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Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Davin Valkri posted:

And now you've got me wondering what 90s media looked like in countries that had a lot more reason to be happy, broadly speaking. I'm probably wrong, but I can't see that sort of "pseudo-dark and nihilistic" mood prevailing in, say, Poland or the Baltic states.

90s Eastern block media is loving grim. My favourite is Tito Among The Serbs For A Second Time:


Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

MJ12 posted:

Yeah, but it has some really good lines. Like this one.

Turning the world into EVE Online would be pretty drat evil, I think.

It'd be great if you were a goon though.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

It's kill puppies for satan but completely unironically.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Honestly, if there was ever a time to give non-whites the shaft in RPGs a Serious Historical RPG is probably one of the few times it'd be justifiable.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Basically it's exactly like modern London.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

That's a pretty standard hypnosis script. Of course, what in the blue gently caress they're doing in an RPG is anyone's guess.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

The only Anderson I've read was the first four books of the Saga of Seven Suns series, which was alright IIRC. Then again I read those in high school so it's entirely possible they're actually monstrously bad or something.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Stormtroopers were always relatively good soldiers, it's just that training doesn't do dick against lightsaber wielding magicians.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Mutant Headcrab posted:

Only because the Ewoks successfully ambushed them. They started to turn things around once the Ewoks lost the element of surprise and ran out of traps. The only reason the Imperials lost that fight was because Chewbacca managed to steal an AT-ST.

Besides, at that point the Empire was going full Gotterdammerung. You don't raise the best troops when that's happening.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Literally the only system flaws and merits work in is Adeptus Evangelion and that's because being a horrible Dr. Venture level fuckup who's incapable of solving their problems is half the point of the setting.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

No Fighter Mafia? Shameful.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

It was a pun.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Gazetteer posted:

"But why do I want to go into the dungeon and fight goblins? It would be way more logical to just stay back in my village and farm rutabaga!"


Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Halloween Jack posted:

Kojima knows exactly what he's doing.

No he doesn't.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Kellsterik posted:

Actually Kojima is really good and in the tradition of Brecht's epic theatre

i didn't know kojima was a pinko gently caress who apologized for the gdr

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

It is an unspoken maxim that all Ork games are doomed. Still doesn't stop me from applying freebooters to RT games though. :orks:

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Adventure idea; run a Hogfather rehash in the old Changeling setting. You're personifications of various minor fears and phobias who do what they do to protect people from the real monsters (like the fair folk).

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

There's basically three ways to treat Warhammer 40,000:

  • 1st and 2nd Edition style :black101: insanity where you play up the AWESOME
  • 3rd edition GRIMDARK parody where the universe runs on Ork rules
  • 5th edition and on grimderp where the everything is EVEN MORE hosed and HOPELESS

Of these, Dark Heresy is type 3, Rogue Trader type 1, Deathwatch and Only War can be any of them depending on what tone you want, and Black Crusade starts as 2 and ends as 1.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

How's Dark Heresy 2nd Ed for Eisenhorning it up?

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

homeless poster posted:

I've still never met a group of people that I enjoyed gaming with, but thought "the only way we can really enhance our Sunday game night is if each of us has embarrassing boners and we verbally detail our personal sexual fantasies. Also, dice rolling".

so you've never played monsterhearts then (hue hue hue)

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

I'd really love to give running Torg in FAE a go. A lot of the reality mechanics would be easy to replace with Aspects, I think.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Zereth posted:

And as such, it's presenting a setting where the witch hunters/anti-magic government agency/whatever else there was in the antagonists chapter are firmly in the right. These people are dangerous psychopaths and need to be stopped.

So basically I should run a game set in the Harry Potter books using Dark Heresy.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Kavak posted: a man who hates nerd culture with an unhealthy, disturbing passion.

You make this sound like a bad thing.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Pope Guilty posted:

The Dead Kennedys' "Buzzbomb" just started playing in my head.

I was thinking more

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Halloween Jack posted:

Has anybody done WFRP 2e?

Ratcatcher best class all years

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Well, he was a Ratcatcher...

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

The answer is very carefully by using steam circuitry, of course!

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Kai Tave posted:

The thing is, and I say this not to dissuade you from doing this, I find that it's far, far more common for tabletop RPGs to take this exact approach already. Roleplaying games are littered with ostensibly good organizations which turn out to be terrible and evil and corrupt, their goodness nothing but a facade, to the point where it feels like a lot of gamers simply can't accept the idea of anything being genuinely noble and decent without trying to invert it and make everything cynical and grimdark. To borrow an example from JRPGs "The secretly evil! And also god is the final boss" is such a cliche by this point that I feel like Blue Rose is more daring and original for presenting a fantasy kingdom that stands for justice and fairness and equality and actually means it.

This seems to be a theme in loving everything: "oh no our sometimes-secret orginisation/society/whatever is secretly evil/undermined by another even more secret conspiracy"

I think it's basically a reflection of modern lack of faith in institutions and authority in general, regardless of whether that authority is worth respecting.

E: this might be relevant

Forums Terrorist fucked around with this message at 05:40 on Jul 29, 2015

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Davin Valkri posted:

How do people resolve this in universes where concepts like Good, Evil, Law, Chaos, etc., have literal definitions? It seems that themes about corruption of institutions and "the only morals one can trust are one's own" should be more relevant in cases where there isn't a factual god you can appeal to about the Rightness of whatever, which places like Blue Rose and baseline D&D seem to embody.

They resolve it by taking their biases with them, usually, because people are people no matter what you play

I could run RaHoWa and force you and a couple of other TG posters to play it at gunpoint; that doesn't mean you wouldn't take your own political opinions and general not-horribleness with you into a game where every terrible /pol/ stereotype is an iron law.

Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

Kai Tave posted:

I like a degree of crunch in my games...I like mechanical bits and levers, I like mechanically interesting and distinct options, but finding games that do that well instead of "here's a list of 100 guns, five of them are good, solve for gun" is kind of a chore sometimes.

I'm working on a hack for Mercenary Air Squadron to fix some issues I ran into last time I ran it and i've been bouncing ideas off IRC, and invariably the plane list ballooned because a) it's easy to dump stats into a list, and b) people like going "but what about $thing". At least in Millenium's End (which I should F&F at some point) gun damage is entirely a function of the bullet it shoots, and the actual difference between guns is a tradeoff between how fast you can take actions and how accurate it is or how many buwwets you get. Also ME gets points for having a melee system where you roll defense first and if it passes you bypass the rest.


Forums Terrorist
Dec 8, 2011

I was just explaining how it happens. People always make fun of Shadowrun and such for that sort of thing but sometimes gearporn is fun. Also low crunch doesn't work in a game about planefites since you end up with boring posts ime. As long as you make the options meaningful and stay within a sane limit crunch is a valid tool.

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