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computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

in gnome 3 if you turn on matiral scrolling the lock screen tells you to swipe up but you actually have to swipe down.

and why the gently caress is there no sensitivity setting for two finger scrolling? jfc.


computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

IPvSH6T posted:

i also agree that linux is not ready for the desktop. neither are windows or os x.

really nothing is ready for the desktop. lets go back to mainframes.

ok but can we call it "the cloud"?

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

its pretty, can I buy one?

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Suspicious Dish posted:

Mission or the UFOputer?

The UFOputer looks like someone forgot a dollar store plastic tray in the sun. On a volleyball.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

it has no monitor because the graphics drivers don't work.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Suspicious Dish posted:

Hello from Guatemala. Computers are really cool and fun and so is Linux. I have a job that is cook and fun and Linux and I just got fresh, hand picked, home made, roasted in front of my eyes coffee and it was delicious. And some weird sweet corn tamale that was delicious. Also I saw a car accident and a volcano explode. Today was good.

so how about selling me one of those cool wooden boxes that has compute inside?

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Suspicious Dish posted:

The dark Adwaita theme is only applied to multimedia apps, but you can toggle a switch in GNOME Tweak Tool to make it happen globally.

but of course.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

stopped reading at "Linux is a tank that never breaks down".

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Ciaphas posted:

not really, just loving around 'cos I'm bored and curious, mostly

but enough about your marriage!

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

fighting against the OS isn't "working".

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

skipped 2000 posts and installed Fedora.

It's this year, right?

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

big scary monsters posted:

sorry it was last year, you missed it

this is the year of linux on the tablet

I... poo poo.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

pram posted:

the touchpad on my retina macbook pro works perfectly with apple osx

no it doesn't, install SmoothMouse to see why.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Suspicious Dish posted:

And this was why we invented Cockpit.

i did a fresh Fedora install, installed Cockpit from the app store and it didn't work. that's my cockpit story.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

lol @ using a raspberry pi for anything desktop-related.

I have two at home, one is running a caching DNS & nginx for sinkholing about 2500 ad domains in my LAN and https-reverse proxying another rpi that is serving as a surveillance camera server (which does not support https).

needs very suited for less than a hundred bucks worth of hardware & minimal electricity draw.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

oh ya desktop linux is a pointless chore.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

fritz posted:

I use it to interactively debug hardware and in general I'd rather have a few xterms than a few consoles

pfft edge case

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

I Googled KDE and Fedora out of mild interest and noticed that they had a Web page out of which they had localized exactly one word for my language; instead of "documentation" it said "dokumentaatio".

thanks I guess.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Wheany posted:

Then again, do you really want to read documentation that was halfassedly translated in 2006 by a bored AMK student and hasn't been updated since?

absolutely not, so why leave that one word there to taunt me?

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Wheany posted:

Because this [thing] has been localized to 36 languages! *

*(in 2006 by bored students and has not been updated since. 1/3 of the localization keys used in the language file are no longer used and 1/3 of the current keys do not have translations in the language file)

sounds like someone needs to start the wiki.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Soricidus posted:

gently caress caps lock, the worst and most useless key ever invented



computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

bad configuration management is still much better than no configuration management.

ansible is tragically flawed but i'd much rather walk into a shop using ansible than a shop filled with shell scripts and computer touchers

agentless is a really dumb goal
aesthetically appealing but still dumb as gently caress


nobody asked you to come over :colbert:

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Smythe posted:

my ubuntu gnome has owned and been insanely stable cept for 2 bugs:

- for some patch thats gone now but for a while audacity would hardlock me compy sometimes.

- printer is hosed to hell now and needs cups restart nonstop basically every print job and sometimes it cant be rezzed and needs reboot or printer remove/readd

the official Linux way is to have cron restart cups every five minutes.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

cups is an apple product

So is my iPhone but if I drop it in the toilet and piss on it it's going to have performance issues.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

I really wanted to like Linux back in the day and got it working pretty well and then came the day when it told me there's a distro upgrade available and I was like "sure, what's the harm?"

three days later I was back in Windows which didn't stutter when doing such intensive tasks as dragging windows on the desktop.

Now I like Linux where it belongs: on a headless server in the Netherlands.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Smythe posted:

Listen folks: aside from mechanical issues, I need the printer to work 100% of the time.

the gently caress are you messing around in Linux then?

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012


ok so I literally used to be an editor in a post house and the reason macs are now the best choice for editing is because interface usability and system reliability are super important. of course windows is theoretically doable but seriously after windows 8 do you really want to edit in an os that thinks youre using a tablet?

there are other editing work station solutions but they cost way way more than a mac. macs are the pragmatic choice. you really think windows or lol, linux, are better choices?

that said, the mac pros are garb and the inability to add hardware to an imac makes it only suitable for 90% of post production needs. apple is exiting the work station market and I honestly have no clue how the industry will cope.

full disclosure: posted from my ipad pro

just get enough fiber in your diet and your post production will be fine.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

like any business should care whether their production machines cost 2,5 or 6 thousand if they get the job done and are productive for the people using them.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

it's Mac Pro, not Mac Reasonable Computer Hobbyist.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

carry on then posted:

yo i've got an rpi 2 that i was thinking of setting up a lil znc bouncer on, is the default debian ok or is there something better? how's the fedora spin for it?

raspbian is just fine.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

nerds who make technology care about technology so they think other people also care about technology. but people only care about what you can do with it and how easy it is and most nerd things that fail, fail because nerds think they're not nerds but their perspective is the only one.

or they think their perspective is superior and in time everyone will see that and want an Open Source Phone that comes with awk, grep and apache2.

that's why Jobs succeeded and most nerds fail.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

I guess most of the chinese people don't view their own censorship from a western perspective so probably not.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

I mean like if you'd poll them you'd be surprised about how they view the issue and how it's not the exact same opinion as the liberal western computerfondlers have.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

I guess people all around are way more invested in the petty minutiae of their small lives than grand concepts of human dignity & progress.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Soricidus posted:

if you want to use a text editor in a terminal, just man up and learn to use vi or emacs imo. you're already using a 1970s user interface anyway, may as well go the whole hog

Nobody wants to use a text editor in a terminal. For those cases when you have no choice, Nano is good.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

one step of making linux usable would be to consider naming conventions othen than fglrx or wicd or gnmbhhtx-stable-devel or whatever asinine combination of consonants the devs come up with.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

Soricidus posted:

if your usability depends on ordinary people being able to understand the naming conventions for low-level system components, I don't think it's the names that are the problem

well it helps if you can remember the names of those components so you can now what to even google when you're banging your head against that poo poo.

or is it just super obvious to everyone else that "fglrx" stands for "Open source Radeon drivers" or whatever the gently caress that mess was.

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

not to mentionthat regular users need to gently caress around with low level system components all the time

computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

blowfish posted:




are you making this up because it sounds like it would take active effort to implement this dumb bug

yeah, why do you thinks "rms" has no vowels?

the backstory is that in the university world they used to charge for computer use per printed vowel, so people did their best to avoid them, even going to absurd lengths like using numbers for software versions instead of distinct names. Linuxes usually do both now like Ubuntu Swole Swallow etc


computer toucher
Jan 8, 2012

blowfish posted:

I'm still assuming you're taking me for a ride because this is just stupid all the way down.

Linux is p stupid.

search for "Linux - from 1.0 to Gullible Gibbon - a history of operating systems."

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