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Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
Definitely go for Golden Sky Stories. Sooooo cute :D

By the way, you people are doing great work, it has taken me the better part of the year to catch up but I have finally reached the current page after reading through both the very old and then the follow-up thread only to get here, and I have registered just for the FATAL & Friends. You are giants of reviewing!

In the same vein, have any of you heard of DSA, the biggest rpg of Germany? If not, I call Dibs to bring you the messy complexity of the strangest fantasy rpg ever. It has to be. It is german ;)


Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

Carados posted:

Everything is a hack of GURPS. This thread is just world generation for GURPS: Online Adventures.

You do realize that you just made FATAL a GURPS world spinoff with that sentence?

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

PurpleXVI posted:

It's sad that a reasonably fun concept that could be entertaining with just enough crunch to give you some tactical options, gets ruined by being literally so vapid and empty of content.

gently caress the Forge and all its spawn.

Thatīs a bit hateful, I mean, come on, 3:16 is reasonably useful to run even for starters and it has enough of the rules to make it fun and fast at the same time, allowing for several planets to go trough in one sitting.
Heck, you can got for one planet in about one hour. I do detest many things The Forge did or spawned. But 3:16, by the gods, is a fun little game.

And now youīve made me become a whiteknight when all I ever wanted was to be a quiet little trooper...:(

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
Oh, itīs a grog-fest alright, wit more "verisimilitude" than you can stomach. Itīs also Bureacracy the Game and is the most successful and biggest roleplaying game of Germany (which says a lot about us but even more about what many people like to play) with a metaplot of just about mhmm....30 years? And Ulisses recently recalled a Ingame history book due to fan outrage about the changes...itīs hilarious.

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

Kavak posted:

We kind of have to review it now. And by biggest and most successful, you mean by overall sales or just your best selling domestic game?

For Germany? Iīd say both. Boosts biggest sales by a mile and remains best selling domestic roleplaying game due to a stern and "faithful" (read: toxic) customer base.

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

Kavak posted:

Are we talking grog rage like what got the setting history book cancelled or something nastier?

Letīs see, after the "Historica Aventurica" was released, the company was publically shamed by itīs customers and had, a few weeks after the outrage became unbearable online, announced that it would release a new version of the book, called the "Hysterica Aventurica" among the more cynically inclined. And of course, if you were among those to "suffer" from buying the first edition, you could send in the cover to get a completely new, rewritten and designed version 2.0 of the book, in hardcover no less, with which they were hoping to quell the outrage. Free of charge, of course. It seems to suffice. For now.

And in case you were wondering what the outrage was about? The book dared to rewrite known ancient setting history (basically stuff from 10k+ years ago) and made the gods morally grey bastards, instead of the good guys that they are always portrayed in canon. Sometimes. When the current module writer remembers. Itīs weird.

Mr.Misfit fucked around with this message at 21:29 on Aug 4, 2015

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

pkfan2004 posted:

I am excited for the list of gods, by Vectron's holy Claw!

By Vectrons Awesomeness youīre right, this is going to be great. Praise Vectron!

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
I cannot but read everything in that font that means for a T as written with, I mean, what is that, nordic symbols?, as a p.

So, welcome to Pule, Home of the sprongesp vikings! Bwahaha...itīs like that Trex with the missing lower lip thingy meme...bwahah..I canīt stop laughing, by Vecpron.....xD

Jan 10, 2013

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Considering their new release strategy, you will need even more books now than ever before. BTW, 5th Edition was released August 7th. And while a vanishingly small percentage better than 4.1, itīs not enough. It therefor remains Bureacracy 2.0.

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

Doresh posted:

I'm also pretty sure Drakensang created some grognard outrage because the game featured spell-slinging skeletons. There are no spell-slinging skeletons in TDE.

During the very first iteration of Drakensang there was a bug allowing a skeleton to walk into the Praios-temple of a bigger city. This brought out grog rage, because as everyone knows, a temple of the god of light (who btw. also of course hates the undead as does the god of the dead [whis is even more bizzare but this was retconned some years ago so hey]) and the highest of the gods has twice sacred grounds. Because simply sacrifying the ground once wasnīt enough....argh....and the grog rage led to angry people at the main convention of Ulisses Spiele, the RatCon (donīt ask) back when Drakensang was only just released and the grogs were ....ANGRY....xD

Not to mention magicians with thousands of magic points and and and....oh grogs...never change =)

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
The problem TDE had, has and always will have is the fact that it mainly advances plot by railroady adventure modules that are mostly written by people who donīt care or donīt know how the common adventuring player group works or why gaming should focus on them (Looking at Mondenkaiser, Jahr des Feuers/Borbarad,Phileasson). Whenever the player is allowed to partake, he is more like a tourist going through the steps and being allowed to sometimtes fight or be amazed at the events that happen in front of him. I could tell you stories. And I will. But over in Cat-Piss, when itīs time.

The other problem is with the people writing it. You see, TDE is a game grown since itīs first incarnation to a beast of many heads and as such a pruning was in order, but they failed to even accomplish that because they didnīt dare to really change up anything important, which leads to 5th Edition being more closely to TDE 4.2 instead of a real new edition. But I was talking about the people writing about it. Well, first of all, many of the people writing for it, be it an adventuring module or something about fluff or rules, seem to do so within a dark chamber, unhindered by a greater authority or anyone telling them "this is stupid or doesnīt work in this game that way". Of course, in between you have the people who donīt care, leading to rules that simply donīt work or not once you start to combine them with another or modules where the players get to watch NPCs be amazingly stupid because the author is unable to think about any plot that in any way would be both intelligent and challenging. And beware not to make the players "heroes" as is stated on their character sheet. Oh no! After all, Hans-Franz, the local cobbler should be allowed to participate in the module just as well as MurderDeathKillMachine 9000. You can guess how well this works out...I have a fair amount of rant for this system within me and you need not worry, I will tell you all, as people in my gaming circle have tortured me with these gaming modules for years as it was the only game available in my town and it took me some years to fully learn the lesson of "no game is better than bad game".

I like the way ZeeToo speaks about Age of Worms and since Doresh is already speaking about the rule books, would you be interested in walking through TDE modules the same way?

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
An error on my part, I meant if it would be ok if I walked through the TDE-modules, we donīt need to add to your burden with the modules as well, considering the amount of rules you have ahead of you ;)

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
Holberkians appear exactly once in one of early TDE adventure modules during what now is, in typical grog fashion, declared one of the classic campaigns of TDE, the ORCLAND-Trilogy, despite itīs many many....maaaaany failings (I should now, I played it and it sucked donkey balls) and in exactly one computer game, the third of the early TDE games Shadow over RIva where they played the role of the persecuted minority in the city that is blamed for all the ill happening.


Jan 10, 2013

The time for
has come!


[....]Think about it in terms of real life. You need to cross the street, but a car is approaching. You’ve crossed the street thousands of times before, so you can look at the car and pretty easily judge whether you can cross safely or whether you have to wait for it to pass first. If the real world had no consistency, you couldn’t make that decision. Every time you stepped into the street, you might get hit by a car. You’d never cross the street.

But....real life is inconsistent. You can cross a street a hundred thousand times only to find yourself being hit by a car on the hundred thousand and oneth attempt to cross the street. Maybe the driver was drunk. Maybe you had a bad day. Maybe thereīs a fate that decreed you to be hit today. Maybe you were looking somewhere else. Maybe a freak event happened and someone lost control of their vehicle...

Outside circumstances are always arbitrary to an observer, even more so in tabletop rpgs where you have the GM who is the guy thinking this stuff up...and this hurts to think about...

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

Monte Cook posted:

The GM knows there’s nothing to find at the doorway, but she muses for half a second as if pretending to figure out a target number.

GM: Roll.

STEVE: Rolled a 7.

GM: You don’t find anything out of the ordinary. However, tracks on the ground indicate that a number of creatures go through this doorway on a regular basis, and their footprints are longer and narrower than a human’s.

This bit of information is a “gimme.” The characters had already figured out that this was made by the alien Muggariks.

Sorry, did I miss that sign that says "How to become a successful Cat-Piss GM" along the way? Why be so adversarial? What does anyone stand to gain from this? And being less transparent the longer you play

Monte Cook posted:

[...]Part of good Cypher System play is knowing when to use Effort and when to conserve

is really the height of arrogance. Well, at least itīs good to know that I wonīt ever be a good Cypher System player....

Jan 10, 2013

The time for
has come!
You forgot to tell them about the size of Wege der Zauberei.

You see, itīs not just a rules update from TDE 4.0 to 4.1. Itīs also a tool to murder people by throwing the book at them because it sits at 433 pages of a hardcover book with rather nice quality pages but big as hell.

Also, the white mages/grey mage/black mage are more akin to "Lawful Stupid/Uncaring Egotist/Megalomaniacal", as far as I remember the Greyguild for example is not so much a collection of people that like to hang out with druids and stuff but rather people who donīt wish to follow a) all the rules (like white mages) and b) may care about people (unlike black mages). Or because the school they are coming from simply doesnīt care.

And Drakonia is indeed awesome, because itīs less of a Hogwarts and more of a AVATAR-THE LAST ELEMENTAL BENDER school of kind because you get people who simply donīt know or care about the outside world (the game enforces this with handicaps which suck donkey balls) and all the elements are kind of worshipped there. Also these were the guys that basically walked out into the world after a 100 years of self-inflicted isolation into the great continental mage meetup and basically fireballed their admission into the event because they kept up magic that had been lost for centuries. Sadly, starting as one of these guys is hella expensive and as such your character will have handicaps the length of a common mafiosi rap sheet (Ok, so I have brittle bones, am a spirit receptacle, are as curious as a 2-year-old chihauha and have about the same level of phobia, also I fear several different things as if they were deadly to me, among them water and of course I have a true name handicap [meaning you can be magically controlled if someone knows] and for those last few points...oh, letīs take something really stupid....erhh.....oh, I know, I am also a couch-potato, because that is always fun with the penalties attached...)

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

PurpleXVI posted:

When you say you can't play as BADASS LOBSTERMEN in TDE, does that mean that they're just not allowed during chargen? Or do monsters, even sentient ones, not have "classes" like PC's do, and turning them into PC races would take a lot of work?

Itīs both, actually. You are "not allowed" by the rules to play such a creature and creating the rules for them might be a lot of work, but then again always go for it because TDE can be a boring snoozefest if you play it the way it is meant to be played.

TDE - Stiffling fun in roleplaying since 1984

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
The number of world-shattering events may be kept small compared to other fantasy games but darn is they arenīt railroady as f***.
This cannot be understated. One module in the Signed Campaign (Bastrabuns Bann) was 90% a collection of "GM-Read-Aloud-HERE" texts and
NO player interaction. Not to mention the inherent stupidity of many of the decisions the NPCs made even though they were supposed to be so super clever and great.

This last part got so bad that there is a running joke in the german TDE community about giving artifacts to NPCs only to advance the plot because
you can be assured that they will somehow lose it, either by being stupid or making some really idiotic choice.

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

PurpleXVI posted:

I guess at least TDE's railroad-to-victory is marginally less awful than CTech's railroad-to-failure?

Well, some of the events are pretty cool and interesting if you are into the TDE lore, as many people who also read the novels, actually are, and of course you donīt usually encounter rape camps or unwanted pregnancies along the way. So yeah.

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
Is this some sort of inside joke?

Jan 10, 2013

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You have to hand it to them, despire their awful interior, that cover is is really frikkin metal.
And why, oh why is it always that great art goes together with really bad writing?

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
No worries Doresh, youīve tortured yourself enough.

I vote for Tenra Bansho Zero as well, because itīs awesome
and supposedly includes rules for getting bonuses if other
players applaud your performance.

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

Covok posted:

As a follow-up question, to the ones who read the entire book, do you find yourself more often in the GM or player role?[snip]

Why? Curiosity in general rpg player practices and curiosity about Fatalers.

GM by passion because more often than not, both nobody else wants to run a game and because I really want people to experience some of those stories out there instead of just reading them.
I do mostly read them piece-by-piece, especially where they are only a rules update to known rulesets, otherwise completely to get the new rules and how they work.

Considering that at some time I was running up to 8 games in between some 14 day-intervals, Iīd say that it isnīt necessarily correlated ;)

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!

gradenko_2000 posted:

That's an even more obscure RPG conversion than Duckman.

Someone should mix the two to create an ultimate obscure rpg.

It would be glorious.

Release it into the wild.

Watch break apart due to people trying to defend itīs unique snowflakeness.

Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
Alien Rope Burn - Wow. All that seems pointless. I mean, what kind of information does this even give the GM? If my players are currently on a Navy Carrier, of course that stuff is all on there, but it would have been on there without the need to count and categorize :D

Itīs just so....90s.


Jan 10, 2013

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has come!
I canīt help myself but read all of his text in the voice of Emperor Palpatine (from Star Wars Episode 6). It just feels so self-righteous and like someone with a right high opinion of himself says what all the world has waited for SOMEONE to say. Itīs eminently evil. Thatīs a nice tagline. John Wick - Eminently Evil.

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