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Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.
42 pages of people screaming at somebody to stop writing obfuscated drivel, to no effect.



Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.
Here's a pretty fundamental thing (why am I touching the poop?): isn't behavior much more likely to be something I want to "couple with" or "endorse" or "gently caress" or whatever this system involves, rather than individual people at no finer level of granularity? Outside of a seriously small circle of close friends and family, there's no way I'm going to offer blanket endorsement Strangelikins to random people I know. The not-ever-really-provided example of a corporation is a good example. I'll "endorse" or "support" other people in my corporate network when they're doing their jobs well, and only when they're actually on the job, but I have absolutely no interest in supporting or endorsing anything else they do otherwise. You can't reduce that to a one-dimensional factor like "0.35". If somebody goes on vacation to protest abortion clinics, even if they're a great machinist I want no relationship with them in the economic system during that period of time.

A system that can keep track of how each individual is "behaving" economically is the only way this can move a couple steps out of the shadow of ridiculous inconceivability, but it's far more complicated than the basic idea (to be generous). What is the nature of each transaction? Why is it realistic or even meaningful to force coarse person-to-person umbrella relationships?

Oh, also, while I'm making little mud castles out of the poop, Strangecoin as a "model" doesn't make any sense unless there's something to model, some actual observable phenomena to analyze. As some kind of bizzarro-world reconstructed socio-economic system, it can't act as a model for societal behavior because no actual society behaves like that. It's like coming up with a weather model for a suspected planet orbiting another star. What can the model predict? People living in the Strangecoin dystopia don't exist. Only people living here do, and their behavior has nothing to do with Strangecoin. When my kids were little, a couple of them used to play with weird little beanie babies called "Fooey" and "Wooey". "Fooey" was a brilliant inventor, but he only invented things nobody could possibly want. One standout that I remember was a machine that plays different kinds of music to go along with the way you eat British noodle dishes. Strangecoin seems a lot like that.

Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.

eXXon posted:

I don't know about you but if I was in strangecoinland I would try to figure out how to maximize my income (and close friends/family).

Well honestly I don't know what I'd do there, because the mechanics of economic and social, well, everything are so different than what exists in the world of simple money. Imposing strangecoin on the real world, as has been discussed endlessly, would be insanely difficult. Therefore, to me it's much easier to think about a world that spent 5000 years evolving to the strangecoin situation. Not that that's easy in absolute terms, just easier than imagining how to retrain humanity to think so differently.

The whole thread would have been different if the story fragment had been the OP.

Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.
I'm kind-of bored so here's a random suggestion for RA. I don't pretend to understand much of this, but I keep noticing a bothersome tendency in your mechanical descriptions of the Strangecoin system. That tendency is to pin down system parameters to fixed types, like percentages or colors. When you do that before you've worked out the nature of all these network relationships, and the sorts of transactions (in the system architecture sense, not the economic sense) that will have to happen for things to work, you're severely limiting yourself. Before you know exactly what sorts of information needs to be retained for a "coupling" relationship, for example, it's backwards to decide up front that "coupling" involves a commitment expressed as a percentage. Maybe it should be two percentages, or thirty, or something totally different. This idea of "color blending" is similar. A color is basically a tuple of some sort, but it's also a particular kind of tuple with its own semantics. Why decide that it's an appropriate way of conveying some information before you really know what that information means and how it operates in the system?

An analogy from the software world would be that it's like typing in a database schema before you really know what you want to do.

Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.
^^^ The whole "aura" thing is a good example of my complaint. Given that a whole bunch of stuff in this "system" is going to involve some sort of implicit automation, why does that particular aspect of network participation need to be something designed for a physical sense? Why do I need to "see" auras, in other words? What needs to be conveyed to me in order for me to process that information?

Color is problematic anyway. What's the arity? Do we think about it as a simple RGB value? If so, what are the semantics of larger and smaller values for the color channels? Why is that a good way to convey "goodness" or "evilness"? Is it, alternatively, a hue system (HSL or HSV)? If so, what are the compass points? What are the semantics of saturation (is pale red better or worse than bright red)? Also note that there's added complexity stemming from the fact that the range of possible values in any workable color system is normally limited; adding colors together is a mess. Even if you solve that with some normalization measure, it's still the case that if somebody glows with HSL(274, 85%, 32%) they could have gotten that way as a result of an infinite number of possible combinations.

Choosing color is just a premature decision here.

Forums Barber posted:

RA, I checked and this poster didn't make fun of you, so you can actually listen to him.

The idea of laundering transactions is similar, however -- if somebody who insulted you has an idea, they could have somebody else who you haven't filtered out yet post the idea for them. So absent The Computer to verify, you should probably ignore all advice, just in case a troll had any contact with it (assuming you're still using your heuristic of "people who are mean prima facie have no good ideas.")

Yes that was serious. Honestly I think RA has been a surprisingly good sport through these 2000 some-odd posts, though I agree that the topic of discussion is bewildering. That suggestion is serious commentary based on my intuition as an old software developer and system architect.

I am not a SedanChair sock puppet or anything like that.

emfive fucked around with this message at 01:11 on Apr 12, 2014

Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.

Forums Barber posted:

that's exactly what the real SedanChair would say! j'accuse! I'm going to need to see your last thousand posts, sorry.

No I'm pretty sure the real SedanChair would be unable to resist the urge to say something completely bizarre.

Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.

JawnV6 posted:

In my job of Building Real Things we recently had to think a lot about color. Human eyes can differentiate individual sources that are a few nm apart, 1nm at best, but there's about 1e7 distinct colors we can map out. Then you open the door to chromaticity and mapping colors humans can't actually see into the normal color space and I've already made an utterly terrible error in the domain because I'm not an expert. One cool thing is that experienced metalworkers can reasonably guess temperatures based on the black body curve from the color of molten steel. If you're trying to solve the general problem of guessing a temperature from a black body equation and an IR wavelength you run up against emissivity and scuffed paint versus regular is enough to throw your calculation wildly off target.

There's a really great book called "Catching The Light" that's all about how complicated light and color are. It's not a simple concept, and for that reason I think it's a terrible go-to for something as basic as a fundamental part of a socio-economic system. Like, for a very simple example, what do color-blind people do? Also, color "good" and "bad" norms are entirely determined by culture. Red is "bad" in some cultures but "good" in others.

Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.

CheesyDog posted:

pro-level Starcraft

I think I need to go to a different planet

Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.
Everybody's moved on from Strangecoin guys! It's all about Synereo!!

Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.

Slanderer posted:

I'd love to hangout with Eripsa :)

A cool, clear day, plenty of laughter and beer, all punctuated by the soft popping sound of attention marbles striking their targets.

Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.

wheez the roux posted:

although that's a particularly egregious example, because you'd think a technofetishist would know what twitter is.

i say "you'd" think because eripsa doesn't, won't, and seemingly can't.

I think an implied premise is that the value of Synereo will become so obvious and so compelling that everyone will start spending all their time hunched over a keyboard firing marbles at things. Of course in such a situation one would expect the doctor not to have bothered to visit Sierra Leone in the first place, and instead to have stayed at home shooting AMPs at the best doctors already there.


Aug 6, 2011

Hey emfive, this is Alec. I am glad you like the mummy eating the bowl of shitty pasta with a can of 'parm.' I made that image for you way back when. I’m glad you enjoy it.

Good Citizen posted:

Yep. I would literally rather set myself on fire than try to teach my grandma how to use a new and different social network program. Never again.

Naah - just get her an account and have her log in and post something, then you open your laptop or grab your phone and start paying her AMPs, and once she feels those marbles for a while she'll be completely hooked.

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