Earwicker posted:In season 3 Paige as a college student goes for a year abroad in West Germany, falls in with the antifa punk crowd and Philipp and Elizabeth show up in disguise and use her new circle of friends to funnel money to Red Army Faction Oh God I wish....
# ¿ Mar 16, 2014 21:02 |
# ¿ Dec 12, 2024 08:54 |
But Oleg's turned out to be totally awesome!
# ¿ May 9, 2014 11:34 |
Occupation posted:Triple crosses are the logical limit of believability, if they go any further the show becomes stupid nonsense. I don't disagree, but they've set it up with the "deep cover" stuff in the beginning of the show. Then again, this show hasn't been the type to have secrets revealed in flashbacks or anything like that, and it seems like it would have already come up.
# ¿ May 9, 2014 13:44 |
THF13 posted:Arkady made a comment that he doesn't have anyone backing him up if things go wrong, so he can't go out on a limb for her. He specifically told this to Oleg who has powerful family ties because he wants him to help Nina. The question is does he actually care about Nina's safety, or is he using Oleg's affection for her to sabotage his career. Nina might not actually be in danger at all, Arkady is the only one who we've heard say she is going to be deported from. That's sort of my take on it, at least in as much as Arkady I'd dying Oleg up to fall. Giving a traitor money to run away, ain't no family connections going to help him out of that.
# ¿ May 16, 2014 16:41 |
Gonz posted:I enjoyed the Tetris theme being used as a musical motif in several Soviet embassy scenes last season. It's a tune called Korobeiniki
# ¿ Jan 24, 2015 21:23 |