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Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

I let out a loud laugh when Shangela's face popped up.

Awesome OP for sure. Super ready for Monday.


Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

The less Jeffrey Moran, the better. That guy was the worst, behind Santino.

And drat, Trinity's teeth is all kinds of jacked up out of drag. Looking like Lynesha with a Tyra grill. Goddamn.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

CaptainScraps posted:

Girl, you can't be talking about teeth without mentioning Gia Gunn's ENORMOUS overbite.

Also they need to bring back Kristen Johnson and Terri Nunn.

Not while Alyssa Edwards roams the earth. She's got an overbite for days.

Finally finished with the first episode, and I can tell Lajanga is going to get on my last nerve. Her shtick during the judging really grated me. I really want Vi to go far this season. She's just fierce all around, and that runway walk was everything. Ben De La Creme is another who I'm rooting for, especially with that dress she made for the challenge. I was really impressed with just how finished it looked.

Seconded on the "Milk is handsome as hell out of drag" bandwagon.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

caligulamprey posted:

I worry she's not sticking around since she doesn't really show up in the Untucked intro.

But goddamn, when she did, it loving killed me.

It might be a Tammie Brown Eh-gently caress-It situation, or a Human-Wallpaper Ivy Winters situation.

That picture just made me excited for next week's episode. It's like she came out of a deleted scene from Pickle Surprise.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

Saw Joselyn Fox and all I could think was, "who asked Vivian Pinay to come back?"

Also, holy poo poo Magnolia was just stank. That nose was all kinds of wrong and her attitude was the worst. I can't believe she made it on the show.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

The Heathers thing was really obnoxious, but I always though that out of all of them, Delta took it to heart the most. There's always gonna be someone who takes being in a clique really seriously, and Delta was that person.

Raja looks amazing in that video. That hair color is gorgeous on her.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

Can I say something that might be controversial? The bloom is off Milk's rose for me. I dunno, she's just not bringing it for me the way I hoped she would. Her performances have seemed a tad underwhelming, and I know she can do better with the makeup - this look was subpar and didn't really fit the requirements of the challenge. The aids ribbon coulda been more prominent, or maybe a shitload of ribbons, something to humor it up. But I'm optimistic all the same; Alaska was unsteady when she started and then got her footing by the Snatch Game; so maybe Milk just hasn't found her groove.

I don't think it's controversial to say that now. I'm still a Milk fan, but it definitely feels like she's holding back, believing her club kid aesthetic will get her far enough. I do hope she pulls through, but with the way she's floundering, I'm getting worried. The makeup was off, that dark lipliner and wearing the same pair of shoes again are just not a good look.

Gia flipping out over being called ignorant was hilarious to watch. If you're reacting that harshly to something you say you're not, you probably are ignorant. Also, I'm over with the way Bianca does her eyes. That white liner with all those lashes are doing her no favors.

Laganja is another that needs to go, only because she needs to get her mind right. She comes across as someone who's trying way too hard to fit in, so she goes overboard with all the mannerisms. That whole "I'M GONNA SPREAD MY WINGS" was just awkward to watch.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

I really believe that when queens use "this is my drag" as an explanation for their critiques, it comes across as an excuse to not push themselves out of their comfort zone. The whole point of being on the show is not only to show what your aesthetic is, but also be versatile with said aesthetic to fit into whatever runway challenge Ru and company throw at them. Sharon gave them some glam looks while still sticking to the spooky poo poo she does, and Jinkx gave some glam in the middle of the season while doing her 50's/60's drag. It's completely possible to be more sharp in your looks without giving up what your schtick is.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

drat, that is perfect. Got the couch fabric and everything. Really wish she had stayed on the show, just for that outfit.

Thank Jeebus Gia is gone. I just couldn't deal with her voice anymore, on top of her stank attitude. That "you're all still dudes" line was real lovely. Laganja and her "I don't know when you hurt me, but I know you did" can go next. Where the hell did that come from? Does not being high make you that paranoid or something?

I'm officially on the "Milk is on borrowed time" train. Granted, that boy Ru look was totally different and it left me dumbfounded, but I got done posting about how "this is my drag" was an excuse to not push herself, and here she was doing the exact thing. If there's anything I dislike more than a boring queen, it's a stubborn queen.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

"He came down the runway in a suit looking way better than most of the drag queens did in gowns."


I'm not sad to see Milk go. If she aced the challenge and did a better glam look, she'd be safe. She did look nice with the makeup on the runway, though.

Totally rooting for a Ben, Bianca, and Adore final three.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

Saw this on another site, but does it ever ring true on what Laganja looked like in episode 7. That off center widow's peak kills me.

I'm really happy she's gone. Her affectations were really grating and it was kinda cathartic to see the rest of the queens call her out on it.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

I didn't think anything could beat the goat and Brock Lesnar version, but I was wrong. So very wrong. Thank you for making my Saturday that much better.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

Bianca's so good that I can overlook her white eyeliner, and I can't stand her white eyeliner like Michelle can't stand the color green.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

Yes! Best news all day. I need more cracks on that youtuber who called pink eyeshadow pomegranate.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

"Do you ever feel like, nothing is real?"

"Yeah, I was on Drag Race."

I am so happy this is back. Can anyone explain Joann Prada, because that video was... just what was that?

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

Episode 2 is up... goddamn it.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

Pinwiz11 posted:

New Beatdown!

OMG that last video I was LIVING.

I legit stopped paying attention to Willam and just focused on Ms. Dupree. That performance was incredible.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

I don't even remember where I read it, but supposedly it's starting on March 23rd or something like that. I am not happy waiting an extra two months for this. Not happy at all.

Fresh Like Zafo fucked around with this message at 06:19 on Jan 14, 2015


Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

That queen in that cinched-to-the-gods corset... :psyboom:

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