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Jenna Moran
Jun 6, 2013

It's nothing to someone with naturally curly hair, like myself.

ActingPower posted:

I love the Genre system of Chuubo's a lot, but there's one thing that bugs me. I think the primary genres (Pastoral, Immersive, Road of Trials, and Epic Fantasy) are much better than the secondary ones (Gothic, Techno, Fairy Tales, Adventure Fantasy). Part of that is the color system. I immediately get the connection between Pastoral, Shepherd, Work and Study, and Calling (all quiet and peaceful); I get the connection between all of the Red things and Immersive Fantasy (being emotionally invested, suprised, and driven); I get the connection between Orange stuff and the Road of Trials (all being about struggles and achieving greatness); and I even get the connection between Blue and the Epic Fantasy (being all about incredible powers and mighty feats). But what does Gothic have to do with Setting (or Emptiness, really, or Something to Deal With)? Or what about Techno and Mystic? (The connection between Techno and Ritual/Transitions is clear in-book, though kind of strained.) Green is always about walking two paths, except for Fairy Tales (okay, so transformation does happen in Fairy Tales, but it's not what I'd characterize them with). And Yellow... okay, Yellow makes sense, but why aren't there any Yellow XP Actions in the Yellow genre set?!

Bah, everybody knows that blue+blue+green+orange is yellow, and if you added actual yellow you'd get like black or something, that's implicit in the timecube. ^_^


(For example, I'm thinking about making up a romance quest set. Hmm... which genre would be best for that? Pastoral, maybe?)

Pastoral is probably closest to what makes a good relationship IRL, and Twilight's Gothic, but an awful lot of romance books seem to be adventure fantasies.


Jenna Moran
Jun 6, 2013

It's nothing to someone with naturally curly hair, like myself.

Poison Mushroom posted:

Am I a bad person for wondering what genre Higurashi would be played in?

I haven't played the VNs. If there's an event break that repeats itself maybe ... 10-15 times per VN? Like the moving clock hands on Umineko? But possibly more generic, like "this character narrates a thought" or "a new day"? Then Fairy Tale.

If not, then it's probably some nice genre---my original guess was Pastoral, and I even posted that here, but then I realized I don't really remember early Higurashi stuff well enough to be sure*---followed by a switch to the Road of Trials.**

The reason for this, btw, is that a key XP Action for both Fairy Tales and Road of Trials is Suffer Corruption, wherein you experience surreal effects and then the corruptive influence on you grows stronger. This seems like something you'd want to have as a standard action available in Higurashi.

* How embarrassing!

** I normally try to avoid recommending genre-switching, but the Road of Trials is kind of an exception that way.

Jenna Moran fucked around with this message at 08:14 on Aug 25, 2014

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