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Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
So, if my guess to how those numbers are used is correct, does that mean that Victory Road is probably going to give you an encounter about every third step?


Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Your co-commentator's sounding a little wee scooch completely loving devastated, there. This is an appropriately 2007 video.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
With liberal save-crystal abuse, MAYBE it would be...possible-ish, outside of some specific fights? It's a playstyle that would definitely tax your food supply. The awkward shuffle-dance fights LOOK silly as hell, but the game is pretty much designed around them.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

Yapping Eevee posted:

The Kaylef looks awfully familiar for some reason.

To me it just looks like a generic fuzzy pink 'cute' alien thing; it uses a lot of the same generic visual cues I'm used to seeing in some old sci-fi/fantasy novel cover art (the good, druggy stuff kind of stuff), and in the mascots for several 80's cartoons, and in modern mascot design (Mew from pokemon comes to mind, in particular). I suspect it only looks familiar because it's kind of generic; fuzzy pink thing with a soft face that has no real facial features to speak of. I mean, I could be off and it could be referencing something very specific, but I wouldn't know what off-hand. The name doesn't really seem to evoke much either; it just appears, at a glance, to be a generic uncommon name.

I do wonder about that, though, because the nature of the game makes me wonder if maybe it's meant to be referencing some specific works of fiction somewhere along the way.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

Merry Magpie posted:

Chitlin's competence is inversely related to the game's silliness.

The sillier the game the better he plays.

Direct relationship, not inverse, but still, this is a strong, plausible theory. My God, though, Sudoku, I understand why it happened, just not how. HOW would you think to do that?

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

John Murdoch posted:

Oh come on, name one thing wrong with Enforcer. :colbert:

Enforcer was programmed with insufficient snark processors, and so doesn't live up to its full potential for spitting one-liners while mowing through the aliens.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Having played Ice Metal and endured its many, many crimes against design, I've got to say, the beginning of this hack didn't inspire much confidence either; the winding, circumlocutious, half-hidden paths needed to get to the bombs and then Spore Spawn would have been a real disincentive to play the hack, along with that crumble block bullshit room, since that makes it look like it's just the exit to whatever path you were supposed to take. It does look playable, certainly, and probably doesn't allow you to accidentally stumble into Phantoon as your first boss LIKE EVERY OTHER HACK THAT EXISTS JESUS CHRIST WHY, but the opening is a little weak.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
The Chao/Chaos thing is hammered painfully into your skull in SA1 where the chaos are an even less developed system than in SA2 and yet are somehow PLOT INTEGRAL even though you could completely excise them and change nothing.

Also, I love SA2, I do think it's one of the better 3D games, but it's not without several flaws. Two big frustrations come to mind. One is the context-sensitive actions, as you've noticed; it's at its most fiddly when you're trying to do Chao poo poo, but even during normal gameplay it can be a pain, especially if you try to get %100. The game distinguishes between walking slow, walking fast, running, standing still, and jumping for the action button contexts, and doesn't have a very intuitive system for what context action takes precedence if multiple ones apply. The second problem that you're likely to run into with some frequency is that the Speed levels have very, VERY loose scripting, and it's often a game of trial and error to figure out when you'll die if you keep holding forward and when you'll die if you stop holding forward, as well as the fact that even the slightest nudge left or right on the control stick can send you careening to your death.

Also, since you're not trying to do %100 (clearly that's part two of the LP, right), you should feel free to hoover up all the hints during the gem-hunt levels, as they make it a LOT more tolerable even when they're frequently unhelpful. I liked trying to get max rank in those levels, but I admit it's a poor gameplay decision all the same.

ALSO ALSO I remembered one more thing to complain about in this game that I greatly enjoy. A handful of the useful powerups can be entirely missed. This makes certain levels later on EXTREMELY PAINFUL if you manage to overlook them, though thankfully it's only a very few, and you can replay a level to collect them if need be if that happens.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

Admiral H. Curtiss posted:

While annoying, you can always go back into the level in Stage Select and get the upgrade there. The only optional one you should really have is the one in Knuckles' Aquatic Mine, the rest you can do without.

Yeah, and I stealth-edited after posting because I wanted to clarify level select was an option; and, actually, I have gotten through a chunk of the game missing one of the other major, helpful powerups aside Knuckles', but I can't even recall which one now. Maybe one or two of Tails' upgrades, actually, though I think you'd probably have to be a huge dunce and massively glitch the game mechanics to manage missing the ones I'm thinking of. I just wouldn't put it past me.

Also, to be fair, a couple of the optional powerups are still very nice to have besides.

Missing that Knuckles powerup can be a goddamned pain in the rear end later on, though, as I've accidentally demonstrated to a friend relatively recently.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
I love SA2 and I'm still certainly not going to give you poo poo about it. For as much fun as it can be, the game is awkward as hell at times.

EDIT: Also you've got to get used to the game being a guided experience. As frustrating as the camera can be in the Robotnik levels, it's because you're not supposed to NEED to move it around. Generally you can just go wherever it's directing you.

Shady Amish Terror fucked around with this message at 17:39 on Sep 13, 2014

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
It's quite janky, but it is nowhere NEAR the trainwreck 06 is. Sonic 2006 doesn't get a single thing right pretty much ever; havoc physics affect gameplay, MACH SPEED SECTIONS, terrible sound, terrible glitches, terrible load times, terrible stage design...

Sonic Adventure 2 is going to be Not Fun to an awful lot of people. Possibly most people. But it still does its shtick better than 06. For all the glitches, janky controls (oh man I hope you LOVE RAILS!), and terrible, TERRIBLE cutscenes, there is actually something resembling a playable game underneath. It's fun when it works. It just doesn't always work.

I'd personally say the scale of terribleness in the 3d games goes something like:

Sonic 2k6, Sonic Heroes (can be literally unplayable depending on how glitchy the game's feeling), Sonic Blast (sort of)...

And then a horrible soupy mess of SA1, SA2, Shadow, and Sonic Unleashed, varying entirely on which fuckups you find most egregious. Unleashed's Night-time levels? Shadow's RIDICULOUS storyline and atmosphere? SA1's launch-title charms? Or SA2's questionable game design? I've heard various mixed opinions on the matter, but I've never heard anyone who's played the games in question defend 2k6 over any of these four, although there's probably someone out there.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
I'm still not sure it's really equal, though I have no doubt personal taste makes a big difference in the exact ranking for most people, and the Adventure games did not age well, it's true. SA2 is a LOT less buggy than SA1, and is still somehow more focused in its gameplay design despite the three different level types, but if someone likes the first game better, I guess I'm not going to fault them.

I really don't understand how someone could favor Heroes over the rest aside 2006, though, unless my copy in particular was more buggy than most? Overall that one was boring, forgettable, annoying, AND frequently crashed, froze, dropped me through solid scenery, and bugged out during scripted sequences, sometimes killing me during non-control portions of levels so frequently I game-over'd. I've died while loading into levels on Heroes, which isn't something I can recall happening in any of the other titles I've played.

And the newer games HAVE gotten better, finally; Generations in particular is actually quite fun and doesn't seem to be plagued by the massive cavalcade of show-stopping bugs that have perpetually plagued the 3d games. Lots of people seemed reasonably satisfied with Colors as well, though I haven't played that one.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

Admiral H. Curtiss posted:

Once you understand how the level works, this is probably actually one of the easier Rogue levels. It's small and most of the emerald locations are clearly defined -- in the middle of a safe. Of course, as a first time player, you wouldn't know, and the game doesn't really tell you, which makes it rather frustrating.

The finicky controls can sometimes cause trouble in this level, though. I'd even go so far as to wonder whether that level is a little bit laggy due to all the lasers, because I can distinctly recall having trouble with the gliding on occasion, but only on this particular level (although Rouge's final level is...certainly something special in its own right, with regards to control and navigation).

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

Iron Chitlin posted:

People like SA2 right? This is the game everyone said was really good right?

Compared to SA1, Heroes, 2k6, and possibly Shadow and Unleashed, relatively speaking, it is! :v:

It seemed a lot better when it came out, as well; it was an awkward era.

I reiterate, if you want a good 3D Sonic game, just play Generations, or possibly Colors. It...took them rather a long time to figure out the formula for working 3d Sonic gameplay. It does look especially awkward when you compare it to Nintendo's first 3d outting with their flagship IP, given that Mario 64 almost saved one of the worst consoles of the era and Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 couldn't salvage what was arguably the best/second best console of its era from the TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, GOD-AWFUL gently caress-up that was Sega PR at the time; the US market failings of the Dreamcast can almost entirely be pinned on one man, who squandered the ad budget, hosed around with dates, and went on to bankrupt SEVERAL OTHER game companies before settling into mediocrity at the head of a cel-phone shovelware game empire. And the Adventure series, which I still argue can be fun, is really, REALLY awkward and set a lot of terrible trends that would haunt Sega for YEARS.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

Danaru posted:

Just you wait until the next couple episodes, holy poo poo.

It definitely feels like one of those games that did not at all age well. I can certainly understand the mind set of "this game really isn't good but god dammit I love it" considering that's 90% of the games I like.

I hope this takes us through the entirety of the game. I will defend the rail-grinding, I will defend the mech levels, I will occasionally make weak apologies for the camera, the jewel-hunting, the meaningless tamagotchis, the jiggle physics, the voice-acting...

But there's not much I can say or do to deflect the blow of the Final Story.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

anilEhilated posted:

Thing is, that's all about technology and gameplay, but I just can't fathom why taking your silly cartoon animals and involving them in what's basically a JRPG plot didn't strike anyone as utterly loving idiotic even back then.

Well, I mean, the series already had Sonic grabbing the six seven McGuffins to turn Super Saiyan Sonic, and as technology improved, the complexity of the story they could readily tell increased. Their ability to write a compelling story did not. Also this may have been around the time that Sonic Team was getting reshuffled constantly, with...extremely questionable results, which I believe eventually reached a crescendo in 2k6 before they were restructured again.

anilEhilated posted:

Sonic works really well when all he's got to do is save his little animal buddies from the evil Dr Robotnik (what the hell is the deal with the name change, anyway)

Some bullshit about regional differences or something to that effect. Basically, 'Eggman' was, at some early point, his accepted Japanese name, and 'Robotnik' his accepted western name, and they eventually tried to get rid of one of the names before settling on using both. He is now Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik; I think it may be the comics that try to explain this as him 'ironically' adopting the insult as a nickname because he was called it so much, because he is a huge anti-social nerd. Also, speaking of the comics, they were an AMAZING clusterfuck in the Sonic Adventure era, and tried to make sense of the Sonic series' plot, merging the plot threads from the 2d games, 3d games, and the comic, which went about as well as you'd expect.

But then, you should probably know to stay well away from the Sonic comics. Except the Eggman/Dr. Wily crossover thing that came out recently, that was actually Not Bad.

anilEhilated posted:

e2: VVV Well, it became the template for upcoming games for years to come, right? SA, SA2, Heroes, Shadow, 2k6... I'm assuming the thing sold.

Jobbo_Fett posted:

Wait wait, people like the story of this game?!

The dawning of the internet and the rise of DeviantArt should tell you more than you ever wanted to know about the Sonic fandom.

That's...way too much ranting from me. Stop asking questions no one should know answers to.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

corn in the bible posted:

People who say it is really good all played it when it came out and they were kids.

It's basically the only way for most people to tolerate the game long enough to overcome or overlook its terrible, terrible problems. I won't deny this. It's still far from the worst in the series, which is sadly impressive.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Shadow's game is crazy enough to be entertaining at times, and the gameplay is generally mediocre rather than offensively unapproachable.

On the other hand, the Tron levels.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Shadow is playable, in spite of what you might expect. The camera's a little better, from what I recall, but the level design is a little worse in turn. A handful of levels are EGREGIOUSLY awful. Plus you need SEVERAL playthroughs to get the Final Story!

Oddly, the gameplay in general could almost be described as a mish-mash of all three level types in SA2. In generally, you'll be doing Sonic-y 'run forward, don't die' poo poo, but many objectives require frustrating McGuffin hunts, while others require you to pick up a triple fistful of guns or a vehicle and slowly and methodically meander along killing absolutely everything. On reflection, that's probably EXACTLY what they were trying to do; allow you to have some choice of the gametypes you wanted to do, while still generally having the spread of level types in SA2. The problem is that it doesn't work very well, and you need to play all or nearly all of them just to see the Last Story ending anyways.

The upside is that the game is unbelievably insane. GRIMDARK THE CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL MILD SWEARING IN A SANIC GAME OMG. It takes itself so seriously, vanishes up its own rear end so hard, that it pops out the other end inside out and it's really up to the viewer whether you marvel at the impossible feat it's achieved, run screaming in horror, or do a little of both. If you only do one playthrough, get one of the neutral endings. You're welcome.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
I have done many, many stupid things, but getting all possible combinations of levels in Shadow the Hedgehog is, happily, not on that list.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Weirdly, Shadow's down-key clubrock poo poo is some of my favorite music in the game, and the Biolizard fight is one of my favorite tracks period (behind Pumpkin Hill, of course). Simple, but it works.

The Biolizard is also surprisingly pitiable for something in a loving 3d Sonic game. The loving thing is on life support, for Christ's sake; it's obviously half-baked.

Incidentally, I've been waiting to see your reaction to the last few cutscenes since you started this game. Just, God DAMNIT Sonic Team. :v:

Shady Amish Terror fucked around with this message at 11:16 on Sep 27, 2014

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
You actually did shockingly well at that last fight. I loved this loving game, and that's still one of the things I would occasionally have problems with.

You also lucked out a little on the last hit on Biolizard 1; that part where you're hovering in the air doesn't stop until you score the last hit. If one of the balls close to you decides to activate, you may have no choice but to take the hit, and your rings will fall away, meaning you have at most one hit you can take...assuming you didn't go into that last attack with no rings; the fight encourages you to ration them, and then suddenly takes them all away. Game design! In addition, the hitbox for the Biolizard's life support can be a little janky; if you notice, you sort of clipped through it a bit, and it's entirely possibly to be unable to land and actually launch your attack for a few seconds, which is more than enough time for the projectiles to smack you around as you struggle with your limited mobility.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Most of it has to do with the SONIC AND HIS FRIENDS epidemic that you note, yes. Sonic Team from about the era of Sonic Adventure 1 to a little before Unleashed had a strange obsession with all of Sonic's 'friends' (many of whom are, at best, murderous acquaintances). The comics around this era were even worse about it. Basically, the cast of the Sonic universe are basically what you would get if you had a bunch of stereotypical furries attempting to write an anime plot, and, for a little while, that was actually literally the case for at least some of the writing/development staff. You and I may not give a poo poo about Sonic's not-girlfriend, but by God the writers did.

Eventually, though, probably with the abomination that was Sonic 2006, Sega sort of realized that most people prefer having a functional videogame over playing as and interacting with as many of Sonic's grating 'friends' as possible, and that element has been severely down-played ever since. I mean, theoretically, you could have a Sonic game with an actual plot with the characters frequently interacting with one another and have it not be offensive and irritating, it's just that Sonic Team isn't capable of doing that, apparently. Ditto for gameplay between different characters.

As for Big the Cat, he's never really been an important character, per se. He is voiced by John St. John, aka, Duke Nukem, and he's a giant purple mentally-challenged cat who really just wants to fish all day every day, so it's hard to hate him. He's just not at all important to anything ever. Even in the one game he stars in he plays second fiddle to Amy and one of robotnik's robots; he achieves nothing of any importance to the plot other than dragging it out, and his gameplay is a fishing mini-game in a Sonic game, so uh.

Actually, Big isn't even the one who interacts with the plot in Sonic Adventure 1. His best friend is a frog, and not even a 'SONIC AND HIS FRIENDS' frog. Just a frog. And that frog eats a Chaos Emerald at some point and runs away. Really, it's all pretty stupid and you're better off not thinking about it.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

Danaru posted:

...So you can actually jump out of the sand during the Egg Golem fight. It's not instakill.

I feel like I should probably have deleted my youtube channel by now, or at least apologize to Future Friend for constantly making GBS threads up his thread.

Your LP was good, no worries; the sand is actually another poor design decision. You're lead to believe that it IS an instant kill in all the other pyramid levels, but the goodies around the bottom of the arena are probably the first clear indication you see that that might not be the case. And if you notice, you REALLY have to jam on jump to stay afloat so it won't kill you; it's not really clear to what extent that's intentional. I think it's marginally possible in the mech levels as well, but your mobility is so restrained and death happens so much quicker that it almost certainly wasn't intended.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Heroes really does just drag on forever accomplishing nothing. I've apparently fully beaten the game, I remember the ending, but the parts before that are a hazy mess of glitches and boring repetition. Not even having a Pumpkin Hill-themed area could save it!

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Sadly, even the Sonic Heroes SOUNDTRACK isn't that interesting overall...I think. I certainly don't remember much outside of the title theme, which gets kind of grating, and the final boss buttrock, which I apparently just don't like as much as a lot of other people; it's not bad, but it kind of feels like even the buttrock in Heroes is subpar.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Sure! But it's also not a very good one, and it's getting right on the verge of Problematicness.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

Danaru posted:

We have a bunch of co-op games lined up now that we have things set up properly. :v: Part of me is hoping Grace forgets we have an LP of Fable 3 still running.

Let's Play Kirby Superstar Episode 2 - Sound Ch 7 Disabled

Allow me to bestow on you a small mercy, as hilarious as watching this wonderful, WONDERFUL adventure is, and explain a couple of the more esoteric powers to you. Feel free to ignore this if you want to maintain the sense of discovery.

T.A.C. is the best partner power, even though it's generally the worst Kirby power; they can copy and ditch abilities like Kirby can, T.A.C. is one of the fastest partners on the ground (though you do have to put up with the less powerful partner multi-jump powers), and your guard ability is the best one in the game, even better than Mirror's perfect-guard reflection. IN ADDITION TO ALL THAT, T.A.C.'s punch is one of the highest-DPS attacks against bosses with abilities that can't be copied, as it does incredible damage and can be spammed very, very quickly. T.A.C. really simplifies a couple of sections in Great Cave Offensive when you need to swap powers repeatedly, as well as the final adventure (provided you know about A CERTAIN SECRET).

Wrasslin' (the Beetle's power) is one of the most specialized powers in the game, and exists more for style and flash than usefulness. The Wrestling power only has ONE DIRECT DAMAGE-DEALING ATTACK; a mid-air downkick with pitiful damage. That's the only way you can hurt most bosses with wrestling, and it's utterly terrible. It is, however, funny as hell against smaller enemies, which you can grab and perform various moves with using different inputs. It's also notable that the Beetle partner is too tall to actually fit in a few small tunnels, and thus can't walk through them. The wrestling power CAN grab a few things that only exist for Kirby to inhale and spit back out at bosses, but it's rather difficult to use that as a form of attack.

Ninja is another power with more style than substance, but it does have a few advantages. Clinging to walls and jumping back off is a nice movement ability in a few places, and while the throwing knife attack is weak, it is spammable, and at close range combos into a decent attack if you keep mashing attack. Additionally the explosions you observed when Grace used Ninja is actually one of its attacks; if you hit attack shortly after being damaged, you disappear, causing an explosion that will usually deal with weak enemies if you ran into one. Ninja's still a pretty weak power.

Finally, a note about guarding, and invincibility. Some powers give you limited invulnerability; fire, in particular, allows you to clip through enemies (like Gordos) without taking damage while you're using the running attack that turns you briefly into a fireball. While transformed into a stone or statue with the Stone power, you're immune to all attacks EXCEPT 'GRABBING' ATTACKS (mostly limited to a handful of bosses). A couple of powers also affect guarding; the most notable for Kirby is Mirror. Normally, when you're guarding, you take a small amount of chip damage from attacks, meaning you can't just sit around guarding everything forever. When using the Mirror power, your guard perfectly reflects damage, as well as reflecting projectiles, though you still get knocked around by attacks and you're still vulnerable to grabs. T.A.C. has the best guard in the game; while using guard, T.A.C. becomes completely untouchable by anything.


The sprite-work in Kirby Superstar is excellent, and includes a ton of sprites you probably won't even normally notice in a regular playthrough. Try using Guard with all of the helper buddies, many have very unique and incredibly cute sprites. :bubblewoop: :kimchi: :wooper:

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

chocolatekake posted:

It's like Helper to Hero all over again!

Also, maybe you figured it out, but it's useful for the next time the game asks you if you want to learn about something. A is the cancel button and B is confirm. So using an Xbox controller, switch those letters. Or just remember, "Jump" is confirm.

I'm pretty sure he knows and just isn't telling Grace. Which, so far, has been loving hilarious.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
The Bucket is a reference to Mario and Wario or Wario's Woods or whatever that Japanese puzzle game is called. The Mirror of Truth (Truth Mirror) is probably a reference to Link to the Past.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Many bosses don't really give you much opportunity to do so. Dynablade or the Crab, I suppose, sure, but it's a lot trickier with, say, the Core Cannon, the Main Cannon, the Chameleon, Stone Fist,'s potentially very powerful, but I still wouldn't recommend anyone who isn't already very, very familiar with the game to try it. A lot of enemies are also difficult to wrangle, which can complicate things.

I suppose you're right that more bosses can be reasonably hit with collateral damage than I remembered, but I don't recall it being particularly easy for many of them.

Edit: oh my god that stone enemy just casually strolling away from you as you blew up. Perfect.

Shady Amish Terror fucked around with this message at 14:33 on Oct 5, 2014

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
You can wait out the prompt at the start of Meta-Knight's fight actually. It wastes a solid ten or fifteen seconds, though, so it's easy to assume you can't. Meta-Knight also conveniently does create bits of nothing that you can fire at him, when landing, I believe, in the event you lose your power during the fight, though he doesn't make them often and it would be a huge pain to fight him that way.

HL (forgive my blanking on the name, it's been awhile) actually has at least three projectiles you can fire back at him; the paint is very rare, the mini-HL's are somewhat common, but the most common are the star bits when he's stomping around. I believe that any projectile a boss makes that can be eaten can be suplexed, even the stars, but 1) I could be wrong about that and 2) that's STILL going to be much more cumbersome than just using no powers at all. And every boss (that you can damage directly) makes projectiles for Kirby to spit back at them just in case, so you're right about that. I mis-spoke, I suppose, but the point is that the kick is still the only DIRECT attack suplex gives you. You would have to be pretty decent at the game to manage against most of the bosses with only that. I've done it as well, but I actually relied heavily on the kick because I wasn't good enough at gauging the throws and wrestling moves to hurt the bosses reliably without getting myself hurt as well, and I still can't recommend it. At best, it's tedious.

Edit: Ah, the wheelie laser room I was calling the Core Cannon is apparently actually just called 'Reactor'. Kind of an uninspired name.

Shady Amish Terror fucked around with this message at 22:30 on Oct 5, 2014

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

Cheez posted:

You can't grab the little lobsters.

My memory for gimmick runs I attempted exactly once because they're kind of a slog is not to be trusted, it seems.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
The Katana's only really bad when you're new to the game and can't figure out what you need to do mechanically to get it. I believe it's also possible to use the wing power to get through the wind, but Ninja I'm not so sure on; maybe they expect you to outrun the wind, just barely clear the jump to the ledge, and use the dash attack to get over?

Also, the best part about that corridor you died in twice is that it was the same enemy both times, with a large divot in the ceiling just above it in order to fly over it, and there should be food on the next screen or two, if I'm remembering right where that is.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Oh absolutely. :v:

And after trying it myself me and my friends pretty much immediately went back to using Mirror Kirby and T.A.C. :v:

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
2007: (Un)ironically one of the best lp threads on the entire subforum.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
I love watching you get fed up with a boss/world and switching to TAC to just mash the boss' health down. I also cannot wait to see you try to tackle the fire planet again, if you really do want to try for all power-ups.

One thing that's notable is that Milky Way Dreams is legitimately HARD in places; it really does not pull punches, because it expects you to be extremely familiar with all the mechanics by the time you get to it. There's a few spots where I get the impression Grace wasn't really paying attention along the journey, though, and has completely overlooked some floating to the top of water when you try to fly through a bubble, or guarding, or how you sometimes have to wait on enemy formations (particularly Gordos). It probably doesn't help that they seem to panic at the bosses.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Gonna be honest, I really, REALLY strongly dislike all of David Cage's games. The writing is universally sub-par at best, when it's not being actively offensive to or dismissive of its own audience, the acting is often wooden and poorly directed (and then badly animated on top of that), and the gameplay is generally non-existent.

I mean, if you enjoy them, whatever, that's your own fun, I guess, but please don't pick up a David Cage game expecting laudable plot or engaging gameplay. You will not find them. You WILL generally find a mish-mash of ideas, some good, many not, with faltering execution and JASON amusing SHAUUUN bugs, but it's never been enough to prop up the experience for me.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
In fairness, while watching your suffering is EXTREMELY ENTERTAINING, I figured a few pointers wouldn't hurt. I figure you already noticed this earlier, but the start menu in the later games also tells you about all the moves a given power has. Some of them have a surprising number of moves; Suplex is one example, obviously, but several other powers like Wing, Yo-Yo, and Hammer have moves you're not likely to stumble across naturally.


Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Don't be depressed. Seriously, Marx is supposed to be the game-capping event, and if you haven't played in a while, it's easy to forget he has half a dozen unblockable dick moves that he loves to chuck from out of nowhere. And I do recall you mentioning playing it before, way back in the first episode, even, I think, but I didn't know how much was rust and how much was the emulator, so whatever, my advice is probably mostly valid for anyone else who still hasn't played it for some inexplicable reason.

Plus Grace running into even MORE enemies while trying to do the goofy inputs for some of the more esoteric moves would have been a hoot, but I digress.

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