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Jul 22, 2007

I will not go down the hole again good sir.
Anyone know when the episodes get put up on the Logo site?


Jul 22, 2007

I will not go down the hole again good sir.
Right now I have a feeling that the top three is going to be Bianca, Courtney and Ben. Well, maybe not Courtney but Ben and Bianca have been on point and flawless all season so far.

I knew I was going to love Ben before the show aired, since I was already familiar with her (She is amazing live, best queen I have seen besides Latrice). Bianca I thought would be super funny, but I didn't expect her to be as polished and amazing as she is.

Jul 22, 2007

I will not go down the hole again good sir.
Judging by all the stuff I have seen people talking about on social media, I think out of these three Bianca is well ahead of the other two in terms of popularity and will probably get the most votes.

Though, I have a feeling Ru will pick Adore.

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