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Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
My top three are





Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
I don't know if I like the two premieres.

Adore's face was good, but she looked busted as hell in that getup.

Ben is going to eventually have to show her vulnerability. That act will not last long.

April and Adam are like peas in a pod. Peas having lots of sex

Everyone else was super bland.

I hope ViVacious kicks Kelly's rear end to kingdom come. Hopefully King's Landing.

I hope we get to see Gia evolve. Girl has some geisha realness.

I think I forgot about Laganja, but i'm sure she's a contender. That girl knows how to work her bodyodyody.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Pigasus posted:

I hope Vivacious wins too. I like her approach to drag much more than Kelly's and I will not cheer for someone who talks smack about Willam.

Other than Ben De La Creme, I didn't see anything truly impressive. Honestly, I don't like the cattiness:talent ratio in this batch of queens. The only one who was sweet was Ben and she made the best dress of the group. The other ones just seemed mean, but not witty.

I have a feeling Adore and Bianca are going to have an all out bitch fest this season. :allears: Ben is the best.

Bina fucked around with this message at 03:22 on Feb 22, 2014

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Who will be the first to snatch their wig off during LSFYL?

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Pinwiz11 posted:


I'll finally be able to see the episode that everyone else has watched so far...

I am going to lose my poo poo if VI starts voguing.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
When will Logo upload the episode & untucked online?

I HATE the video player on Logo!

Bina fucked around with this message at 09:45 on Feb 25, 2014

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
I am from Seattle.

I am ashamed that a queen THAT lack luster came from here. :colbert: I will NEVER pay to see Magnolia after that. drat.

As for everyone else~

Milk- I am lactose intolerant, and I want to eat you up. Pretty all around, and I LOVE that she is keeping to her character! YOUGOGURL

Darienne & Bianca- I am in love with both of your personalities. When I grow up, can I be like you? :allears:

Courtney- Stop relying on that BODY. I love that you are a polished queen, but do you have what it takes to get to the TOP?

Joslyn- Full of giggles. Lots of giggles.

TKB- I loved the space princess look, but something was screaming at me the whole time. I think it was the back lining on her face? It looked a little busy.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Why can't we just have an all stars where the challenges are "CAN YOU DO IT BETTER THAN MATHU?"

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

CHiRAL posted:

Because the answer is probably "No." :allears:


Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Why didn't Gia or Adore go home? :argh:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Poor April. I wanted to see Gia go home.


Adore- Better put that waist in a cinch, gurl. Not so fond of her gown, want to see more pretty trash diva.

Milk- I wouldn't bat a lash if Milk went home for being herself. Milk is the more original queen to her look than Sharon is imo. GO MILK!

Bianca- I love you. I could listen to you all day. :allears: The more I look at Bianca in drag, the more I realize it makes her look YEARS younger. That bitch can beat her mug.

TKB- If you can take the confidence in your lipsync, and put it in your overall spirit for being in the competition, that be great. I'm getting Akasha vibes from Season 1!

Ben- The shoulder piece was a bit much, maybe a sleeve of rhinestones would have been more elegant? I want to go see Ben perform live. :sigh:

Laganja- Poor girl. Just when you think you're family is supportive, there is always that ceiling that you hit. Some parents just can't handle seeing their little babies grow, and fly away from the nest.

Vivienne Pinay- (Oh wait, Joslyn Fox. MY BAD) Hair was a little thirsty, but overall, I liked your look better than Gia's. I agree on the whole 'ignorant' thing, only because one queen bashing another queen over 'You're not ________ drag' is infuriating. "Aren't we all just a bunch of clowns, anyway?"

MDL- Girl, you were super adorbs in that dress. LOVE IT~

Courtney- You won, but that whole 'I know it all' act is getting old with me. Girl needs to lay off the drugs, and show some vulnerability already.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe


I thought looking rough was part of the schtick? It was like Milk was taking the piss on unspoken nasty judgments media likes to pass off on women. She pulled off looking like an aged/washed out star past her prime and pregnant all at once. Milk wasn't going for best-dressed at the Tonys, but for the falling star who gets photoshopped worse on tabloid covers that cruelly speculate on who the father isn't. I agree on wanting to see her diversify because I don't want her to go home! More Milk please!

I understand Laganja was in a delicate place after the message from her parents, but Bianca immediately apologized once she caught on Laganja was upset at the comment and not just overwhelmed by the moment. I guess she was still too upset to accept the apology instead of having an awkward breakdown but wow, I'm over Laganja already.

You know, it was her moment. :colbert:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

I think my gut is busted. I laughed so drat hard.

Edit: I too noticed the immediate resemblance to the Six Flags man.

We need a video of Milk prancing around to

Bina fucked around with this message at 09:27 on Mar 26, 2014

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

afterhours posted:

I don't understand why the winner of Season 1 is competing in Drag Race again.


As for the episode tonight-

Welp, that was a sad ending. If you're not good enough to be a freak, and not good enough to be pretty, than what ARE you? :(

Team Milk forever!

LOLZ at Gia's letter. I love Bianca~ Little Rolodex O' Hate.

Joslyn is really growing on me. Girl's hair is THIRSTY, though.

I'd like to see Darienne, or TKB go home next. Maybe even Courtney if she can't show some vulnerability.

As for Ben- I'd like to see more interesting things. I wanna see that girl WERK. I think we'll see that soon.

Lagana is a snooze fest. Super whiny, and really shady with the passive-aggressive behavior. If you can't say exactly when someone hurt you, then shut up. It's hella rude. Not surprising that Gia was continuing to hugbox Laganja through that letter.

Adore is stepping her game up- All the girl needs to do is get that runway look DOWN. THE HOUSE DOWN.

At least Ben and Courtney are still in for my top three. I'll stick Joslyn in there to take Milk's place. Sad that my favorite freaky Dairy Queen had to sashay. :(

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Darienne's trash-bag coat/dress was awful.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Alaska's twitter-

Alaska5000 Thank you @GiaGunn for this exclusive interview-- I love you.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

CHiRAL posted:

April's runway look for Crazy Sexy Cool :swoon:

Now, is it just me or is Courtney a little extra vicious towards Joslyn because she knows Joslyn idolizes her? Not sure what to make of it but she really isn't living up to my expectations.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Can we have some gifs of Alaska's face, here?

Bina fucked around with this message at 18:50 on Apr 7, 2014

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Props to TKB- Girl, if you keep this up, I might be rooting for you after all.

Bianca murdered that challenge. Bianca can have all my money. :allears:

Poor Ben. :( I hope she can really show how crafty, talented, and witty she is. (And some vulnerability)

HOLY poo poo THAT DOUBLE SPLIT. OH MY GOD :woop: Joslyn is one of those queens who I really want to see more of. I really like her.

Darienne... You're next. :frogout:

I hope Adore can put all of that behind her. In that Untucked... Wow. Just... Wow. Laganja really needs to go see a specialist, she even said that Alyssa told her her forte wasn't drag.

I honestly want Courtney to go home now. What a bitch.

Top three renewed:

Bianca, Ben, and Joslyn. :colbert:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Combed Thunderclap posted:

^^EDIT: The cracks that suddenly appeared in Ben's persona were astonishing, considering how polished she's been so far, but not exactly unexpected now that I think about how much of a persona it really seems to be for her. :(

Word from Courtney's twitter feed is that they were friends throughout the competition, but that it's a really...pointed...edit.

Which is what someone would say under the circumstances, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Unless she became an egotistic über-bitch overnight, which is possible given the alternate title of this show, Drag Queens in A Pressure Cooker.

(Or, as Bianca put it early on, "Drag queens in a contest...the only thing worse is prison")

I'm still standing by my sorta crackpot theory that she had to go off weed for the show, and with each week we see her go further and further into withdrawal, and more and more into the kind of anxious, reactive behavior that some people I know "self-medicate" with weed for. Or, to put it another way: the Ganja was keeping her less Estranja, badumtish.

If THAT is the way you behave when off your 'medication' then, drat. Girl needs a specialist.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe


Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

According to this advocacy group, the federal government does not recognize marijuana as having any medicinal value (which is loving bullshit I mean, a shame, since cannaboids show great promise as anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory medication) and still qualifies it as an illegal substance. Using medical marijuana is a very dicey proposition, despite state laws. So I'm sure Logo doesn't want to be held responsible should someone's marijuana use get back to the channel.

What Laganja really needs is a behavioral therapist to teach her life skills.

Final note: I tend to use he/she interchangeably because I'm flighty and can't keep my words straight.

I also sometimes cannot really put a word in it's correct spot.

I try to pay attention to the non-tumblr trans talk, so I can learn the right way to address people.

If it looks like it's a female, and expresses as female it's her.

If it looks, and expresses, then it's him.

If I cannot tell, or if they do not have a very obvious gender expression, it's they.

If it's a drag queen, it would depend on if they are trans outside of drag. Aka Carmen Carerra, Monica Beverly Hills, Sonique, and Kenya Michaels I would always refer to as her. I would only ever call a drag queen him outside of drag, or even in drag depending if they were out about their gender identity. Some queens I just call her because of their amazing talent of imitating the gender of being female, while identifying as cis.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Nihonniboku posted:

I think Ru called it best when LaGanga was saying that she speaks like that all the time and everybody loves her, to which Ru said, "Girl, that's the night club." I'm sure on stage that worked great, especially with people knowing that she is Alyssa's daughter and Shangela's sister. Having to listen to somebody speak that way 24/7 isn't even the problem. It's just the way that LaGanga did it, it sounded so forced and fake. She just didn't seem like a genuine person, even to Adore who has known her for years.

Two, to be exact. :downsrim:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Whalley posted:

She had to not smoke weed 24/7 to be on the show.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Article that popped up on my FB feed about the 'She-Mail' segment.

My take on it:

People do have the right to be upset, but what is a drag queen?

If you take away the insult-comic side of Bianca, what do you have? :( Drag Queens are so much more than dressing up as a female. (Que Milk)

All together, I didn't find the 'She-Mail' side of Drag Race offensive (I find that it was always a jab at Tyra Banks). However, calling Carmen Carerra a She Male is offensive. It's how you apply it.

The challenge of Female or She-Male was offensive. Using the words She-Mail as to parody She-Male imo isn't offensive.

It's not the Trans community's job to harass Ru Paul's show. Everyone watches the show, and up until NOW, they complain about it? Or is there a long line of complaints that the show has received, and Ru Paul has ignored it, because he believes in having no boundaries?

Either Way, they just have to change it to Ru-Mail, or something else that won't get Ru harassed for trying to make people laugh.

Bina fucked around with this message at 02:28 on Apr 15, 2014

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
^^^ Beat me. Sorry!

Bina fucked around with this message at 11:02 on Apr 15, 2014

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
ARGH! Where's the episode? drat you, Logo! :byodame:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Joslyn :burger:WTF?!?!?!?!?:burger:

Trinity's runway look was the strongest imo. Holy crap.

I loved Ben's look. I think Ben should have won that challenge. Fly realness made me itchy.

Courtney still seems hoity-toity to me.

Poor Bianca. Forgot to talk to both guests. It's surprising to see her stumble like that.

Darienne is next! GO HOME!

Adore's runway was absolutely atrocious. Dat lipsync... Holy crap. Giving me Carerra/Gemini acid flashbacks. :pcgaming:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Can someone make me an avatar sized version of the top image?

Bina fucked around with this message at 23:38 on Apr 15, 2014

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Who should be on Season 7?

Christeene Vale! :woop:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Akashia mother fuckin' broke the dawn. :colbert:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

"Gentlemen" "Woman"

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Can we not post who gets to pack at least until the online episode airs?

Kind-of a bummer for me. :sigh:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
I am waiting for Bianca to read Darienne to filth over her looks, and getting by each challenge without getting read for those incredibly plain, and comparable looks. :allears:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
I actually yelled at my monitor. That's a first.

gently caress Darienne, both her and Courtney are sneaking into the top three. It's bullshit.

I am incredibly pissed off that Darienne stayed. Courtney should have been in the bottom two for relying on her body yet again.

I don't understand why Ru kept Darienne... It's going to bug me the whole ride out.

At least I live in Seattle, and I can go see Ben whenever she has a show in town. :unsmith: It's profoundly shocking to see the winner of Snatch Game go home this early.

As for Bianca...

I hope she or Adore kicks those two dead-weights to the curb. I wanna see Adore's performance art vs Bianca's steel-clad charisma.

As much as I liked Courtney,


is really creeping me out. I am not a fan of the bug-eyed look.

Bina fucked around with this message at 09:45 on Apr 29, 2014

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
WHAT IF Whomever gets sent home next episode gets traded?

Double elimination- Traded out for whomever is voted back on for final three?

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
There is a petition going on...

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Sonique is lookin' real pretty. :3:

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
How is the countdown going? Anyone have a link to show the votes for each queen?


Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Venus D'Lite... :stare:

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