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Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

syntaxrigger posted:

working angular front end applications



Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

reminder that notorious BSD loves emacs which makes all his angry posts about usability and UI even more funny

Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

gnome 3 actually owns fyi they are just copying os x and its great

Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

slip proof stairs posted:

free software is supposed to unite us in song, not tear us apart!

free software is literally fork you got mine

Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

still garbage Mach
still riddled with weird bsd tools
still ships with a proprietary compiler
still doesn't have a package system

every Sun Microsystems sin and awkward hack of the 1980s, haunting us in 2014


Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

ahmeni posted:

hey guess what you can use arguments against both vi and emacs interchangeably because the actual difference between them is only something people who dont do any real work care about

Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

Wild EEPROM posted:

basically the reason osx is bad at being linux is because it isn't linux

and thank god for that

Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

wow it's like the license in itself constitutes an issue in normal use

it appears that thousand or millions of developers actually manage to use to just fine, but i dunno

Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

gnome 3 actually owns quite a lot


Squinty Applebottom
Jan 1, 2013

debian + gnome 3 is quite possibly the best desktop experience in TYOOL 2014

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