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Apr 3, 2013

linux isn't a OS, it's a lifestyle.


Apr 3, 2013

superior tiling window manager

Apr 3, 2013

auto monitor detection? no thanks, I prefer to manually use xrandr myself.

Apr 3, 2013

tbh i prefer to compile my window manager from source and spend hours reading through a "self-describing" config file.

wait people don't compile everything from source?

Apr 3, 2013

I like xfce4 but I can't ever seem to make it look nice

SYSV Fanfic posted:

Is a tiling window manager the best bet for minimizing the use of a mouse?


Apr 3, 2013

i installed i3 and it seems alright

Apr 3, 2013


i want something that does what slate does on osx -- just a set of keybindings for arranging your windows into tiles that works over your existing WM.

Does gnome have anything like that?

I'm pretty sure xmonad can do that

Apr 3, 2013

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

macbooks are almost* the perfect linux laptop

*the exception is the lovely broadcom wireless. but that sucks equally bad under osx. it's more of a general lol apple problem than a linux problem

There are a few more problems than that but the cool part is there are only a handful of models each year so there are a ton of workarounds to everything.

Apr 3, 2013

so what are some good terminal applications besides htop, nethogs, irssi.

Apr 3, 2013


tmux, ncmpc (unfortunately there's no reason to use it now that music streaming is the only sane option), tig, midnight commander

never had heard of mc or tig. thanks for the recs.

Apr 3, 2013

it's official guys. you really aren't running linux if you don't have an animes background.

Apr 3, 2013

All linux desktop environments are trash for the most part. All you really need is some no frills window manager to throw up some terminals and poo poo. Xfce usually does it but I've been thinking of trying one of those tiling ones with free float mode to take it even further or maybe I'll throw xmonad on top of xfce.

Also do all the major desktop environments still have gradients, bubbles, and big fades?

Apr 3, 2013

just went from the nouveau drives to proprietary nvidia ones and holy poo poo the performance increase is insane. oddly though now my xfce4 won't change themes, gonna have to figure out why later

Apr 3, 2013

couldn't handle the brutul owns of oepn sources

Apr 3, 2013

so what are some cool open source projects people should involved with than

Apr 3, 2013

Apr 3, 2013


also i installed the prop nvidia drivers, lost all my xfce theme stuff and text rendering. booted up yesterday and magically it's all back. thanks debian

Apr 3, 2013

lol transmission daemon can't handle 3k torrent files. might be time to wipe and start a new

seems transmission wasn't deleting files that I said to delete. This should be a fun cleanup....

b0red fucked around with this message at 16:48 on Oct 26, 2015

Apr 3, 2013

lol was wondering why my server wouldn't update so i checked my firewall etc. realized utopic was dropped from support, could've swore I was on LTS but whatever. dist upgraded no problem thankfully

Apr 3, 2013

my stepdads beer posted:

have you considered centos

have you ever thought of using gentoo

Apr 3, 2013

Soricidus posted:

yes but my doctor gave me some pills and now I don't want to harm myself so much

b-b-but systemd is the debil

Apr 3, 2013

systemd flies in the face of the Unix philosophy: "do one thing and do it well," representing a complex collection of dozens of tightly coupled binaries. Its responsibilities grossly exceed that of an init system, as it goes on to handle power management, device management, mount points, cron, disk encryption, socket API/inetd, syslog, network configuration, login/session management, readahead, GPT partition discovery, container registration, hostname/locale/time management, mDNS/DNS-SD, the Linux console and other things all wrapped into one. The agenda for systemd to be an ever-growing and invasive middleware for GNU/Linux was elucidated in a 2014 GNOME Asia talk. Keep it simple, stupid.

Apr 3, 2013

i'm running templeOS so i just boot up the old god program and ask him to install emacs for me. problem solved. if he doesn't than it wasn't part of his plan

Apr 3, 2013

So is it possible to extend my LVM /home partition to a second drive or should I just move my /home to the second drive. Is the first thing possible either way

Apr 3, 2013

Interesting to know, and I'd probably do this for real if it wasn't for the fact that I'd be extending a 40Gb partion on a SSD into a 2tb drive. lol thanks for the info though guys, i'll just use pvcreate and add the new ting to the lvm blah blah.

i'm assuming doing it is a bad idea because data can get spread between the drives and if you lose the lvm stuff than your boned

Apr 3, 2013

Soricidus posted:

like windows 10 even manages to have two different control panel apps with different behaviours and different things you can change in each, finally catching up with how bad Linux was like 15 years ago

lmao connecting to wifi has also become Linux level bad. the wifi selector won't even open half the time and the only fix is a restart or cmd magic. feels good. this is with wpa2 enterprise networks btw

Apr 3, 2013

but Linux has more games than ps4 6 months after launch. so why even need Windows

Apr 3, 2013

Silver Alicorn posted:

I love tux racer

this was my poo poo back when I got my first Ubuntu distro in the mail. back when they'd ship them around the world for free.

Apr 3, 2013

i'm starting to really like xmonad. poo poo just works which is p nice. plus i can take netflix to fullscreen, than fullscreen the actual video and resize it in xmonad and it retains the fullscreen.

other weird tidbit. been doing some ajax/jquery/python poo poo and i get a 500 internal server error when POSTing my data file to python on my linux box but poo poo just werks on when i'm on my mac which is all homebrew'd out. probably some permissions poo poo, idk. i'll figure it out tomorrow. something something xhr something something. it's uses werkzeug/flask so maybe pip hosed everything up

b0red fucked around with this message at 04:08 on Nov 25, 2015

Apr 3, 2013

redid my debian minimal build and with xmonad + thunar my external hdd mounted and unmounted perfectly. 2016 truly is the year. so far everything has just werk'd besides trying to get urxvt working how i want but that's it's own nutshell

Apr 3, 2013

Everyone be sayin you need some patched urxvt or some poo poo but they're all on arch and gently caress this poo poo on debian.
urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'DejaVu Sans Mono:slant=0:weight=100:pixelsize=18:antialias=False:autohint=True:minspace=True', ignoring.
urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'Courier New:slant=0:weight=100:pixelsize=18:antialias=False:autohint=True:minspace=True', ignoring.
urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'Andale Mono:slant=0:weight=100:pixelsize=18:antialias=False:autohint=False:minspace=True', ignoring.
urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'Arial Unicode MS:slant=0:weight=100:pixelsize=18:antialias=False:autohint=False:minspace=True', ignoring.
urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'FreeMono:slant=0:weight=100:pixelsize=18:autohint=True:minspace=True', ignoring.
b0red@hagale:~$ urxvt -fn "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=True:autohint=True:minspace=True" 
urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'DejaVu Sans Mono:slant=0:weight=100:pixelsize=14:antialias=False:autohint=True:minspace=True', ignoring.
urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'Courier New:slant=0:weight=100:pixelsize=14:antialias=False:autohint=True:minspace=True', ignoring.
urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'Andale Mono:slant=0:weight=100:pixelsize=14:antialias=False:autohint=False:minspace=True', ignoring.
urxvt: unable to calculate font width for 'FreeMono:slant=0:weight=100:pixelsize=14:autohint=True:minspace=True', ignoring
what's a good terminal emulator that will do fonts, 256color, etc and not be lame like urxvt

Apr 3, 2013

people run rhel as their desktop?

Apr 3, 2013

froward posted:

wow such driver, many game!!

after several years of using lunix (mint and ubuntu, the most accessible and well supported things apparently) on my poo poo, I am building a workstation and going to put Windoze on it.

because there is no good music player for linux. none. really.

let's go over the list:

clementine: quite polished looking, actually! supports streaming from tons of places! well, in theory anyway. many of the Features don't work, including many streams, music player support, shortcut keys. has no way to browse albums. replaygain usually works.

rhythmbox: love the interface. unfortunately replaygain is garbage. crashes at random. sometimes impossible to close without using terminal. made three copies of every song in my library that i tried to move to my ipod.

banshee: somehow corrupted a bunch of music. HOW??? I JUST WANT YOU TO PLAY IT. ugh

all of em suffer from random crashes, being impossible to close, trying to do everything poorly instead of a few things well. none of them are able to do global shortcuts properly (I like to use my numpad to play/pause/skip)

there's also Deadbeef which is modeled on foobar2000. its kinda dead, and only hosted on sourceforge, but I'm gonna give it a shot (foreshadowing intensifies)

anyway thats my bitchpost thanks for reading

EDIT: almost forgot the libreoffice bug where the application will crash, delete your document AND the backup copy, and this is somehow just a 'known bug, happens sometimes'. amazing. in the year of our potato 2016.

cmus really is simple to use and in pretty much every major distro's repos. I know it's a terminal program but it gets the job done and i've never had it crash. all linux is usually poo poo outside of the browser/terminal.

b0red fucked around with this message at 01:59 on Jan 11, 2016

Apr 3, 2013

my lossless fiio player and HD800s suite my needs when im trying to get mad gainz. pop in an sd card, transfer, done.

b0red fucked around with this message at 20:08 on Jan 11, 2016

Apr 3, 2013

Lysidas posted:

cool pics bro, sw8 stone shelfing

i see you 'mirin my racks in the back

Apr 3, 2013

where can i buy an open source office chair

Apr 3, 2013

Kazinsal posted:

$300 for a pre-made chair made of plywood, $3-8k for a small office's worth of furniture, and I bet you have to put it together yourself too. it's like ikea for neckbeardy hipsters

lol at that price you could get herman miller stuff.

Apr 3, 2013

ive been using debian for the last 1 year as my main desktop and have had no problems. idk why you guys hate debian and i still can't tell if the gnome3 posts are real. i refuse to believe gnome3 is good

Apr 3, 2013

Barnyard Protein posted:

that is awesome. do you know what kind of computers they use? the productivity loss of a unstable computer is so much greater than the cost of a new computer, imo.

i wonder how much productivity is lost every time a dev tries to learn emacs or vim and attempts to extend it to be more like an ide

should probably backup my dotfiles now that I think about it


Apr 3, 2013

Marzzle posted:

but seriously i can't really conceive of how people write something spread across a few modules and still remember what each method/object etc accept as parameters and their return types. i know people must do it and i pretty regularly write (and screw up) python stuff in text editors but java seems like it would be some next level frustration.

how do you keep track of a lot of stuff on a regular editor?


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