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The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

Sweevo posted:

its hilarious the way they still try to make out that linux is some sort of "desktop operating system".


The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
windows 95 was entirely unusable with 4 MB of ram. 8 was a thrashfest, 16 was the point where it could actually switch between multiple programs without waiting 5 minutes

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
the problem is that linux is designed by committee, literally the homercar of operating systems

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

prefect posted:

wasn't the homercar designed by homer?

hoist by my own petard

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
debian is free of deadline and budget constraints which means they can spend infinite energy on wankery. unsurprisingly this leads to them developing absolutely nothing.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
good package maintenance is important if you expect others to make use of it

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
linuxed again

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

Awia posted:

install solaris and become the neck beard you were born to be

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
i never liked redhat because i was scarred by RPM at a young age but it seems like the only linux for adults that want a working system and not more CJ work. this is because it's run by grown ups in a real company and not shadowhawks or debtards

but seriously get a Mac

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

theultimo posted:

x11 mac intergration

this is terrible, stop it

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

pram posted:

seems like that joke could have been implemented better

it is a linux joke. if you don't like it write a different and incompatible one

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

theultimo posted:

we use a custom x wrapper to get full screen out of wine in os x. normal x11 implementation will not by default. personally, i wish parallels inc would share their dx 10 implemenaton. wine with dx 9 is fine, but with the dx10 changes it requires a new code path, which is difficult to translate into opengl calls.

Sniep posted:

yeah kinda sounds like how a joke would sound when you translate it from one language into another without fully understanding the nuances of one or the other of the languages

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

Malcolm XML posted:

i'm not really seeing what's so bad about osx as a unix

works4me and other non sperglords

But you see it's not like linux so it's bad because i work with linux so anything that isn't linux doesn't meet my needs so therefore it's bad.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
we're nearing the halfway point and I'm not seeing more linux desktops than last year. are we counting chromebooks or are they not a real linux?

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

api call girl posted:

instead of persistent notifications can we have notifications for unread notifications about unread notifications

that seems more linux

WARNING: You have 8 unread messages
WARNING: Last message repeated 3 times
WARNING: Last message repeated 20 times
WARNING: Last message repeated 100 times
WARNING: Last message repeated 100 times
WARNING: Last message repeated 100 times
WARNING: Last message repeated 100 times
WARNING: Last message repeated 100 times

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

api call girl posted:

more like whats behind the curtains

more like if the curtains match the drapes

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
haven't read any of this thread but we're 100 pages in and the year is nearly over and I'm not getting a very good feeling about 2014 actually being the year of Linux on the desktop.

good effort, though. better luck next year.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

xfs is recommended by red hat

recommended way to lose your data when the system crashes*

*my knowledge of xfs is from like 15 years ago

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
linux really overtook bsd when it came to smp. they made the leap to fine-grained multithreaded kernel earlier while bsd was stuck with the big kernel lock for years.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
I'd say 2.4 was the first non-garbage kernel, made better if you used the redhat nptl backport.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

The_Franz posted:

it wouldn't be so bad if there were proper system call apis to accompany them. having to traverse a directory tree just to know how many processors are in the machine you are running on or needing to parse a bunch of text from /proc/meminfo to find out the system memory stats is loving stupid and a pain in the rear end

does Linux still not have a standard dictionary object format that can return complex data?

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

I've got a machine under my desk at work that says otherwise. 12 cores in two packages.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

carry on then posted:

always funny to watch linux enthusiasts try to comprehend the reason people like macs

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
idiots, don’t they know they could get centos for free?

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

pram posted:

osx already has launchd which is the worlds most advanced init system

systemd is basically a bad clone of launchd.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
all of linux is going to be owned by the software giants it was going to kill.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?

Coffee Jones posted:

isn’t open SSH’s development tied in openbsd and or does that get separate funding and separate governance because it’s so fundamental?

you cannot donate to openssh, only to openbsd. they are purposefully entangled and there is no way to specify that your money go to just one thing.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
where are people going to park their goony kid while they shop at the mall?

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
and that’s when oracle sues


The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
apple, FreeBSD, and android replaced gcc with clang. Linux has no adult supervision that can make this decision system-wide so we’re stuck with gcc forever.

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