Gazetteer posted:Trying to explain what's wrong about Skins for the Skinless is kind of a writeup in of itself. This is actually a fairly common subject of post-game discussion among my skype MH group - one player has tried the Gargoyle and the Calaca, and the Beast and Fury have also been used in one-shots, and the most common complaints are: 1) Some moves are just too good - the Mummy being the worst offender, having the incredibly powerful Royal Decree and the almost-as-bad Cursed Idols. 2) Some moves should have been part of the "base" - has anyone ever tried to play a Gargoyle without Babewyn? 3) The moves are so tied into a "script" for the skin to play that they can't be poached. (Don't have the Beast's base move? Every single other Beast move depends on interactions with it) They all look really cool out of play, because just reading through the move lists, there's some very cool mechanical interactions there - the same kind of stuff from the Base Skins that got me really interested in MH in the first place. But they seem to fall apart when actually put into real-game conditions. The exception to this is the Minotaur, which everyone, myself included, just adores.
# ¿ Oct 17, 2014 17:16 |
# ¿ Sep 17, 2024 12:50 |
neonchameleon posted:The Skins for the Skinless make the very basic mistake that all the moves are Cool Things Monsters Can Do. This pretty much hits the nail on the head. Almost none of the skins have moves like the Chosen's Mercy or the Fae's Lure - things that subtly and non-intrusively incentivize playing into the skin's gimmick as both the PC playing them, and the others at the table. I mean, my Mummy can raise the dead and eat people's souls. Awesome. But where's the move that, say, rewards me for acting like the ancient power-hungry rear end in a top hat I'm supposed to be? Each SFTS skin is more like a splatbook (and, in fact, one of my players suggested that the SFTS are probably much better if you don't -start- as one of them, but switch to it.) You get this list of monster stuff, with nothing to support the real meat of the game: the bullshit high-school drama, and how that -mirrors- the monster stuff. For me, the Minotaur is the exception because, unlike the rest, it seems to have been designed "teen idea first, monster idea second." And there are moves which let your skin play out by directly interacting with the other players (give someone In the Maze, cow loses a string on you) and that reward you for staying "in type" (like the move that rewards you for taking string-commands by giving you additional benefits aside from experience.)
# ¿ Oct 17, 2014 22:47 |