Anybody tried Steam on OpenBSD?
# ¿ Aug 7, 2016 15:18 |
# ¿ Jan 22, 2025 10:28 |
It's funny, the first "bug"/feature I ran in with Suse in the late 90s, was Alsa initially setting the mixer to 0 for whatever reason. Ah memories. e: this wasn't obvious from the gui mixer controls they gave you. the slider to change that was configurable via a different gui alsa control. mike12345 fucked around with this message at 09:17 on Aug 22, 2016 |
# ¿ Aug 22, 2016 09:15 |
If you care about bulk rename, chances are you give a flying gently caress of doing that within a gui.
# ¿ Sep 2, 2016 11:58 |
elementary mac os linux just released its latest stable. I know elementary has a big fan base in yospos, so I thought I'd mention it.
# ¿ Sep 10, 2016 07:09 |
Tankakern posted:could not agree more who cares
# ¿ Sep 11, 2016 10:49 |
Suse has a mainstay in Germany since the 90s. First Distro where you could buy boxed copies in bookshops. With a nice 300 page manual.
# ¿ Sep 11, 2016 14:16 |
mind sharing where you pull these stats from? unless it's your rear end
# ¿ Sep 11, 2016 14:23 |
the arch wiki seriously owns. I don't use arch, but that wiki helped me a couple of times.
# ¿ Sep 12, 2016 06:10 |
Does anyone still use Gentoo? I took a look at Arch, and thought if I want to gently caress around at that level, I might as well skip straight to Gentoo. Or *BSD.
# ¿ Sep 15, 2016 07:01 |
hmm no
# ¿ Sep 18, 2016 09:56 |
Truga posted:linux on the lenovo laptop So basically Microsoft is getting scared of Linux (again), and makes sweet deals with hardware manufacturers?
# ¿ Sep 21, 2016 08:13 |
BobHoward posted:silly jre, don't you realize that you are just a victim of adobe because you want gimp to obey the same stultifying ui conventions as I always liked the "if you don't like it, code it" defense
# ¿ Sep 29, 2016 07:34 |
I wonder if the nazis had startups, there would be educational videos about genocide with that music and some funny cartoons
# ¿ Oct 5, 2016 05:57 |
fedora's font smoothing is barf. all the fixes make it a bit better, but not up to ubuntu-level great.
# ¿ Oct 29, 2016 06:46 |
what is it that you do that you find better on fedora
# ¿ Oct 29, 2016 08:01 |
Truga posted:ubuntu is great if you like using literally 4 year old software packages, with the only alternative being scouring launchpad or 3rd party sites for updates, like you were CJing a wintendo box or something are you referring to LTS or whatever maybe be more ambiguous
# ¿ Oct 30, 2016 09:57 |
is the font rendering still poo poo
# ¿ Nov 25, 2016 19:01 |
I'm waiting for the next desktop CPU breakthrough to build a new system and switch completely to Linux, but looking at the industry that'll probably mean 2018 or later.
# ¿ Jan 15, 2017 11:03 |
Suspicious Dish posted:at some point i should write a long-form blog post about my wacky time in the linux world, what i've learned yeah I would
# ¿ Feb 25, 2017 17:00 |
It's for creators, not for YOSPOS sperglords
# ¿ Jun 29, 2017 20:26 |
org-mode is realy good I use it on a daily basis also org-babel and integrating & evaluating code snippets in your document is really cool
# ¿ Aug 11, 2017 10:51 |
el dorito posted:the worse the newbie avs look, the more that the 'tax will get from av purchases more like wtf is this poo poo bye
# ¿ Aug 31, 2017 08:22 |
thebigcow posted:I really hate that useless bar across the top of the screen that combines with the Firefox title bar to be a giant waste of screen space. that application bar on top is superfluous screen waste. you already have the dock, why is it not possible to right-click on the symbols there to get some extra options? afaik they wanted to create a mac like environment, where the app bar shows app-specific menus. at least that way it would make sense.
# ¿ Dec 5, 2017 07:50 |
TimWinter posted:Who do I talk to if I want an ubuntu desktop environment built around i3. I know the whole "Linux means choice" crowd particularly glom onto i3, but why can't my one choice be i3 and the rest of my choices be the standard network manager and keyboard shortcut handler. Ubuntu has something like minimal install, choose that and go from there. It might be called network or server install, I forgot.
# ¿ Dec 31, 2017 21:32 |
I've had more trouble setting up Fedora than I ever had with Ubuntu. Without specifying use case all this talk about "distro x is bad, use y instead" is trash anyway.
# ¿ Jan 17, 2018 23:58 |
ratbert90 posted:if you have trouble setting up fedora you are functionally retarded and shouldn’t touch a computer ever. ok guy
# ¿ Jan 18, 2018 00:07 |
what is wrong with you?
# ¿ Feb 18, 2018 19:53 |
Tankakern posted:first MoltenVK, now rostkatze. nerds should leave the naming to humanities students or something. "rostkatze" sounds dumb af (to a german speaker)
# ¿ Mar 1, 2018 12:34 |
eschaton posted:I wanted a hacktop to carry everywhere and run emulators on, for which it’s extremely needs suiting Kinda curious, what can you use an emulated Lisp machine nowadays for?
# ¿ Jul 12, 2018 10:08 |
so the top bar goes away entirely? or does it still exist for calendar and system tray? lol
# ¿ Jul 16, 2018 07:06 |
how is freebsd on the desktop
# ¿ Jul 20, 2018 06:32 |
crunchbang is still going, it's now called crunchbang ++ or maybe that's someone else? who knows
# ¿ Aug 7, 2018 06:32 |
just a short update on the progress of gnome by one of the devs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdecJ4XhmWE
# ¿ Sep 3, 2018 09:25 |
Captain Pike posted:I started a FreeBSD instance on digital ocean for fun. All the guides use root for everything (no dumb sudoing), and the firewall is like a simple-rear end plain text file for an old dos game config. I like it. dumb sudoing is easy to set up, if you ever feel the need
# ¿ Sep 14, 2018 22:03 |
more like cuckix
# ¿ Sep 16, 2018 21:55 |
I thought it did this already. That's why I have several profiles for different things.
# ¿ Sep 24, 2018 07:29 |
was the code of conduct voted on, or why is there such a commotion
# ¿ Oct 3, 2018 10:29 |
is that still true that ubuntu is just a sid snapshot? that sounds a bit trash.
# ¿ Oct 30, 2018 07:57 |
I hope they rename Fedora to IBM Linux or something, because "Fedora" is just the dumbest name imaginable.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2018 09:46 |
# ¿ Jan 22, 2025 10:28 |
eschaton posted:also I now have an HP 9000/433s waiting for me outside Sacramento, one that looks like it was also configured for Domain/OS originally—as a server, no less!—with the original disks installed too ooh wow I like that case. possible to fit a modern desktop setup inside? but that's probably considered sacrilege, anyway can't find it on ebay.
# ¿ Dec 1, 2018 08:14 |