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Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
I'm not entirely sold on Joslyn, but I'm sort of hoping for her to become this season's Alyssa Edwards.


Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
I totally called Trinity being a hidden gem! I liked her attitude in the Meet the Queens. I hope she goes far. She's got that Tyra beauty but a much better personality.

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009

CHiRAL posted:

And yeah, she kinda does have the best make up artist ever.

This gif matches up perfectly with Klaus Nomi's "Keys of Life" and I love it.

I can't be the only one who isn't sold at all on Courtney. She just seems so boring. Sure, she's very """real""" but there doesn't seem to be much beyond her looks. Her look isn't even all that extravagant. She just looks like a regular lady.

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
I haven't been watching Untucked this season, but has Joslyn been involved in any drama at all? I'm hoping she can quietly sneak her way into the top that way. She's way more fun and flexible than some of the other glam girls *cough*COURTNEY*cough* and I wanna see what she does with the inevitable wacky food challenge they always seem to whip out toward the end.

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009

Combed Thunderclap posted:

(assuming Bianca doesn't end up taking it).

Bianca isn't getting Miss Congeniality 'cause she's gonna win. :ssh: I loved Trinity at the start but she's definitely out in the next few episodes. Same for Darienne. As far as Joslyn being in the background, let us not forget that Jujubee never won a challenge in her season and not only made it to the top 3 but also to All Stars.

You know, last season I hated the Coco/Alyssa bullshit, but this season I'm kind of missing the rivalry element. The "conflict" between Ben and Darienne seems cobbled together and it's a total snooze compared to Coco and Alyssa or Sharon and PhiPhi.

Grape Juice Vampire fucked around with this message at 20:47 on Apr 3, 2014

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
The double shontay was WASTED on Ben and Darienne. <:mad:> Even though I adore Joslyn, I think she should have been in the bottom more than Trinity.

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
I think they learned after two seasons in a row of the returning queen flunking out. Calling it now: Bianca's gonna win next week and Courtney's gonna get sniffy about it. Joslyn's either going to be eliminated or pull something amazing out of her rear end.

Also, if you have the chance to see Shangela live, DO IT. She did a free show at my school and she's INCREDIBLE. She's also incredibly tiny.

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
Found this on Tumblr:

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
This is some bullshit. This is honestly the most unjustified elimination I've seen in all six seasons of the show. The manufactured drama is not worth that.

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
I can hear those pictures of Alyssa Edwards. Also, I actually really like LaGanja's look for that one.


Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009
I just rewatched Season 5 for the first time since it aired. I've gotta say it's been my favorite season to date. Roxxxy is still a whiny baby, though. Next up, Season 4!

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