"Vampire blood lines are descended from super-damned mortals. BUT THESE ONES COME FROM GODS!" Jesus wept blood red snowflakes.
# ¿ Jan 7, 2014 09:29 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 06:57 |
I'm a bit sad that I missed out on getting more the Paranoia supplements before Mongoose stopped supporting them. You also missed the caveat for rolling that doing exceptionally well on a roll can be worse than failing. Your noble and loyal IntSec goon has to shoot a fleeing commie mutant traitor with their trusty cone rifle, rolls too well and not only shears the traitor's head off, but hits a Bouncy Bubbly Beverage vending machine that was a warbot in a former incarnation. This leads to it rampaging across the sector with a rare (hee!) batch of high explosive B3 in its dispenser.
# ¿ Jan 7, 2014 21:27 |
Robindaybird posted:There's a lot of little things I like about WW, but sneering at scientific progress, the worship of the Noble Savage-archetype (and not understanding it's a racist concept), and the idiotic idea that Art and Science are just incompatible is rage inducing (EXPLAIN THE RENAISSANCE THEN, JACKASSES). The Technocracy.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2014 20:13 |
So how much of the stuff is ripped off of Wraith?
# ¿ Jan 10, 2014 23:01 |
So I take it all of the European changelings fall within the, what I assume is anglo-celtic inspired, kiths? Because if so, that's horse poo poo.
# ¿ Jan 16, 2014 22:39 |
In a similar vein, there is Hot War by Contested Ground Studios. It's set in a London where the Cold War suddenly went real and extradimensional science was unleashed. It's a continuation of the Cold City game, which was about a multinational secret police force hunting down Nazi experiments in Berlin while trying to figure out who to trust and who is going to betray you. And by experiments, I mean walking dead, victims of super soldier experiments and horrors ripped from other dimensions and loosed. I also want to believe A|State is linked, but I have no proof.
# ¿ Jan 17, 2014 22:27 |
Kavak posted:I assume the lack of Russia and Scandinavia means they're hosed, but what happened to Japan and Korea? Did they get their poo poo kicked in like everyone else? If Mexico is doing okay, why has the total loss of the western United States not spilled over to them? Are the Rio Grande and the desert helping? You're asking for thought to be put into something that stops at 'STEAMPUNK AND GRIIIIIIIIMDDDDDAAARRRK!' And I know I've stated it before, but UM suffers from the same thing most apocalyptic settings does: lack of hope. A good counterpoint for this game feels like A|State. Like UM, it's set in a single city you can't escape unless you want to disappear in a flash and leave a scorch mark. Resources are limited, macrocorps firmly control all industry and business, overpopulation is rampant, gangs run the streets, supernatural places and entities make life interesting and life sucks. But A|State gives you outs. One of the classes, Lostfinders, are built on the concept that they are people who go out and find lost items, whether mementos, heirlooms or people, and return them without want for pay. They do it because people need some kind of solace and they want to bring peace to those who don't have it. There are Stringers, which are investigative journalists that go out, find the truth and drag into the light for public consumption. Most of the macrocorps, even though they have a stranglehold on the tech and fight each other, could very well make life better is they released their tech to the public. Or someone stole it and released it. So yeah, TL;DR, UM piles on grimdark because they think that is what sells an apocalyptic setting without realizing the best settings in the genre include hope.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2014 17:43 |
I would just have Western Russia subsumed by the Prussians and the Asian part the safest place on Earth because the forces of darkness took a look at Siberia, thought long and deeply about it, went 'Nope.' and hosed off to somewhere less inhospitable.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2014 18:48 |
The greatest empire in the steampunk apocalypse is Sealand.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2014 19:47 |
Ehrdigor! Because a native American inspired setting sounds like it could be amazing.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2014 05:06 |
dwarf74 posted:Oh yeah, and it also has awesome little setting details like giant riding War Rabbits, domesticated spiders, and dog-sized pillbugs that kids keep as pets. (The latter's discarded exoskeletons are used as bowls, fyi.) When you say things like this, you better deliver on them. I want an isopod shepherd.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2014 06:00 |
Ratoslov posted:So three out of the seven races have obnoxious antisocial behaviour built-in, and the other four are barbarians, psycho warriors, serial killers, and... dwarves. I'm surprised, given that the main rule is 'Don't kill each other unless you're having fun!'
# ¿ Jan 19, 2014 16:39 |
Is there a culture that grows technology? I know it's way to early in the review to ask that, but the concept of a society that lives in the remains of the past and uses technology, but doesn't make it just kind of hit. Need an alarm clock? Coax an already existing one to reproduce. Want a oven with a stop top? Try to breed your currently existing ovens into it.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2014 18:30 |
You know, if they included some physical trait that made you resistant/immune to smog and water pollution, that'd be a huuuuge plot hook. Especially if they tied it thematically to poor folk living at the edge of the river who seem to be doing much better than they should. But no. I also can't help but think of UM America as being min-Woo Hyung's Priest.
# ¿ Jan 21, 2014 00:41 |
Carcosa sounds like the Mad City from DRYH. It'd be interesting to combine aspects of the two in one game or the other. Make the Mad City slowly subsuming the real world or populate Carcosa with the lost who have become figments of waking nightmares that only wish to free the PCs from the prison of lucidity.
# ¿ Jan 21, 2014 13:24 |
dwarf74 posted:EHDRIGOR! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Welp, yet another thing to buy with no time to read.
# ¿ Jan 22, 2014 05:30 |
The thing you gotta remember about UM is that it is someone's post-apocalypse, zombie slaying, anglo-philic, Buff the Vampire Slaying, Underworlding, Foundationest (tell me King Louis doesn't sound like the Mule), Sky Captain and the Rocketeers of Prussiaist Steampunk fantasyland of wish fulfillment. Seriously, they don't have katanas and trench coats, they have kukris and corsets. Oh, and there might be some Games Workshop thrown in there. Really hard to see with that medley.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2014 02:54 |
Geronimus Bush: Thinks everyone looks weird. But not you, you're cool. Robin Rook: Will cut, will cut you so bad. Danderind: Has a head like an orange.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2014 19:09 |
I'd take a crack at those pages because PUZZLES!!! but I'm not interested in a copy of Alethia. I own Hollowpoint, and it's a pretty rad game that nails its core concept really well. But TechNoir sounds really cool. So those two.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2014 21:44 |
Page four has to deal with the world past the ocean which shores has the psychogundams on it. It also has to deal with the rotation through whatever layer that is that mirrors you, as well as being able to displace oneself from space-time and the ability to travel across the world once one passes through the lakes surface. So, I'm guessing that making it beneath the waves lets you time travel, warp through space and that Lam may have been Jesus. You really don't have to get me anything, I have a backlog of games to read. I just really like puzzles.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2014 22:24 |
Welp, Karl Pilkington fairy was chosen. I'm content.
# ¿ Jan 27, 2014 04:53 |
Alto is a former corp security specialist. The kind you never want to meet when you're his job. But something went wrong, he went on the lam and now his home is anywhere were there is a bottom of a bottle. But sometimes, just sometimes, he remembers who he was before and tries to set things right.
# ¿ Jan 27, 2014 23:59 |
Just picturing an Undertaker with a gang of ghouls that help him by being his eyes and ears while he is out. They're like morlocks without being uncommunicative. 'For a shilling, you get a name. A pound, we give you the address. We take you there for half a big. For the whole cow? We'll bust the place up and send 'em running.'
# ¿ Jan 30, 2014 01:45 |
Hey PKFan, if you feel like tormenting yourself further and you have more money than self control, IPR is selling damaged copies of Unhallowed Necropolis for 17 bones.
# ¿ Feb 3, 2014 04:12 |
I have to echo the want to hear the history of Brasil in the updates. Finding out about different countries pasts and their achievements is always interesting.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2014 00:39 |
That's why I like history posts. I never really know that the ecology and habitats of Brazil were so diverse, although it makes sense given their size. Do you have any info on how European disease ran through the native populace? I know if North America and the Spanish conquests it was responsible for massive casualties. It probably was bad in South America, but I'm curious if the Amazon's impenetrability had any mitigating effects on it.
# ¿ Feb 6, 2014 18:16 |
Grnegsnspm posted:I figured I should also come say hi at some point. I'm the other guy in the podcast and the one that does the movie reviews and gaming articles for the site. Glad some of you have been enjoying our goofy bullshit. This thread continually gives me things I want to review for upcoming podcasts (Aletheia in particularly looks awesomely batshit loco) and if you guys have any suggestions for some good/terrible out of print games we should do, let us know. There are only so many things we can find in the FLGS' used bargain bin. Well, I just bought Hobomancer and Last Stand. The only thing I know about Hobomancer is the game is about riding rails as a hobo and battling things from outside reality. And Last Stand is made by a goon(s?) and is about being mankind's last best shot against giant insects, dinosaurs and invading space robbits by killing them and fusing their bits to you. I think. Haven't read them yet. Stephen C. Brown posted:Darkness itself is a fun roleplaying tool, especially in freeform legendmaking. It is always a good idea to have a flashlight handy so everyone can navigate to the bathroom and kitchen safely. Riddle me this, riddle me that, whose hand in that? How are you supposed to see dice rolls? Or character sheets?
# ¿ Feb 7, 2014 23:56 |
While it looks like black characters get the shaft socially, their casting classes look interesting.
# ¿ Feb 8, 2014 20:14 |
It just dawned on me that if London is literally Hell on Earth and Wales/Ireland are pretty okay places outside of the blight and occasional monster horde, there'd be a huge exodus towards those areas. If the maps are right, Wales is 100-200 miles away, something like a four hour drive. Taking a train through horrorville would probably be safer, but the point is it isn't an arduous journey that will take weeks. poo poo, you can probably be in Ireland within twenty four hours if you plan it right. What I'm getting at is that it'd make more sense that the people still in London are either batshit insane, soul crushingly poor and ill or slaves. Because even the poor folk with two working feet would probably flee towards a near by city even with zombies around.
# ¿ Feb 10, 2014 14:08 |
oriongates posted:I've had a couple of days to recover from finishing up the WLD. To get the taste out of my mouth I think I'll try some games I actually like, so I think I'll do a series on the PDQ system. PDQ is the system for Dead Inside, right?
# ¿ Feb 15, 2014 17:49 |
Hipster Occultist posted:I'd like to see what they do with that smoke and flame wizard. Think it's iron and flame. But yeah, I'm interested in the casting classes.
# ¿ Feb 16, 2014 16:53 |
quote:Cybertronic Systems, an upstart corp looking to challenge Daedalus' market dominance I know it's probably coincidence from the genre, but this feels like a Mutant Chronicles reference.
# ¿ Feb 23, 2014 06:56 |
I have to agree on Everlasting. They could spin the concept of the vast majority of vampires being amoral psychopaths and that the PCs stand out precisely because they have a little shred of something that makes them not. You could leverage that into mechanics about whether you can save your character from being inhuman or if you can achieve a higher order of humanity for yourself. The fact that they kind of gloss over ghouls is stupid, though. They should have been fleshed out more.
# ¿ Feb 27, 2014 00:40 |
Evil Mastermind posted:Check out Part-Time Gods. I reviewed it before, and while it's still a little crunchy, it's nowhere near Scion's level, and it's designed to let you adapt a large amount of generally-defined powers to your godly concept instead of having to bend your character concept around a limited selection of rigid powers. I was about to suggest this. If you're good with Unisystem, you could also take Armageddon (I HAVEN'T GIVEN UP YET!), drop everything but the avatars/incarnates/inheritors and have Gods battling what you will through a modern day fantasy setting.
# ¿ Mar 6, 2014 21:56 |
Evil Mastermind posted:Yeah, but good luck getting your hands on a copy. While it's not a hardcopy, Eden Studios uses Drive thru RPG. So you can get the PDF for cheaper than the hard cover.
# ¿ Mar 7, 2014 04:43 |
Seems Raggi did 30 Years War Cobra Unit comprised of witches. Remove the L for the embigginated image.
# ¿ Mar 20, 2014 02:53 |
Having read two of the prequels before I read Dune, I kind of liked them. And having only read Dune so far, I don't know where they clash. That being said, how close does Fading Suns come to replicating the feeling of Dune? That's another setting that seems like it shares similar concepts. And Legends of the Undying or whatever seemed like it could really use a group of players cleaning house between all the warring factions.
# ¿ Mar 27, 2014 17:54 |
Forums Terrorist posted:Stormtroopers were always relatively good soldiers, it's just that training doesn't do dick against lightsaber wielding magicians. Or the main characters of the story. See Kirk v. Anything.
# ¿ Mar 27, 2014 18:40 |
All I know about the Noghri is that Leia had a team of Noghri bodyguards and I think they went toe-to-toe with a space cenobite hit squad. Not even sure how that one went.
# ¿ Mar 27, 2014 19:23 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 06:57 |
Young Freud posted:If you treat the Colonial Marines Technical Manual as a sourcebook, then you have various colonial rebels and other Corporations that rival the USCM. Sorry, there's apparently no Neo-Soviet Cosmospetsnaz equivalent. If you tap Dark Horse, there are also Predators and human/alien hybrids. The USCMC tech manual may also contain references to the marines battling humanoid life forms, but they're kind of vague and may just be referring to colonists.
# ¿ Mar 31, 2014 22:50 |