My friends and I have been making LPs for years and posting them to Tumblr where nobody ever sees them. We started a new one so I'm going to post it here. This is mostly a blind run except Eric watched Geop's LP and I watched part of it. ![]() Episode 1: Meet Sakura Bedsor We know there are like a million Dark Souls LPs, but I've never played it more than a couple hours and we're doing this for fun.
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 06:37 |
Don't worry about doing LPs that have been done before; this is the 2007 thread just do whatever you want to nobody gives a shiit.
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![]() Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 8 - A Silver Lining Holy christ Kingdom Valley is brutally long. ![]()
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Danaru posted:Also apparently Silver is a good guy now. For reasons.
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anilEhilated posted:Don't try to keep track of character motivations. it'll get you thinking about the timeline and that's where your head explodes. Because...Sanic.
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You are still way better at the Mach Speed sections than anyone on a blind playthrough has a right to be, but at least you do seem to be appreciating the full, terrible weight of this game. A friend of mine suggested you should play Heroes after this. It's still horrendously bad, but it occupies a niche between the Adventure games and '06, so you'd be able to appreciate the full spectrum of the bad Sonic 3d games, plus I think my friend might be an rear end in a top hat
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The timeline is hilarious, but contains a ton of spoilers, so going into just how utterly dumb it is can wait until well into the endgame.
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Don't play sonic heroes it is so boring
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What's great about Heroes is that it's not JUST boring, it's boring AND buggy, so there's no guarantee you can even get through the soulless, bland slog, and there's no sense of reward for doing so! That is, to be honest, probably the ONE saving grace '06 has over Heroes: it's so unbelievably bad that you get to marvel at issue after issue as you fight your way through the experience, where-as Heroes is just...bad, but not in a terribly interesting way unless you're speedrunning, apparently.
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If your looking for dumb hedgehog games Shadow the Edgehog is your best bet.
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I'm posting another video because we didn't actually really play the game in the first one. ![]() Episode 2: Get a Good Look, Boys Previously: Episode 1: Meet Sakura Bedsor Death Count: 1
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OmanyteJackson posted:If your looking for dumb hedgehog games Shadow the Edgehog is your best bet. Do you think Edgehogs are related to Hedgehegs?
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Sakura Bedsor will not be deterred. There is nothing you can put in her path that she cannot overcome. Except dragons. ![]() Episode 3: Jeremy and Matilda Previously: Episode 1: Meet Sakura Bedsor Episode 2: Get a Good Look, Boys Death Count: 4
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samu3lk posted:Sakura Bedsor will not be deterred. There is nothing you can put in her path that she cannot overcome.
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![]() Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 9 - JR&B The more we play this game, the more I hate Soleanna. I honestly can't blame Robotnik for wanting to torch this place, and frankly I feel bad for stopping him. Also I swear to god, they start listing people that didn't even work on the game but worked at a Sega location somewhere. It's like Arfenhouse 3, except they're completely serious. Danaru fucked around with this message at 16:19 on Jan 24, 2015 |
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I was going to post a comment on how the Knuckles rap from the credits of Sonic Adventure 1 was the most out-of-place credits music. And then His World started playing. ![]()
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It's like Sonic never left that era in which bad movies always had some embarrassing rap song over the credits about the movie you just watched. As a 90s kid, I'd like to say I appreciated the throwback, but that was just bad even by those standards.
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If we don't limit ourselves to Sonic games, we can maybe consider the end credits theme from Rogue Warrior as the worst credits song? Or, you know, best, depending on your viewpoint.
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Best. Absolutely the best. The Mickey Rourke grunt break is my favorite part.
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I don't even think this was recorded separately, it's just all of his lines from the game set to a rap beat.
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gregory posted:If we don't limit ourselves to Sonic games, we can maybe consider the end credits theme from Rogue Warrior as the worst credits song? Jesus christ, don't remind me that I spent money on that game. At least Sonic games are garbage in a funny way. That game just made me sad.
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Yeah, there's a huge difference between a game that's bad, and a game that's so bad it's funny. This xkcd sums it up perfectly, albeit for movies, but I think it works the same for games.
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That's... the Sonic 2 ending music. Given lyrics. For some reason.
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Prenton posted:That's... the Sonic 2 ending music. Given lyrics. For some reason. I've seen better.
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![]() Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 10 - Soleanna Truck Simulator 2015 The vehicle physics are probably the most fun thing in the game, for all the wrong reasons of course, but still. Also apparently Shadow works for the government now. Why not.
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Danaru posted:
"A ghost haunting the forest? Boring. Driving a buggy through some rings? Sign me up!" What the hell!? Also can a Sonic fan give me a summary of what happened with Shadow between SA2 and 2006? He apparently dies in re-entry and then shows up again except now he's working for the government? ...Why the hell do I care about what happened to Shadow?
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Even Shadow doesn't know what happened to Shadow; he just wakes up one morning in a new game and grumps around until its finally over.
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Iron Chitlin posted:"A ghost haunting the forest? Boring. Driving a buggy through some rings? Sign me up!" What the hell!? I loving loved Shadow The Hedgehog because it's stupid fun and you get to be a hedgehog that dual wields ak-47s, so allow me to explain. Listen to this incredibly embarrassing but awesome (like all Sonic music) Crush 40 song for added effect. Or watch the actual intro video! It's pretty cool! And bad! But cool! Sonic Heroes retconned his tragic hero death to be him crash landing on Earth and makin a bigass crater, and when he wakes up he's forgotten everything and spends some time wandering the Earth seeking out a way to restore his lost memories. That's really the only important Shadow-related thing that happens in that game and he doesn't end up getting his memories back so he basically just mopes around having almost-flashbacks but then they are lost and he grumbles about it. There are also very light hints that the real Shadow actually is dead and he's an android made by, uh, someone, to replace him, but that doesn't come up much. His titular game opens with him sitting on a serene hill wondering who he is as he spends most of the game doing, when he is suddenly approached by this... uh... thing: ![]() This whatever-it-is tells Shadow about an old bargain he had with its avatar to bring him the Chaos Emeralds. It knows a lot about him and Shadow is an idiot so he immediately buys into this instead of questioning why this obviously evil floating eye wants the Chaos Emeralds. Simultaneously, a giant angry red portal in the sky opens, basically turning the entire It's Not New York City in the background immediately into a post-apocalyptic nightmare that looks PRETTY SIMILAR TO THE EVIL EYE DUDE but Shadow is again really dumb so he still does not question this. The evil eye (yeah they went there) misleads him into thinking that they are on the same team and in order to stop this horrible epidemic and learn about his past, Shadow has to collaborate with him. But it's actually your choice whether you want to do that or not, which is personally my favorite thing about the game, branching paths: ![]() (yanked from Wikipedia) The game basically runs the gamut of endings and explanations, the bottomest of which involves Shadow getting his memories back, beating the poo poo out of Robotnik, and obtaining the final chaos emerald that he had been using to create his most deadly machine yet (it is a robot spider with a literal slot machine on the back). The toppest ending, possibly my favorite, has Shadow literally kill Sonic for the last chaos emerald after Sonic teams up with Robotnik because Shadow is such a threat for working together with evil eye dude. If you go middle-of-the-road Shadow actually does turn out to have been an android all along and there's a secret army stockpile of him just waiting to be controlled and he uses those to basically take over the world either with the evil eye's help or not depending on which flavor of ending you decide on. They got really creative with it all considering what they had to work with. Either way, once you get all 10 endings, you unlock the ~true route~ like it's a fuckin visual novel or something. It solidifies one of the endings as canon (I don't remember which) and sees Shadow deliver the final Chaos Emerald to the dumbass eye thing, which turns into this... uh... thing: ![]() Which then reveals it has the power of chaos control because of course it does chaos control means you can do anything in the Sonic universe. So, enhanced by the power of all seven chaos emeralds, the creature reveals itself as Black Doom, the harbinger of death and controller of time itself which is basically their way of explaining why the game has a bajillion paths and endings. It uses this power to teleport a comet the size of the planet into Earth's atmosphere, and in his Bond Villain Explanation Moment explains that the comet will crush Earth so that he and the rest of his army can use its delicious magma innards as a power source and consume the remaining humans to transform them into members of his army. Shadow, having been deceived and still not having gotten his memories back, is understandably angry about the whole thing. He reconciles with Sonic even though he beat the crap outta the dude and shot him full of holes with a billion machine guns (which again, was very funny) and Sonic and Shadow and all their buddies work together to assault the ruins of the space colony ARK (y'know, the Eggman-shaped satellite from Sonic Adventure 2) in order to use its gigantic dumbass railgun thing that Eggman used to blow up the moon to explode the comet before it can destroy Earth. Unsurprisingly, the dude from above gets in the way, and in his laughing about having gotten to the cannon first reveals that Shadow was a genetic experiment yadda yadda it's basically just his Sonic Adventure 2 past but with an added "but actually you were made from my DNA we are cut from the same cloth and we are not so different you and I!!!" but then Shadow kills the poo poo out of him so it's like yeah whatever. So, having gotten back his memories and having defeated evil eye man, he explodes the comet and everything is fine forever, yay. Sonic and Shadow become distant buddies and he discards his past, realizing way too loving late that it doesn't really matter what is in his past and that he shouldn't let it define him, so he discards his old worn photograph of Maria (remember her? yeah he's got a wallet-size of her in this game) in favor of a new tomorrow. ![]() Also the president thanks him for what he did and he still has a picture of Sonic on his desk which is hilarious. The only way it could possibly have been better is if Shadow had been awarded the honorary title of Big Boss and he used his android army to start a private military company but alas he just wanders off to become a vagabond again. So that's Shadow the Hedgehog. It's actually a really really fun stupid game. I suggest you play it if you for some reason still have a PS2 in 2015. Simply put: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3Pn9k3EeN4 CJacobs fucked around with this message at 12:13 on Jan 26, 2015 |
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Oh and by the way the entire game is an Independence Day reference.![]() ![]() ![]() I'm not even joking.
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Sakura Bedsor attempts to get in step??![]() Episode 5: Kickin' It Previously: Episode 1: Meet Sakura Bedsor Episode 2: Get a Good Look, Boys Episode 3: Jeremy and Matilda Episode 4: The Undead Arc de Triomphe Death Count: 11 samu3lk fucked around with this message at 00:31 on Jan 29, 2015 |
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Iron Chitlin posted:"A ghost haunting the forest? Boring. Driving a buggy through some rings? Sign me up!" What the hell!? I loving love wonky vehicle physics. This game makes me want to LP Mass Effect, a game I don't really like but Grace has played through dozens of times, just because I remember how great it was to jack up the thrusters on the Mako and then spawn it where it shouldnt go. Also ghosts are assholes and don't deserve attention ![]() CJacobs posted::shadow: I've been keeping an eye out for both Shadow and Sonic 06, but I've only been 'lucky' with sonic 06 so far. Also I got lucky and still have a working 60 gig PS3, so I have full backwards compatability ![]()
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Danaru posted:I've been keeping an eye out for both Shadow and Sonic 06, but I've only been 'lucky' with sonic 06 so far. Aww man, I always wanted to have one of those. I probably would've kept my own PS3 if it was one of the ones with backwards compatibility but I was too late to catch that train. Either way, I encourage you to let's play Shadow the Hedgehog if you get the chance because you are very good at bad Sonic games and while I am dearly sorry that is one of your skills, it would still be funny to watch.
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I was gonna make a long info post about how most of the stuff you posted is not accurate but then I realized I don't remember much myself. It does pretty accurately capture how stupid it is though.
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Danaru posted: If you have a GC or Wii, get the GC version of Shadow instead. It has better loading times and probably minorly better graphics.
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If you would have continued that "Mathematician" sidequest it would have asked you a total of five or so things, loading each question individually. This game's engine is a masterpiece.
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Zoig posted:I was gonna make a long info post about how most of the stuff you posted is not accurate but then I realized I don't remember much myself. Yeah, I've played it a little more recently, and a lot of details are off, but it's a good general summary of the general zaniness of the game. A couple of (very, VERY minor) clarifications: Shadow knows right from the start that the Black Comet is there to kick rear end and take names, he just doesn't give a poo poo and some of the objectives require you to do things like run around beating up GUN soldiers or destroying the President's personal stealth jet on the Helicarrier (which is a real thing that exists in the game and is so large that it's one of the game's longer and more linear levels). There's actually an incredibly antagonistic GUN general who Hates Hedgehogs because <PLOT INVOLVING MARIA>, and he's usually the one who ends up paired up with Sonic by the (dark path) ends because Shadow is wrecking everyone's poo poo. The fact that THE PRESIDENT has a FRAMED PICTURE OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG on his desk is in fact real and goddamned amusing. If you only play Shadow once (although you should totally play through it in its entirety if you enjoy batshit 3d Sonic games), play through one of the neutral paths. Neutral objectives are generally the fastest and most straight-forward, and are by far the least frustrating, and they also lead to one of the most hilarious endings. Also, I'm pretty sure you don't learn WHY you're supposed to play through every ending until you've played through every ending and get the Final Story, because it's a Sonic 3d game and it has a Final Story. Suffice to say, it is suitably batshit and hilarious. Also, the game essentially has the decency to wrap up all the questions it doesn't answer by mostly writing itself out of existence.
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Oh yeah I forgot about the GUN guy because he's such a goddamn non-character. My memories of that game have been repressed over the years it seems.
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CJacobs posted:Oh yeah I forgot about the GUN guy because he's such a goddamn non-character. My memories of that game have been repressed over the years it seems. He is. And as to the second statement, it's probably just as well. It's...not a good game, though it is a funny one. Outside of the Tron levels, anyways. gently caress the Tron levels.
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CJacobs posted:So, having gotten back his memories and having defeated evil eye man, he explodes the comet and everything is fine forever, yay. Sonic and Shadow become distant buddies and he discards his past, realizing way too loving late that it doesn't really matter what is in his past and that he shouldn't let it define him, so he discards his old worn photograph of Maria (remember her? yeah he's got a wallet-size of her in this game) in favor of a new tomorrow. That... sounds like a surprisingly good ending, actually.
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 06:37 |
Shoeless posted:That... sounds like a surprisingly good ending, actually. Yeah it's actually a pretty good way to wrap up Shadow's character arc even though it took them like 4 games to finally get to it.
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