Do they still have the terrible page borders?
# ¿ Jan 10, 2014 11:45 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 12:02 |
grassy gnoll posted:It was a Kickstarter exclusive, to the best of my knowledge. The TBZ storefront doesn't offer it as an option.
# ¿ Mar 28, 2014 14:32 |
Alien Rope Burn posted:So he's all about stabbing evil and anybody who threatens to sex him. Alien Rope Burn posted:Skanda is actually more popularly known as Murugan, and is often called the god of the Tamil people. Also, he rides a war peacock, which is sadly missing here. AKA Kartikeya - which is the name used for him in the Amar Chitra Katha comics - IIRC they also mention other names, but I'd need to find them and check. Alien Rope Burn posted:Ganesa is a proper variant of the god more widely know as Ganesha. Though he's not a dominant god in terms of heirarchy, he wins a lot of popularity contests. He's often more generally the lord of obstacles, period, placing them and removing them, which seems like a pretty good deific scam to me. Also, myths can't decide if he's the son of Shiva and Parvati, or just spontaneously pregnated inside Parvati, or found by Parvati Shiva returns and demands to see Parvati, Ganesh says no, and strikes Shiva, injuring him. Rather annoyed by now and not knowing that Ganesh is Parvati's child, Shiva leaves again, and comes back with his followers - an army of warrior-sadhus and the like. Ganesha fights them all to a standstill, until Shiva finally beheads him. Tired of all the noise outside, Parvati emerges and demands to know WTF Shiva was thinking by beheading her son, and that if they wanted to get back together he'd better make things right. Re-attaching Ganesh's own head wasn't on the agenda, so Shiva and his troops head off (see what I did there?) to find a suitable replacement, eventually coming back with the head of a young elephant. Parvati forgives Shiva, Ganesh becomes Ganesh as we know him, and all is happiness and flowers. The Rifts Ganesh has both his tusks, but traditionally he's only depicted with one. This is because he took the dictation of the Mahabharata, but only if Vyasa who was dictating could do so without stopping. When his pen wore down, he broke off his tusk to be able to continue writing. Alien Rope Burn posted:Garuda Angrymog fucked around with this message at 21:36 on Apr 20, 2014 |
# ¿ Apr 20, 2014 21:29 |
Well, that little Angrymog - Abandoned has shamed me into continuining Nightlife The existing writeup is here http://projects.inklesspen.com/fatal-and-friends/angrymog/nightlife/ Section 3 - Edges ...There I found the will to power. -- Nietzche Edges are your supernatural powers. Each Kin (supernatural creature) has access to a set of generic ones - claws, the ability to be photographed, Locate Human, Weather Control and so on, and then some which are specific to their Kin type. As we saw perviously, Vampyres get access to Animal Control, Batform, Infection, Mesmerize, Mistform, Ratform and Wolfform, with starting Vampyres having Drain (Blood) and Mesmerize already activated. Edges are associated with an Attribute, and require a roll to activate. Using Edges against Kin who have a Humanity of less than 100 is much harder than using them against the Herd (normal people). When an Edge is activated for the first time ever, you pay its Activation cost from your Maximum Humanity - A Vampyre turning into a bat for the first time ever will take a 4 point hit to Maximum humanity, and can increase their score in it by paying 1 Maximum humanity per five points. Turning into a bat once the edge has been activated costs 1 Humanity per use. These are pretty fast bats - their flying speed is equal to the Edge rating in MPH, and starts with a Base of Will. The Edges are your basic grab bag of supernatural features. Alter Form - allows you to look like a human - child or adult. Also allows changes of clothes, and production of accessories. If the roll is failed, there are things subtly wrong with the form that the power user can't see. Doesn't adjust attributes. Animal Control - must be bought for each type of animal. Edge score is maximum number of animals under cotnrol at any one time. Animal Empathy - make friends with animals Armor - Exactly what it says Aura sight - Tells you stuff about people (race, sex, healthiness, whether they're human or kin and whether they're under mind control) Batform - Turn into a bat. A fast bat. Body Control - The ability to reshape the body structure of a single victim according to the whims of the user. The user needs to fail a humanity roll to use this power, and must continue to fail the roll each combat turn to continue to use it. The cost to use is paid each turn. If the roll is succeeded they Kin can't attempt to use Body Control against that intended victim until the situation changes. Body control only affects the shape of the victim, not their mass or composition. This is a pretty gruesome power, and the fiction snippet has a character called Tiger X turning a monstrous mugger into a pile of intestines and other gore. Cause Madness - Makes someone violently mad and doubles their strength score. Victim gets to try and break free once a day with an Int roll. Why not Will? Claws - Snickt! Corporeality - Ghosts can become solid Crowd Control - A crowd can be commanded to take one immediate simple action, and will keep doing it whilst the user concentrates. e.g. "Kill whomever comes in" wouldn't work unless someone entered the area immediately after the command, but "Kill each other" would because they could start at that moment. (example from the book) Danger sense - Spider sense Domination - Mind control. Victims may attempt to break free each time a new command is given. Drain - The feeding power. Score determines how many SP (Survival Points) you can drain a turn, and the Humanity cost is determined by whether the victim was willing or not and whether you left them alive or not. Kin with a Humanity of less than 50 they need to suceed at a Humanity roll or keep draining until the victim is dead. Some types of Kin can cause the Herd to become addicted to being Drained; for this to happen they have to drain slowly - maximum of 1 SP per turn, and the target has to survive. If these conditions are met, the Kin has to succeed at an Edge roll, and the victim fail at a WILL roll. An addicted member of the herd counts as a willing victim for that sort of Kin. Empathy - Sense feelings Event Manipulation - This one is fun, and available to all Kin types. The character can re-write recent events or affect future ones. The difficulty is adjusted by how many people will be afffected, and how removed chronologically the event is from the Now. It's easier to adjust events that haven't yet happened, than to rewrite the past. The power is expensive to buy, difficult and expensive to use and can attract the attention of Elementals and Elder Kin, nevertheless, it has amazing potential for campaign fuckery from both the GM and player side; I can't think of anything except Wish-wrangling in D&D or Mage: the Ascension that could possible cause more table discussion, and it makes me regret not having ever played Night Life. After the glorious insanity of Event Manipulation, we're back to more mundane powers. Fear Projection - Boo! Fiery breath - FWOOOSH! Flight - Fly at the same speed as the Bat form earlier. Daemons have to manifest their true form to use this. Healing - Heals wounds and cure diseases. Acts as the Regeneration power as the maximum it can heal is its score per turn. Induce Heart Attack - Just an attack that ignroes armor. Doesn't work if the victims FIT is higher than the users. Infection - Make another one of whatever you are. Humanity cost is dependent on whether the target wants to become a Kin. The victim has to fail a FIT roll for it to take. Invisibility - If the use roll is failed, the invisibility is flawed in some way. Levitation - Worse flight Locate human - Ability to place a psychic tracker on a specific human, not to detect humans in general Lupine form - Turn into a wolf. Turn into a wolf, pretty good stat boosts, and a chance to forget how to do human things whilst in wolf form. Low humanity characters need a roll to change back. Lychanthropic form - Classic werewolf form. Attribute modifiers not as good as the Lupine form, but you get to keep hands? Penalties on skill use, including combat skills, but you can use your Edge score in this or the Claws Edge without penalties. Mental Mapping - Know where north is Mesmerize - Weaker Domination, but victim will have no memory of having been Mesermized Mist form - Turn to fog. Fly around slowly. Necropathy - Speak to dead Noctorunal vision - See in the dark Photogenics - Allow yourself to show up on film Possession - Take over someone's body. Damage is applied to them first. Rat form - Squeek! Good at hiding and not being hit. Reanimate dead - Make zombies. They last for a number of days equal to half the edge score and can understand commans up to 10 words in length Send Dream - Enter and shape people's dreams. With a high enough Edge score and a low enough WILL score between the Kin and the victim, this can do real damage to them. Another good mindfuck power; I'm guessing it's inspired by the Nightmare on Elm street films? Sense Acuity - I can see for miles and miles and miles Speed - Run really fast. Doesn't affect the speed of alternate forms. Telekinesis - Move stuff with your mind Telepathy - Speak stuff with your mind Time sense - For Kin who don't believe in watches. Also lets you know exactly how long it is until celestial events like Sunrise etc. Touch of Ice - Make people cold Travel - Teleport in line of sight Weapons immunity - immune to mundane weapons that do less damage than their edge score. An attack that does more damage than the edge score does its full damage. Weather control - Temperature changes, make it rain or hail, call lightning. Area is a circle with a diameter of the Edge rating in yards. Doesn't say that it has to be outdoors, and has a 25% chance of attracting Elemental attention. Wolfform Turn into a wolf. And we're done with the Edge section. There's a couple of fun powers, and I can't think of anything obvious missing. Rules seem relatively unified in that the Edge score controls most aspects of a Power's effect. Next time will be flaws and combat. Angrymog fucked around with this message at 12:28 on Aug 19, 2014 |
# ¿ Aug 19, 2014 11:54 |
Cardiovorax posted:This is so 90s I just farted a Nirvana album. Thank you for sharing. The NPC names are something special. Here are a few more. Characters are Vampyres unless I say otherwise - Samantha X, Chilly Billy, Shagman Doctor D (Werewolf), Crucial Joe E, Shady Babe (Inuit), Professor Hell, "Sunny" Daze, C Spot Runn (Werewolf), Golgotha, Lisa "Blood" Bath, WO Babylon (Daemon), Johnny Limbo (unique - a hitman who kills his victims by vanishing them during teleportation), Captain N Tropy (Inuit). It's not a game that takes itself too seriously.
# ¿ Aug 19, 2014 12:24 |
Halloween Jack posted:For Edges, I remember an example of play where Chilly Billy casts an inside-out spell on C. Spot Runn and says "I guess his problem was he had too much guts!" Like, a-kid-telling-a-joke-and-getting-it-wrong bad. Tiger grinned. "Ya know, sometime, it pay be a coward." "How so?" It took Emilio a few seconds - he was having some trouble with his own intestines. Tiger spat on the steaming pile of gore, "too much guts for his own good." I don't know what's up with Tiger X's speech pattern - I hope it's not somethign terribly racist.
# ¿ Aug 19, 2014 14:21 |
The existing writeup is here http://projects.inklesspen.com/fatal-and-friends/angrymog/nightlife/ Last post we looked at the edges. This time we're looking at the flaws, basic game system and combat. Flaws aren't things like 'Bad Hairdo' or 'Angsty' like you might find in the WoD, but are linked to the Kin-type of the character. There's nothing particularly special amongst them, they just model the standard monster vulnerabilities such as being harmed by specific substances or enviromental effects, being disliked by animals, not beign able to go near certain symbols and so on. Most of the flaws are ignorable with a successful WILL roll, which is made easier or harder based on how far above or below 50 the character's humanity is. The Skills section is next in the book, but we already covered it in an earlier post. Like a lot of 80s and 90s games, the skill list is very detailed in its quantity of skills if not the amount of detail each one has. A level of 20 is considered competant in the skill - no roll is required for everyday use of it. To use a Skill or an Edge, make a d100 roll and score below your rating. Rolls may be modified by the GM with a modifier range of -30 to +30 applied to the die roll. Combat Nightlife uses the 6 second turn, and characters may move 20 yards or Dex whichever is higher and may also use a Combat skill or Edge in the round. Initiative is based on your score in your combat skill or edge - highest goes first, then people doing non-combat things rank their initiative in the same way. Apart from that, Combat is your basic roll under your skill, total up your damage, remove effects of armor and apply damage. There are actually two sorts of armor - the one provided by the Edge simply removes damage done, whereas worn armor adds to the difficulty of landing a blow based on the percentage of body covered - e.g. a flak vest covers 40% of the body, so attack rolls against a target wearing one take a 40% penalty. There are special sections for Fighting on a Dancefloor - +25% penalty due to lighting, noise and people, and then the usual rules for blind fighting, aiming cover, falling and fire. Nothing really special here. There's a Fear table - results range from mildly shaken to totally catatonic, and a section titled "Putting the Splatter back in Splatterpunk" Someone once said that if something was worth doing, it was worth overdoing. Whoever said it had a good idea of what splatterpunk was going to be, because it's not a movement that deals well with restraint. You couldn't really play Splatterpunk in a normal role-playing situation without an exhorbitant bodycount, but the near-immortality of the characters in Nightlife allows for a bit more leeway. The rest of the quite short section is about how the amount of damage received equates to wound sizes, for instance an impaling attack will penetrate 2" for every 5 points of damage inflicted, whilst the wound by a slashing weapon will be 2" long for every 5 points of damage. It seems a bit clinical - I think I'd just go for describing Fist of the North Star style blood sprays for big damage numbers rather than precise numbers. There's rules for Nerve Rot, a disease which turns Kin into unthinking and depowered zombies. It is curable in all except the last stages by consuming vast amounts of whatever your Kin-type needs to feed on, but will destroy your skills and powers if not stopped fast. In regards to death, all the Kin types return to life at the next sunset unless they're killed by their special method, though staking alone isn't enough to kill a vampire. There's also a weapon table, but it's mostly boring, though does include Ice picks, Switchblades, Motorcycles chains and broken bottles, but oddly, no chainsaws. Next post will be Slang and Fiction.
# ¿ Aug 21, 2014 22:30 |
JamieTheD posted:Heavy gravity, on the other hand, is where you will get poo poo on quite heavily. It goes from 1.2-2.0G (slows you down by 25%, make an exhaustion check every day... Exhaustion checks? Those are to do with Fatigue. Y'know, that thing you never use? ... Adds a +1 difficulty mod to doing things), to 2.0-4.0G (Add another difficulty step, make that -25% move a -75% move, exhaustion checks each hour just for doing things), and then, there's 4+ G... A total of +3 steps of difficulty, you cannot move without special suits, and you make an exhaustion check each minute. Life does not tend to evolve on such superheavy worlds.
# ¿ Sep 5, 2014 10:44 |
Female Warrior, called Bradamante
# ¿ Oct 7, 2014 12:33 |
DigitalRaven posted:Don't forget Hentacle, the tentacle-rape card game.
# ¿ Oct 9, 2014 17:13 |
Poison Mushroom posted:Lucky. When try to have sex, all I get is Tasha's Hideous Laughter. I think Tasha is just being mean here - maybe you should think about splitting up?
# ¿ Nov 8, 2014 14:34 |
On the off-chance that Desborough is demoing either of his card games at Dargonmeet, would taking part in a game to post a report here count as touching the poop?
# ¿ Dec 4, 2014 21:06 |
ascendance posted:I will pay $10 if you pour a beer, sugary soda, or latte on Desborough at Dragonmeet. PM me pics for proof. Also $10 wouldn't cover my train ticket and entrance fee.
# ¿ Dec 4, 2014 23:36 |
Ettin posted:These are all good posts. Don't do that! Just for the record, I was never considering taking up the dare (it's a lovely thing to do to someone, and I like going to Dragonmeet), but I do want to give his games a go if he's demoing them just to see if there's anything actually playable under there - basically does he suceed as a game designer? Looking at the GG cards, it seems to be some sort of stack building/point comparing game, and I have no idea how the other one is supposed to work at all. Post-con edit. No sign of Desborough or anyone playing either of his card games Convention was good, I played a game of The Quiet Year (map drawing/storytelling game) which was good fun; you get quite invested in your little post-apoc community even though you don't actively play any characters. Angrymog fucked around with this message at 12:37 on Dec 7, 2014 |
# ¿ Dec 5, 2014 10:14 |
Robindaybird posted:Oh hey - the Quiet Year! I heard about it a couple years ago, thought it sounded really cool - and completely blanked on it's name, so I couldn't find it until now. Quiet Year is pretty cool - it could probably also be adapted to creating your setting before you play for games that have small communities as their centre.
# ¿ Dec 8, 2014 21:04 |
Halloween Jack posted:That is James Desborough in a nutshell, though. If you take away the controversial things he's done in his games and online, he's just a D20 shovelware hack who hasn't done anything noteworthy after the handful of higher-profile titles he worked on early in his career. Black Tokyo isn't Desborough, it's Chris Fields.
# ¿ Dec 20, 2014 13:32 |
Bieeardo posted:If you meet the designer on the road, kill him. You mock, but Amazing Engine had some really cool world books. Hoping they come up on dndclassics so that I can plug the holes in my collection.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2015 18:20 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 12:02 |
Humbug Scoolbus posted:Amazing Engine had some great ideas bizarrely executed. Bughunters, Galactos Barrier, and Kromosome were kind of generic. But the rest, especially Tabloid and Once and Future King (Camelot 3000, the RPG!), were actually pretty cool.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2015 18:24 |