Looking at the menu it seems some of the items are 5 and 6 dimensional quarter pounders, for something around 15.XX credits. Which might be a steal? Assuming theyre not some lovely 'novelty' burger to scam tourists with.
# ¿ Jan 2, 2016 06:58 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 18:02 |
Asimo posted:my earlier snide remark about most of the character options being designed around various niche fetishes. Looking at Blips there it's pretty clearly a "I want to be a tigerwolfdragon" thing straight out of Deviantart, for example. If its supposed to be about acting out your various fetishes then why did they explicitly ban robot wombs? Isnt pregnancy, or rather male pregnancy, kinda big? And letting men give birth would provide an opportunity (that in a better game would use) to explore the limits and divisions between genders and what happens if you blur them. Another thought if Blips are supposed to be discriminated against would that make 'sparkledog' a slur in universe? Fake edit: Cogs having an entitlement to reproductive anatomy would be an interesting take on reproductive and morphological rights, if it wasnt just an excuse to make sure your robot men and women have cocks and pussies. Communist Zombie fucked around with this message at 00:22 on Jan 3, 2016 |
# ¿ Jan 3, 2016 00:17 |