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Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
i've been using linux happily for years, sorry if ur not smart enough


Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i found cde to be pretty OK to use, too

it's too bad it was abandoned basically at birth
yeah, cde was good

switching from cde to gnome is what killed solaris imo

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Boner Slam posted:

Is there a good desktop environment for linux yet? Last time i checked they all looked like crap.
try enlightenment op

serioustalk: fvwm2 is really good. you'd hate it though because you care more about how things look than how they function.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Suspicious Dish posted:

Also, Lennart is on a secret new project at Red Hat where he has free reign of everything. I don't know what it is.
i'm going to assume he's reinventing the kernel wheel this time

lennux is going to have a microkernel architecture that uses dbus for all ipc

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

raruler posted:

you're not even advocating the use of the real spergatroid WMs
that's because i was seriousposting. i genuinely, unironically do advocate the use of fvwm ityool 2014.

then again i also mourn the death of cde so probably you should ignore all my opinions unless you, too, are old and bitter

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

these were the open bugs when the last version of cde was released. pages and pages of them.
that's how far ahead of its time it was. it took years for open source imitations to catch up with that number of bugs that will never be fixed

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Shaggar posted:

im not using either, but Silverlight will continue to work for decades and winrt is still the future of windows.
translation: windows is stagnant and it's future is being beaten by apple and android

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Boner Slam posted:

- The poo poo you need to go through to add an icon to the activities menu shows that Linux will never be a desktop OS. Well you can install this app of course, but out of the box it's either "don't do it" or "try a lot of console poo poo"
- Double clicking on a file in the file manager to open a program works half of the time, often just nothing happens
why are you trying to launch programs from a menu or click on files with a mouse in a file manager? it's linux, cli or gtfo

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Suspicious Dish posted:

I wanted them to allow users to install things at their own legal risk. This is what other distributions like Debian do.
you know your desktop linux is in trouble when it's less user-friendly than debian (which is the best os, but god i'm glad i don't have to set it up again)

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
agreed, but that doesn't contradict anything i said

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
ksh is a thing among refugees from solaris too.

i know a couple of graybeards who still use csh, god only knows why.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
i didn't know david korn had a beard

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
wish you'd systematically remove your posting from as many threads as possible

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
i miss rsh, it was so much faster than ssh

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Captain Foo posted:

Error rate of Linux on the desktop is 100%

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
I installed Debian on an older laptop yesterday. The Debian installer is pretty bad.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
Personally i think the real problem is that the desktop is not ready for linux.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
interactive terminals were deprecated in the last release and have now been removed. please feed your 50 lines of commands into systemd-shelld.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
i'm using desktop linux right now and it's pretty sweet.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
don't use fedora, like its namesake it is a bad thing for bad people.

broadcom wifi works just fine on debian with zero hassle.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

infernal machines posted:

you're actually advocating using vanilla debian for something that's meant to be minimal effort oob?
no, i'm mocking fedora for managing to be even harder to set up than debian, a distro that isn't even targeted at desktop users.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

infernal machines posted:

congrats on having to use $SIMPLE_FIX to fix something that should have worked oob. $YOUR_OS almost doesn't suck in really specific edge cases

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
isn't it still called xfree86 where you're from? also a word of advice, stay out of the world trade center on the 11th, you'll thank me later

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Breakfast All Day posted:

why are the linuxers so mad about systemd having binary journaling. are there people who like to hack their journals with vim or some poo poo
it's change, which is bad.

also we're used to just hitting up a file with grep or tail like everything else, and now we have to learn a bullshit special snowflake command that's more than four letters long.

also apparently it corrupts itself sometimes and poettering don't care

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Mr Dog posted:

they rowed back on that stupid "spatial file manager" poo poo they can row back on this too

i understand the idea behind that, it just doesn't match how people use computers; they don't linger in many shallow folders simultaneously, they navigate through a bunch of nested folders to get to the deep one they're interested in.
i used a real old mac for a job one summer years ago and i actually kinda liked the way the spatial finder used to work. it was pretty efficient.

but ... yeah, you had to have the whole os designed around it. you couldn't just bolt it onto an existing unix, already packed to the gills with deep folder hierarchies, and expect it to work.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
if you want to make a desktop app for linux then you should use java, so your app will also run on every other os without any porting or even recompiling.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

BobHoward posted:

(i have to run linux on the desktop at work. the only thing worse than native linux software is java software)
sorry about your bad software, I hope it gets better. you're probably using an obsolete jre or a stupidly small heap though, java 8 is really fast with anything not written by clowns so maybe try that?

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

BobHoward posted:

u dont understand

i run software written by xilinx to do my jorb
that's a relief, i thought for a moment this was going to be one of those situations where it gradually becomes apparent that we work at the same place and the terrible java software making your daily existence a living hell is something i'm responsible for.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Cocoa Crispies posted:

yeah normal ones are like big cats that are fuckin' cool or or like a fuzzy yellow dog that wants you to search

linux is like a nematode or an amoeba or like a gross fuckin' bug that you really don't want to deal with unless you're one of those weirdo grown-ups that still thinks a spider is an acceptable pet just like a crossbow is a thing you should own
uh yellow dog is a linux

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

ShadowHawk posted:

that's the super key

no, the meta key
it should really be meta, but 1990s idiots running emacs on commodity pc hardware with no meta key decided to use alt for that instead, and when pc keyboards finally got more keys they were so used to treating alt and meta as the same that they decided to make the meta key produce a different modifier instead.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Cocoa Crispies posted:

yeah "escape meta alt control shift" doesn't make sense if meta and alt are the same button
I shall write to rms and suggest he renames it esmcs in line with actual linux practice

(and he will ignore me because I didn't say gnu/linux)

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
java.util.regex is particularly bad, i've had to rewrite some fairly simple, perfectly valid not-actually-regular expressions to work around bugs in it

the same goes for python's re module

basically never try to do interesting things with not-actually-regular expressions because you're going to get hosed over one way or another, be it by a lovely library or your own lovely code. use a real parser or something idk

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Sudo Echo posted:

counterpoint: CDE
why are you trying to prove solaris was bad by giving examples of good features?

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
time to establish some indisputable facts itt: tcl/tk is good. emacs is good and also more user-friendly than poo poo like eclipse. and cde, while deeply flawed and abandoned shortly after birth, was still better in many ways than os x, ms windows, gnome, or kde are today.

this is yospos so i'm sure someone will ironically pretend to disagree with the above, but we all know it's true.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Forums Terrorist posted:

same, he's like the crazy old guy at the bus stop of yospos
i'll have to listen to the crazy old guy more carefully next time i take a bus. perhaps it'll turn out he too is just stating uncontroversial facts?

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

ShadowHawk posted:

for real though I don't think I've ever heard anyone other than an Apple fanboy reference the "certified unix!" thing as though it mattered
least of all since apple stopped giving a poo poo about the dedicated server market. who exactly is running unix software on os x, except a minority of people who just want a desktop linux that also runs non-unix software?

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
like most desktop related changes, the removal of the useful x server termination shortcut was imposed for the alleged benefit of people who will never use linux, and caused nothing but inconvenience to the people who actually do use it every day. apparently this is progress.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

bobbilljim posted:

REISUB is pretty cool too does that still work
probably not, because it would be terrible if someone who will never use linux somehow found themselves using a linux and accidentally pressed alt+sysrq+b.

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
I'm going to have to try gnome 3 one day, ignorant prejudice has served me well so far but I feel like I'm approaching the limit of what it has to offer


Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

Zombywuf posted:

Oh man, Lennart's updated the bug:

It seems the only way to handle log corruption is to just give up, not recover from the journal.

what he actually says there is that they perform whatever recovery is possible every time you read the corrupted file. they just don't write the recovered data back to the file, so the corruption isn't "fixed".

I hate lennart and all his foul works as much as any angry graybeard who thinks Unix reached perfection decades ago and everything since has been a regression, but even so, this doesn't sound too unreasonable.

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