Ocrassus posted:Guys I think he took my 'academically inferior' comment too seriously and now he's above replying to any of my posts. For what it's worth, I thought that was a good post and I enjoyed reading it.
# ¿ Apr 1, 2014 01:15 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 19:02 |
I gave it a bit of consideration, and I honestly think that dogecoin or something would make a more workable currency than... whatever it is that RA's proposing here. Anybody disagree?
# ¿ Apr 1, 2014 01:44 |
I'm 4 pages into that marble thread somebody linked a little while back, and holy wow does RA have problems. How can somebody function in society if they so clearly don't understand how people work?
# ¿ Apr 1, 2014 04:04 |
eXXon posted:Oh, I get it. This was all an April Fool's joke. In the marble thread he cited a study by Mark Levine and then posted a wall of text sci-fi story he wrote to illustrate how great his attention and marble based economy would be. Dude's bananas. Wanamingo fucked around with this message at 05:03 on Apr 1, 2014 |
# ¿ Apr 1, 2014 04:50 |
Arglebargle III posted:Why isn't this thread gold yet? I think it's because he hasn't started writing a book about how great the strangeconomy would be yet.
# ¿ Apr 1, 2014 16:42 |
I just went over to the wikipedia article for cranks, and why is everybody only bringing up the first four points?quote:In addition, many cranks:
# ¿ Apr 1, 2014 16:52 |
RealityApologist posted:If I made a mistake here its one of interpretation. I didn't mean to lie or evade. I'm still struggling to parse the distinction you are drawing. quote:Cranks who contradict some mainstream opinion in some highly technical field, such as mathematics or physics, frequently: There's a reason you're having trouble with this, RA.
# ¿ Apr 1, 2014 17:42 |
RA, how do you afford being a perpetual student? I'm curious about what sort of background you come from that makes it possible.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2014 05:40 |
RealityApologist posted:What? Where did I say anything like this? I explicitly define nepotism in terms of preferrential treatment. Its the second sentence in the essay. quote:Other things equal, people tend towards a bias in hiring and preferentially treating their family and friends.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2014 21:28 |
RealityApologist posted:^^ wtf is going on It was the other things equal part. You're treating nepotism like it's purely used to decide which similarly skilled candidate to hire.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2014 21:39 |
RealityApologist posted:Appealing to a ceteris paribus clause = evidence of privilege. Yowza, I don't even know how to respond to that. What are you talking about? We can define and discuss the problem of nepotism without simplifying it like that. Hell, if we simplify nepotism that much then it wouldn't be a problem. Obdicut posted:Why would you say that, instead of just saying 'without all other things being equal'? He's spent the last 10+ years living in academia and doing absolutely nothing else. e: I still want to know how he can afford to be a perpetual student. That much schooling doesn't come cheap.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2014 21:48 |
RA, is not having access to your iPhone/Glass/3D printer/whatever else tech stuff as bad as being born in the wrong body? Why or why not?
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 16:19 |
RealityApologist posted:I don't know what you mean by "as bad as", or why that is relevant to the argument I make. Is DOMA or DADT as bad as Jim Crow? If not, does that mean we shouldn't care about the former? Fine then, are the two things comparably bad?
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 16:42 |
A man breaks into your house at night and threatens you with a gun. He gives you an option, either undergo complete gender reassignment surgery or else he'll take every last electronic in your home. Which do you pick?
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 16:56 |
I remember when I came out as an Apple user. My mom was shocked, said it was gross and that she didn't want me bringing any iPhones into her house.
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 17:06 |
A lot of people just don't understand what it means to be bitechnical. They think that just because I have an iPhone means I use a Mac, own an iPad, watch AppleTV, and all sorts of stuff like that. I don't. But, because I use Windows, people also think I must own a Zune, too. I get told that I'm just doing it for attention, that I'm not really bitechnical, that I'm just a Windows user who's confused or an Apple user who hasn't figured it out yet, or that I'm just so tech starved that I'll use anything that's electronic. Why can't they understand what it's like?
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 17:17 |
Being a transtechite is a complicated thing for me. It's not like being a transtechual where you're born with the wrong user preference, like a lot of people seem to think. No, I was born a Windows user and I'm still a Windows user. It's just that, you know, sometimes I like to try out an iPhone or something. Sure, it's mostly just in the bedroom, but occasionally I'd like to take it out in public too. I'm sort of afraid, though. My area isn't the most progressive, and even now you hear news stories about people being beaten up for using the wrong device. I suppose it's not all bad, we at least Eddie Izzard as a high profile transtechite. Of course though, The Kinks wrote Out of the Techdrobe all the way back in 1978, and they sang about exactly all of the same problems we face today. Maybe we're not making as much progress as I'd hoped.
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 17:41 |
ryde posted:Uh, wow. I was gonna write up another bullshit paragraph about tech pride but I can't think of anything right now so instead I'll just say that to put cyborg discrimination in the same ballpark as LGBTQ issues, let alone directly comparing them, shows an utterly insane amount of privilege.
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 17:56 |
Wanamingo posted:I was gonna write up another bullshit paragraph about tech pride but I can't think of anything right now so instead I'll just say that to put cyborg discrimination in the same ballpark as LGBTQ issues, let alone directly comparing them, shows an utterly insane amount of privilege. I'll quote myself here to say that this is what RealityApologist literally believes. RealityApologist posted:
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 18:04 |
SedanChair posted:Hey Eripsa you want to see some actual loving cyborg discrimination you sheltered lunkhead? How about the employment rate of war vet amputees with prosthetic limbs? You think maybe that's a little more real than me thinking you're an rear end in a top hat because you point Glass at me? Genuine question here, would it really be cyborg discrimination if the prosthetic limbs actually make the veteran more employable compared to wounded vets without them?
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 19:17 |
Oh my god you're actually modelling one of his half baked ideas, that's hilarious. I'm eagerly awaiting the results.
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 19:24 |
SedanChair posted:Physically more employable or more likely to actually be hired? More likely to be hired. I'm just talking about our current technology, not any sci-fi stuff. Getting prosthetics done to enhance yourself is another thing altogether. e: at least I would assume somebody with a prosthetic arm is more likely to be hired than somebody missing an arm. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.
# ¿ Apr 3, 2014 19:36 |
Obdicut posted:Wikipedia isn't an example of the commons, though. It's not a resource that can be depleted. How can you not even know that basic concept? Hell, unlike the commons, it's also centrally managed. The tragedy only happened because people were allowed to go hog wild and let their animals feed there as much as they wanted. E; I mean drat, how can a person not understand that. When I took a friggin intro to politics class, an absolute, bottom of the barrel, 101 thing, the teacher made sure we grasped it. Wanamingo fucked around with this message at 02:14 on Apr 4, 2014 |
# ¿ Apr 4, 2014 02:09 |
RealityApologist posted:No, I'm not saying I'm an extremist, especially about the strangecoin stuff which I'm not at all confident about. What a coincidence, I was literally just reading the attention economy thread and look what I saw. RealityApologist/Eripsa, two years ago, on page 21 posted:I completely accept the accusation that I'm advocating for a kind of extremism.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2014 06:14 |
RealityApologist posted:I'm certainly extremist in some of my views, sure. But SedanChair is right to suggest, and the research I point to supports, that I'm not being an extremist about strangecoin, mostly because I'm not at all confident about it. You literally just said you weren't an extremist, especially when it comes to strangecoin. This means you are not an extremist at all, and that you are especially cautious over your current idea. I provided you with a quote from yourself saying you were an extremist. Just once in your life I want you to admit that you were wrong. Either say you're an extremist now, or say you shouldn't have been an extremist two years ago. e: phonepostin, typo Wanamingo fucked around with this message at 06:27 on Apr 4, 2014 |
# ¿ Apr 4, 2014 06:24 |
RealityApologist posted:I'm saying extremism is relative to particular beliefs. One isn't just an extremist simpliciter, they are an extremist relative to this or that belief or position. I'm not an extremist about Strangecoin, because I'm not confident in it and I'm interested in correction and improvement. Extremeists don't correct their beliefs because they are extremely confident in them. That doesn't characterize my belief in the Strangecoin proposal. Okay, you have multifaceted beliefs. You're an extremist in some areas but not in others. That's perfectly fine. Why did you specifically deny being an extremist when you were asked? Don't tell me you were simply talking about your beliefs towards strangecoin, because if you were then you wouldn't have specified it. You said you were not an extremist, full stop, end of story. Look, it's alright to say stupid things sometimes. Everybody does, myself included. But the thing is, when a reasonable adult gets called on saying something stupid, they're supposed to admit they were wrong so they can learn from the mistake and move on. What type of person are you if, when caught directly contradicting yourself, you double down and try to weasel your way out of it instead of just admitting the mistake?
# ¿ Apr 4, 2014 07:12 |
RealityApologist posted:If you look at the thread, I did say that, apparently as you were writing up your response. Again, this isn't me changing my mind or pretending I didn't say something I did, this is a mistaken interpretation. I meant in the very first post where you denied being an extremist. I know you tried to clarify your position by saying you're only an extremist when it comes to certain things, but that's not my problem. RealityApologist posted:No, I'm not saying I'm an extremist, especially about the strangecoin stuff which I'm not at all confident about. That quote right there. You denied being an extremist at all, plain and simple. Unless you're going to tell me that you meant to say something like No, I'm not saying I'm an extremist (about strangecoin), especially about the strangecoin stuff which I'm not at all confident about, which doesn't make any sense, then there's no way around it. By some stroke of luck I managed to find a quote with you directly contradicting yourself there. All I want is you to admit that you were wrong to say that, and that you should have said you are an extremist but just not when it comes to your strangecoin idea. Somebody, please, back me up on this. I want to know if I'm actually the one being terrible here.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2014 08:46 |
The quote of you saying you were an extremist was from an attention economy thread, with you referring to the attention economy.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2014 09:01 |
RealityApologist posted:In the original AE threads I was raging for all sorts of radical political ends that I thought motivated AE and served as it's theoretical underpinnings. Most of these views are very radical but I don't feel very confident about them and so aren't extremist views. Others I feel more confident about, and some of the theoretical basis for AE I feel very confidently about and I'm quite extremist. I'm talking about this post right here, in case anybody wants some context. Now, just to be clear, I'm not accusing you of lying, or anything malicious, or anything else like that. My problem, which I stated very clearly in the second post I made on the subject, is that you made a mistake. That's it. I know I am being incredibly dogmatic here, but I feel that you have severe problems when it comes to owning up to your mistakes. Whether it's this, or the linear thing from earlier on, you just can't admit to ever doing anything wrong. All I want is for you to say that you weren't an extremist back then, or that you were and it was foolhardy to feel so strongly towards the attention economy, or something like that. I probably want to drop this as much as you do, but I really don't feel that I'm in the wrong here.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2014 09:18 |
The person meant that you're still cargo culting. Or something like that, I don't know. They weren't being literal.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2014 19:00 |
It's true. RA should've went with a better thumbnail.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2014 22:16 |
BernieLomax posted:I was struck by you focusing on proving how it is linear instead of asking him how it was non-linear, only for accusing him for moving the goalposts when you finally understood what he said. Slanderer posted:Also, to ask yet again, why the gently caress is it nonlinear? That's not what nonlinear means. Stop using technical words you don't loving understand.
# ¿ Apr 6, 2014 01:03 |
Zodium posted:I think saying that nobody is getting any Mr. Nice Guy awards is putting it rather generously. For instance, let's look at your first post in this thread, from page one. If this were RA's first thread then I'd agree with you, but the guy's been doing the stuff for years and it's always the same act. There's a certain point where a person really just loses the benefit of the doubt over these sorts of things, and you can safely assume that if they have a long history of posting crackpot ideas in the past then their new idea isn't going to be any better.
# ¿ Apr 6, 2014 01:10 |
RealityApologist posted:That's right, my mistake. Holy poo poo folks, it's a red letter day.
# ¿ Apr 7, 2014 09:12 |
jre posted:Oh dear. You're resorting to posting meaningless word salad again because you don't have a good answer. This is just as embarrassing as your attempt to go , "Yes but what is 'science' really" when people pointed out that you didn't seem to understand the basics of the scientific method. It's not purely just meaningless word salad, he's trying to claim that normal economic theory doesn't apply to his model because of reasons. It's the exact same bullshit excuse that bitcoiners give when an actual economist calls them out on their idiocy.
# ¿ Apr 7, 2014 21:54 |
Best Friends posted:If you don't like people being less than friendly to people these are a poor choice of forums to read. making GBS threads on a privileged rear end in a top hat like RA is one thing, but there's really no good reason to make fun of somebody for having schizophrenia.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2014 00:07 |
No joke, my autistic boyfriend is actually way better about understanding human interaction than RA is.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2014 14:08 |
Who What Now posted:Now, now, this isn't a contest over which autistic person is better at understanding human interactions. That's the thing, as far as I can see RA's only problem is that he's just that sheltered.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2014 14:15 |
Honestly, RA, have you ever considered going to a counselor just for a session or two to see what they have to say? You don't strike me as having any sort of specific mental issues, but some of the things you say and do raise a few red flags that make me think you have some issues that need to be sorted out. Not wanting to admit you're ever wrong is a big one, but there's also stuff like conflating criticism of your ideas with criticism of you. You're an academic, of course, so I'm sure I don't have to tell you that there's anything wrong with seeking mental health.
# ¿ Apr 9, 2014 15:29 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 19:02 |
RealityApologist posted:Sigh. You are all conflating criticism of me with criticism of my ideas, and attributing the mistake to me. There have been personal attacks against you, probably some even from me, but in the bulk of this and in the bulk of all your other threads, the criticisms have been nothing but legitimate. Somebody earlier in the thread, I forget who, said that you used to be completely different a few years back, before all the OWS stuff. If they were right, then that's really sort of worrying.
# ¿ Apr 9, 2014 16:16 |