Alien Rope Burn posted:One Year Later... *Scare Chord*
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# ¿ Feb 19, 2025 21:58 |
Kavak posted:There's also sunrods, which everyone seems to forget exist. Everburning Torches/ other gear with Continual Flame on them are extremely cheap by magic item standards and very useful, so I've never had a party using mundane light sources past level 2 or so.
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Doresh posted:A Chimaera Overed who can have animals fully or partially pop out of your body like you're Alucard. Nero/Nrvnqsr is probably a better anime comparison, as his whole gimmick was 'I'm fulla animals!'. Having a vast stable of familiars was just one facet of the crown jewel of bullshit that was Alucard. ![]() Kavak posted:Sunrods don't generate any heat, so you could just stick one in your pocket if you needed to free up your hand though. It mostly depends on when the party's cleric decides to start using a shield. Everburning Torches don't generate heat, either. Put Continual Flame on a weapon, shield, helmet, or whatever, and don't worry about it. Get it cast on an iron rod and thrust it through your belt for an infinite-duration Sunrod. I got dragged back into 3.5 recently and my ex-miner dungeoneer has a coin of continual flame stuck on her helmet with a leather flap on it for an impromptu miner's helmet. Play Dirty 2: Even Dirtier posted:And just to make sure you do remember it, let’s make it as big and plain as possible... Traveller has got it right, though. Wick's tirade against the six-hundred pages of RULES makes it pretty clear that his STORY of your foolish, feeble adventurer being sodomized by orks in a pitch-black foul-smelling dungeon is way more important than any RULES saying that he can't do that.
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Doresh posted:Bram Stoker Items Living clothing that gives power boosts in exchange for blood, eh? Maybe it doesn't have to be victorian-style dress after all? ![]()
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Moscow is pretty interesting. The bookish Zonemind, the obsession with media, the collectors (and the agent ranks being controlled by a split head, one human, one AU). There's a nice hook there for what exactly moscow is going to do once it's completed it's mission, especially if it's correct in the assumption it's going to do so within one generation. Do Info-Commandos get special equipment/cyborgization to make them more capable?
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Doresh posted:Of course they needed an excuse to justify kung-fu gorillas and kinda sorta cover Chinese mythology, so they went with a character from what is basically a comedy novel. It's a little bit like making an ape breed of wise British scholars who worship the Librarian from Discworld. I'll admit I've never read it myself, but I've never heard of Journey to the West described as 'basically a comedy novel' before. ![]()
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Alien Rope Burn posted:Mostly my eyerolling was "and this type of slasher is called X and does Y usually because of Z" World of Darkness-isms. Not that such'd be hard to change, but it felt a little weird trying to make serial killers more predictable. ![]()
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# ¿ Feb 19, 2025 21:58 |
I haven't been paying attention to the World of Darkness since.. god, 2013? When the God Machine rules update came out. Is there somewhere I can go to read up on this Chronicles of Darkness 2nd edition?
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