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Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Suspicious Dish posted:

ANTLR is that thing where you have to buy a $60 book because there's no documentation, and the error messages are incomprehensible garbage?

has there ever been a parser generator that was well-documented and produced good errors?

it's not like lex/yacc or flex/bison don't require you to buy a book


Suspicious Dish
Sep 24, 2011

2020 is the year of linux on the desktop, bro
Fun Shoe
OMeta is my pick of the litter these days.

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

Suspicious Dish posted:

OMeta is my pick of the litter these days.

that looks pretty interesting, thanks! I've always just fallen back to hand-rolling a recursive-descent parser or using lex & yacc when I didn't want to (or have to) go to the trouble.

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

i am pretty much banking on antlr being flawed as well, going to do a research grant proposal amounting to ruining all popular java parsing stuff for everyone :haw:

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

i am pretty much banking on antlr being flawed as well, going to do a research grant proposal amounting to ruining all popular java parsing stuff for everyone :haw:

how about Earley parsers like Spark for Python?

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

the seldom do anything overly stupid once they have a more powerful formalisms as a basis like that (and earley is in cubic time in general). most of what happens with regex and i conjecture (haven't quite dug into it yet) the ll(k) hybrid of antlr is that you have something fast but weak, and then people with practical tasks at hand start meddling with it without considering the more theoretical aspects much

i previously looked at how one can try to bring back some of the extended stuff to classic regexes in a form where it sort of fits (e.g. atomic subgroups like (?>a*|b)), but while that is still regular it seems the state complexity of permitting it in a suitably generalized form is hopelessly gigantic

i think 'just use PEGs' is pretty much the right call either way, whether in the form of OMeta or something else. they are rather different, but different in a way that i think it is actually a lot easier for programmers to think about when compared to the non-deterministic thinking of regexes/cf

Malcolm XML
Aug 8, 2009

I always knew it would end like this.

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

the seldom do anything overly stupid once they have a more powerful formalisms as a basis like that (and earley is in cubic time in general). most of what happens with regex and i conjecture (haven't quite dug into it yet) the ll(k) hybrid of antlr is that you have something fast but weak, and then people with practical tasks at hand start meddling with it without considering the more theoretical aspects much

i previously looked at how one can try to bring back some of the extended stuff to classic regexes in a form where it sort of fits (e.g. atomic subgroups like (?>a*|b)), but while that is still regular it seems the state complexity of permitting it in a suitably generalized form is hopelessly gigantic

i think 'just use PEGs' is pretty much the right call either way, whether in the form of OMeta or something else. they are rather different, but different in a way that i think it is actually a lot easier for programmers to think about when compared to the non-deterministic thinking of regexes/cf

who gives a poo poo if it's cubic time, n is small

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

being a theoretician i pretty much say 'in p' and move on, but people doing really flawed poo poo trying to get to linear time puts food on the table it turns out

Suspicious Dish
Sep 24, 2011

2020 is the year of linux on the desktop, bro
Fun Shoe
PEGs are mostly equivalent to how a human would think about coding a parser by hand, and it's really simple to reason about. I think they're the only sane tool for grammars these days.

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

on the one hand, matthew j garret continues to own. on the other lol intel pr hope somebody gets fired. on the gripping hand this is not v good for linux on the desktop in tyool 2014 if it continues for any length of time since mjg is (at least in my perception) pretty essential to the process of making a linux work well on notebook computing devices

in other news the sweet embrace of deathlayoff has freed me from the tyranny of linux on the desktop. for now. i expect i'll end up desktop linuxing again, it's an occupational hazard.

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

BobHoward posted:

on the one hand, matthew j garret continues to own. on the other lol intel pr hope somebody gets fired. on the gripping hand this is not v good for linux on the desktop in tyool 2014 if it continues for any length of time since mjg is (at least in my perception) pretty essential to the process of making a linux work well on notebook computing devices

in other news the sweet embrace of deathlayoff has freed me from the tyranny of linux on the desktop. for now. i expect i'll end up desktop linuxing again, it's an occupational hazard.

omg look at the loving comments fart fart fart

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

BobHoward posted:

on the one hand, matthew j garret continues to own. on the other lol intel pr hope somebody gets fired. on the gripping hand this is not v good for linux on the desktop in tyool 2014 if it continues for any length of time since mjg is (at least in my perception) pretty essential to the process of making a linux work well on notebook computing devices

mjg59 is also The Guy who makes linux work well on apple laptops

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

RIP linux

Aug 1, 2004

whoa, what just happened here?

College Slice
mjg59 owns

Aug 1, 2004

whoa, what just happened here?

College Slice

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

mjg59 is also The Guy who makes linux work well on apple laptops

incidentally, also intel chips

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Captain Foo posted:

omg look at the loving comments fart fart fart

he's also fart fart farting them on twitter it's p good

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

BobHoward posted:

he's also fart fart farting them on twitter it's p good


Blue Train
Jun 17, 2012

api call girl posted:

incidentally, also intel chips

2014 year of Linux on the AMD desktop

Aug 1, 2004

whoa, what just happened here?

College Slice

Blue Train posted:

2014 year of Linux on the AMD desktop

how does amd stand on #gamergate

inquiring minds must know

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
hardcore gaming must be stopped

Aug 1, 2004

whoa, what just happened here?

College Slice
'core gamers: The Final Solution

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009

I'm seriously pissed off that this gamergate bullshit is spilling everywhere like this

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Symbolic Butt posted:

I'm seriously pissed off that this gamergate bullshit is spilling everywhere like this

Seriously who would have predicted this

Sep 2, 2011

To the cloud ?

Captain Foo posted:

omg look at the loving comments fart fart fart


Suspicious Dish
Sep 24, 2011

2020 is the year of linux on the desktop, bro
Fun Shoe
I didn't pay attention to gamergate and I'm too confused and apathetic to care about what happened. Please do not fill me in.

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Suspicious Dish posted:

I didn't pay attention to gamergate and I'm too confused and apathetic to care about what happened. Please do not fill me in.

okay but if you want to be slightly less than 100% apathetic donate to the ada initiative or any other feminist tech/gaming related charity, because if we caught you up to date on gamergate you'd want to

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Symbolic Butt posted:

I'm seriously pissed off that this gamergate bullshit is spilling everywhere like this
same. it's like reddit had diarrhea and just spewed poo poo all over everyone and everything in the universe

gently caress this gay earth

Mar 11, 2008


As a man who has a doctorate in genetics. I would please urge you to speak to your old professors about relativism, or at least checkout their attacks on Richard Dawkins

mjg99 posted:

Oh my god I can't even screen this

Suspicious Dish
Sep 24, 2011

2020 is the year of linux on the desktop, bro
Fun Shoe

BobHoward posted:

okay but if you want to be slightly less than 100% apathetic donate to the ada initiative or any other feminist tech/gaming related charity, because if we caught you up to date on gamergate you'd want to

Will do when I get to an actual computer

Jul 6, 2011

Actually you owe me 6! But who's countin?

can't get yeoman to play nice with ubuntu for some reason.
can't get get angular seed clone to recognize its own template and it isn't immediately apparent why.'s file structure is bloated and poo poo

i have to be missing something unless the only acceptable experience for generating working angular front end applications is OSX

Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

syntaxrigger posted:

working angular front end applications


Jul 6, 2011

Actually you owe me 6! But who's countin?

my thoughts exactly.

just going to make it myself. apparently when using yeoman some generators, like the angular generator, when yeoman goes through its bootstrapping process it needs to perform some actions, write or execute, that it doesn't have the permission for. However yeoman is constructed to not allow you to run as root...

i don't care anymore just going to make a template project from scratch

Dec 29, 2011

syntaxrigger posted:

the only acceptable experience for generating applications is OSX

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
lol frontend "developers"

Jul 6, 2011

Actually you owe me 6! But who's countin?

welp i'm an idiot

forgot to do npm install

let the ridicule commence

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

syntaxrigger posted:

the only acceptable experience is OS X

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

I agree, but only because you used "acceptable" instead of "good"

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
yospos is such a dumbfuck apple echo chamber that it even shits up the linux thread

folks who, by definition, do not understand what a unix desktop is for have Very Strong Opinions about unix desktops. some idiots who have nfc are 100% certain that you should use a lovely 1980s unix from a consumer electronics vendor to do unix software development

Oct 5, 2003

“Here lies a toppled god —
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.”

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

yospos is such a dumbfuck apple echo chamber that it even shits up the linux thread

folks who, by definition, do not understand what a unix desktop is for have Very Strong Opinions about unix desktops. some idiots who have nfc are 100% certain that you should use a lovely 1980s unix from a consumer electronics vendor to do unix software development


Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

I have actually posted to the forums from one of these, no joke. IE5 for unix tm was p. fast

Even in 1995 it was better than osx. At least Solaris has a package system and you don't have to compile software on the spot like a savage

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