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Oct 17, 2008

TurboC posted:

The thrilling finale!

Although I almost yelled at my screen a few times. Are you going to do the extras?


Oct 17, 2008

WilliamAnderson posted:

It is not unspeakable. It cycles money that should be removed from the game board back into circulation, allowing for larger amounts of money being spent on houses and hotels, lengthening the game. If you are to play with that, you need to lower the amount of money gotten via GO in order to make the game balance correct.

When I was in 6th grade one of my friends and I played 1-2 games of monopoly a day for almost a month with varying house rules just to see what was most fun and/or quickest.
We found, for a 2 player game,:
Having the $500 on free parking and double money for landing on go sped up the game getting to the critical point more often than prolonging the game. Because, we would routinely run out of money to even buy properties and have to spend 2 or 3 trips around the board just doing nothing.
Doubling the starting money also kicked the game into the interesting part of the game quicker. But it did also lead to a slow death if you just couldn't buy anything.
Just giving out 2-3 properties at random at the start of the game just made things weird. because there was never a good way to balance that.
Although, Letting the people buy up to 3 properties (risk country selection style) at 2x the sticker price had some interesting results.

Oct 17, 2008
With the movie Earthquake there was a subwoofer installed under every seat at the theaters.

Oct 17, 2008

NGDBSS posted:

Come to think, where are the occasional yellow-tinted quoteboxes coming from?

I am 90% sure that if you are the one being quoted it is highlighted in yellow.

Oct 17, 2008
I feel the need to point out that you had been gaining lives as you went and the count is likely closer to 130 than the 102 that you claimed :v:

Oct 17, 2008
I a liking the inside look into the game. Watching someone just take apart a game is fun in of itself.

MassRafTer posted:

My Family Plays Getclose: A Game for RIVALS:

The best lines in this video.
"Why don't you give them a chance?"
"I am"

Oct 17, 2008

In the previous video that you did, you accidentally showed a slight reality to game logic bug. You were able to put on and take off your gas mask though the night vision.
And YAY rollercoasters!

Oct 17, 2008

:woop: Yay I got a mention.

How did that guy at 31:17 survive the thrown knife?

Oct 17, 2008

N.N. Ashe posted:

Chapter 6

Future Status: Discovering new species! They are not exactly friendly!

Because you kept pointing out the breakers I couldn't help to notice that most of them were computer logically backwards. All of them started connected and you unconnected them to turn things on. The ones that controlled the doors sort of are ok if you look at them in a connected closes and locks it type of way.


Oct 17, 2008

Iron Chitlin posted:

Is there a reason to use the gems? What do they even do? Does one of them fix the camera?

No, but you can buy superhard mode from the PSN store!

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