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Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
do you have nvidia op?


Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
gnome 3 is very white

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

these were the open bugs when the last version of cde was released. pages and pages of them.


CDExc12791 Buttons are too close together and look too much alik
CDExc12837 Would like an RPN option to dtcal
CDExc13008 Space for 40, but display only accepts 36 chars even if Acc=


Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Bloody posted:

is linux still unusable poo poo for idiots
it's unusable poo poo when idiots try to use it yes

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Soricidus posted:

more like

The fix is <50 lines of terminal commands following>

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
i used to make fun of canadians but then i became one

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
Con Internet, Sin Internet

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
stay safe party ghost

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
The Three Amigas

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Suspicious Dish posted:

I chose the high cash, low equity option. Let me just say that six figures for an idiot, ignorant 22 year olds ain't bad.
yeah hold onto some of that in case the company goes under in 3 years

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
• Intel Core i7 920
• 3GB DDR3-1333 memory
• NVIDIA 250 GTS 1GB Video
• 24x DVD+-RW Drive

From $899


Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

syntaxrigger posted:

just curious has anyone ever gotten a laptop from

if so i'd be interested in a trip report
your better off buying a :siren: GAMING LAPTOP :siren: from xoticpc or some poo poo because they'll likely be the same model

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
n+1 year of linux on the desktop!

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
hardcore gaming must be stopped

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Symbolic Butt posted:

I'm seriously pissed off that this gamergate bullshit is spilling everywhere like this
same. it's like reddit had diarrhea and just spewed poo poo all over everyone and everything in the universe

gently caress this gay earth

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
actually serious sam 3 has a linux port too

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
it's time

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

pram posted:

For twelve years you've been asking "Should we fork Debian?"

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Ludwig van Halen posted:

6.06 was the last good ubuntu release simply for not shipping in april all for the sake of being 6.04 :911:

now they gotta shove another half baked release out the door every april/october 1st because
nothing linux can ship on time, and ubuntu shows why you can't change that no matter how hard you try

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

shitface posted:

"are you, heh, x-free?"
"i'd sure like to yum your repositories"

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

bobbilljim posted:

When you register a trademark for use as an OS you should actually use that trademark for an OS. It wouldn;t take very long to clone ubuntu and change all the branding to say gnome, just do that and ill be happy.
we already have ubuntu gnome

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
i still say it like the word gnome because gently caress these stupid names everyone uses

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
i always said Gee In You before learning it was supposed to be guhnooo

and i still say Gee In You because gently caress that

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
weldcome to powerhell

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
whenever i get a new windows laptop the first thing i do is use the key it comes with to reinstall windows

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
inkscape is okay

gimp sufficed when i was in high school but lol if you think i'm going to try and do work in it now

mypaint is alright and and it's a good demo for showing that wacom tablets finally loving work

krita seems to be a good art program on the surface but then try using it and lol

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
don't use linux on your work machine if you're a creative

also photoshop can be bad but everything else is so much worse that you may as well just use it if you're in mac or win

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
tf2 used to be a good game

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
asking grandma to edit fstab to get a 2nd hard drive to work

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
grandma always has race conditions

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Shaggar posted:

byod is dumb
agreeing with shaggar.

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
no open source will enter this building!! not on my watch!!

- shaggar

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
xnomad: for those who want the fresh inviting feel of a bloomberg terminal

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
i'm the wiki page for actual tools

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Symbolic Butt posted:

for reference, this is it:

nice gimp editing skills there. now what's the real one?

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
In a word, no

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
16 gb of ram is barely enough to do anything on the internet these days. you can use 16 gb of ram to make arts or edit posterboard size images but anything with javascript is strictly off limits unless you have 32 gb of ram or greater

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

Celexi posted:

i would think that be more of a valve issue, and yeah the nvidia driver had a similar issue just recently as well
"you seem to be leaking files!"

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

pseudorandom name posted:

this means that if you created a list of file names prior to 10.3 and then either upgraded or moved the disk to 10.3, your software stopped working if the normalization rules for your one of your file names changed.
i think this is a decent punishment for using osx before 10.3


Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
linus is the only cool linux man

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