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  • Locked thread
May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

So, what's all this then?

This is Unterwegs in Düsterburg, an RPG Maker game by Ingmar Hahnemann. Being an RPG Maker game, there's not too many surprises here as far as gameplay goes - a standard tile-based SNES-era RPG with old-school Final Fantasy style combat - but nonetheless the game does a few interesting things with the engine, although that will come much later. I would describe it as "cliché, but in a good way".

"Unterwegs in Düsterburg"?

Oh, right. As you may have noticed, the title is German and translates out to "Out and About in Düsterburg" (Düsterburg being a location). And it's not just the title of the game, but the entire game is in German. Around the first half of the 2000s, there was a fairly large RPG Maker scene in Germany that produced its share of garbage (as with every scene revolving around something where it's easy to create content), but a good amount of gems as well. The German RPG Maker movement was spearheaded by the two Vampires Dawn games, which in my opinion could give the SNES Final Fantasy games a serious run for their money, and Unterwegs in Düsterburg was one of the second-tier games - the ones that aren't quite as popular as the big ones, but are good in their own right.

So why pick this game in particular?

I had a great deal of fun exploring this game back when this type of game was the hot new thing and they actually came on CDs with PC game magazines, and I believe it's a shame it's only been available to German speakers.

So, it's in German? How's that going to work?

Well, I'm both a German and English native speaker, so understanding the whole thing and transferring it between languages shouldn't be a major problem. Still, here's a few notes on what I'm going to do:

- My translation will be purely written in text in these posts. Editing my images would be an option, but I believe adding more steps to the translation process will only increase the chance of severe LP burnout.
- Because of that, whenever I post an image with text, the next thing I post will be the translation of that line, and then I'll simply proceed with the rest of the text until a change worth screenshotting happens. This should be obvious, but I'll say it just in case.
- Because of the way RPG Maker works, pretty much every line has a face attached to it. That means it shouldn't be a problem to distinguish my commentary from the dialogue.
- For the German speakers: I'm going for substance over style. What this means is that I won't break my neck trying to find a translation that preserves all the facets of the original text, because sometimes that's more trouble than it's worth, and at the end of the day, I'm not a professional. Not even close.
- :eng101: Whenever something I say has this guy in front of it, that means it's something related to the translation in particular. Explanations about idioms, puns and certain tics would be prefaced with this. Also, if there's some sort of IRL parallel to certain names/places, I'll point that out with this guy too.
- Additional note: As the LP went on, I started dropping some of the response options we have, mostly when it simply came out to yes or no, and instead just put in the answer we ended up choosing. Just thought you should know.

And how will the LP be set up?

The idea is that I'll be going with screenshots and nothing but screenshots. I originally planned to do videos as well, but after some feedback, I came to the conclusion that GIFs would be able to do the job just as well, so you'll be getting some of those too.

But enough waffling, let's get on to the game!

Update I - Aller Anfang Ist Schwer (The First Step Is Always The Hardest)
Update II - Zoinks, Scoob!
Update III - Such A Lonely Little Man In A Cold, Cold Wasteland
Update IV - The Reaper Is The Riddler?
Update V - Everybody Bless The Landlord, Everybody Bless His Spouse
Update VI - :words: (useful :words:, but still :words:)
Update VII - Let's Do The Time Warp Again
Update VIII - Because This Game Wasn't Heavy Enough Yet
Update IX - Elementary, My Dear Grandy...
Update X - Go To The Mirror, Tarius!
Update XI - It Made Sense At The Time
Update XII - Welcome To Castle Rabenstein, Enjoy Your Stay
Update XIII - Spooky Priest Parties Are The Best Parties Cause Spooky Priest Parties Don't Stop. Until Everybody's Dead.
Update XIV - The Malthur Gambit
Update XV - What Could Have Been
Update XVI - A Delayed Update Is Eventually Good, But A Rushed Update Is Forever Bad
Update XVII - Doing It Like Rabbits
Update XVIII - Don't Call It A Comeback, I've Been Here For A Couple Of Months
Update XIX - Well, That Is Not How You Make A Risotto, You Stupid Cow
Update XX - Roll To Bluff An Entire Castle
Update XXI - One Ring To Solve A Quest
Update XXII - Quadrophenia
Update XXIII - The Grand Finale
Update XXIV - Sounds Like A Great Idea To Me
Update XXV - Königsberg Ist Deutsch
Update XXVI - What Do You Mean, I Already Did A Sherlock Holmes Reference?
Update XXVII - In An Octopus's Garden, In The Shade
Update XXIIX - Yes, Non-Spooky Castles Exist
Update XXIX - The Terrible Old Man
Update XXX - Facts Concerning The Late Wilhelm Von Junzt, But Not His Family
Update XXXI - Vampires: Masters of Seduction
Update XXXII - The Place That Sends You Mad
Update XXXIII - While Reyven Krähenschwinge Gently Weeps
Update XXXIV - Endspurt
Update XXXV - The Search For The Box Of Dirt
Update XXXVI - The True Grand Finale
Update XXXVII - Ende Gut, Alles Gut (All's Well That Ends Well)

Bonus - Goons Chatter About Other RPG Maker Games

TheMcD fucked around with this message at 01:53 on Nov 1, 2014


May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

Update I - Aller Anfang Ist Schwer (The First Step Is Always The Hardest)

Let's take it from the top.

In the beginning we get a few options. First off, we have the movement speed (text or the character on the map, I don't know) - either normal or fast. Next, we can let a clock count the time I spent playing this game in exchange for a minor performance hit (in fact, on anything that isn't classified as a toaster nowadays, you won't notice it at all), which I enable for interest's sake. Finally, we get an option to skip the intro, which is nice, but of course, we don't want this right now. And then...


Then we get our intro scene - two guys overlooking whatever the hell they're seeing beyond the castle walls. Thanks to the way the view angle works, we can't tell.

What terrible weather. Even the guards have left the battlements! Come on, Lazalantin! We'd better leave too! If they find us here...
No! Tonight is the night! I know it, HE will come!
"I know it, HE will come!" First and foremost, you should know what's going to happen if they catch us up here! We're alone now, Lazalantin. Everybody else has been taken by the Duke. We should give up!

Give up? No, Rank! I will never give up.

So now we've got names for both of these guys. The ninja dude is Rank, and the guy with the seriously too long bangs that looks like Valnar from Vampires Dawn (which is because that portrait is a default RPG Maker one - a lot of people like to use those because these projects rarely have large teams, so using premade assets is an easy way to cut the workload in half) is called Lazalantin. And gently caress calling that guy Lazalantin, he's just Laz to me.

As long as I can still think, I know that this is my fate! You might think it's ridiculous, but I know that HE has brought me onto this path. There's no way back!
HE! You're always talking about HIM, and how he's going to come and save us - but nothing has happened so far! I used to believe in you. I followed you because I believed in your dream... your dream and your mysterious avenger. But now, everybody that followed you is dead!

I beg you, Lazalantin! Let's go home and live a normal life while we still can!
I can't! I'd have to live the rest of my life knowing that I betrayed HIM!
The unshakable fate has chained his life to mine, Rank! There's nothing I can do about that!

You can go and play with the girls like that randy Senkelfried if you want to! After all, fate is only forcing me to wait for HIM!

Enough is enough! You know I would never abandon you! But nobody's going to be helped by us drowning here on the battlements! In this darkness, you wouldn't be able to see HIM coming anyway!
Oh Rank, my old pal... you're right, of course!
Finally, you're coming to your senses! Come on, let's head to the pub and drink a few beers! If your hero shows up in this terrible weather and if he's not crazy, that will be his first destination anyway!

And then the credits start, so let's recap a bit: So far, we've got Laz and Rank. They apparently seem to be some sort of revolutionary force fighting against the Duke (whoever he is), and apparently things haven't been going quite well, considering everybody except those two has been killed. And Laz is waiting on some sort of savior to come and bail them out. Odds are that we're going to be either running into that savior or we're going to be that savior.

After the credits roll, we get our first chapter:


:eng101: There have been a few Ostmarken in German history, most recently in the Nazi's Gau administration system, where the area around Posen, West Prussia and parts of Brandenburg was made into the Gau Ostmark - at least until the Anschluss, after which the entirety of the annexed Austria became the Gau Ostmark all of a sudden. In a different way, the term Ostmark is also used to refer to the currency used in the German Democratic Republic, called East Germany for short. Since both West and East Germany used the German Mark name but had different currencies and because people didn't want to say "Mark of the German Democratic Republic", the terms "Ostmark" and "Westmark" were adopted by the general population.

Next, we find Laz and Rank sitting at the local (wherever "local" is) pub, continuing their discussion:

Tell me, Lazalantin, what kind of guy is your great hero anyway? Do you have any idea what that bloke could be like?
I haven't the slightest, but I guess I'd recognize him immediately if he stood before me:
He has to be something very special! A great warrior perhaps, or maybe a powerful wizard...
One thing's for sure: He's got to know every trick in the book, be hard-boiled, and unshakable!
Oh, that kind of guy... I see...

With that, we leave wherever that place just was, and shift our focus over to the eponymous Eastern March, where we see a fellow walking out of some fog.

How? Where? What?
Hmm... I think, I'm standing in the forest... but who am I and what am I doing here?

:eng101: "Ich glaub, ich steh' im Wald" is also the German title of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, so we've got an added pun/reference here.

Get yourself together, Grandy! Concentrate!
So it seems my name is Grandy...
And I came out of this weird fog bank! I think I'm going to look around for a bit. Maybe I'll remember a few more things.

Our intro is finished and we can finally take control of Grandy, our main character! So far, we know pretty much jack poo poo about him, as that fog bank was so kind as to give him amnesia, that old chestnut of a plot device. Oh well, at least it means we'll be getting the exposition piecemeal as he rediscovers things about himself. First off, you might have noticed a dog running around here:

Oh there you are, Julie. Good doggie.
Arff. Arff. Arff.
Julie?... I can't remember ever having seen this dog in my life, so why am I calling it Julie then?
Oh well. It seems like she wants to follow me... 1) Take her with me. - 2) She's doing just fine here.

Our first choice, and it boils down to "do you want a new party member y/n?", so let's take her along with us!

And then the dog simply disappears to show she got added to our party. A new party member's as good a reason as any to take a look at the menu screen:

Everybody who's ever played the SNES Final Fantasies should find this very familiar. The whole system is pretty much wholesale ripped off, but what the hell, it works fine.

The first menu is our item menu. So far, all we've got is the watch I enabled at the beginning. Let's check the time!

Four minutes. Nothing special about the watch, just a basic timer.

Next, let's check out Grandy's skills:

Only one special attack so far, a sweeping swipe that harms all enemies, but harms them less than the regular attack, since it would otherwise make the regular attack totally redundant. The dog doesn't have any skills.

The next menu option lets us take a look at our equipment. Grandy has two short swords and a cape to his name right now, which is the most baseline equipment possible.

Julie, on the other hand, only has her teeth. "Julie's teeth... better not remove those...", the description says. Words of wisdom.

After that, we have the save function, which works as advertised...

... and the quit function, which also does. With the menu done, let's venture to the north.

Here, we run into our first enemies. Enemies actually are represented on the map and move around, so you can avoid them if you wish.

This part of the forest is even darker than the rest... and it's much colder.

And there I spot some orcs, which I thought were a league above me, and legged it back to the east, where I run into some rabbits.

The combat system is very basic (you select an action for every character and the fastest people attack first), but it has some fairly neat animations and a thing I'm going to call "banter". There's a good bit of dialogue spruced in with battles - in this battle we have the following:

Those two are just lovely! Come over here, do you want a nut?
That dirty beast almost bit my finger off!

And here's a few animations:

It's definitely a few cuts above the average RPG Maker combat animations. Anyway, since the combat is very basic, I'm not going to go into any real detail when it comes to it except in the few cases where it becomes interesting. With the rabbits dispatched, we check out that mound of dirt at the top of the screen:

I'm not in the mood to be digging in the dirt with my hands...

Memo to self, find shovel. Next stop, the orcs over to the west:


Out of the way, pig-nose, or you'll get it!

These guys are quite a bit tougher, but still within our skills right now. Banter also ensued:

You can take that to the bank, pal!

Take a guess what's going to happen to your head next!

As a result of this fight, we get our first level! No new skills, though.

With those guys dispatched, let's check out the western area.

Dead end...

Well, that was disappointing. Time to backtrack, I suppose.

Next stop, the south.

Oh boy, a house! But first, taking a look around the surroundings, there's one thing in particular that's interesting, and that's that grave:

"Doria Dengelbrack von Falkenburg".

Sounds awfully high-class for this kind of dump. Let's take a look inside, then.

Looks about as run-down as expected, apart from the pristine sets of armor. Odd. Let's have a talk with the owner:

As we walk into the room, he moves up.

Hey there, who are you?! Who allowed you to just walk into my house?

1) My name is Grandy. - 2) That's none of your business!

No reason to be a dick here, we pick the first option.

I'm lost here. I know nothing about this area and am looking for answers...
Hmm... It hasn't been long since I last heard something similar... Continue, young man!
I'm sorry I can't tell you much more. I've lost a large part of my memory ever since I came here.
Well, well... that sounds familiar to my old ears as well...

1) What are you talking about?! - 2) Well...

Picking the second option because meh. I don't think there's any real consequence here.

I don't know what else I can tell you. I actually only know my name: Grandy...
Other than that, I can't remember a thing...
Now, now, my young friend - you don't want to tell me you don't even remember how you came into my house?
Of course I still remember that... I just can't remember anything from before I arrived in this region.
As an aside, your abode could use a new coat of paint.
I'm going to forget I heard that... but tell me: Where exactly does your memory start again?
...I'm standing in this forest clearing. I came out of the fog... my memories have been blown away... but I don't want to go back into the fog.

As an aside, if we go back into the fog, we end up dying, so he's got good reason to not want to go back.

...and then there's this name: Libra! It's been going through my head the entire time, but I don't know why...
Well, I can help you in that regard - just a while ago I had been visited by a most lovely young lady.
Her name was... Libra!
What did you say? She exists?! And she was here?!
Patience, young man, patience... yes, she was here, and she told me a story that was exactly like yours.
Well, in any case - she's gone. I shouldn't have been talking that much. She seems to be a fairly... um... rash person.
Yeah... she's always been like that...
What am I saying?! I don't even know this Libra!

1) Where did she go? - 2) What did you tell her?

Let's get the full story on this character here first before we go out searching for the other character - option 2 it is.

I have not yet introduced myself: My name is Dankwart Dengelbrack zu Falkenburg.
I see you're confused... yes, the name sounds more noble, than this run-down hut would suggest.
Now hear the story of how the name Dengelbrack lost its importance...

Oh boy, strap in folks, we're in for the long haul here.

Twenty years ago... everything was different... I was the Duke of Falkenburg and lived on Castle Falkenburg with my wife Doria... a stately home on the cliffs above the village of the same name... Falkenburg, that is. But I strove towards higher goals! In my youth, I studied in the nearby Königsberg: Biology, physics and medicine. I was looking for ways to extend the human life, no matter the costs! At first, I tried interfering with the time stream, but found that manipulations of such kind had incalculatable consequences. So I got the idea to breathe new life into the dead! I got my subjects from the village cemetery - for the good of humanity, of course...

The preconditions for a successful operation are better than ever. This time, I simply have to succeed.
Jannis Brauer... I hope that you will be the last one I have to conduct my experiments on. Temperature: Exactly 14 degrees Celsius. The body has been dead for 24 hours and is as stiff as a plank. Excellent!
I hope it works this time! The villagers would not be pleased if they knew what their Duke is doing with their dead.
Let there be light!

The setup with the retractable roof cost a fortune, but I'm relying on the power of lightning. The most powerful thunderstorm in months; just the way I need it!
I only hope this works...

The corpse is now floating right under the opening. Now I only have to redirect the energy of the thunderstorm to it and then... life from the unlife! The Godly Spark will carry over onto this cold body and he will rise from the dead. A new age will begin! We won't have to fear death anymore!
...and my colleagues that always made fun of me in Königsberg will have to apologize.
And now! POWER!

By the gods! Every single bone has been pulverized!
How could that be? The external conditions were ideal. I went over every calculation again and again!
Dankwart?! What did you do now?!
Um, honey... you know... my hobby!

This is where Dankwart's wife, Doria, makes an appearance.

But why around this time? All the servants have already gone to sleep!
It doesn't matter. Then you'll have to clean this mess up yourself!
Yes dear, I'll do that. I promise.
Before that, you've still got to receive a visitor. A sir Wahnfried of Düsterbrocken asks for an audience.

:allears: That name is just grand. "Wahn" basically means "delusion" and is usually used along the lines of "insanity", and "Düsterbrocken" comes out to "dreary boulder". That's the kind of name you run away from. Very fast.

He wants to settle in this region and requires your permission for that.
Did you also ask him why that had to be done in the middle of the night?
Please clear that up with him yourself, Dankwart. I'm your wife, not your secretary! And now come along please!
But my research... I have to figure out why the experiment didn't work again.

Please excuse that I left you waiting, sir Wahnfried. There's been a small flooding in my laboratory...
I have already been told of your experiments, Duke.
Oh, really? People are talking about those even outside of Falkenburg? Where have you heard of my experiments?
In Königsberg.
Oh well... then I can imagine the kind of descriptions you had to hear.
They were filled with mockery... but I'm certainly able to form my own opinion.
I've been told that you're searching for the key to eternal life...
Of course, that's very simplified. I have several approaches... from the resurrection of dead bodies, to interference with the time stream...
And? Have you had any first successes?
Sadly not, but I'm on the best path.
But let's get to you. My wife told me that you wish to settle in my duchy...
Yes, that is my wish. I have also already visited an empty house in the village that would appeal to me.
That can only be Jannis Brauer's house! What, only been buried for a day, and already...
May I ask where you lived before?
Königsberg... where you studied in your youth.
And why would you now want to go to Falkenberg? Königsberg is by no means a bad town...
Your experiments... I'm familiar with the matter and hoped we could maybe work together...
It would indeed be a change of pace to exchange thoughts with a kindred spirit... In which direction is your research going?
I'm more talking about... experience...
That sounds especially interesting... you mean you just happened to...
Wait a moment! The Baron of Königsberg told me of a mysterious illness in his last letter... the White Fever. Quite a few people have died of it in Königsberg... but the symptoms pointed towards something different for me...
I suggested that people lay out garlic in their bedrooms. That worked!
And then the death of Jannis Brauer! The symptoms were the same as with the White Fever...
That would also explain why my experiment failed today!
But what am I talking about, sir Wahnfried. That of course has nothing to do with your request...
Just allow me a little test... between scientists, so to speak...
And what would that be?
It's a test of vision.

What do you say to the Holy Amulet of our family, fiend?! Did the situation get too hot over in Königsberg after I suggested a little vampire chase to the Baron?
You've made a mistake, Dengelbrack!
In your arrogance you've meddled with somebody who is far superior to you!
Oh really, I've got a different opinion about that!

And then Dankwart nails him again with the Amulet.

You'll regret this, Dengelbrack! Sooner than you feared!

Exit Wahnfried.

Dankwart, old boy... that was a good one...
First thing tomorrow I'll be calling the citizens of Falkenburg to chase this fiend!

A scream is heard.

I have your wife, Dengelbrack! And I'll be keeping her until you change your mind!

Wahnfried had disappeared... and my wife with him. I knew I had no time to lose, so I gave chase immediately, just the way I was. He made it easy for me! Strolled through the streets of Falkenburg in the bright moonlight and told everybody he met he was traveling east... to the Eastern Marches... here! The tracks he left were unmissable. From here they went further south... to the Icy Wasteland. Again, I followed him...

The tracks... they're getting lighter! I can barely see them in this snow storm! And here the tracks end. Gods, help me! I know, I've been missing, but...

What?! A trap!
Your hunt is over here, you old fool! You'll never see your wife again!
No, we're not finished yet, creature of darkness. The gods are on my side! Feel their wrath!

And once again, he busts out the Amulet.

Always with the same move, you old fool! I am prepared for this!

The Holy Amulet! It's gone! Gods, help me!
Those haven't been serving you anyway. Your experiments probably weren't to their liking!
What did you do with Doria, bloodsucker?! Where is my wife?!
I'll gladly tell you about that. She is still in Castle Falkenburg, but...
She is now my companion!
Ahhh! You monster! You...
Silence! You are no longer in charge here!
Listen well, old man! You will never return to Falkenburg! Otherwise...
...I'll sic your beloved Doria on you!
I could...
You're nothing without your worthless talisman, so don't disturb me any longer! I'll leave you alive...
So you can see how Falkenburg blossoms under my rule!
Doria... DORIA!!!

...And so I returned from the Icy Wasteland. I had lost everything that was near and dear to me. What could I do? Without the Holy Amulet I had no chance against Wahnfried and his cronies. I ordered my last follower to guard the passage to the Eastern Marches! Harkon Lukasz! He guards the canyon leading to Falkenburg... or Düsterburg, as it is now named. And he will not budge until a new, legitimate duke from my bloodline, equipped with the insignias of his office, retracts my order.

The Holy Amulet is still somewhere in the Icy Wasteland.
Your Libra has got it in her head to find the Amulet and take Wahnfried out once and for all!
If only I had shut up in front of her!
But I so rarely have the pleasure of having guests...
You don't have to blame yourself, Dankwart. It was her choice alone to find the Amulet for you. I will search for her. I have the secure feeling that it's my fate to find her.
I think so too... although I hate having to send another young person into that life-endangering region.

1) Would you like to come with me? - 2) Please tell me the way!

Well, there's no sense in asking him to come along - he's just an old fart vegetating away. Let's get some directions.

Move west until you reach a signpost. Follow that in the south direction.
I hope I'll see you soon again.
So do I.

And then we leveled up. Still no skills.

...well then. Let's talk a bit about that exposition flood. To sum up, that old coot used to be the duke of what is now known as Düsterburg, but the vampire Wahnfried swooped in after getting driven out of Königsberg, stole his duchy, stole his wife, and basically ruined his entire life. Also, Dankwart was working on some Frankenstein mad science poo poo and trying to find the secret to immortality. To add to that, Grandy can't get the name of some woman named Libra out of his head, she just happened to have passed by after just happening to have suffered the same bout of amnesia Grandy did, and now we're going to be going into the Icy Wasteland to find her and the Holy Amulet that can apparently deal with that vampire problem.

...but that will have to wait. Next time, hopefully less talking.

Tin Tim
Jun 4, 2012

Live by the pun - Die by the pun

Tin Tim easily claims the first post :v:

I'm going to take a seat here, because I know this game like the back of my hand. It's really charming, and has a lot of good humor, a neat story and tons of things that you can find off the beaten path. If you're into Rpgmaker games and can read German, you really should have played this.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Diggin' the background artwork for some of the locales. I've never played an RPGmaker game because I just assumed they were all like Awful Fantasy. This game looks pretty interesting though. Lookin' forward to seeing how it unfolds.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

So right off the bat we get into Dr. Frankenstein trying to fend off a vampire with a holy talisman. Yes, this is gonna be the good poo poo. And it might help a little with my German!

a cartoon duck
Sep 5, 2011

If nothing else this is really making me wanna play Vampires Dawn again. VD was the only RPGMaker game I played when they were a big deal here, and even then only because it was practically impossible for a while to buy a gaming mag that didn't include a cd with the game on it. I was only dimly aware of UiD because it usually got mentioned whenever VD came up, but by the time I completed VD I was pretty burned out on RPGMaker stuff already so I never bothered with it, so I'll be following this thread closely.

fake-edit: I just checked the VD website, the first game got a novelization last Halloween. It's kinda amazing how long a somewhat obscure RPGMaker game series managed to survive.

Tin Tim
Jun 4, 2012

Live by the pun - Die by the pun

a cartoon duck posted:

I was only dimly aware of UiD because it usually got mentioned whenever VD came up, but by the time I completed VD I was pretty burned out on RPGMaker stuff already so I never bothered with it, so I'll be following this thread closely.
To be fair, VD was long as hell. Being fed up with Maker games after finishing it, kinda comes with the territory. Still, it was very popular back in the days, and pretty much deserved it. No matter what you think about the whole vampire thing, even though it was long before the mainstream hype, the story is neat and the game scratched at the limits of what you could do with the RpgMaker. I remember how impressed I was with the system behind your powers, and the humanity scale that was connected to it. Iirc, there were a lot of things that would have a lasting impact depending on what you did, and of course, there are also the different endings that you could get.

I don't wanna derail the thread right from the start with other games, but there are a couple of German RpgMaker games that are really good!

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

a cartoon duck posted:

If nothing else this is really making me wanna play Vampires Dawn again. VD was the only RPGMaker game I played when they were a big deal here, and even then only because it was practically impossible for a while to buy a gaming mag that didn't include a cd with the game on it. I was only dimly aware of UiD because it usually got mentioned whenever VD came up, but by the time I completed VD I was pretty burned out on RPGMaker stuff already so I never bothered with it, so I'll be following this thread closely.

fake-edit: I just checked the VD website, the first game got a novelization last Halloween. It's kinda amazing how long a somewhat obscure RPGMaker game series managed to survive.

Yeah, VD was fuckhuge, and VD2 was even worse. I spread the game out over months and still ended up burnt out.

There are even plans for a third part being made, but they're stalled after a failed Kickstarter.

Tin Tim posted:

I don't wanna derail the thread right from the start with other games, but there are a couple of German RpgMaker games that are really good!

Go right ahead. My threads have little activity as a rule anyway, so anything related is cool with me.

Feb 16, 2011

Someone is going to have to LP this "Vampires Dawn" thing and show what all the noise is about...

Anyway, this particular vampire game looks pretty interesting so far. I've never liked ATB and RM2k3's version is basically all the worst parts of the system, but I at least like the way it looks here. That dog attack animation... Also the dialogue in battle is neat. "ORK SOON WITH MY ANCESTORS!" :allears:

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

vilkacis posted:

Someone is going to have to LP this "Vampires Dawn" thing and show what all the noise is about...

Anyway, this particular vampire game looks pretty interesting so far. I've never liked ATB and RM2k3's version is basically all the worst parts of the system, but I at least like the way it looks here. That dog attack animation... Also the dialogue in battle is neat. "ORK SOON WITH MY ANCESTORS!" :allears:

I might actually do VD after this. I think that if I can make it through this without going crazy, then I'll probably be able to do VD as well, just given more time.

And this game isn't using the ATB system, since it, like Vampires Dawn 1, was made in RM2K, which still used the older, FF1-style combat.

EDIT: Actually, Vampires Dawn 1 was popular enough to get an English translation that was only released in 2012:

So by all means, check that out, it's well worth a look.

TheMcD fucked around with this message at 00:41 on Feb 16, 2014

Oct 21, 2010
I can already tell I'm going to spend most of this LP frustrating myself by attempting to translate the text in the screenshots before scrolling down to find out if I was even close. Not complaining mind, I wouldn't have you do this any other way. I've just got two years being surrounded by the language as a young child (US military base in Germany, joint NATO op), and one year of jr. High german making my brain go "Hey I can read that! Wait, oh mein Gott, vas ist that word!?"

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

Update II - Zoinks, Scoob!

So, the last time, we got a bunch of exposition and some directions to follow. This time, we'll finish exploring this area.

And just a little bit west from Dankwart's shack, we find a grave with a ghost!

Ohgodohgodohgod... there's something spooking around that gravestone!

But for now, we're going to ignore that guy and instead move north.

Here, we have the inn! My favorite part about this whole place, because it's cheap full healing, and cheap full healing is never a bad thing.

As you can see, we've got an innkeeper at the counter and a cook in the kitchen. We'll be making use of both of their services soon enough, but my HP isn't in terrible shape right now, so for now...

...I murder some more rabbits for XP and spare change.

To the east of the inn, we find a little shop and one big burly armored motherfucker. Let's talk with him!

Not one step further, stranger. Nobody gets past Harkon Lukasz as long as the rightful duke doesn't reign.

1) But I want past! - 2) All right, I'll go look for him.

Well, maybe he'll let us through? Let's pick the first option.

Then you'd have to beat me in combat, and nobody has managed to do that in twenty years, young man.

1) I don't care, I still want through! - 2) Oh well, then bye.

Yeah, I'm not loving with this guy. Mostly because I know he fucks your poo poo sideways, and even if by some miracle you managed to beat him, it would only lead to the evil creatures from Düsterburg flooding the Eastern Marches and a non-standard game over. Instead, let's take a look at the store.

I'm selling the equipment of those that fought my husband here. Would you like to buy something?

Well, the equipment here is an improvement, but I'm kind of strapped for cash (the best helmet costs 370 bucks, the best armor 620, and I've got 175 right now - and yes, I'm going to be calling this currency bucks, because I prefer the term over the generic "gold", and keeping it as "Taler" just sounds stilted), so let's leave for now.

It's been a pleasure doing business with you.

At this point, I figure I might get into a bigger fight, so let's head to the inn to heal up.

Greetings. My name is Selina. My husband Talis deals with the rooms and I deal with the kitchen. Do you want something to eat for ten bucks?

1) Yes, I'd like that. - 2) No thanks, I'm not hungry.

You can't beat that price! Let's have ourselves some of that.

30 HP restored, not bad. Grandy's HP are in the 50~60 range right now, so that's a full heal for 20 bucks. Now, let's talk with the innkeeper, because that guy always has something to say in games like this - number two information source after the bartender.

Greetings, wanderer. Did you come to rest or to have a little talk?
1) I need a bed for the night. - 2) Tell me a story, good man.

We want some information!

Are you interested in this region, do you want to know what is beyond the bridge to the west, or do the mountains in the south interest you?
1) This region - 2) The west - 3) The mountains - 4) Forget it...

Might as well go down the line.

I'm new here. Tell me something about these forests.
These forests are known as the Eastern Marches and make up the eastmost part of the former duchy of Falkenburg. Compared to other regions, it's relatively safe here. We're simple people who make their living through hard work. Keep away from the old graveyard south of here. People say it's haunted... Dankwart Dengelbrack lives in the southeast, a noble man that had to endure a great amount of injustice in his life. If you follow the road to the west you'll reach the Falcon's Canyon. You'll have to cross it to reach Düsterburg. But nobody has done that in a long time ever since Harkon Lukasz guards the pass and doesn't let anybody through.

I want to know more about the west... is there more going on over there?
The west is dangerous. Used to be that the Baron of Falkenburg ruled over the duchy... well, in a way it's still that way... it's just that the current ruler is a fiend that took title and land by force.
The castle and the village aren't called Falkenburg anymore either, no, the new Duke Wahnfried renamed them to Düsterburg.
That's a dangerous region, where the dead walk amongst the living and nobody's life is safe. Luckily we have Harkon, who guards the only pass to Düsterburg.

So there's mountains in the south... I bet you can ski there and that kind of stuff. Tell me more!
I've never heard of anybody skiing in the Icy Wasteland. That's a cold, life-endangering area. The only people that go there are either criminals that can't stay anywhere else or suicidal. Years ago, some dwarves went there searching for gold, but nobody ever heard about them again.

Well, that was interesting. Now with more information and a topped off HP supply, let's head back south.

There's a pretty big wolf pack over there. I should maybe take a big detour around those...

Yeah, these guys look pretty badass. Instead, let's go around murdering some more orcs and rabbits...

...and heal up when necessary. After some of this, I think we can take a look at what that spooky ghost down there is doing.

The agony! Oh, the unbearable agony!
1) Whoa! What do you mean? - 2) Eat steel, terrible ghost!

So we can skip right to the exorcism by sword, but that's not the RPG way, so let's find out what his problem is.

Well, do you think it's fun going around in circles for centuries at a dreary place like this? Tsk, tsk... Erm... I mean booo...
What do I know what you guys do to have fun...
Boooooooo!!! Do not joke with me, mortal, or I'll give you a taste of the agony I'm living through!
1) Calm down, calm down... - 2) I've heard enough! Die (completely)!

Once again, no reason to start swinging.

1) Can I help you somehow? - 2) I'll be leaving then.

No idea why you'd want to leave here. Let's see what he'll have us do.

It really is unfortunate what you have to deal with... so if I could help you in some way...?
Booo... You'd do that for me? A mortal wants to help a ghost?! I haven't seen that in 243 years.
That's OK. Just tell me what I should do, and I'll make sure you'll be set free.
Northwest of here, beyond the river, is a rock wall. Follow it to the east, and you'll find an entrance. It might be that you have to dig your way through... past that entrance you'll find a vault in which you'll find my remains. Bring them here and I'll give you a ghostly reward. Booooo!!!

:eng101: Not sure what exactly "geistlich" means here. I translated it to "ghostly" since we're dealing with a ghost, but it could just as well be "spiritual" or "religious". Since I can't remember the reward and I didn't find a way to get it right now, we'll have to see where this goes later.

EDIT: Thread to the rescue:

HenryEx posted:

As i said, never played before and i don't know the script - but if it was something like "geistliche Belohnung", it's probably a pun on "fürstliche Belohnung" - which means to reward someone royally (as in, very lavishly / handsomely). But since he's just a ghost and not royalty, he can only reward you ghostly. :ghost:

TheMcD posted:

The original line was along the lines of "ich werde dich geistlich belohnen", so yeah, you might be on to something there. Good catch.

And why are your remains lying there and not here?
You'll find the answer in the vault. And other things will be waiting for you as well.
Only enjoyable "things", I hope. I'll be on my way then. Oh, and there's one more thing I wanted to ask: Why are you haunting this place as opposed to the place where your remains are, which is what ghosts usually do?
Well, what kind of chances for salvation do you think I'd have if I was haunting a buried vault?
Sounds logical. I promise I'll do everything in my power to help you.

This game really seems to be doing that thing where accepting quests or progressing the story by talking to people grants experience, and our dog levels up.

At this point, I head back to the store and buy a grappling hook, some pitons and a rope, because I remember we're going to need those.

While murdering some more enemies, Grandy picks up a new skill - the Sword Dance. This makes him throw his sword like a boomerang, and it has a very specific use - it wrecks flying enemies.

And with that level up, I feel I can probably take on these wolves.

Five at one time! Then let's get at it!

And surprisingly enough, they don't put up that much of a fight and go down fairly easily, netting us a bunch of wolf pelts we can sell.

With the wolves gone, we can make our way to this... thing you can only half see right now (we'll see it fully later) which signifies something we can pick up.

And in this case, it's five hundred bucks!

With that cash and the money we got from selling the pelts, we get ourselves some neat armor upgrades that will help a bunch later.

Next, let's take a look at this cave here.

There's a very strong smell coming out of this cave... smells beastly! 1) Head inside? - 2) No thanks!

There's got to be some good poo poo in there, get in (after saving, of course)!

What a terrible stench!!! It smells like blood, decay and...

Hm, that doesn't seem safe, but nothing ventured...

Holy smokes! What kind of gigantic cat is that? If that beast can't hear well, I might be able to sneak up on it...

You might be able to sneak up on it, yes. It involves moving one square at a time with breaks in between. However, I didn't figure that out at that point, and...


But there's another one of those item container thingies there! Run, Grandy, run!

Yes! The longsword is a great upgrade over our short swords, but there's only one problem...

...we couldn't equip it because this saber-tooth tiger caught us before. This might be bad...


And yeah, it goes about as well as expected.

We try again, and this time it works better. It looks like the tiger caught me, but he moves semi-randomly while going towards you, and he moves away for a bit before I close the text box.


Now that we made it outside, check out that upgrade! 57% increase in combat power! Now all we need is another one of those...

South: The Icy Wastelands
East: Dankwart's Farmyard
North: The Talkative Innkeeper

Well, it looks like we've got nothing much else to do in this area, so it's time to head to the Icy Wastelands.

I can only see a great wasteland - and behind that the snowy tops of an impassable mountain range.

So Dankwart said I should go to the Icy Wasteland... well, I hope this trip is worth it.

And then we spend a day walking to the wasteland, not that time plays any role here.

With that, we've made it to the Icy Wasteland - or at least the pre-area.

The enemies here look a bit tougher...

...but they go down just the same.

A ledge! I can get there with my grappling hook! 1) Use grappling hook. - 2) Screw that!

Get on up there, man!

I can move on here with my pitons...

And move on we do. Up there we find...

The remains of a mountain climber! Search them?

He's not going to need that crap anymore, is he?

This is the Phoenix Down item of the game, smelling salts. Comes in handy.

Then there's one more ledge to use our grappling hook on, and then we've made it to the end!

The end of the pre-area, that is. Next time, we move on to the actual Icy Wastelands!

TheMcD fucked around with this message at 22:02 on Oct 14, 2014

Feb 16, 2011

Whoops! I wonder why I thought it was 2k3... Well, even better, then. :v:

The VD translation is news to me, will check it out - thanks.

I like that blue haired shopkeeper. She looks so happy to be selling the former belongings of fools who got whupped by her husband.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

This looks really cool. I'll definitely be following along.

Sep 21, 2010
willfully illiterate, aggressively miserable sourpuss whose sole raison d’etre is to put other people down for liking the wrong things
Huh, those overworld (troll? Dead body?) sprites are Rand from Breath of Fire II with a slight pallet change. I wonder how many other sprites are recycled into the game?

Regardless, this LP definitely looks interesting.

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

Zore posted:

Huh, those overworld (troll? Dead body?) sprites are Rand from Breath of Fire II with a slight pallet change. I wonder how many other sprites are recycled into the game?

Regardless, this LP definitely looks interesting.

Probably a bundle. RPG Maker games are always a hodgepodge of sprites, artwork and music from all sorts of different sources. For instance, in the few music tracks I've recognized, we've got stuff from Batman, Kingdom Hearts, Castlevania (Super and Dracula X), Final Fantasy (2 and 4), Wild Arms, the N64 Zelda games, the theme from Halloween, and that's only skimming the top.

Like I mentioned in the first update, usage of pre-made assets or making minor changes to those assets allows tiny teams to get a full game out. We're here for the story and a fun game, not for unique sprites and music.

Actually, speaking of music, there was a plan for a version of UiD with an entirely unique soundtrack, but it fell through after only a few pieces could be completed. Those pieces were thought to be lost, but were found in 2006 and were posted up on the official website. Give them a listen, they're kind of interesting.

red mammoth
Nov 3, 2011

Stupid sexy Stalin!
Wow. This looks pretty good for an RPG Maker game. Good work on those gifs and translation, by the way.

Aug 23, 2013

Video Games
Some of these assets look pretty high effort, do you know how long the development cycle took for this game/other high effort RPGMaker games?

Jul 22, 2009

TheBrigand posted:

Some of these assets look pretty high effort, do you know how long the development cycle took for this game/other high effort RPGMaker games?
It varies wildly from game-to-game. Some RPGMaker are decade long labors of love, and some, even some of the really high-quality ones, only take a few years.

Also, I really like the idea of a badass, unbeatable knight who guards a pass that's two steps away from his house and his wife.

Comrade Question
Mar 30, 2011

"I'd say it's nothing personal, but corporations are people, too."
Nice, this really takes me back. I'm not sure if I ever completed Düsterburg, but I do know that I spent a lot of time looking through it in RPGMaker.

Mar 24, 2009

...your cybernetic implants, the only beauty in that meat you call "a body"...
Grimey Drawer
Never played this game before, and i don't think i even heard of it. And if, then only in passing.
Looks kinda promising.

TheMcD posted:

Northwest of here, beyond the river, is a rock wall. Follow it to the east, and you'll find an entrance. It might be that you have to dig your way through... past that entrance you'll find a vault in which you'll find my remains. Bring them here and I'll give you a ghostly reward. Booooo!!!

:eng101: Not sure what exactly "geistlich" means here. I translated it to "ghostly" since we're dealing with a ghost, but it could just as well be "spiritual" or "religious". Since I can't remember the reward and I didn't find a way to get it right now, we'll have to see where this goes later.

As i said, never played before and i don't know the script - but if it was something like "geistliche Belohnung", it's probably a pun on "fürstliche Belohnung" - which means to reward someone royally (as in, very lavishly / handsomely). But since he's just a ghost and not royalty, he can only reward you ghostly. :ghost:

HenryEx fucked around with this message at 12:53 on Feb 16, 2014

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

TheBrigand posted:

Some of these assets look pretty high effort, do you know how long the development cycle took for this game/other high effort RPGMaker games?

As a rough estimate, I would wager somewhere between three to five years for the likes of UiD and VD1, but there's not a lot of data available.

HenryEx posted:

As i said, never played before and i don't know the script - but if it was something like "geistliche Belohnung", it's probably a pun on "fürstliche Belohnung" - which means to reward someone royally (as in, very lavishly / handsomely). But since he's just a ghost and not royalty, he can only reward you ghostly. :ghost:

The original line was along the lines of "ich werde dich geistlich belohnen", so yeah, you might be on to something there. Good catch.

Sep 13, 2011
Goodness, I remember playing this game just a few months after it was completed. Before I played VD, even.
I barely remember anything though, so I'm going to follow this. Maybe some things will come back to me.

Looking forward to the next posts, McD.

Tin Tim
Jun 4, 2012

Live by the pun - Die by the pun

Haha, that drat tiger. I remember how hard I tried to power-game and beat him early. It's almost possible when you grab the sword and spend some time on grinding cash and xp. Overworld enemies respawn iirc, but it takes a pretty long time till they do. But the tiger has like a 50% crit chance, so even the most insane grinders need to be real lucky to get through that. It's best to get back to him when you're done with the Wastelands and the little sidequests there. He has a shiny drop that you shouldn't forget about!

Also, I'm not sure if you consider game mechanics to be spoilers, but I'm going to play it save for now.

You should buy the things for your dog before going forward. Julie can't use normal healing items!

TheMcD posted:

The original line was along the lines of "ich werde dich geistlich belohnen", so yeah, you might be on to something there. Good catch.
Yeah, it's definitely a play on words.

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

Tin Tim posted:

Also, I'm not sure if you consider game mechanics to be spoilers, but I'm going to play it save for now.

You should buy the things for your dog before going forward. Julie can't use normal healing items!

Game mechanics are cool, it's not like there's anything really major there. As for Julie, I'm not even sure I'll bother, since she probably won't be staying in the team for long anyway, and she's such a big tub of HP anyway that she's the one that needs items the least.

Tin Tim
Jun 4, 2012

Live by the pun - Die by the pun

TheMcD posted:

Game mechanics are cool, it's not like there's anything really major there. As for Julie, I'm not even sure I'll bother, since she probably won't be staying in the team for long anyway, and she's such a big tub of HP anyway that she's the one that needs items the least.
You can at least show it for the Lp, if you like, though it's going to take a while before your party shuffles. Remember, you have four spots, so she'll be with you for the whole first chapter, and for like the first quarter of the second, depending on how fast you advance the plot. And besides, if you want to clear all the optional boss fights in the first chapter, Julie will probably need some healing in battle. At least for one of them, because it's a tough one either way. But I don't wanna backseat-Lp here, okay? Do whatever you feel good with, I'm just saying :)

Jul 22, 2007

Hail all those who are able,
any mouse can,
any mouse will,
but the Guard prevail.

Clapping Larry
Is there a little "you are here" marker on that burnt-parchment-lookin' map, or is it just an interstitial screen?

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

Glazius posted:

Is there a little "you are here" marker on that burnt-parchment-lookin' map, or is it just an interstitial screen?

There's two ways that map shows up. The way you just saw it was what appears when a new region is unlocked (where the new region fades into existence) which doesn't have a marker, and there's a different mode when you're traveling between areas that you'll see in the next update that has a marker.

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

Update III - Such A Lonely Little Man In A Cold, Cold Wasteland

So, last time we made it to the Icy Wasteland proper, and now it's time to take a look around!

A whole day of traipsing through rock, mud and snow. I hope this stress was worth it.

Time will tell. The first thing we do is engage in combat with one of these birds flying around.

These vultures are pretty drat tough - in fact, they take only 1 HP damage at best. This is probably supposed to simulate how they're flying and really hard to hit. The solution?

The new attack, called "Sword's Dance", entails flinging your sword at the enemy. It's got one use and one use only, and that is attacking flying enemies. However, it quite excels at that.

And with big damage like that, taking this guy out is not a problem.

This here... something...

...that happens a lot. Running back to the Eastern Marches and using the inn is a lot cheaper than buying healing items, so I regularly make use of it.

Back in the Wasteland, we run into these demon-things.

What kind of things are those?! Aren't cold flames a paradox in some way?

They seem tough, but they still go down fairly easily. Next up, we make our way east.

Over there, we've got something down that cliffside, but we can't seem to get it. Also...

A boulder...

This rock seems important somehow, but I can't figure out exactly what to do. Next, we have a grave:

Brunhild - mother and wife.

So that's the second dead wife we've come across. I bet we're going to get the story behind this one in that nearby house!

A guy, on his own. Seems familiar...

Greetings, my friend. My name is Bernhelm. May I know yours?
1) I am Grandy, a traveller. - 2) That's none of your business!

Once again, no reason to be a dick, so let's go with the first option.

Nice to make your acquaintance, Grandy. Can I do something for you?
I wanted to ask you the same - you look worried.
I do? Pardon me, I didn't want to pester you with the worries of a father. It's my two children, Dada and Dudu - they both went outside to play... and haven't come back in hours.

Dada and Dudu, born to Bernhelm and Brunhild. Now that's a weird shift in naming between generations.

1) Can I help you? - 2) Oh well, then fare well.

Wow, dickish. Once again, we go with the standard RPG player's answer.

That's very friendly of you, Grandy. Sadly, I don't know where they went, either.
No problem, Bernhelm. I'll be back in a jiffy with those little rascals.

So with that, we'd leave. But before that...

Oh, Bernhelm... one more question...

...Grandy gets his Columbo moment.

Why are you living out here in this wasteland with your kids?
A self-evident question, Grandy... but please allow me to not answer that question. It's a dark story. My wife lost her life. I don't want to talk about it.
1) You've got something you're hiding! - 2) Forget it...

We decide discretion is the better part of valor and just leave. The guy's got enough problems.

Next, we move south...

...and find a kid! Wow, that guy didn't try looking around at all, did he? However, I expected a big battle when it comes to bringing back these kids, so I backtrack a bit...

...and fight some more demons!

Holy smokes! Four of those terrible ice demons at once! I hope my sword doesn't freeze!

The sword attack that hits all enemies makes short work of them, and one trip to the inn later, we're back to the kid. Getting a hold of him is tougher than it seems, since he runs around fairly erratically.

Hey little guy, stay still for a second!
Hello, you. Who are you? You look really strong.
My name is Grandy. My dad asked you to bring you home, Dada - or is it Dudu?... Doesn't matter! You and your brother... or sister?
Oh dear! Oh dear, oh dear, OH DEAR!!!

And then he starts running around even more erratically. We get a hold of him again:

That's enough, you brat! Now tell me where your other sibling is, whatever their gender may be!

:eng101: This flows a lot better in German, because the language has gendered articles, as "der, die, das andere Geschwister".

Don't hit me, mister Grandy! Oh my, Dada is missing, mister Grandy! She should have been, too, since we were playing hide and seek. But, but, but that's been soooo long ago and I've given up ages ago, and Dada is still missing! And I don't think she's coming back. What should I do?! I'm her brother, mister Grandy, I should be protecting her...
Calm down, Dudu. No reason to get excited. I'll go look for Dada for you.
REALLY???!!! YOU'D DO THAT??!! That's so nice of you, mister Grandy! I bet you're a really big hero and...
Well, kind of. Please wait for me here and stop running around like that.

Right, so we've got a lead. And if I'm not mistaken, it seems like there's a cave down there.

There's a cave down there. But there's no way down there...

And now I spend about ten minutes bopping around before I figure out what I have to do, since I still have the mountain climbing equipment on my mind. However, it turns out that's not needed at all!

I could get down from here... but it's still really drat deep...

Oh, come on, ya pussy! If you gently caress up, I can just reload anyway!

Really jump? 1) Yes - 2) No

Do it!


Maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all...

Man up! It'd not like you can just get back up anyway!

Oh well! There's no turning back now anyway!

Boing! And we've made it to the cave!

Oh my, that's a lot of bats. And guess what? They don't do anything at all. So let's rescue that girl!

Help me, mister. I fell here through a hole and there's all these terrible bats here!

Yeah, there was actually a hole behind the snowman we could have used to get in here too. Only found that out after recording this.

I see that, little girl! Stay near me, I'll get us out of here!

Now, how could we get out of here? Could it possibly be related to the very distinctly different looking part of the cave?

The wall here looks kind of different...

Oh come on, I've got to tell you to look at this again?

There's light coming in from the top. There's a hole in the ceiling! 1) Climb up - 2) Stay down

Alright, let's get out of this joint and have some progress.

Dada! Dada! Come quick! Daddy's been waiting for so long!
I know, silly. The man will bring us to Daddy.

And one screen further north...

Grandy, Dada told me what happened. We're indebted to you.
It's been a pleasure helping you.
As a sign of my gratitude, let me give you my old set of armor.

And we get some plate armor that's better than the armor I just spent a lot of money on. Them's the breaks, I guess.

And before I forget: While you were gone, somebody was here looking for you.
Huh? Who could possibly know that I'm here?
Oh, the young lady didn't know that, but I told her about you and how willing to help you were. She said she wanted to search for you, but I didn't know where you went...
Was her name... Libra?
Yes, that was her name. I knew that you were good acquaintances.
Well... um... not really. Do you know where she went?
She wanted to start looking in the west.
Then I'll be on my way. It's been nice meeting all of you.
The pleasure was all mine, Grandy. Fare well. I hope we'll meet again some day.

Well, he said west, and west we go!

Fresh tracks... they lead south.

Not exactly a lot of options here...

...and suddenly, there's a ladder here! If we went here before, then there wouldn't have been a ladder, so we had to resolve the missing kids subplot before we can move on.

And for some reason, we suddenly ended up in the Frost Palace from Paper Mario or something like that. Getting all frosty up in this bitch. But before we explore, a chest!

Two small healing items and what I think is one MP regenerating item. Nice, but not really useful to me. Now, let's go through that big gate.

And at this point, I finally remember to equip the new armor, which is a great improvement. Now, let's go through the gate.

Only King Asgard's servants may pass through here.
1) I'm a servant of the king! - 2) Alright, then I'll leave.

Oh, come on, we're totally a servant!

You don't look like one, though.
1) But I am one... - 2) Alright, I'll be leaving then...

What? How does a servant look, then? We're still totally a servant!

Oh fuckshits. Totally forgot we can get into a fight with these guys. How strong are they?


Well then. Wait, when did I save the last time?

OH DOUBLE FUCKSHITS. However, that gives me an opportunity to re-do the missing child subplot and press Bernhelm for his secret this time.

1) You've got something you're hiding! - 2) Forget it...

So let's go all pressure on his rear end!

Please, Grandy. Don't insist on hearing this story. My family was innocent regarding that what happened... just like the villagers that chased us all the way to these wastelands.
1) You've got skeletons in your closet! - 2) I'll leave you alone then.

We're not backing down this time!

Out with it, or you'll taste my blade.
I wish this didn't have to happen, Grandy... fare well.

What does he mean by that...

OH gently caress IT'S MORPHIN' TIME.

Oh poo poo, he's a werewolf.

Hey, Bernhelm! Calm down! I didn't mean it that way!

I still crit him in the face and he goes down.

He transformed into a wolf! No small wonder they had to flee. I bet the whole family belongs to the pack!


Hm... so what's going to happen if I head to his kids now?

You don't have to say anything anymore. I smell the blood of my father on your hands!

... :smith:

Hey, you! Wait! I smell the blood of my father on your hands!

... :smith:

...I reloaded and did that properly. Next time, we're going through whatever this place is.

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

A few things about this update:

1) This update is one of two I recorded in the same batch as update 2, and I only found a very comprehensive walkthrough of this game later. So I'll be showing a few things I'll be missing here off in update 5.

2) The next update might be a while because I'm currently doing a programming course for university which is quite tough.

3) Catch the reference in the update title and win some of my respect!

Feb 16, 2011

That was... unexpected, but pretty cool. Does the path you take have consequences later on, or is it just there so you can be a jerk if you feel like it?

Also I gave the other game a try.


(Everything else seems to be working though.)

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

vilkacis posted:

That was... unexpected, but pretty cool. Does the path you take have consequences later on, or is it just there so you can be a jerk if you feel like it?

As far as I know, there are no consequences to murdering that family. After all, they were driven out of their previous residence and are living in a wasteland all alone. Odds are, nobody would even notice if they were gone.

However, there is a way to find out their secret in a peaceful way. It wasn't possible to do that at that point, though, and I only found out about it through the walkthrough. We'll be seeing it in update 5, probably.

vilkacis posted:

Also I gave the other game a try.


(Everything else seems to be working though.)


My copy seems to be doing just fine. I hope that it was only that map in particular that was corrupted, because it'd be a shame if that came back to haunt you later.

Seraphic Neoman
Jul 19, 2011

Wow. That's...that's dark. I take it you aren't supposed to fight the demon toads?

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

SSNeoman posted:

Wow. That's...that's dark. I take it you aren't supposed to fight the demon toads?

Yeah, there's a way around them, and it involves the whole "not looking like a servant of the king" thing.

Feb 16, 2011

TheMcD posted:


At a closer look, one of the map types was set to use the wrong tileset - it was "house" instead of "house_1". Changing that fixed this map, as well as a couple of other weird-looking ones I found poking around the files. It's weird, but probably harmless.

Seraphic Neoman
Jul 19, 2011

The textbox border is a bit much.

Tin Tim
Jun 4, 2012

Live by the pun - Die by the pun

TheMcD posted:

As far as I know, there are no consequences to murdering that family. After all, they were driven out of their previous residence and are living in a wasteland all alone. Odds are, nobody would even notice if they were gone.
Oh yes there are! The father ties into pretty much the longest sidequest chain of the game, and killing him blocks a good deal of content. I dunno what kind of walkthrough you use the help out(there are several), but I can recommend this one :ssh:

Looking forward to the next update, because the solution for the gate is kinda funny.

SSNeoman posted:

The textbox border is a bit much.
It's a game about Vampires. Bleh :unsmigghh:

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

Tin Tim posted:

Oh yes there are! The father ties into pretty much the longest sidequest chain of the game, and killing him blocks a good deal of content. I dunno what kind of walkthrough you use the help out(there are several), but I can recommend this one :ssh:

Oh gently caress me, I was actually using that walkthrough. Guess I didn't read properly enough.

Tin Tim
Jun 4, 2012

Live by the pun - Die by the pun

TheMcD posted:

Oh gently caress me, I was actually using that walkthrough. Guess I didn't read properly enough.
So it seems :v:

But it's good that you already use that one, because it has every little quest and secret in it. And this game has a fuckton of little things thrown all over the course.


Aug 4, 2007

Cultures thrive on their myths and legends...and snuggles!
Like most of the good RPGMaker games this is coming over as a big labour of love with the unusually high quality combat animations and the dialogue for every enemy type.

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