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Nov 7, 2012

savinhill posted:

With a really bleak final scene too. Just drat, that look on Phil's face when Liz revealed she was buying into the cause's bullshit about Paige, especially after everything they've been through this season.

The strongest characterization I remember from season 1 is that Liz is a 100% true believer no matter what, and I'm glad they're driving that point home again.

This season really seemed to emphasize their marriage as a real thing and their emotional connection becoming stronger, down to Liz getting weirdly jealous and asking Phillip to bang her the same way he banged his fake wife and then breaking down in tears. So far, the whole Kate/2nd gen kid seems like a really bad play, and if season 3 is now The Center ordering its illegals to indoctrinate their kids, we're gonna see some serious poo poo go down.


Nov 7, 2012
It occurred to me that the reason they're rushing the 2nd gen recruiting is by this point in the 80s, everyone at the top of the USSR must have known how dire their situation was and that America was clearly ahead by miles, and the only chance they have to reach the semi-parity they shared with the US in the 50s/60s is to get someone into a high ranking position in the intelligence community and just steal tons and tons of secrets.

I'd be nice for season 3 to really set up a division between Phillip and Liz where he starts to see the writing on the wall re: Russian being completely out of its depth and close to collapse, but Liz is still "no that's capitalistic propoganda, our children belong to The Cause Glorious Russia will triumph".

Nov 7, 2012

comes along bort posted:

The problem there is at the time few people outside the central committee were truly aware how dire things were, in large part because of secrecy but also what information was available was often unreliable.

No idea how long the show will run, but it'd be really interesting if they included the USSR's dissolution and the continuity in Russia's foreign operations, since the spy programs obviously didn't disappear overnight in 1991.

Phillip has shown signs of starting to see that the US isn't the unambiguously evil monster to the pure and honorable USSR. Some of the times when Liz starts her rants about how monstrous the US and how much better the USSR is you can see Phillip doesn't really buy it anymore.

After the news gets out that they stole the fake propeller data and sunk a sub Liz is horrified and blames Reagan personally, while Phillip is more "poo poo that was a waste of time"

pentyne fucked around with this message at 10:28 on May 23, 2014

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