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Nov 25, 2001

Kai Tave posted:

Monsterhearts, by default, is a game about high school students. I'd say if people can't figure out "what's my motivation?" as a supernaturally empowered high school student that they aren't trying hard enough. What do high school students usually want? To be popular, to be accepted, to be respected, to be taken seriously, to get revenge, to impress someone, to score, etc.

I don't think Monsterhearts has to be for everyone any more than any other game does, it's perfectly fair to say "eh, not my bag," but I think it's kind of silly to say that characters in Monsterhearts have no incentives to kick up a whirlwind of drama just because it's not a game where you steal and kill and wreak general havoc like most RPGs.

Yeah, personally in my murderhobo games I tend to both take paths with my character and encourage others in my playgroup to do dumb flashy stuff that I know will get us in trouble bad, regardless of the promise of reward, because I am pretty sure that what happens next is gonna be awesome.

Like in Dark Heresy I talked the guy driving the boat we were chasing another boat with into trying to force the other to stop, and he botched the roll, killing everyone who didn't manage to jump clear, including my character, in a giant explosion.


Nov 25, 2001

Lurks With Wolves posted:

So, this is another problem Skins For The Skinless has. Namely, the skins are blatantly specific references. In this case, the Beast is the main character of Cat People. Literally, the sex move is the entire plot of Cat People. There's a hot lady, she thinks she'll turn into a monster if she has sex, she has sex, she turns into a panther and won't turn back until she kills someone. It even has the weird incest-y bits of the 1982 remake. It's just an entire skin that's Cat People.

Now, there's nothing wrong with being explicit about your influences. There's nothing wrong with making a Werewolf variant that focuses on being afraid of your inner sexy beast instead of being a dominating rear end in a top hat. The problem's when you get so focused on your influences that your skin can only be used for a blatant ripoff of your source material.

I'm pretty sure that the Beast is a blend of the main character of Cat People and the main menace from season 1 of Hemlock Grove which was a self-repressed young girl who drank from the footprint of the werewolf main character's werewolf form and turned/murdered in response to sexual feelings that other people engendered in her.

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