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Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Just caught up on the second episode and I love this group even more than the first. I thought Trinity was going to be another Tyra Sanchez after her intro outfit + the Béyonce love, but girl was giving me life tonight. Did not see that coming at all - serious dark horse.

Darienne might have made the serious big girl mistake of wearing a sequined...bag...thing...that just about every big girl on this show has made, but Magnolia made the fatal mistake of being both completely unlikeable and completely unwilling to play the Drag Race game.

Oh god I'm watching Untucked now and Magnolia literally says "You really should know how to sew" about herself. "I want the exposure...for the ego." Forget the ego, someone disconnect her id from her mouth please dear God

Milk, Courtney, Bianca, all awesome queens, good people, and cute guys. :3: Still rooting for Darienne though, a big girl's gotta win it someday!

Jocelyn is a pretty traditional sorority girl kind of contestant, but she's also adorably clueless. Not going to last in the bigger pond, unfortunately, where Adore Delano has that poo poo on lock down.

Speaking of which...loved the way Bianca immediately read Gia Gunn, out of all the queens in the other group, as soon as she laid eyes on her. Shots about to be fired out of both barrels :allears:


Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I agree, I would have loved for Milk to say why she chose the beard. There were plenty of possible reasons other than "wow my style"; my favorite overly intellectual idea is that the beard was perfect because the toga party has a uniquely masculine, frat boy imagery associated with it.

Still love ya Milk!

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Sparda219 posted:

I desperately want to like Adore but she needs to bring it, she's got talent but she needs to shine that poo poo up fast to keep up with the others.

Milk continues to be fun and incredible, Bianca's precision bitchbombs hurt so good and even though she's not that impressive skill-wise so far I think Joslyn is just so bright and cute.

I am already really tired of Gia. She is so nasty and not in a fun Bianca way, just an unpleasant person all around. I don't like her style or her presentation skills. :/

Been over Adore from the beginning, I just don't get the attention paid to her. I guess she's good enough to be interesting, but her loudmouthed celebrity act only ends up setting the bar too high for her to clear. And in another great example of the importance of expectations, Joslyn's (relative) quietness is only highlighted her surprisingly good work on the challenge and her super cute look on the runway. She might really be the black horse of the competition. :allears:

Now, Gia, I actually like — because she's owning the role of this season's villain. And unlike Miss Phi Phi, who was just a big ol' ball of sad, angry passive-aggressive, Gia is just aggressive. I can work with that.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Pinwiz11 posted:

It was a brilliant decision to have the girls bring out their Best Drag for their second runway. Have they done this before?

I think they've done this before, but I remember it being relatively later in the season. Doing it this early on is a great way for the girls who want to make their mark to really make their mark, setting up a good baseline to judge their creative flexibility against.

Bremma posted:

I was also super bummed to see Vivacious go, though I had a feeling it was going to be her instead of April even with the killer lipsync. Really wanted to see more Vivacious. They keep getting rid of the ones I like :(

I too loved Vivacious, and would now go to one of her shows in a heartbeat, but I'm glad she's gone a little early. While having her drag be rough around the edges was definitely part of her charm, under the camera lens it just started to seem increasingly threadbare. Glad she got to go before things started to really unravel.

Still would have much preferred to see Adore sent packing, though. :sigh:

EDIT: Oh, singing challenge next week? No wonder she got saved from the bottom 2, they wanted to keep her on for at least one more episode.

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 18:54 on Mar 11, 2014

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

The first 10 minutes of the next episode are always posted on the LogoTV iPhone app. Someone seems to be ripping the video from them for non-iPhone/app-havers, though.

And goddammit I wanted whiny Miss Trinity sent the gently caress home over April. April had spunk and talent. :sigh:

Other girls on my drag hit list:
- Darienne: You wore another sparkly bag thing, and then got out-acted by Gia. Seriously???
- Adore: You're probably going to be sticking around for at least another episode or two after you showcased your voice but goddamn if I don't want your messy brat shtick gone.
- Laganja: Love your style but there hasn't been an episode yet where you don't emotionally break down harder than a Chevrolet.

Love the rest of you, you can all stay. Now an official Courtney Act fan girl, by the way, I'd watch her on Broadway any day. :swoon:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

curiousTerminal posted:

The more screentime Gia gets the more I want her to leave. She thinks she can throw shade but it's more like she limply tosses a parasol at you and expects you to humor her and open it.

I just find it amusing, but I'm crazy. Seems to have more performance chops than I expected, too.

Michelle's Whatcha Packin' with April is up, and, like Vivacious before her, she names Dela as one of the Girls to Beat. Ben's kinda been flying under the radar, as she doesn't seem to have had the same kind of editing spotlight that others have had. Wouldn't be surprised if she makes it to the Top 3.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

If her and Adore are this insecure and constantly on the brink of a meltdown off the show, then they must be a gruesome twosome to be around.

FYI there's usually a couple of queens every season whose mental poo poo is most definitely not together, and they almost always come out of it with good relationships with everyone. The whole on-set environment is a pressure cooker, so while the softer cookies start crumbling pretty drat fast, but they're usually much more than half-baked out of the oven.

With some exceptions.


Can I say something that might be controversial? The bloom is off Milk's rose for me.

You are not alone. Milk has been doing a bunch of avant-garde poo poo, but she hasn't really gotten the spotlight no matter what she tries. I'm not 100% convinced it's 100% good poo poo either; the make-up job in this episode looked way too similar to Trinity's. Milk is sliding to the back of the pack, and not in a dark horse way. Speaking of which:


I'm growing to like Joslyn; she's not drag superstar material, but she's fun to have around.

Tati, Jessica, and Joslyn (and Alyssa Edwards, for that matter) give me life. I'll take a dorky, sweet, up-for-anything queen over a shady lady any day. Long live the Black Horse!

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

God what a bitter end to Gia. Not cool.

Laganja was totally out to lunch this episode. Apparently she left a comment on a YouTube video saying that the producers didn't allow her to take her "medication"; my guess is that she was self-medicating with pot for anxiety or depression because I've never seen anyone break down that frequently. Shame if that's the case, looked up some of her performances and she's far better than what she's been serving on the show. Could just be the pressure of the show, but regardless it just seems like she's just unraveling. :sigh:

Besides those two, I still just love everyone else and the way they work with each other. It's going to be painful to watch the girls go after Laganja gets gone.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I don't think this has been posted here yet:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Carlton Banks Teller posted:

Can anyone here articulate the rampant fan support that I've see for Gia?

What rampant fan support? I feel like just about everyone, myself included, turned against her after that totally hateful exit. She was a great example of unintentional funny right up until she was very intentionally nasty.

Bina posted:

Alaska's twitter- Alaska5000 Thank you @GiaGunn for this exclusive interview-- I love you.

Case in point. (And Alaska continues to impress even more than when she was on the show.)

People who can go now: Laganja (aggressively mediocre), Darienne (no more sparkle bag I can't handle it), Trinity (snooze zone)

People who are going to lip-sync next week if they don't get their act together: Courtney :sigh: (with the chance to get to the final 3 or 4 if she pulls a comeback because Ru eats that stuff up)

People who will be in at least the top 4 if they can wear a floor length dress just once: Adore

Everyone else can stay, although I feel like we're approaching the point in the competition where Joslyn might be in danger if she flubs something. :ohdear:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Xibanya posted:

But given that the elimination comes down to lip sync, if you're gonna be a one-trick pony on this show it's a great trick to have!

Not necessarily. No matter how fantastic a lip syncer you are, your chances of living another day drop dramatically with each lip sync. Hit two before the final showdown, and you're almost guaranteed to go out within the next episode or two. Hit three, and you're about to get gone.

Only three queens have ever survived past three lipsyncs:

Alexis Mateo (S3): Won three times to make it into the Top 3 (and arguably only won the last time because Yara lost her poo poo)

Jujubee (S2): Won her third time to make it into the Top 3

Coco Montrese (S5): Won her third time...and was eliminated right after.

If you want to see the cold hard numbers from last season, computational social science blog Bad Hessian did a statistical analysis that basically confirms the rule. Even the talented lipsyncer Trinity is very, very likely to get kicked if she screws up one more time. Three strikes, and you're out.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Grape Juice Vampire posted:

I haven't been watching Untucked this season, but has Joslyn been involved in any drama at all? I'm hoping she can quietly sneak her way into the top that way. She's way more fun and flexible than some of the other glam girls *cough*COURTNEY*cough* and I wanna see what she does with the inevitable wacky food challenge they always seem to whip out toward the end.

This season's Untucked has been surprisingly fun. Joslyn stood up to Gia when Gia came for Milk for not being fishy, but that's it. Not sure what that means in terms of her chances for survival, though; slipping into the background can be just as dangerous as being in drama showdowns, and truly excellent drama can keep you and your rival around long past your expiration dates (Alyssa-Coco, PhiPhi, etc.). It's only helped her image, though, and she's my current favorite for Miss Congeniality (assuming Bianca doesn't end up taking it).

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

What youtube video did this come from?

Also decided to discover Adore's youtube video and it's the best :3: She's grown on me like mold. Delicious mold. I'd be cool with her being in the top 4.

If you want the T on the new episodes all you need to know is BIANCA ROCKS LAGANJA IS MENTAL. Which is to say, nothing really new. They're the best episodes yet.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

^^EDIT: The cracks that suddenly appeared in Ben's persona were astonishing, considering how polished she's been so far, but not exactly unexpected now that I think about how much of a persona it really seems to be for her. :(

CHiRAL posted:

I wonder if Courtney shot in all directions like she always seemed to do in the previous episodes but only the Joslyn shade got edited in to create drama or to keep people from wanting her on the top 3. I wouldn't be surprised if they're still friends now.

Word from Courtney's twitter feed is that they were friends throughout the competition, but that it's a really...pointed...edit.

Which is what someone would say under the circumstances, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Unless she became an egotistic über-bitch overnight, which is possible given the alternate title of this show, Drag Queens in A Pressure Cooker.

(Or, as Bianca put it early on, "Drag queens in a contest...the only thing worse is prison")

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

But seriously, watching Laganja crumble was glorious (I am an awful person, yes). I also will accept the possibility she has a personality disorder, because seriously.

I'm still standing by my sorta crackpot theory that she had to go off weed for the show, and with each week we see her go further and further into withdrawal, and more and more into the kind of anxious, reactive behavior that some people I know "self-medicate" with weed for. Or, to put it another way: the Ganja was keeping her less Estranja, badumtish.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Bina posted:

If THAT is the way you behave when off your 'medication' then, drat. Girl needs a specialist.

The people I know who do self-medicate with weed are also not coincidentally rather unpleasant and combative when they aren't fresh off the weed train. Girl definitely needs a specialist.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

sethsez posted:

Laganja fell over a lot.

You described it so accurately, it's like I'm really there! :allears:

Can't wait for tonight's episode, especially since I get to appreciate the "You've got She-Mail!" line for one of the last times. :sigh:

From the RuPaul's Drag Race Facebook:


We wanted to thank the community for sharing their concerns around a recent segment and the use of the term 'she-mail' on Drag Race.

Logo has pulled the episode from all of our platforms and that challenge will not appear again.

Furthermore, we are removing the 'You've Got She-Mail' intro from new episodes of the series.

We did not intend to cause any offense, but in retrospect we realize that it was insensitive. We sincerely apologize.

Oh joy, the show that taught me the most about the idiocy of the gender binary is deciding that now is not the time to be irreverent of...the gender binary. Great job everyone, we cured RuPaul's blatant transphobia. :downs:

EDIT: Just to be clear, using "she-male" in a derogatory fashion against transfolks is awful, no question about that. Drag queens using a pun to talk about themselves, though, doesn't exactly come across as an anti-trans slur.

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 16:30 on Apr 14, 2014

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

This is definitely connected to the recent Twitterstorm a few weeks ago about the whole "Female or She-Male" mini-challenge that did get a lot of people who had never watched the show jumping down LOGO's throat. They then migrated to the "You've Got She-Mail" thing as further evidence of LOGO/RuPaul being anti-LGBT. The actual mini-challenge, as people failed to realize, just made the very drat big point that gender is incredibly malleable, but someone used one of the no-no words, so it's off to the races.

If you really, really want to read more about it, trans activist Andrea James wrote a piece on the controversy and the basic fact that Twitter is probably awful for cogently and calmly discussing just about anything.

On topic, looks like Chaz Bono and friends are going to be doing the talk show challenge on tonight's episode! Based on the trailer, one of the queens really screws up. Can't wait!

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Grape Juice Vampire posted:

The double shontay was WASTED on Ben and Darienne. <:mad:>

I'll take Trinity over Darienne any day, and it really seemed like she was hitting her stride too. You coulda gone to top 3 girl :negative:

Joslyn's time was up, and I'm ready to see her go. Black horse or not, she's seriously outmatched on the runway at this stage of the game. And they tell Adore she's coasting on charisma.

My faith in Courtney is restored because she was a manipulative little minx this episode! As soon as Ben told her to be sensitive, she started pulling out all the stops — right before that smug little "Won another challenge" :smuggo:confessional. Clever girl. Would be a lock for top three in any other season but in a crowd like Adore, Ben, and Bianca, there's no guarantees.

Ben still gets the best line of the episode though: "My exoskeleton is in disarray!" Dela for Queen of the Nerds! :toot: Queen Bee Bianca isn't always going to be there to read a bitch, though, should have told Darienne to put a sock in it. :colbert:

Ninja EDIT: Also if you want to bring a tear to your eye thinking about queens of prior episodes, Alaska has the Most Heartwarming moments of Season 6 to help you out. :allears:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

^^EDIT: Jealous. :colbert:

I'd be fine with bringing back Gia Gunn April to off Darienne and Joslyn before packing her bags herself, but I agree that the show's realized that Ru eliminates queens for a reason.

I am 100% fine with Shangela making it on the show every season and then always getting eliminated every season (to appear for exactly one episode later in the season, of course). One of the fiercest, most ridiculous queens when administered in very small doses.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Good-bye Joz, it was your time to go, but you made this season a lot more fun. Womp womp :razz:

I'm so sad that Adore seems to be starting to lose it. I've really come to love her, but it's sink or swim at this point, and while she keeps bobbing to the top, floating doesn't count as swimming in this competition. Like all Reality TV shows, this show is as much about psychological endurance as it is "the competition", and since the next challenge is one of the "do three looks" challenges that totally stressed out Roxxy, Alaska, and Jinkx last season, queens who were really at the top of their game — and one of the previews seems to show the infamously non-sewing Adore starting to break in the workroom in front of Ru — , I don't think she'll be long for the Race. :sigh: EDIT: Or, even more likely, I'm easily manipulated by producers who are about to give Adore the biggest loving Redemption Edit ever.

Still a possibility that someone could really screw up, either on the runway or in the lipsync, but it would take a hell of a lot of screw ups to lift the Three Strikes Curse from Adore if she has to lipsync. On the other hand, after wearing yet another bag down the runway in this episode, I'm 100% fine with Darienne getting ruthlessly sashayed by...just about anyone, really.

Tin Miss posted:

Definitely looking forward to tonight's episode as a palette cleanser. Might watch some Beatdown too for good measure. I'm loving #Holepic.

Bleh, your post reminded me what a dramatic mess Season 4 was. This season has been great, objectively and by comparison, and I really think only the goofy, unreplicable low-rent fun of Season 1 can rival it. I've loved every episode, with the exception of the first, and even then at least DeLa was fun to watch.

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 07:15 on Apr 22, 2014

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

dude789 posted:

I was kind of unsure about whether I really wanted to have Bianca win because then she would be ineligible for All-Stars and the more Bianca we get the better, but then I figured out a perfect solution that would preserve the integrity of the competition while giving us maximum Bianca screen time. After Bianca wins, just have her replace Santino as a permanent guest judge. That way everyone wins! (except Santino I guess.)

Yes please god.

It's not going to happen (have we ever had a single other drag queen even guest judge? World of Wonder's not about to let another queen upstage their moneymaker) but the comedy gold coming out of Bianca's mouth during the runway and judging would be priceless.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

gently caress. They threw Dela under the bus in the name of plot. (Barring a wild game change, the Top Three are a lock now; Dela versus Bianca versus Courtney versus Adore would be too unpredictable apparently.)

This is Coco versus Alyssa all over again (in more ways than one: in both instances, a shady queen beat a rival quirky queen despite lip syncing three times).

I'm pissed.

EDIT: At least the race for Miss Congeniality just got a lot tighter.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

CaptainScraps posted:

So were those stupid sparkly bags.

I've been clocking her for that since episode three. Ugh.

On the brighter side, Untucked is incredibly cute, and I just love the dynamics between the top five. :kimchi:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

caligulamprey posted:

I don't understand eliminating Dela unless it's just Ru locking a story arc down where they bring Dela back to eliminate Darrienne two or three episodes from now, that's the only way I can make sense of the choice. I was hoping for April or even Trinity to show up again, but now I've got my fingers crossed for Ben.

We're out of competition episodes. Next week is the last one (one last person gets eliminated), then there's the Rucap episode (no new content) and the Reunion/Who Won episode. No one's coming back this season.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Watching the episode right now and oh my god it's so close this year :ohdear:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

"It's like the Wizard of Oz, you kill a witch, or a few, and at the end you get nothing."

Aw, Darienne. :sigh: You were the trashbaggiest queen of them all, but you werqed them trash bags good. Farewell.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

QuickbreathFinisher posted:

I honestly have no idea who's gonna take it.

I'm keeping my bet on Bianca — she's been the favorite for a reason. But while she might have been working this whole season like her life depended on it, after that last episode, I feel like Adore or Courtney now at least have a chance of snatching the crown. (Sadly, after bumping off Dela, Darienne never had a chance of winning that popularity contest.)

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Young Adore actually strongly reminds me of Young RuPaul, who was no perfectly polished queen either, but was most definitely a drag superstar. And Adore is definitely conceptually TV ready, if you've watched any of her YouTube videos (or, you know, the show).

Bianca's act being too harsh isn't going to knock the crown off her head. From a conceptual standpoint, actually, I think her well-intentioned "Everybody Say Hate" kind of performance is incredibly complemented to the RuPaul brand, while evoking some old-school bite that RuPaul sometimes lacked.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Music video kicked rear end like none of the other videos have. The top 4 all looked amazing. Really feel like this is the most consistently solid, fun, funny season since Season 1 (which can never be duplicated or topped in my book). Adore and Courtney are going to get so many bookings after the season finishes and they deserve every one of them.

Bianca won't be getting any bookings right after the season finishes, since she'll be busy furnishing her new apartment she got with the $100,000. :smug:

Carlton Banks Teller posted:

I really liked this season's recap format

The Drag Race separates the queens who do TV well and who have charisma from the ones who don't. Taking the popular, camera ready ones who have risen to the top of the show and people's hearts is brilliant. World of Wonder now has a whole
stable of Big TV Personalities that just keep getting better and better as they accumulate on-camera experience. I know Drag U wasn't a big hit, but if World of Wonder don't put together another kind of Drag Revue TV show, it's a lost opportunity.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Finale was actually pretty fun considering that it doesn't look like they're going to give up this super fake "big public pageant" style any time soon. Prospects look good for attracting a similarly professional group of queens for Season 7 next year. With superstars like Bianca finally realizing that the show's not just for the small fry it's only going to get more competitive. :getin:

In the meantime, let's just all cross our fingers that they do more than six episodes for All Stars 2 (this fall?).

EDIT: Also, All Stars speculation! I'd love to see a mix of:
April Carrion
Trinity K. Bonet
Carmen Carerra

I won't be super excited to see but have a feeling I'll end up seeing:

Delta Work
Alyssa Edwards (I've OD'd on Alyssa thanks to her YouTube videos, love her kookiness normally)
Victoria Porkchop Parker
Ongina (only because I don't want my fond Season 1 memories of her to get ruined! But girl could use some more publicity)
DiDa Ritz (or some other low-ranked cannon fodder).

I'm automatically DQing all the queens who have already done All-Stars, of course.

CHiRAL posted:

Courtney was such a good sport about everything :unsmith: I love those 3 together.

Anyway Adore's new music video is out
and I don't like it

I would have much preferred all three to win, but that's apparently too hippy dippy even for RuPaul.

I liked the new video, it's quintessentially Adore — dirty, ditzy, and with a really current sound.

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 19:22 on May 20, 2014

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

curiousTerminal posted:

I know basically nobody really likes Phi Phi after season 4, but I wouldn't be surprised to see her on there either.

I purposefully omitted her because I couldn't stand the thought of watching her on Untucked again. Ugh.

By the way: her newly crowned Royal Highness requests that we give her our cash. Who am I to refuse?

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

the truth posted:

Has anyone been following the tranny drama the past few days?

I've been following it pretty avidly, since the RuPaul WTF podcast interview sparked off another series of Facebook/Twitter drama aftershocks that have been ridiculously entertaining, but it's nothing you can't already guess at. (The Drag Race subreddit's been overflowing with reactions and responses if you want to dig through them.) I honestly don't feel like talking about what queen said what after Bina's posts, because they so clearly illustrate how this "controversy" means absolutely nothing in comparison to the pain that assholes are inflicting on people being themselves.

Pandora did, however, recently repost a link to a blog post by gender theorist Kate Bornstein that articulates the whole issue in ways far more meaningful that I ever could — if only because she's someone who's really been in the trenches of queer culture over the past few decades. Bornstein also wrote a more recent post on the controversy that I quite liked. Alternative views welcomed if you disagree, of course.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

QuickbreathFinisher posted:

What is up with the clip-art and stock photo/music quality of these? They all look like lovely community college graphic design projects.

I personally can't get Robin Thicke's lovely Blurred Lines video out of my head now. Not that I don't appreciate the font Helvetica, but I'll be damned if it's this season's graphic theme.

Anyone have any awesome performances by this season's queens they want to share? I was first introduced to Kandy Ho via this video and loved it:

Also thrilled after watching her Meet the Queens video that she has a personality. Someday there'll be a Puerto Rican queen that can go the distance, I just know it... :sigh:


Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

CHiRAL posted:

That bear santa is the guy from Mean Girls :aaa:

Oh...oh my. :blush:

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