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Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull
where did the group name wheel come from anyways, i know the names of the neckbeard prophets and a lot of eunuchs history but not that

also pls do not put a linux on the desktop


Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

my stepdads beer posted:

how do you keyboard/mouse with only one usb port

look at this bad keyboard haver

as decreed by Steve pbuh all real usb keyboards have an integrated hub

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

i always thought that maybe, despite appearances, poettering was a beacon of hope because he was trying to bring obvious right ideas to linux even if he was being a dumb while doing it, and also because he was pissing off the right kind of people. welp

it's like he and his cabal read ingo molnar's posts, didn't quite get the point, and tried to come up with a solution which preserves the idiot manchild linux distribution system in some form

trying to solve linux dll hell is a worthy goal but doing it by bunging every version of every distro into its own fs snapshot is loving dumb, the system will melt down when every app links a diff version of the same library. the answer is actually committing to a few long term stable abis, maybe lennart isn't talking about that because it can't be addressed by a bikeshedding project headed by him

under the existing regime, poo poo as simple as motherfucking copy and paste breaks on me, all the time. i can't imagine how much worse a shitshow linux will become if a million distros bloom under /usr

suspicious dish i am v sympathetic to the reasons you left redhate, and i like you, so i hope for your sake that someday someone waylands the everliving gently caress out of all the levels of the linux gui stack above the compositor. just like x11 there is a lot of horrible poo poo long overdue for flushing

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Origin posted:

yool 1014 monks would have theological debates on how many souls of the damned could have fit in a cask of ale.

yool 2014 monks do this.

the "do one thing and do it well" theology coupled with all the world's a file is the worst

like, I get the appeal, it was still semi believable 20ish years ago, it's simple and therefore appeals to fresh grads, but it just doesn't stand up to the real world. sometimes you have to violate these principles. Unix did almost from the very beginning, I assume plan 9 tried to be more true but lol plan 9

also lol at the idea that systemd is on the same complexity scale as the kernel itself

also if these guys are so desperate for "init reform but MY SIMPLICITY" they should get off their asses and port launchd plus apples log daemon, p sure it does most of the same poo poo without being as complicated. have read poettering's reasons for not just cloning launchd and it was something vague about it not providing certain things enterprise linux wants but hey if you want the simpler version it is out there, and loving well proven irl

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

56k milli posted:

lol that macbook SSDs aren't self-encrypting drives yet (will they ever be?)

no. they have an aes-xts fde layer in their os which works on any block device ever made (not just ssds), doesn't depend on firmware written by the storage industry to not have security flaws, and has a number of other advantages such as being architected to allow your regular user password to unlock the drive, allow multiple user accounts' passwords to unlock the drive, allow them to offer an optional service where an extra unlock key is generated and stored with apple for disaster recovery if you forget your password, and more. (the disaster recovery feature is for users who are interested in encrypting to protect their laptop from petty theft rather than :tinfoil: :nsa: obvs)

their fde uses the aes-ni acceleration block integrated into all modern intel cpus. it can keep up with the fastest ssds apple is shipping without chewing much cpu time

literally the only downside is that it doesn't push the encryption out to the disk to satisfy spergs

actually the real only downside is that sandforce controllers want to be able to compress data to hit their max performance and lol if u think the drive can compress aes encrypted data. but also lol if u think apple sources very many ssds with a sandforce controller

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Soricidus posted:

if you want to make a desktop app for linux then you should use java, so your app will also run like total poo poo on every other os without any porting or even recompiling.

(i have to run linux on the desktop at work. the only thing worse than native linux software is java software)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Soricidus posted:

sorry about your bad software, I hope it gets better. you're probably using an obsolete jre or a stupidly small heap though, java 8 is really fast with anything not written by clowns so maybe try that?

u dont understand

i run software written by xilinx to do my jorb


replacing the jre will not fix it, they make good chips but the software (like most eda tools) is a special kind of hell

and i suppose i shouldn't complain too bitterly, the new! improved! xplatform java gui they bought from a startup and subsequently slowwwwwwly transitioned to is poo poo, but still about a million times better than the Wind/U "recompile yr windows api apps for linux!!!" bullshit they used to use

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i used desktop freebsd for many years. those were dark years, because freebsd package management is poo poo for idiots

it continues to be amusing that u don't get this and actually believe there is (or can be) such a thing as a linux/bsd style package manager which is not poo poo

not having one is one of the keys to the success of os x

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

wow, gnu darwin

now you can combine the horrible performance, compatibility, and non-existent package management of osx with the horrible user experience of desktop unix

no respect for the time cube of unix distributions

(seriously get off your osx-is-awful hobby horse for a millisecond or two and click the drat links, proclus is a legend)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull


This looks like one of the best brain comparison images out there,
includes human, elephant, and dolphin. Well, if
you look at a dolphin brain from another direction, it might appear as
larger than the human brain. If you really want to expand your mind,
try a whale brain.

I'm surprised that we don't see more vegetarians pointing out the eating
habits of the largest animals on earth. Things often go badly for large
predators; broken teeth, jaw infections, parasites, and other diseases.
Larger brains seem reserved to more judicious eaters. I'm just
imagining what it would be like to be bigger than a house, and eat
nothing much but plankton, lots of plankton. Human success probably
derives in part from the fact that they feed on large grazing animals,
one step away from the grass.

Now to the bats. Many species of fruit bats also feed on abit of blood
from time to time, no? I'd like to see the look on some rancher's faces,
when you tell them that the fruit bats don't feed on cattle blood. Like
the birds, the bats sacrificed brain size in order to fly. I think bats
are adorable, but perhaps not so appetizing. Too much like flying
rodents. OTOH, if you have ever heard bat utterances, you might give up
bird songs.

Bats see in the infrared. Humans must look quite tasty sometimes. One thing I like about bicycling. One can avoid
most flying creatures. Just pedal harder. I'm consistently missed by
the dive-bombing angry birds. :-) Now that I've been working out
more, I identify more with the songs of hungry bats.

This 'fruit bats' notion is abit of misnomer. It deserves more study.
proclus aka michael l. love aka the creator (and nearly only user) of gnu-darwin, posting to his unix distribution's mailing list

gnu-darwin: an os for gnu open source purists which proclus proclaims to be the most free-as-in-freedom os ever. proclus copied apsl licensed darwin code to build his monument to gnu freedom for reasons which he has never, to the best of my knowledge, elucidated

a god-damned legend :patriot:

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

on the one hand, matthew j garret continues to own. on the other lol intel pr hope somebody gets fired. on the gripping hand this is not v good for linux on the desktop in tyool 2014 if it continues for any length of time since mjg is (at least in my perception) pretty essential to the process of making a linux work well on notebook computing devices

in other news the sweet embrace of deathlayoff has freed me from the tyranny of linux on the desktop. for now. i expect i'll end up desktop linuxing again, it's an occupational hazard.

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Captain Foo posted:

omg look at the loving comments fart fart fart

he's also fart fart farting them on twitter it's p good

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Suspicious Dish posted:

I didn't pay attention to gamergate and I'm too confused and apathetic to care about what happened. Please do not fill me in.

okay but if you want to be slightly less than 100% apathetic donate to the ada initiative or any other feminist tech/gaming related charity, because if we caught you up to date on gamergate you'd want to

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

solaris and irix were mentioned up-thread and somehow they manage to have none of these problems. it's almost like they are up to date with 1990s technology

irix hasn't been updated regularly since 2005 and it's still a much more "modern" system in all the ways that should count. it's so legacy it's discontinued and it still makes osx look like a joke

lol unix 95, not even unix 98 lollllll

unix 03

(which is the latest, and the fact that it's been 11 years without a new SuS or unix ## certification should tell you how important your neckbeard unix purity is any more even tho apple apparently cares enough to keep going through the motions)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull
(unlike undead zombie sgi)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

the fact that osx can pass unix certification without actually being worth a drat is proof of the worthlessness of the open group's specifications.

other horrible examples: sco openserver (aka opensewer) and compaq tru64 (the only thing that can touch osx performance)


your posts are like a swap storm of an idiot's idea of cutting remarks. whoops that ridiculous lie didn't work? nothing to see here, no room in core, evicted!

too bad all the witticisms in backing store are poo poo too. no forward progress is made, system is halted, fix with sledgehammer

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i am pretty sure a sledgehammer is the only thing that could fix a man who believes SUS is a worthwhile standard

it's kind of a groucho marx thing: if osx and sco osr can both pass it, it's not a certification of anything important.

lol that u think i give a poo poo about sus

the point was that despite your lunacy osx is a more modern unix than irix. sus and unixYY are poo poo but nevertheless there's enough api coverage in the certs to definitively state that you are full of poo poo, you are going to have much worse problems making modern unix software run on irix than on os x

also just lol because last irix major release was in 1998 and sgi didn't even bother certifying it for unix98. it probably wouldn't have passed unix98 since it was already EOL bugfix only status

i know all this has to be trolling but jfc your trolling is so dumb step up ur game

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

yeah this should be a sign to you how bad osx is

a second rate vendor who stopped regularly updating their OS in 2003 still has a less broken, better performing kernel because it's not a bizarro 1980s fuckup

sure bsd stymie why don't you go hang out on nekochan with your compatriots

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Zombywuf posted:

I used a Mac for a few years, I felt a need to forcibly kill my display server once every week or so. Usually when I wanted long running processes to not have to be restarted by a reboot.

Linux on the other hand, I have not felt the need to restart the X server for many years as you say.

why in the gently caress would you forcibly kill the osx window server just because you're scared of processes running for a week??? you could just log out and then log in. that would do precisely the same thing without danger of data loss.

same applies to killing x11. killing the parent process of your entire gui session is unnecessary unless it's actually unresponsive to user input.

(also if you're doing either logout or kill of windowserver on osx just loving go ahead and reboot it takes like 10 extra seconds these days jfc, can't say the same about red hate linux tho it still takes forever to reboot for me)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

pseudorandom name posted:


slashdot still exists?

it not only still exists, it's never taken a shower or ventured outside the basement

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

pseudorandom name posted:

why hasn't nvidia made an x86 yet? they're probably hosed otherwise.

they tried

it didn't go too well they're hosed

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Suspicious Dish posted:

Apple already killed OpenGL, NVIDIA is going to drive the stake in by refusing to adopt GLnext.

serious question do you think metal is that significant or are you referring to something else

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

pseudorandom name posted:

wait, what's mantle a pun of?

gl-ogists - geologists - mantle

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Suspicious Dish posted:

The reason Metal is significant is because it's something all the mobile players desperately need to survive. Reminder, all the mobile chipmakers are: ARM/Mali, Broadcom/VideoCore, Qualcomm/Adreno, ImgTech/PowerVR, Vivante/Vivante. AMD has a mobile chipset coming, and half of the Tegra team want something to replace OpenGL.

In order to compete and provide high-performance graphics, something needs to happen. Apple just lowered the bar, and Khronos is scrambling now more than ever.

im just not so sure metal is a clean kill even in the limited context of ios. far as i know apple has yet to even comment about maybe bringing metal to osx, nor have they deprecated gl for ios. its more like "need graphics? try gl. need game-level performance? metal might be your thing, but you probably want to use it through middleware instead of coding direct to metal (lol see what we did there)"

what the industry could use (esp most/all of the companies you listed) is a cross platform fully modernized api. mantle isn't that, metal isn't that, microsoft's new dx isn't that. that's the opportunity for khronos.

(now will they be able to take advantage of this opportunity? well, i assume it's significant that apple essentially said 'gently caress it were gonna roll our own we need something NOW' instead of trying to push khronos to develop a new api, as they did with opencl.)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

autistic linux neckbeards are a huge chunk of the audience for a linux desktop environment


Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

holy poo poo that guy

my simplicity, my modularity -- a man who uses and advocates linux, a giant monolithic kernel from hell. if you're such an absolutist about these vitally important principles, it's about time you ditched this torvalds egoproject, got right with high priest andy tanenbaum, and put your efforts into hurd

it's almost as if the systemd pushback by the ~real true linux users~ (aka neckbeard sysadmins) is just reactionary whining against change which threatens their expertise in lovely 1980s SysV bullshit

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Captain Pike posted:

Both of these problems still exist today in osx.

lolwut, the drop-down menu for switching programs you complained about never existed in osx, and osx offers several different methods of switching. as for needing to uncover finder desktop icons, for all its faults modern osx finder has fixed that. set up your finder windows with the sidebar (they will have one out of the box) and make sure "devices" are shown in the sidebar (once again, this will be true oob)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Suspicious Dish posted:

It was Ian Jackson. He is not Ian of Deb-Ian.

i just read a shitload of jan-feb 2014 mailing list flamewar involving this guy

that's a couple hours of my life i'll never get back

also holy lol that it was actually seriously argued in that thread that the upstart maintainer employed by canonical should not recuse himself due to conflict of interest, even after one of the canonical people dropped the bombshell that, if debian chose systemd, canonical might not continue funding upstart (which of course is what actually happened).

lol even more that the entire committee (not just the canonical stooges) went along with this farce

i understand trying to defend your jorb, but jfc

<--- presently amazed debian ever ships poo poo at all

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Suspicious Dish posted:

I mean, I sort of understand that. Canonical is perhaps the biggest user of Debian. It would be nice if the biggest user got a say in that debate. You can call it rigging, I can call it actually listening to your customers.

Still, even with that, they lost fair and square. I'm just surprised they were good sports about it, but I suppose they didn't really have a vested interest anymore when Keybuk left for Google.

yeh i guess i'm mostly reacting to the way the three upstart supporters in the debian tc acted, when you skim through the archives they did an awful lot of transparent bad-faith arguing. not just politics, they got very passive-aggressive about all the valid reasons other tc members came up with for selecting systemd. (as far as i could tell from skimming, the systemd faction of the tc arrived at being a systemd faction out of a sincere attempt to fairly rank the options, on technical merit and other factors.)

ian jackson in particular went totally crazy trying to abuse process as soon as it became clear there were enough votes to select systemd, quibbling to delay a final vote and then insisting on complicating it with silly riders to multiply the number of options (an attempt to split the opposition's vote)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

pram posted:

like i said it depends but probably not. desktops most definitely dont need swap unless you're on some kind of poverty system from 2002. servers only need swap for stuff like databases, tomcat/jboss, edge case bullshit like squid and varnish. maybe kv stores like redis and memcache depending on how you use them

a linux with 4 gibbibytes of rams will swap quite a bit if you just open tabs in firefox

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Deus Rex posted:

linux has had good support for swap files since 2.6 and you can suspend or hibernate to a swap file just fine.

"good" support would mean something like the macintosh operating system ten's dynamic_pager, which creates and destroys swapfiles on demand, functionality which always seemed to be lacking in linuxes. also i don't think i ever saw a linux install which defaulted to files instead of partitions. have these things changed at all?

(my recent linux install experience is limited to red hate and it still does swap partitions because of course it would. kid, nickel, real computer, go buy one, etc)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

pram posted:

lol 4gb of ram, lol firefox etc

:agreed: but you dont always get to choose what's in your work pc

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

it defaults to a fixed-size swap partition on lvm, because that is the only sane or reasonable stuck-in-the-1970s configuration

i'm sure you could mis-configure it to suit your very specific needs, but that's your own problem, neckbeard

the "need" is wanting to boot the install dvd, press butan, and have it auto partition the disk as one partition instead of a bunch of tiny ones just because irrelevant decades-old big-iron neckbeard dogma insists that you must put swap and bin and sbin and root-FS and home dirs and opt each in their own mini partition. the "need" is not wanting to ever have to cj swap space. the "need" is not having to guess how much swap is enough potentially years before a critical event.

in short, the "need" is wanting a linux to actually behave like real desktop operating systems in tyool 2014

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull
:tipshat: to all who actually answered my question whether non-red-hate distros can now configure them are selves to swap in a file without cjing

i still dk if there's anythign comparable to dynamic_pager (expands and contracts amount of space used by swapfiles as needed), which is the second essential component of behaving like a real desktop os, but whatevs

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

it will create more swap than you have physical memory, so that in a worst-case scenario you can dump 100% of physical memory to swap

worrying that the amount of RAM in the system might change over "years" is the neckbeard option here

lol if u think amount of ram changing is what i care about

the idea that a fixed allocation is desirable in any way at all is horrible broken-by-design stupidity. and it's actually dumb everywhere, not just desktop

i'll give u a real world non desktop example so u can comprehend. my former employer only gave me 4gb ram in my linux desktop because they have rackmount linux compute servers to run the real poo poo on. these have a minimum 64gb ram, many have 96 or 128. lol if u think its appropriate to dedicate 128gb of a 300gb SAS disk (what most of them had) to swap. the guy who set them up guessed how much swap partition was needed but inevitably that guess was sometimes wrong

with dynamic allocation this is simply never an issue.

another example of dynamic allocation superiority: whoever installed linux unfortunately went along with the installer's preferred (?) partition layout which made a root FS partition just large enough for the distro with home dirs elsewhere, because everyone knows you should do that on a unix because that's the way the neckbeard prophets did it

turns out eda tools need a lot of disk space at /tmp, we had all kinds of fun with tools making GBS threads themselves in weird ways thanks to that fuckup. the minimum cost solution accounting for labor and disruption was of course to buy another disk and mount it on /tmp (lol), but the point is that ever needing to do this is super dumb when file systems are a thing.

dynamic allocation superior to static. if u dont get this please gtfo this thread and yospos tyvm

BobHoward fucked around with this message at 21:29 on Oct 27, 2014

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull
quote is not edit

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

the only time you should ever touch swap, ever, is to dump kernel memory to disk. either for debugging, or for suspend/resume. this requires a fixed swap partition of known size to be immediately available w/out any code executing to create it

any other use of swap is a perversity.

it is not my fault your desktop is seriously loving hosed up. that is a problem with your employer not a problem with the sane defaults established by your distribution's installer

as usual your reading comprehension is creatively stupid, bsd stymie

also lol that u think the only purpose of swap is to dump kernel memory. even in environments where all the users are theoretically clueful, the real world is imperfect. having swap as a backstop prevents terrible problems like losing a week's worth of simulation (aka a week's worth of deadline) to the oom killer when some rear end in a top hat doesn't check whether it's safe to start up another sim on the same compute server

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Shinku ABOOKEN posted:

sorry i meant to ask : can os x produce kernel dumps? is the regular os x's kernel debuggable?

yes, it can dump over tcp/ip. it also supports two-machine debugging where gdb on one system uses firewire remote dma to debug the live kernel on the other

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Mr Dog posted:


if you have one hundred and twenty eight gigabytes of random access memory in your personal computer architecture based server and you hit swap then you have some serious problems

also loving lol you're saying a SIGBUS or a SIGSEGV would wipe out an entire week's worth of computing work? like seriously? you have absolutely no way to checkpoint this poo poo to disk?

"doctor it hurts when i hammer myself repeatedly in the balls"

lol if u think eda cad tools are always great about checkpointing etc. welcome to the world of being an end user who(se employer) pays huge amounts of money for the privilege of using software that is poo poo

(okay this is everyone's world but it is especially true in my field)

lol that nbsd thinks small companies in shaky condition (i'm no longer employed there due to corporate existential crisis :smith:) even have an on-call server ops team

lol that every time i post people keep ignoring the point which is that the most correct way to solve this problem (and no matter how much u think its not a real problem its still something os designers must worry about) is to use a simple technology from the stone age of computing

u wouldn't accept static allocation of ram in a general purpose operation system why accept static allocation of disk for swap

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Cardboard Box A posted:

So everyone hates systemd but no one really knows why?

imagine i took the effort to type the following in all caps with lots of exclamation marks and subliterate insults against poettering

it's not traditional unix arglebargle do one thing and do it well askldfjasdvn a monstrosity corrupting our pure bodily fluids buhhhhhhhh we are sysadmins hear us roar ffhfhfhfhfhfhf monolithic monolithic monolithic qwertyuiop real men write shell scripts

(it's the linux version of the tea party in other words)

Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull

Kiwi Ghost Chips posted:

i like systemd because anything that makes me less likely to look at bash scripts is good

as a programming language bash suffers from syntax / usability issues almost as bad as applescript


Feb 13, 2012

The only thing white people deserve is a bullet to their empty skull
notorious bsd was correct

on the one hand perl is cool and kinda enjoyable and does everything youd like a shell scripting language to do but is also a real language (real data structures allowed!)

on the other it's a nightmarish web of weird special context dependent behaviors intended to help but sometimes they hlep you instead, a thousand different ways to do the same thing for no real good reason, cryptic syntax only larry wall could love, and constantly nagging annoyances due to the way that complex data structures were hacked into the language

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