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Dec 26, 2012

Ehdrigohr because that sauropod-sized spider looks cuddly.


Dec 26, 2012

Kellsterik posted:

I would have guessed the sling, myself.
The stone :v:

Pththya-lyi posted:

Kavak, you may be interested in one of the setting inspirations: "Thor Meets Captain America" by David Brin.
Apparently things have changed since I first saw this a thousand years ago; not only has the second half of it been made free-to-read but they made a graphic novel out of it - back in 2003.
Unfortunately, reading some reviews, I'm not so sure that was perfectly executed.
Not just the NORSE gods get juice from mass death, it turns out it works on literally anything godly! So you have a bunch of really questionable pantheons (including stuff like Egypt deciding to bring back Osiris and co. because I guess Egyptians are secretly only pretending to be muslims) duking it out with the aesir and all the primarily-Abrahamic countries (the ones that didn't have pantheons to spontaneously revert to) cuddling up to be bros who are too kindly to sink to mass sacrifice like everyone else.

Drakyn fucked around with this message at 17:38 on Jan 19, 2014

Dec 26, 2012

I recall my incredibly nerdy aunt telling me of the times back in the 80s when they played a bit of Rolemaster between D&D. The one thing about the sessions they did that really stuck with her was when they found a dragon sleeping on its hoard, spent about half an hour plotting a battle plan, and then the first arrow from the first player rolled a critical-critical or something and instantly went through its eye into its brain and killed it.
There was griping.

Drakyn fucked around with this message at 06:18 on Feb 15, 2014

Dec 26, 2012

Hypocrisy posted:

I wanna see new stuff!
Which is why I'm voting for Living Land. If it's boring a lot of it'll get skimmed anyways and we can quickly move on to other things.

Dec 26, 2012

Katanas & Trenchcoats and also more TORG please. I want to learn how to defeat the cyberpope. This is important information the world must know.

Dec 26, 2012

Evil Mastermind posted:

I'm working on it. :( I know I'm way behind; I'm trying to get back into the rhythm of writing updates.

(also you cannot kill the cyberpope because metaplothis Darkness Device gives him effectively infinite possibility points)
All good, no pressure, just was curious if it was still a thing.
Also, goddamnit. What good is an unkillable cyberpope? It's like an uneatable cupcake.

Dec 26, 2012

Evil Mastermind posted:

Which realm would y'all like to hear about next?
  • The Nile Empire, where they replace Nazis with Ancient Egyptians!
  • Aysle, which is like Greyhawk but more generic!
  • Orrorsh, where Torg tries to do super-deadly horror!
  • The Living Land, a.k.a. The Land The Game Line Forgot!
  • Nippon Tech, where 90's corporate culture lives on!

I'll take votes for like a day or so.

NEXT TIME: You tell me!
Living Land because dinosaurs and also mocking the bizarre inability of people to produce anything interesting with dinosaurs.
And since it's apparently so tiny you'll probably be done pretty quickly and won't have to worry about getting bogged down in ninety pages of IngenNet pablum :v:


Dec 26, 2012

Fossilized Rappy posted:

[*]In 1987, popular televangelist Bob Leaman is involved in a scandal when it turns out he has been having sex with a succubus.
[*]In 1992, after decades of plotting and planning, an army of sapient communist penguins ousts humans from Antarctica entirely.
[*]In 1997, Stalin rises again! Or gets woken up, at least. Turns out that he was secretly put in suspended animation until better medical magic could turn him from a dying old man into a statuesque god-king. This unexpected turn breaks Russia into a messy civil war between the forces of Stalin and Yeltsin.[/list]

Full mathematical understanding of the Hellstorm and the nature of the “Oppenheimer Backfire” that triggered it did not come until 1984, when Hawking’s proof of the Many-Worlds Hypothesis demonstrated what most people already knew: We Are Not Alone, and You Can Get There From Here. Everyone hopes that he’ll get back safely some day.
This is all completely ridiculous and excellent and really makes you crave more details, but the last one reminded me of Torg, and that makes me miss Torg :(
EDIT: Mostly because I don't want poor Evil Mastermind to have to start all over if those crazy bastards really do revive the whole thing with a new eddition.

Drakyn fucked around with this message at 16:13 on Sep 18, 2015

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