Origin posted:"Nooooooo I prefer UUCP networking over this TCP crap and gently caress using the Mach VM system MICROKERNALS? a bloo a bloo ugu ~" at least the latter was something a lot of people actually whined and complained about back in the Net2/386BSD days. those of us with some exposure to Mach knew better
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# ¿ Feb 11, 2025 21:36 |
Breakfast All Day posted:grats if you dont have to listen to a coworker complain about linux not being gnu enough on a monthly basis this is something I never hear at my job and I'm very happy for it
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Suspicious Dish posted:sold what
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so why isn't the linux world just using the superior launchd instead of this systemd poo poo? is it because they're still stuck in the 70s without the goodness of Mach IPC?
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56k milli posted:ugh i am this close to getting a macbook pro. it's linux that Just Works as far as i'm concerned. you should get a MacBook Pro with Retina Display, it's the best notebook ever made my 15-inch 2012 MBPwRD is as fast as my 2008 Mac Pro and the screen is just gorgeous and it still feels like new 2 years after I bought it quote:how good are they at keeping themselves cool under load though? some friends who own mbps have told me theirs can get p toasty it will stay reasonably cool under load, I use mine for real software dev all the time (like building multi-million-line project, I'm not some scrub who thinks a few dozen classes is "big") and it's just fine to use on my desk, it doesn't burn my hands or anything
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infernal machines posted:the thing about windows is even if you build a diy machine out of salteens and alibaba reject parts it'll still boot to desktop and actually be usable no it won't, it'll be running windows
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syntaxrigger posted:just curious has anyone ever gotten a laptop from https://system76.com/? very misleading with a name like that it should be selling refurbished PowerBooks running System 7 (which will be far more usable than a linux, esp since hypothetically you could cross-compile a modern browser for one with either GCC or clang)
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Suspicious Dish posted:I agree. We spent some time a few cycles ago making it better, but it never landed because we were scared to adjust the file open box one more time. I'll try to push it through one more time. you don't need open or save dialogs if you have a decent desktop file manager and a standard stationery system for apps to hook into. they only exist at all because the original Macintosh didn't have enough RAM to run Finder at the same time as an application. the Macintosh team invented them because of the limitations that were imposed upon them, not because they were a good idea in themselves. of course every system that followed the Macintosh has mimicked them, and some of those systems (any form of desktop Linux) are nth-degree mimics because they're just mindlessly copying what another system did.
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Suspicious Dish posted:I don't understand your proposal. What do you do instead of having a Save dialog? It launches the file manager, and then the user does... what exactly? user double-clicks stationery in the file manager to create a new document user never has to save because of auto-save (but "save" still exists to checkpoint immediately, without bringing up a panel) this is how Lisa worked and how the Mac was supposed to work, the original Mac just didn't have enough RAM to achieve it (it would probably have needed another 32 or 64KB)
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Broken Machine posted:this is a small issue, but is there much going on to make gnome lower overhead? If you're on a slow computer and you go into finder, it'll take a while to populate a directory - but then if you back out one level and come back it repopulates the whole thing again. On really slow computers moving directories will bog the system for a bit, but if I go to the shell and move it it's fine. I know there's a bunch that can't be changed, but it'd be nice if that could be made zippier. my new computer does this really fast and doesn't bog down the system it's a BeBox, and it's old enough to vote
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:bonobo it was certainly a problem with it
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Ator posted:please tell me how bad I am at linux, and where I screwed up. here's where you screwed up Ator posted:to make a desktop application for linux (lol) or maybe here Ator posted:linux get a Mac or use Haiku
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syntaxrigger posted:anyone have any linux terminal emulator suggestions? xterm, what else would you use? if you want something nice don't use Linux or X.
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BobHoward posted:and i suppose i shouldn't complain too bitterly, the new! improved! xplatform java gui they bought from a startup and subsequently slowwwwwwly transitioned to is poo poo, but still about a million times better than the Wind/U "recompile yr windows api apps for linux!!!" bullshit they used to use they should just write their software in VHDL and ship it on an FPGA that just uses a host app for I/O. kinda like a Symbolics MacIvory or a TI MicroExplorer did to turn a Mac II into a Lisp Machine, and IBM did with the PC XT/370.
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Cocoa Crispies posted:yeah "escape meta alt control shift" doesn't make sense if meta and alt are the same button on a proper keyboard, control is on either side of the space bar and meta is immediately to its left/right, super and hyper are further out. ![]()
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raruler posted:can you acquire the necessary hardware to use a dumb space cadet / symbolics keyboard on a modern computer? I found that image via a blog post from someone doing just that, and there are a bunch of people doing it with AVR, Arduino, etc.
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computer toucher posted:stopped reading at "Linux is a tank that never breaks down". now think about the fact that when he wrote it, Linux had just implemented kernel threads via loving fork(2)
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Suspicious Dish posted:OMeta is my pick of the litter these days. that looks pretty interesting, thanks! I've always just fallen back to hand-rolling a recursive-descent parser or using lex & yacc when I didn't want to (or have to) go to the trouble.
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Cybernetic Vermin posted:i am pretty much banking on antlr being flawed as well, going to do a research grant proposal amounting to ruining all popular java parsing stuff for everyone how about Earley parsers like Spark for Python?
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syntaxrigger posted:the only acceptable experience is OS X
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:some idiots who have nfc are 100% certain that you should use a lovely 1980s unix from a consumer electronics vendor to do unix software development certainly way better than any of the alternatives, and it's so cute you like to pretend OS X is somehow stuck in 1988 when there are significant updates at every level of the stack annually it's certainly nothing like that Solaris or Irix poo poo, though they were still better in their day than Linux today
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Last Chance posted:emacs. god lol, it's been a while since i've ran into someone who deals with that garbage. better than vi if you need to do anything more than make a quick edit to a config file of course if you really need to do any significant writing in a terminal window you're doing something wrong (lol at the cult of vi that sprung up among the ruby-node hipster crowd)
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:still ships with a proprietary compiler huh?
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:the osx compiler is partly open source partly closed source and separately licensed with a loving click-through license agreement i see, you're intentionally conflating clang and Xcode to appeal to the GNU/Linux crowd by bringing up the bogeyman of "closed source" clang is a pretty nice compiler, open source and also far better architected than anything GNU
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Last Chance posted:"os x is so behind because it doesnt use archaic bullshit like package managers!!" "how could I possibly do recreational janitorial work if it doesn't include rpm?"
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Suspicious Dish posted:lol if you believe fbcon is worth keeping around. fbcon is the reason we have to write a simple hardware blitter / rendering engine in the kernel for every graphics driver we bring up. can't the GPU vendors just subclass the generic video driver and get that for free by implementing a few methods? oh, wait, OO in drivers? that's crazy talk! eschaton fucked around with this message at 18:39 on Oct 8, 2014 |
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Symbolic Butt posted:gently caress you if you need any game in your life other than ftl I thought sim tower was where it's at
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Suspicious Dish posted:If you're curious, the OSK not showing up on non-GTK3 apps is really hard to do technically, because there's really no API for knowing when a text entry became focused in X11. that's because that would be "policy" and X-Windows is all about "mechanism, not policy" which is why X-Windows has been poo poo longer than some of you kids have been alive, and will forever be poo poo, and cannot be cleansed from this earth soon enough
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:autistic linux neckbeards are the only audience for a linux desktop environment
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:i understand the urge to ship a web browser. haiku ships a web browser and it actually works of course 99% of that is because it's WebKit based but the other 1% is because haiku is actually willing to make reasonable decisions about interface instead of leave them up to each developer by "make decisions" I really mean "ask themselves 'what would Be have done in early 1996?' and then do that" but that's still a better decision process than any X-Windows based user environment has ever used. which is why haiku managed to build a system from scratch that's 100x as usable in a fraction the time with a fraction the resources (seriously, give the latest nightly a try in a VM, it's like a 256MB bootable image)
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Sauer posted:I put the new gnomes on my Chromebook and it works pretty good. That's my review, hope you enjoyed it. you must have very low standards
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bobbilljim posted:question is, does haiku ship and actually work? do you still have to run it in a vm? you can run it on real hardware too, I can boot a circa-2004 PC from the live image on a usb key and it loving flies
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Mr Dog posted:Haiku also uses a GCC C++ abi from 1996 so you have to use some hacked to poo poo compiler to target it iirc that's okay, haiku includes a working compiler in the 250MB download
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pram posted:please stop dredging up the corpse of beos, let it die why, when it's a better desktop environment than Linux? (obv it doesn't hold a candle to OS X, the best operating system)
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pram posted:i cant believe u come in here trash talkin X and gnome and then bring up loving haiku seriously lmfao ![]()
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:how can one man be so wrong about so many things I bet you'd prefer it to gnome 3!
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Cybernetic Vermin posted:if you actually literally care about operating systems please actually literally kill yourself what about working on the one you care about?
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OldAlias posted:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2608870/linux/you-have-your-windows-in-my-linux.html lol isn't FreeBSD going with launchd? if they aren't they should, though they lack the awesomeness that is Mach
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IPvSH6T posted:gently caress that, i3. I'd kill to have a proper tiling WM on Windows for work. if you want tiling, why even run X-Windows, why not just run the Andrew wm and apps?
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# ¿ Feb 11, 2025 21:36 |
Captain Foo posted:Is windows 2 the OS equivalent of cat 4 cable Windows 2 and OS/2 Presentation Manager are what Motif's design is based on and by extension 4D and FVWM Notorious BSD would feel right at home
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