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May 18, 2008

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Gonz posted:

Can someone give me a Cliff Notes version of this episode? My loving DVR decided not to record it last night for some reason.

Same thing happened to me. The "last episode" thing showed Beeman shooting what I can only assume was a wannabe Reagan assassin? Doesn't seem like I missed much otherwise but I have been away from home for weeks and have no way of watching the missed episode. :(

I'm really enjoying the new season but I wish they'd stop showing Keri Russell as some physical bad rear end. It looks like a strong wind could knock her over.


May 18, 2008

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I thought Beeman might kill Oleg right at the port, but of course that would've been a risky move with his lack of information.

The radio news Arkady was listening to at the end was sad. My dad was also punished for leaving his country the "ballsy" way while others who just hid and waited it out were officially forgiven.

May 18, 2008

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precision posted:

Stan and Phil are like Hank and Heisenberg, except they're both Hank. I am really dreading their eventual confrontation.

Unless of course Stan gets turned, which I think is possible given he doesn't seem to care about his job in any deep moral sense.

I love that I have no clue where this show is going.

Yeah I've noticed a lot of Breaking Bad parallels too. This show should be just as popular, if not more.


I do have a feeling that Claudia's gonna die in the next episode, and we're also going to learn that the reason she's so invested in this is that either the husband or wife were one of her kids.

Interesting idea, the woman definitely looked like she could be Claudia's daughter.

I didn't think we would see Claudia again due to the sitcom, but I hope they can bring her back when it's inevitably cancelled.

May 18, 2008

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I hope the series ends with communism sweeping across the globe and all rich people being up against a wall.

May 18, 2008

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Baloogan posted:

I gotta say that I'm glad the soviet union disintegrated; all the 'true-believers' must be crushed. All their hard work for naught.

That's what you get from this show?

For me it's a nice reminder that not every American saw the cold war in black and white.

May 18, 2008

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xerxus posted:

Do you think they spared the septic guy after?

I figure that long sequence was about Philip realizing that he has to kill the guy due to the gravity of the situation. Especially since he could partially identify the two.

He was very very dead when they got back. Tied up under duress in the northeast winter would do that. His skin was blue/grey?

May 18, 2008

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I just bought season 1 of this for my dad, an ex-American who moved our family to New Zealand because he was so afraid of Reagan's warmongering. Almost afraid to give it to him because it'll make him super paranoid.

Gonz posted:

The reason nobody suspected the 9/11 hijackers was due to the fact that they'd consistantly frequent strip clubs and drink alcohol and do all sorts of non-Islamic extremist stuff. They blended right in.

I worked as a doorman at a casino for a while and was shocked by the number of Saudis that would come in. They'd look all pious in their ID (with traditional headwear etc) but enter the casino looking like Puff Daddy.

May 18, 2008

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Does the death of redhead lady (so bad with names) mean Claudia's coming back? Please?

Zeljko Ivanek showing up while Tobias Beecher is wrecking poo poo is funny. Seems like all the old Oz crew are either on this show, The Walking Dead or doing insurance commercials. They really ruin MY IMMERSION though.

I know these guys are prolific actors beyond Oz but I saw almost nothing in the 2000s due to evening shifts and no DVR.

Great episode overall, with the exception of Felicity turning on light switches with a gun before knowing if anyone was inside or not.

May 18, 2008

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I still don't understand why the kid killed his own parents?

His reaction to their death was one of the most unsettling things this season, and he was faking it for no one in particular?

Great season overall though. Hope it doesn't turn into Phillip and Liz vs the Rezidentura.


May 18, 2008

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howe_sam posted:

Nope, The Millers got renewed.

It's cancelled now. I hope she comes back.

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