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Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

I love Vi (Vivacious, Vi Vacious -- they billed her differently in pre-season and actual footage, so whassup with that?) but I am starting to worry that her parts are greater than the sum of what she is. NY queen, club kid, old school, yes yes YES. And I love her turns of phrase. But I think she's gonna be out by episode 3 at this rate, 'cause she is not a machine built for this competition. :(

I like Laganja a lot more after seeing the Untucked because she let her act drop for a minute. Adore has resting bitchface syndrome, which I love because I suffer from it also. Gia -- I wanted to hate her from the episode preview because I thought she was all affect, all apperance. And then the untucked kind of ... confirmed that. No, she was bein' real, that's just Gia. I don't yet know how to feel about that. I don't think I like it, but I guess I appreciate her for not being two-faced about her impressions? They are giving her an awful LOT of confessional time though, so either she has to cool it, or they have to send her home before wearing it out completely.

And that 10min ep 2 preview... When Courtney walks out and stands next to everyone, it was just bizarre. I don't think the fishiest queen is the best by default but, like, drat. Talk about your contrasts. I hope she can bring the funny and a big personality. Also, Bianca. I expect Bianca to stay for a good long while, but she should replace Santino on the panel for future seasons.

I agree with Michelle Visage's comment about how this season doesn't have chum to sift through for the first 7 episodes like usual. This is competitive as hell, just 'cause I like so many of them. drat. Wonder how my view of prior queens might've changed with a split promo in past seasons?

Roughest field ever though, imo. I'm glad all these queens are going to get the RPDR boost going forward.

Carlton Banks Teller fucked around with this message at 12:56 on Feb 25, 2014


Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

I had no trouble playing episodes once I paused adblock. And once I paused adblock, I was treated to Manila advising me to check my HIV status 5 times in a row throughout the episode.

I don't even care if I have to watch ads to support logotv. Just, loving... VARIETY, PEOPLE!

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Meow Cadet posted:

Aaarrrgg!! I can only watch about 4 or 5 seconds at logotv before I get a runtime error. It's driving me nuts!

Pause your adblock. Sad, but true. :(

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Both Absolut and Interior Illusions are no longer sponsors. Chuck and Al Travel and Boobs for queens remain to be seen...

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

CHiRAL posted:

Almost forgot!
I wanted to post this since someone mentioned good YouTube reviewers last week but the review didn't come up in my search results for some reason. My favorite YT reviewer is one Miss Fingerdoo, you may have heard of her as she is the official reviewer for OutTV which airs RPDR in Canada. She is a delight :allears:
I think she has done reviews all the way back from season 4 (on her old channel as she got the OutTv gig around season 5, I think?). She also reviewed the reruns of Season 1 in between. Anyway I love her and you should too I am so serious :kimchi:

Yes, yes, yes. I sometimes feel like I'm over Wilma and that her reviews annoy me. And then I take a break. And then I see some more of them, and gently caress it, Wilma is just loving delightful.

Ms. Fingerdoo is like the queen in all of us, speaking for the crowd.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

QuickbreathFinisher posted:

Aww, poor April. One day, Puerto Rico. But miss Trinity TURNT it out, although that was another case of a song hand picked to favor one queen over the other.

I was surprised Joslyn was safe, she was pretty rough and nothing like her character. Wasn't she supposed to be the butch one?

:woop:SNATCH GAME NEXT WEEK!!!!:woop:

Looks like Bianca will be Judge Judy (great call on her part), and Adore as Anna Nicole. Milk is doing Julia Child and Ben is Maggie Smith. Trinity had pink hair so probably Nicki Minaj, Gia is (surprise) Kim Kardashian, and I have no idea what Joslyn's is. It actually looks a bit like Tatianna. Laganja has a hat and shades, might be another Gaga. And did I clock Darienne as Paula Deen?!?!?! :swoon: I didn't see any hysterically mischosen characters present, although it looks like Courtney is doing Fran Drescher, and her accent work in the horror challenge was...not ideal. :ohdear:

e: looks like Joslyn is Teresa Giudice from RHONJ.

Snatch spoiler: I saw a suggestion that Laganja is Rachel Zoe.

I tend to hate the musical/skit-like challenges, but credit to this season's girls 'cause they turnt it out. A couple awkward things but nobody was bad and it was more entertaining than cringy this year!

During season 5's abbreviated runways, Logo would upload an extended segment along with a less-edited judges panel after airing. Hopefully they do that for tonight.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Propaganda Machine posted:

Snatch: I'm really looking forward to Judge Judy and Julia Child :allears:

Honey, they better play up the Julia Child vs. Paula Dean angle, or at least go hard on some butter-love between them. Judge Judy can moderate.

10 min ep. 5 preview spoilers: Ben is a fuckin' makeup wizard, that is seriously good oldface makeup. Now, how is it going to be funny? ... We'll see, but I have faith in him. Bianca as Judy is SO appropriate -- nothing to sweat there at all. Barring a surprise breakout I think Bianca wins.

Carlton Banks Teller fucked around with this message at 12:54 on Mar 18, 2014

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

The first 10 mins of each future episode has been leaked right after the prior one airs. I think a few have been on, but the episode 5 preview link I'm aware of is unfortunately too close to :filez: to share. Check the subreddit for 10 minute first looks if you want the preview each week, in any case.

Carlton Banks Teller fucked around with this message at 15:06 on Mar 18, 2014

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

I loved Ben in the snatch game, the citrus vodka comment had me rolling. Also, Joslyn has surprisingly grown a personality over the past few episodes. Her edit at first made me think of her as a creepy, dumb elf. Tonight, I thought she was actually funny/sweet!

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

drat April. I love how she's seizing the opportunity! She totally has helpers and is better at painting for photo than camera, etc. -- but that's a good-rear end photo, and she isn't going to be hurting for work going forward.

Love Alaska's videos too, but the voice is bugging me. The reddits say that was Alaska's voice pre-RuPaul, but I liked the deep, more natural drawl.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Can anyone here articulate the rampant fan support that I've see for Gia? Like, she's gone, and I haven't seen a lot of her stans here on TVIV, but I see them everywhere else and I DON'T GET IT. Like, I want to say her fans just don't get that both she and they are too stupid to do shade in a clever/non-catty way, but that seems awfully dismissive. Yet... I haven't seen anything about Gia in the competition or other media to change my opinion. Am I arguing with morons?! I... I don't even know anymore!! Her letter was just the poo poo-cherry on a Gia poo poo-cake. I was amused and scandalized by Kenya's letter. This? This just re-affirmed my low opinions.

This week's main challenge marked the 2nd week in a row where any prior season would've sent me cringing, but this one legitimately resulted in laughing a few times. I have bought in a bit to the fandom saying "things feel rushed" since last year and the year prior we'd already had a double-elimination at this point, and the library doesn't usually open until there are only 7? queens left. That said, this was one of the best libraries overall, and the rap was nowhere near as awful as it would've been even a season prior. Makes me wonder what kind of robot-crazy-business queens are going to show up for season 7!

Darianne's trashbag coat for the rap was poo poo, much like her rapping, but I feel like they didn't want to put her into the bottom since she was wearing the same runway look as Triana. :v:

Carlton Banks Teller fucked around with this message at 18:22 on Apr 1, 2014

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Episode 8 results reaction: Thank gently caress Laganja is out. YES GAWD MAMA OKURRRR *weak pop*

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

CHiRAL posted:

Finally, something I can expertly comment on! EP 8: that is not what knitting looks like, this audience was rigged! :colbert:

It definitely was, the guy who 'fell asleep' was Jinkx's drag-a-veteran from last season!

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

It really is something that I agree with Darienne being the season's PhiPhi while Courtney (who I DO still enjoy) spent eps 7 and 8 kicking a puppy.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Bina posted:

~spoiler images~

oh. my.

Trinity to me is the best when she's doing nontraditional or overly-theatrical (oxymoron for a drag queen?) makeup. Her first runway is still my favorite she's done thus far, but that piece there is PRETTY GREAT. The others, also great. This is from the next episode I assume/hope? Best runway ever if that's any indication.

I still really like Courtney, and feel like she's getting a weird edit (see her being super-charismatic while credits roll, plus some untucked moments). That said, she was needlessly rude. She and Joslyn are apparently still friends on the social medias, but then again, she also maintains that her comments to Joslyn weren't shady, just "helpful". I agree with her main point that Joslyn's runways are/were unpolished but drat, there had to have been a more tactful way to say it. I don't want her to lose because of what she said; I just wish she were popping more on the main stage to help take the edge off some cattiness 'cause that's all she's really stood out for since the musical challenge.

Carlton Banks Teller fucked around with this message at 00:58 on Apr 10, 2014

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Trig Discipline posted:

I am up for as much Latrice as the world sees fit to show me. True story: the other day I was feeling kind of cranky and stressed out from work. On the walk to my car I suddenly remembered the existence of Latrice for some random reason, and then I heard his laugh in my head and I just started smiling really big and immediately felt better. Latrice is like the Great Barrier Reef: even if you never see it in person, it makes the world feel like a better place just knowing it's there.

I'm honestly surprised Latrice hasn't been doing web shows of some sort. Whether it's the Dear Abby/Q&A stylings of Misty Eyez's youtube channel, or logo/WoW made a web series where Latrice plays Oprah to down-and-out reality TV stars, there's a goddamn audience for it. It'd be the kinder, gentler Wheatdown that make you smile like puppies.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

I hate the lip syncs but goddamn that was a good one. I honestly didn't think Adore would be much of a dancer. Looking forward to next week's; the sneak peek made it seem like Courtney will be a target, but since it's a make-over challenge I don't see it going poorly for her.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Someone on reddit posted links to all the sections of the recap in order, ad-free, in an html cut-and-paste format; the media source is Logotv's own page so I don't think it's :filez: but I sure didn't see them listed on the site when I looked.

Anyway, here it is if you're in a hurry.

I really liked this season's recap format; it seemed heavier on prior season queen's commentary and much less canned 'skit' stuff than I remember from last year's, at the least.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

I've only ever watched the episode of Drag U with Willam as a professor; I came late to Drag Race and haven't gone back to watch the rest of that yet due to lower interest in those queens. That said, I like the idea of it and I'd love to see some of the queens I favor from seasons 4-6 taking a crack at it, for sure. Plus, Lady Bunny needs TV time.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

I actually did watch the first two or three eps of All Stars! Having that as a first exposure to some queens, I feel like the only person on earth who thinks Mimi was trying to bring it and Pandora was HER albatross who gave up instantly based on past prejudice, not the other way around. It's hard to watch the complete seasons when you already know the top 3/winner, since the earlier seasons have a lot of filler-queens.

I've caught a few other random episodes here and there as well: some of classic Tammie, enough to love Ongina, enough to love Raja, enough to love Jujubee (which I've heard is NOT the standard response?!), and enough to not understand the Raven-love. Definitely queued it all up for the next down season, though -- at least until All Stars 2. :allears:

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

I do enjoy me some Transformations. A lot of the WoWPresents youtube channel stuff is pretty watchable! You linkin' that made me check their new feed, and this just went up a couple hours ago: Adore, Bianca & Courtney at Rehearsal. Video makes me want a drat reality show following the top 3 around for their coming year of joint live gigs. Also,

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Kuros posted:

Something I always think about when watching RuPaul's Drag Race is who do you think helped or hurt their image the most? As performers, they should realize that people are going to see what they do and make decisions to see them perform or not.

I'd be more inclined to see Bianca over Laganja for example.

I think everyone came out with a net boost apart from Magnolia and Laganja. People who were fans of those two are likely not going to stay away due to their image on the show, but I don't see them making many new fans.

I think the two biggest beneficiaries are Kelly Mantle and Adore.

I say Kelly because even though she left after 1 episode she still got to show her brand of humor. I wouldn't go see her lipsync, but I'd see her do a stand-up or theater gig. Dropping a single the day after her elimination also worked out well for her. Consider this extremely unscientific measure: Kelly Mantle's 'Eliminated' has 69,641 views (1497 likes) on youtube while Chad Michael's 'Tragic Girl' has 16,457 views (223 likes). Relative merits of each song/video aside, that's some exposure.

Adore is obvious; in two months she went from a WeHo baby queen to drag royalty with a tumblr army. Her biggest problem is that I get the impression her most die-hard fans are underage and can't get into her shows, but I've also heard the performances she's doing lately are amazing so I don't see Adore failing to pack in crowds by any means.

Honorable mention: April Carrion is doing pretty well for herself too for being another early dismissal.

Carlton Banks Teller fucked around with this message at 02:12 on May 16, 2014

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Jinkx's warm-up routine. Her music stylings aren't my thing, but as someone who's been feeling like Jinkx is a bit over-exposed and starting to feel old ..... OK, she's a winning performer and I'm back on board.

edit: And a part 2 of Alyssa's Secrets with Shangela. I love their chemistry more than I love either queen alone.

Carlton Banks Teller fucked around with this message at 01:23 on May 20, 2014

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

They actually filmed four endings, one was a tie scenario between Bianca and Adore. What I would prefer is to do a pre-taped reunion episode of 30-45 minutes, and then cut to the live crowning that they're still going to do tonight anyway and just broadcast that poo poo. You get to catch up with everyone where it's calm and real, and then you get the pageantry of the live show.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Echo Video posted:

I didn't realize that was a spoiler until you said it was a spoiler, I thought it was just one option.

so I guess you were the actual spoiler there

Nobody knows if it's an actual spoiler, it is literally just one option unless the truth is RuPaul or one of RuPaul's staff. I could edit it out, but it's ... behind spoiler text and seems utterly silly to get snuffly about it since we know nothing apart from that it was a thing that happened, very likely just to throw people off.

Sorry for ruining season 6, guys. :shrug:

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Yeah, things went as I expected. Very glad they didn't go with a tie; how awkward must it have been for Courtney when they filmed that?!

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

CHiRAL posted:

A lot of past queens skipped this one now that you mention it...

I know Willam (and possibly Detox?) skipped because he'd just flown back into the country the day the finale was shooting and didn't want to deal with getting ready in a couple hours and taping all night, apparently. Too bad he wasn't included in the Rucap episode either. :geno:

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

graynull posted:

An interesting clip from Marc Maron's WTF podcast with guest Rupaul discussing the word 'Tranny' and the recent outcry about word policing. Sounds like a good episode; I always like hearing Rupaul talk about life and politics.

Oh wow, the most interesting thing there to me is that Marc Maron is interviewing RuPaul these days. I'll definitely be catching this one.

I fully 100% agree with RuPaul's stated beliefs on gender in this snippet: "We have established that this is all a joke." And I do think drag queens have been on the front line and been pivotal to that idea gaining tread in the mainstream, and certainly can claim partial ownership of the "tranny" label.

That said, a drag queen can still remove the drag and "pass" as at least a gay male in today's society, with all the implicit privilege that does and does not incur. People who are trying to transition from one gender to another (or none?) can't erase everything with the simple power of a make-up wipe, though.

If certain terms are, broadly-speaking, being used to fetishize them and further otherize them while they're in a particularly vulnerable position, like ... who is actively being hurt if you stop using the labels that do double-duty as slurs?

I've known too many people in my life who were hurt by tranny/she-male/ladyboy to just brush it aside as folks being oversensitive tumblr warriors; I think this is something that RuPaul will come down on the wrong side of history with (at least until the labels are reclaimed and actually socially-acceptable in 2098 or whatever).

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

We're going to need your phone number after that happens.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

I think technically Detox is Vicky Vox's "drag mom" but they rarely use the label except jokingly. I also wanna say Detox and Roxxxy Andrews consider themselves drag sisters but I don't remember where I'm getting that from!

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

Hahaha, well yeah, I know they're close friends but I don't remember if they explicitly name each other as drag sisters or if it even makes a difference since they did start out together.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

OK, here's Adore's 2nd single for 'Death Do Us Party', "I Adore U":


Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

There's been tension between Vicky and Willam for a few months, but the rumor I heard for what Detox's breaking point was involved Willam's recent Moovz gig in Israel. Apparently, the original booking request was for DWV, for not a lot of skrilla. William renegotiated it into a solo gig for a bit of a personal pay raise. Totally unsubstantiated, possibly false, but it's the "truest" sounding reason for the group split I've seen, since I take Vicky at her word that it's not a season 7 smokescreen faux-split.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

No source but gossip. Though, Detox seems pretty ticked in the comments there, so that seems telling to me. Just adjust low-paying to free gig with DWV, that Willam refused with the group but was able to rebook for pay. Which, honestly, ain't that bad of a thing to do -- just makes me wonder who on Moovz's end hosed up the booking so bad. Seems like it never would've happened if they just offered a check to the group to begin with, but I assume they only offered the paid gig to Willam when they realized people don't fly 24 hours roundtrip for free and needed to get a somebody to appear.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

notaspy posted:

I live in London, are there any you'd recommend?

Patron saint of this thread Willam is in Londan at G-A-Y on the 31st.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

loving Willam. Reddit feedback got real negative (not needlessly so, but a bit nit-picky for a self-run show) and he replied with basically, "You're right, I didn't think of this stuff and I'll try to incorporate it for the next installment." Chad Micahels ain't the only professional, goddamnit. This is still so great, though, and I'm glad it's back.


Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 18, 2004

I'm loving the gently caress out of Michelle on CBB. She went from being a UK unknown to, as of today, leading with the bookies as potential winner. Also, she seems like a good moderating influence on Katie Hopkins 'cause Katie doesn't want to gently caress with her and so is civil with everyone as a consequence. Never watched Big Brother before and probably never will again after this series, but Michelle is charming.

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