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  • Locked thread
May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play sonic Adventure 2 - Drivers Crashing on a Highway

Chaos freak me the gently caress out. Also right after I typed that, I realized where the name "Chao" comes from.

Man, you had me busting up SO hard. "He needs to learn to fly!"


May 14, 2007

My Little Persona: Friendship is Magic?

(I am also digging the visual style of the interface. The bright primary colors and bold fonts...)

Samizdata fucked around with this message at 04:53 on Sep 13, 2014

May 14, 2007

Thank you SO much. Your agony, depression, and self loathing brings me SUCH laughter...

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Wait, why aren't you ignoring the objective or jumping around instadeath pits? Isn't that how you're supposed to play?

On a serious note, now that we've beaten the game, I can honestly say I DO kind of enjoy it, in that early 2000s "Our team doesn't really have this 3d game thing down pat" kind of charm. It was mostly fun to play aside from some horrible design decisions (especially the drat search levels, at least Knuckles had his music. gently caress the mines though.) Also the plot is so hilariously "Who loving cares", especially when someone on the team decides to try to get serious near the end.

Grace must never know I enjoyed playing (most of) this game. The Shadow the Hedgehog game keeps getting brought up, and I heard it's not the fun and charming kind of 'bad game'.

What am I to do without your sighs or screams of agony to amuse me? Or hearing Grace give you a hard time? (I must admit I busted up when she started laughing.)

May 14, 2007

Would there be any reason to NOT team curbstomp enemies?

May 14, 2007

Catsworth posted:

Man, you are such a dick to Grace.

I'm sorry, but the vibe those two give off say they are exes, at the very least.

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Kirby Superstar Episode 1 - Player Two

:siren:Grace gets to play this time too!:siren:

After fifty or so episodes of Grace trash talking up a storm, I can't loving wait for everyone to see this.

I knew it. You guys ARE an item. Not only does Grace say she needs you, but she also wants you deep inside her over and over.

May 14, 2007

Rigged Death Trap posted:

Its a kirby joke.

Yup. :thejoke:

May 14, 2007

Shady Amish Terror posted:

Sure! But it's also not a very good one, and it's getting right on the verge of Problematicness.

Well, if I was a professional comedy writer....

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

We have a bunch of co-op games lined up now that we have things set up properly. :v: Part of me is hoping Grace forgets we have an LP of Fable 3 still running.

Let's Play Kirby Superstar Episode 2 - Sound Ch 7 Disabled

I loved both the Murder Bird Squad and the discovery of Grace's mantra "drat it."

May 14, 2007

bathroomrage posted:

After a while you learn to ignore Samizdata posts, since they're usually him being creepy.

Please don't ever, ever stop. :allears:

Awwwww, crikey. I apologize for the bad joke already. Geez louise....

May 14, 2007

Fiendly posted:

(Click banner for playlist)

Stage 7: Eyeland

Our journey finally comes to a head here in the last level of DecapAttack!

You know, it is kind of arrogant assuming the feet Chuck is light on are, in fact, actually Chuck's feet...

That was great fun. Cheers!

(I loved most of the animations like the fluttering.)

Samizdata fucked around with this message at 18:06 on Oct 23, 2014

May 14, 2007

CJacobs posted:

Cage's games are unique in that at least he tries new and experimental things without regard for the consequences of how they will affect the game for players.

The bad part of that is, of course, the second half of that sentence. Everything from Omikron to Beyond: Two Souls suffers because the experimental nature of the writing basically equates to it being garbage, and then experimental nature of the gameplay basically equates to it being messy or unclear or in some cases just plain boring.

And playtesting never covers the writing.

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 6 - Poison Pond Is Fun

Disclaimer: Poison Pond may not actually be fun.

Another fine Danaru/Grace LP. Misery, failure, and verbal abuse - All the hallmarks we have come to expect.

May 14, 2007

Orrfieldmedic posted:

That's pretty interesting. I just figured that Dante was in here mainly as marketing to help sell more copies, especially since Japan got a version after this one that replaced Dante with Raidou. The fact that it was an exchanging a character and a character designer between two companies for a short time, is pretty cool. Unfortunately, all I know of Dante in the contexts of this game is what I saw in the opening and given that it looks like he is trying to kill us there, probably means I'll be telling him to gently caress off.

Oh, right, forgot to say this first post. While I know somethings about this game, I'm pretty much going into this blind and would like to keep it as blind as I can. I'm not going to go no spoilers period since the 2007 thread seems like a more chill thread, and that doesn't seem all that chill to me. But at least keep major stuff tagged so that if I get spoiled on it, it's my own fault.


Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 2 –Conception

Well, allow me to thank you for doing this LP. I have heard of this series of games, but know exactly gently caress all about any of them, so this is intriguing as hell for me as I have no idea what to expect.

(P.S. Awfully nice that natty hats survived the apocalypse, isn't it?)

May 14, 2007

Orrfieldmedic posted:

You're welcome. I'm hoping I can keep it somewhat watchable and not burn out, since SMT tends to be tough and grindyish at times.
Anyway, if you meant Hijiri by Natty Hats then yea, pretty nice he survived. Dude seems to know much more about what's going on, and might let us know once it gets relevant and if he stays alive.

What? JRPGs being grindy and tough? Nooooooooo...

May 14, 2007

Orrfieldmedic posted:

Well, I think the power level of everything in SMT4 is higher then it is in Nocturne. After all, it starts with at least one demon with triple digit HP in random encounters and we won't be seeing that in Nocturne until the next big dungeon. Well, at least it isn't a gameover when your protagonist dies in SMT4 as it is in other Atlus games, so you aren’t in fear of getting one shotted..

Anyway, short update.

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 5–Vortex world and Yoyogi Park

I already had the next few episodes recorded before I could try this, but it wouldn't let pixie have a chance of recruiting a knee-bitter even though she can speak their language.

What's the meter in the upper left for? (Or did I miss that previously?)

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Before we begin, I want to take back everything bad I said about Sonic Adventure 2. :( Sonic Adventure 2 is a great game.

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 1 - It Doesn't Take Long

It is nice to know that in this, the year of our Lord 2015, I will be able to rely on Danaru, Grace, and misery inflicted by horrible Sonic games to get me by....

Samizdata fucked around with this message at 03:22 on Jan 9, 2015

May 14, 2007

Neruz posted:

Clearly Danaru was the intended audience for Sonic 2006 all along.

So, what you are saying is that Danaru is the One True Sanic of 2006?

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 3 - Hold X to Why

How the gently caress does this ranking system work. Seriously.

The part where Grace lost it and started laughing ALMOST made me spit gumbo all over my desk...

May 14, 2007

Orrfieldmedic posted:

My first death wasn't to Matador, I don't know how I should feel about that.

First off he's a bitch. Secondly, there's always those freak "nothing you do matters anyway so die fast and get it over" encounters in every RPG, J or otherwise.

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 4 - Edgehog the Hedgehog

I'm not very good at Crisis City, but at least it looks neat. Flame Core is just miserable. :smith:

Also we'll be starting our second recording session sometime in the next day or so, you'll be able to tell because I fixed the recorder so it properly records at 720p and 60 fps :v: I'm not 100% sure why I did that, but I did.

You know, the number of 1up opportunities should be a warning.

May 14, 2007

Orrfieldmedic posted:

Second, went to record/play more and my capture card started acting up. Couldn't get it to display properly when hooked up to record to the pc, and even PC-free more it decided it didn't want to record even when it was behaving correctly. So if I can't get it to work correctly before I get trough the rest of the stuff I have recorded, probably going to have to call it quits unless I want to spend a bunch to replace the capture card, or replay 15 hours and deal with getting a non PSN copy of the game and a ps2 emulator.

...Or pretend it really is 2007 and use the webcam on this laptop to record the TV. But that seems like a really horrible idea.

Well, crap. I was really getting into this (even if I did cheat and end up watching the plot only video after getting about halfway through the first update). Thanks for what we got up to at least.

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 5 - Gotta Wait Fast

Tips on how to make the best boss fight:

1) Make it so the boss has to do a very specific thing in order to take damage.
2) Have the boss NEVER DO IT.

EDIT: VVV Fixed it, not even sure how it happened this time :shepface:

If the game was worth a drat, it wouldn't be a D&G Production. Also, really disappointed on the lack of information on the DoomShake.

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 7 - Sonicman's Lament

This game is honestly fascinating in that a ton of poo poo happens in this episode, but at the same time, loving nothing happened in this episode.

Also you're welcome. You'll understand for what.

But, see, we want to see Danaru get all pissed off at crappy gameplay, and Grace contribute information that is possibly useful, then bust up laughing, then sass Dan...

May 14, 2007

anilEhilated posted:

Don't try to keep track of character motivations. it'll get you thinking about the timeline and that's where your head explodes.


May 14, 2007
"Where is my happiness?" I asked as I purchased Shadow the Hedgehog.

Edgehog. Fixed it.

May 14, 2007

gregory posted:

That was the most evil cliffhanger ending, Danaru.
How could you cut it off just as everything got amazing?

Because, if he has to be miserable in '06, he wants to share the pain.

May 14, 2007

SuperHappy posted:

The long answer is that it is a metaphor. The Hastur cult and the mafia are performing a demon ritual that will bring about a real TORNADO onto the populace.

The short answer is that someone thought El Viento would be a cool title for his videogame, and they had to work it into the story somehow.

Actually, those answers were about as long as each other... but anyway, it's

Stage 2: Welcome to South Dakota!

The incredulity sound was all kinds of laugh-inducing.

May 14, 2007
Why? Why do bad guys always have to discuss delivering the final blow? Put one of those Mafia hitters on a rooftop with a good rifle and snipe her rear end already. Stop discussing how badass you are and prove it. Don't toy with the hero, FINISH THEM!

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play ER

So Grace and I found out that there was a licensed game based off the ER show, and figured it would be a quick romp through a poorly made game.

Turns out the first level takes an hour and a half to finish. Level one. It's on a timer and the level only finishes when the timer is over, it's just the timer is brutally loving long.

Also bafflingly, the game starts working less and less as it goes on. Like you can see me click on a thing, and either nothing happens or our character just goes wherever.

I'm sorry.

Why are you sorry? IT's not like you made me play or something.

Is there a mod to make drunk people run around naked?

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Much like Sisyphus and his boulder, Prince Puddingpop III is doomed to wander the halls of that horrible place forever. :smith:

Speaking of personal hells:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 16 - WhyDoYouWatchUs.MOV.MP4

Why do I watch you?

Tears, agony, and mockery.

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 19 - Hydrophobia

This jungle run went about as bafflingly as possible :psyduck: Even when I know where to go, we can't figure out how to GET there.

Also f.lux is the poo poo

Nice to know that, no matter how bad my day might be, a healthy dose of DanaruTears with a side of GraceSass will make it better.

May 14, 2007

Wanamingo posted:

My sister's ex-boyfriend was an undocumented immigrant who lived in the states for a while, and when he was sent to prison for selling drugs he said that one night they played bingo. He had never heard of the game before, but apparently he had a lot of fun with it and even managed to win. I forget what he said his prize was, though.

Hooray for bingo!

Getting to be a top that night?

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 22 - Solid Silver

I'm still annoyed that the Soleannan response to "Eggman kidnapped the princess and took her on a train" was "Ensure NO ONE enters the train area including us". The Soleannan guard have done more to get in our way than Eggman himself has.

Also we kinda drop some casual 999 spoilers around the 32 minute mark, so if you haven't played that, you should be doing that instead of watching this garbage.

Umm, dude, Grace IS your REAL mom, so you have to do what she tells you to...

EDIT: I am still waiting for details on Grace's evil milkshake...

MORE EDIT: Sega has also bought out a lot of the Dawn of War stuff and are keeping it updated.

Samizdata fucked around with this message at 04:15 on Feb 24, 2015

May 14, 2007

Cheez posted:

Alright, let's tackle this one point by point.

There was a power pellet in the bush on the same screen with the kids.

Pac Man's reaction to the ghosts differs depending on his mood. Sometimes it's fatal, sometimes he's knocked out, other times he's just pathetic.

If you shoot Pac Man enough times when he's turned into a blob, he'll pop back into his normal shape.

Pac Man has to be pissed off to chase the robbers. That's what gives you the power pellet and the secret minecart level.

There's no wizardry to finding the blue guy, just enter from the left side of the screen either from the roof or from the ground. I think he doesn't appear when you enter from the right because you exit the factory from there as well and it would probably cause problems the way they handled it.

...I kind of learned a lot about the game as a kid.

I have an as-of-yet unused 2 or so hour long video where I try and fail to get 100% in the game. I probably know more than anyone in the universe at this point and it's still not everything...


EDIT: Also, see Hansen's disease.

Samizdata fucked around with this message at 00:45 on Feb 26, 2015

May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 24 - Nothingness

If you gaze long into Sonic 06, Sonic 06 also gazes into you.

That was more of a Test of Shart.

EDIT: Oh, two words. Splash damage.

EDUT 2: Why apologize? It wouldn't be one of your LP's without Grace cackling at your impending depressive collapse.

Samizdata fucked around with this message at 23:50 on Mar 1, 2015

May 14, 2007

zfleeman posted:

I was really excited to sit down and record the final segment of this game because I have never seen it. Twenty years I've had this thing in my closet, and I've never made it this far. Anyways, watch in gazemazement as we take down the Gum Monster. I talk a lot about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Also, Grant answered his own question about the Genesis having a sampler. Turns out, it doesn't. Every voice you hear in this game is synthesized.


'Twas my pleasure. I remember hearing about it, but had never seen it, so awesome on that!

May 14, 2007

Forgall posted:

This could be a metaphor for the entire game, and, perhaps, life itself.

Even in Hell, your suffering gets pageviews.

EDIT: Also, someone needs to make :grace: with a smirking/laughing face and a pointing finger.

Samizdata fucked around with this message at 02:18 on Mar 2, 2015


May 14, 2007

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 26 - Blaze It

We drop some VLR spoilers near the end, sorta, it's hard to tell. Also holy poo poo next episode we're into the final story.

I actually had to leave out a couple of repeats of Elise getting kidnapped because I ran out of song. God dammit Elise.

What WAS that song anyway?

And not whiteknighting here, but you were a little overly harsh on Grace this episode, when you called her a POS. Other than that, your tears were delicious.

  • Locked thread