These last few pages have been amazing, especially about games I never knew existed (Freebooter's Fare, Harn). I'm really enjoying the Kai Tave's Blue Rose write-ups too. I'm kinda surprised at how interesting I'm finding the setting, I think I agree with the assessment that the setting would have avoided most of the initial "too perfect" vibes if it wasn't a little TOO detailed at the beginning. Everybody is pointing out the tongue ritual for sheer over-the-topness but I think the Hex is almost as bad. Minor stat penalties vs. having to dance on knives for ten days, I think I know who's getting ahead out of that one.
# ¿ Aug 15, 2015 04:54 |
# ¿ Jan 23, 2025 10:58 |
Given the history of this thread I'm just going to get the "a giant penis monster" possibility out of the way.
# ¿ Sep 2, 2015 04:25 |
I love your suggestion of Medieval Witch Iron Man.
# ¿ Sep 14, 2015 23:02 |
Cythereal posted:Genius Conclusiohn Thanks for all of the posts Cythereal. Like other Storyteller system games, I can't judge how playable it actually is but I like the writing and fiction of Genius a lot. It's not perfect but there's enough good in there that I can't look badly on it and the core idea is great. It turns the entire "haha I'm a super special magical being suck it society" outlook on its head, because while a Genius could try to lord their superiority over the mundies what they really want is validation. And that is what they will never have. That is compelling tragedy. I like it way more than what I saw of, say, Princess, which felt it was so generic-ized it didn't even have a premise any more.
# ¿ Oct 3, 2015 17:57 |
I'm glad the Tenra Bansho Zero write-up has been updating so fast. It's an interesting game, and those ink-brush illustrations are so cool.
# ¿ Nov 23, 2015 21:49 |
Tasoth posted:I think the problem is, and someone who has read more of the genre can correct me, Transhuman fiction inevitably goes full on borg because metal beats meat and refusing to become the machine marks you as obsolete/conservative/badwrong. Which doesn't mesh well with me for whatever reason. Yeah I doubt there's anything behind the intent other than wanting a cost/reward system. One option being Just Plain Better is boring.
# ¿ Nov 29, 2015 17:47 |
Serf posted:We ended up getting all the lovely parts of cyberpunk without any of the cool stuff. In other words, Robocop without the Robocops. In other other words, Detroit.
# ¿ Nov 30, 2015 21:55 |
Ah, I was waiting for the Shinto Priesthood to do something Shinto related. How far are you Doresh? Are the Ayakashi/Half-Ayakashi the last archetype?
# ¿ Dec 4, 2015 01:56 |
unseenlibrarian posted:They added another gunslinger Art of War in a recentish kickstarter update, that one being for crossovers from the "Western" setting of Terra. (It's both Western as it's inspired by Europe and the US and and also Western as in there are cowboys.) I know the Kickstarter stuff is supposed to be available for purchase to nonbackers eventually, is there any date on that?
# ¿ Dec 9, 2015 00:28 |
# ¿ Jan 23, 2025 10:58 |
Doom holding up the value of the Euro is an amusing image.
# ¿ Dec 13, 2015 16:18 |