That's not the worst writing I've ever read. Everything parses and the grammar's correct. It even makes sense. But every time I read something this Derrick guy writes, I wanna give him a swirlie.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2014 01:55 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 22:18 |
So three out of the seven races have obnoxious antisocial behaviour built-in, and the other four are barbarians, psycho warriors, serial killers, and... dwarves.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2014 16:31 |
pkfan2004 posted:I'm just waiting on this aforementioned Candy Land Magic. Me too. I hope it's nothing but smiles and unicorns and spells to summon all the nougat you want!
# ¿ Jan 22, 2014 17:38 |
neonchameleon posted:In all seriousness, can you prove much of that? We lost Desafio dos Bandirantes from Wikipedia literally three days ago because no one involved in the discussion had ever heard of it and the Portugese Wiki article was, at the time, a waste of space. I, for one, welcome this game to FATAL and Friends. Wikipedia may find it less noteworthy than Squirtle, but I do not.
# ¿ Feb 3, 2014 13:16 |
Cyphoderus posted:Please let me know if something is poorly explained. I might left something important out because I don't know what things from 1600's history you guys are familiar with. Generally, American history education doesn't cover anything in South American history aside from Hernan Cortez and maybe the construction of the Panama Canal. We're completely ignorant of the era.
# ¿ Feb 4, 2014 22:45 |
Redeye Flight posted:Simon Bolivar sometimes gets a drop at the higher levels, but other than that, yeah. It might as well be ancient China for how much we learn. Not true! Thanks to Dynasty Warriors, I know way more about ancient China than 17th century Brazil.
# ¿ Feb 4, 2014 23:25 |
Cyphoderus posted:
Huh. It sounds like the colonial history of Brazil was somewhat similar to America's, except for two major differences. First off, in addition to importing a lot of black slaves, the British imported a lot of indentured servants. This lead to the second major difference, which was the deliberate institutionalization of racism. See, despite the differences in the legal terms of their servitude, white indentured servants, poor white people, and black slaves were getting along quite well and, in places, rebelling. This Could Not Stand, so the plantation owner classes drove an intentional wedge between the poor white and the poor blacks by giving the poor whites various privileges, making the lives of poor blacks even worse, and putting the poor whites in charge of oppressing the poor blacks. Then you just spread a lot of bullshit around about blacks being inherently worse than whites. Problem solved! (We are still trying to un-gently caress our country from this decision.) Anyway, during this time period America would resemble colonial Brazil a lot in terms of racial dynamics. There was a fair number of whites and blacks who decided that this whole 'servitude' thing was for idiots and ran off to go join up indian tribes at the time, and there was a not-uncommon number of free blacks running around.
# ¿ Feb 7, 2014 01:55 |
Ratpick posted:Yeah, I'm doing the book chapter by chapter, so we won't get to the Skins until Chapter Three. However, I can give you a sneak peek: the Chosen is basically Buffy and the Mortal is basically Bella. Which is to say, the Mortal is the single craziest scariest skin in a game full of crazy scary people, and they'll cause bullshit and havoc to follow everywhere in their wake.
# ¿ Feb 18, 2014 22:59 |
InfiniteJesters posted:So basically you managed to recreate the 1st, 2nd, and 7th arcs of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure by half-accident? Jojos's Bizzare Adventure is one of the great works of mankind. It's natural that you would accidentally re-create it, in the same way that two lovers from rival factions killing each other in a horrible mishap is a perfectly natural occurance. Oraoraora.
# ¿ Mar 8, 2014 13:54 |
Lemon Curdistan posted:So the Aiki chits are both XP and fate points, if I'm reading that right? That's not good. No, Aiki chits are what you spend to get Kiai, which is both XP and fate points.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2014 09:21 |
mllaneza posted:drat right we are. Yeah, I've always wanted to see a sci-fi RPG where Earth was generally considered by aliens to be some kind of poisonous hell-planet. We respirate corrosive oxygen, our piss can eventually melt steel, we poison ourselves for fun, and we domesticated our primary predator before we invented the wheel. So everyone has the impression that we're space orcs.
# ¿ Sep 6, 2014 08:17 |
Kellsterik posted:Actually Kojima is really good and in the tradition of Brecht's epic theatre Pretty much this. Other games have problems with ludonarrative dissonance. Kojima revels in it. I mean, MGSV is the dark and gritty end of the Big Boss saga where he finally goes from making ambigiously bad decisions to going full-on Kurtz, and it features a sniper lady who has trouble with the concept of clothing, stealing livestock via balloons, a horse that shits on command, a dog with an eyepatch, and Revolver Ocelot talking with a Texan accent.
# ¿ Sep 29, 2014 12:03 |
I really, really wanted 'sexy spooky skeleton oracle' to be a good idea, but it didn't really seem to gel at all. Too bad.
# ¿ Oct 20, 2014 06:00 |
Xelkelvos posted:At it's base, the Skeleton could be someone with an inner identity that they want to hide from everyone because it's weak and fragile or something and an outer identity that they constantly change to whatever's appropriate. It's a bit of a variation on the Hollow who has "no identity." Yeah, but this isn't The Skeleton, this is The Calaca or the Calavera, someone who helps others to have a healthy relationship with mortality. The big problem with this whole idea thematically is that calaveras aren't monstrous. They're friendly, a bit morbid, and satirical, but nobody would say a calavera is scary or tragic. So they don't really fit in with Monsterhearts- hence the dissonant swing of the Darkest Self. A Calavera class would work a lot better in a game that wasn't all about being hosed up.
# ¿ Oct 20, 2014 10:41 |
Gazetteer posted:When you “allow someone the privilege of lying with you”... Best part of the skin, right there.
# ¿ Dec 17, 2014 07:50 |
Kai Tave posted:It took a while for people writing RPGs based on licensed settings that hey, maybe the folks playing these want to be on par with the main characters instead of Third Background Extra From the Left. This is pretty much epitomized by this ad campaign:
# ¿ Jan 16, 2015 10:49 |
oriongates posted:Of course something like a fight reaction on a Self roll could represent a suicide attempt. Or lashing out (physically or emotionally) at whoever/whatever is confronting you with dissonance between your idealized self and your actual self.
# ¿ Jun 1, 2015 00:24 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 22:18 |
oriongates posted:Dipsomancers on the other hand would be hard pressed not to live as homeless drunks wandering from bar to bar and entropomancers are basically ticking clocks. These are adepts that are, at their best, one step above "magic hobos". Well, not necessarily. You totally can make a Dipso that can hold down a job or a Entropo that'll live to see thirty. You just have to stick to minor magicks and you probably feel like a chickenshit for only sipping at the edges of true ultimate power instead of drinking straight from the firehose.
# ¿ Jun 7, 2015 23:27 |