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cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

op, install linux


cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Suspicious Dish posted:

linux is good op

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

why did you install ubuntu. fedora 20 is a better gnome experience.

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

suspicious dish can you please make gnome software not ask me to restart and update every single day it's worse than windows

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

updating to gnome 3.12. hail satan.

edit this is nice. I miss the one extension I had installed though, dash-to-dock or whatever it was called

cowboy beepboop fucked around with this message at 08:24 on Mar 27, 2014

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

pointsofdata posted:

i would consider using fedora for my linux needs if it wasn't called fedora

it's ok i think it pre-dates the internet fat people wearing them

cool fedora story: i used some copr things today for gnome 3.12 and mesa 10.1 they worked well. thanks community. thanks redhat.

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

lol why do you have an android tablet

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Sassafras posted:

I'm gonna de-lurk long enough to say that as another full time Linux guy, after the GNOME 3 disaster I finally got suckered into buying Apple due to the "OSX, it's still unix but a decent desktop environment" myth. Decent hardware, but every point release is a driver crapshoot and of course I can't go in and fix them myself. I'm in Linux VMs if I want to do anything more complicated than surf the web or watch movies.

While I'm at it... There are hundreds of Linux-using developers at my day job and we pick our own environments. There's only *one* guy I've ever seen/heard of running GNOME 3 long term, but he also only graduated a year or two ago and is probably too dumb to know any better.

gnome 3 is great hope this helps

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Mr Dog posted:


I'm having doubts about continuing to renew my LWN subscription, because even that place is beginning to succumb to groupthink with I HATE SYSTEMD :byodood: and I HATE GNOME 3 :byodood: posters going around making GBS threads up unrelated discussions

don't even get me started on Michael Larabel's poo poo pit of a site

i keep forgetting lwn exists. i with their discussions weren't threaded. threaded boards are the worst.

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

yeah it would be good it popped up gain every 5 mins if someone messaged you. also if empthay worked with lync so i didn't have to run pidgin.

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

ShadowHawk posted:

It's not "optimizing for edge cases" so much as not actively trying to further break things for users who do manual configuration. We already hide that manual configuration from idiots.

But now Mint is forcing all their users to be idiots by default.

just change them to required

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

we use graylog2 backed by elasticsearch it's nice

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

gnome is really attractive i feel really bad for you people using kde

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

is anaconda the installer? it has worked for me every time

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Sassafras posted:

Change your shell to fish, you fools!

Sure, you can configure some other shells to be almost as great, but fish comes working out of the box. Only negative is that years of muscle memory using bash's backtick operator can't turn into using parentheses to save my life... but it's worth it and I could patch that back in if I really cared enough.

i tried this once but missed ctrl-r too much

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Suspicious Dish posted:

FYI, here's the computers we're building. They run Linux.

I'm at the office today while nobody else is because it's a nice place to chill that has p. good Wi-Fi while I'm in between hunting for apartments in SF. Sorry for the crummy camera pics.

how do you keyboard/mouse with only one usb port

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

this seems sensible idk

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

configure your firewall to only allow ssh and other important services to be available from your office's subnet and/or production range and set up ssh to be key only and don't worry about fail2ban

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

i didn't know about the recidive filter that seems useful. i hope you all badger your network guys into turning on rpf or similar as well. I need to badger mine harder :(

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

cheers bro

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

tell your boss you want to go to production on openbsd, report back

seems like it would be OK as a firewall or route server

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

infernal machines posted:

congrats on having to use the command line to fix something that should have worked oob. linux almost doesn't suck in really specific edge cases

the windows equivalent is needing to load network drivers from the cd that comes with your motherboard in order to download video card drivers and 4.3 gigs of windows updates. sure the command line isn't involved but it's just as much as a gently caress around

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Suspicious Dish posted:

Hello from Guatemala. Computers are really cool and fun and so is Linux. I have a job that is cook and fun and Linux and I just got fresh, hand picked, home made, roasted in front of my eyes coffee and it was delicious. And some weird sweet corn tamale that was delicious. Also I saw a car accident and a volcano explode. Today was good.

sounds cool & good & send me one of your test units thanks

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

oval office AND PASTE posted:

gnome 3.14 in the arch repo~

i already upgraded to f21 it's good stuff

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Ludwig van Halen posted:

probably the top bar thing that is literally 90% empty space with a dumb rear end clock dead center

hell even break out the dock os x style and get rid of the stupid hot corner windows 8 bullshit

'minimise' to another workspace hth

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

ShadowHawk posted:

Ubuntu has a majority, not a plurality. If you combined all non-Ubuntu Ubuntu would still have more.

So debian is the most popular? idk this is confusing

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Suspicious Dish posted:

I'd love to have any sort of data, but Fedora is broken and any attempt to discover how users are using the software we make is shut down with privacy concerns.

do what debian does and do the popularity contest opt-in during install?

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Suspicious Dish posted:


what's the k

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

good troll

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

cool win95 opinions

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

HorseLord posted:

gnome 3 is gnome 2 with an entire version's worth of features removed

stick to kde okay

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

just reinstalled fedora and wow the installer is trash

edit: wayland work well nice one suspicious dish. mouse acceleration is subtly different at low speeds and my back/forward buttons are not working though.

cowboy beepboop fucked around with this message at 13:51 on Nov 5, 2014

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Suspicious Dish posted:

I'll take a look at the back/forward buttons. What apps were you testing with? And were they Xwayland or Wayland apps?

Firefox, so I assume XWayland?

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

ZShakespeare posted:

poo poo like that is why I use an ancient linux. A lot less breakage when you need to spend your time actually working rather than janitoring your hobbyist garbage.

it's an option when you log in it's not like it's permabroken. it's intended to be tested.

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

lol if ur job makes you use windows for anything

it doesn't but evolution is so bad i would rather use win8 at work

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

oval office AND PASTE posted:

install this and you'll have the best fonts on any platform

i've never seen screenshots of this and cbf installing it. the fonts in fedora with freetype-world and slight hinting are better than win+osx anyway.

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

my amd in linux is much improved in the last year. don't use amd's drivers though use the open source ones they're surprisingly better

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Kiwi Ghost Chips posted:

god drat infinality owns

i just tried it. the kerning is bad and it rendered yospos in times new roman??

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Mr Dog posted:

the answer is gnome 3, everything else is poo poo at it

get fedora 21 op


cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

anaconda is poo poo agreed. those other things don't bother me at all on a desktop. i configured firewalld on a centos7 vm the other day and it seemed good though.

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