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Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 1 - New Arrivals.

I streamed this on Sunday with the intention of, most likely, putting it here. Started with a few too many guests but they pretty shortly get reduced to a more manageable number.


Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

EasilyConfused posted:

I'm not joking when I say that I can't think of better way to LP Dead Space than livestreaming with Catsworth.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I wish I wasn't so bad at horror games though haha.

Anyway next up!

Chapter 2 - Intensive Care

I'll probably stream the next part this weekend if I have time.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 3 - Course Correction!

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 4 - Obliteration Imminent

Obliteration from Future Friend's spoiling rear end! :argh:

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 5 - Lethal Devotion

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 6 - Environmental Hazard

Halfway done! :toot:

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Spudd posted:

Rad, I'm glad you're keeping up with this. It's really enjoyable. :v:

Thanks! I'm really excited to get to the 2nd game as it's my favorite of the three.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 7 - Into The Void

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 8 - Search and Rescue

I apologize in advance.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 9 - Dead On Arrival

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 10 - End of Days

God I hate this chapter. It's also the longest one so sorry about that.

Also for those curious, more info on the Chicxulub Crater.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 11 - Alternate Solutions

One more and we're done with the first game! :toot:

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 12 - Dead Space :unsmigghh:

We are done with the first game! I will commence with the 2nd soon.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Glad you guys enjoyed it! I'm a bit busy this weekend so I'll probably have to wait until next to start the second game unfortunately.

My only real regret is the loss in video quality from basically encoding a video twice.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 1!

Sorry for the delay, had some technical difficulties. Speaking of, great thanks to Voice of Dog for helping.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 2!

Since there was such a long wait and I've got a couple of these saved up now I might as well post the next one!

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Lolo De Puzlo posted:

Watching this live was glorious.

...Picross or Minesweeper next?

The answer is obviously ski free.

Do you fear the yeti, Chitlin? :getin:

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 3. It lives. :zombie:

Sorry for the wait. Even more technical difficulties. I swear this game does not want me playing. Including in those is my streamed footage of chapter 5 and 6 is most likely gone so I'll probably have to play through the first part to get back there. (Will have to start using multiple save files now.)

Zoig posted:

I'm kinda sad that you did not use the dlc stuff since it seems like nobody ever does, and this is the low effort lp thread.

I was thinking of maybe doing a second run where I used all sorts of batshit crazy stuff, but now I'm thinking I might just do it here. :getin:

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 4!

This loving chapter. :cry:

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Yeah, it's really well done. I love the atmosphere of the church.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

I'm really glad you guys enjoy them! :3:

Sorry for the delay, I've had all sorts of crazy technical difficulties and general business with the 2nd game so far for some reason. I've had to start over and replay through the first 4 chapters but hopefully I should be able to stream again tomorrow and get another video up shortly after.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?


Chapter 5

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 6. Or most of it. Rest will be in with Chapter 7.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 6. Again.

The 2nd half of Chapter 6. I was going to put it in the Chapter 7 video, but... it turned out there was a lot left!

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 7. Holy poo poo this entire episode.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 8.

So unfortunately this is going to slow down a bit as I'm working overtime a lot and my guests are all a bag of dicks who can't conform to my limited schedule. :argh:

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Scaramouche posted:

Catswooooooooorth. You're makin me mad with these lack of DS2 updates.

Sorry! In addition to my usual guests either not being busy or just seeming to get tired of it I've been working 72 hour weeks so finding time to stream has been difficult. Wish I could tell you I'd be able to pick it up soon but I don't have any real estimate unfortunately.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Hey look here's a thing that exists. :shepface:

Chapter 9.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 10.

This loving chapter. :argh:

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Rest of Chapter 10!

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 11

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 12 and 13

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

The Rest of Chapter 13.

There are only two chapters left and they're probably not very long but I'll probably stream them a little bit later in case anyone wants to see the end live.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 14 and 15!

And we're done. :)

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

I'm glad you guys liked it! Don't have an exact date but barring any complications Dead Space 3 should be pretty soon.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

It has begun.

Prologue and Chapter 1.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapters 2 and 3.

David D. Davidson posted:

Just an FYI in the outdoor sections stomping is faster than walking.

Haha are you serious? :allears: That's amazing. I don't think it'd make for a very good video, though. Either that or the best video.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

But that's 30 minutes of getting to listen to the Pumpkin Hill song. :c00lbert:

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 4.

Catsworth fucked around with this message at 05:47 on Sep 24, 2014


Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Man, you are such a dick to Grace.

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