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Eediot Jedi
Dec 25, 2007

This is where I begin to speculate what being a
man of my word costs me

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 7 - Sonicman's Lament

This game is honestly fascinating in that a ton of poo poo happens in this episode, but at the same time, loving nothing happened in this episode.

Also you're welcome. You'll understand for what.

What the gently caress. At about 2:40 Elise is 'kneeling', but either her shins are six inches long so they don't poke out of her dress or she's driven them straight into the ground and is now standing in a hole in front of Sonic.



Eediot Jedi
Dec 25, 2007

This is where I begin to speculate what being a
man of my word costs me

Bacter posted:

I like this game. A lot.

Comedy/drama/mystery puzzle/stealth/action/platformer Gunpoint pits Conway, a private eye with an axe to grind and magic jumping pants against a whole rainy, midnight city full of betrayals and twists and turns. Come for the action, stay for the banter. And the punchin.

These first few levels are supposed to be Conway gingerly picking his way around as you slowly gain confidence with the controls, but stuff that. I'll take enough time to show them off, but I get every tutorial level + the "gimmie" ones done in this update. It only gets better from here!

Laptops in this update:

I love gunpoint to bits, good work showing it off. Technical question though, did you have f.lux running while you were recording? The video is very orange. Just check out the laptop banners vs the two big banners to see what I mean.

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