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Nov 5, 2009

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 1 - N64 Chat

In my ongoing and futile quest to not be a generic youtube-tier LPer, I've been testing a better setup that let's me run noise cancellation, so there'll be less of me clearing my throat and less of Grace sounding like a wind tunnel from here on out.

Unfortunately there's no audacity filter that makes the commentary interesting, so we spend 90% of the video talking about every video game except DKC.

I can do it! *immediately jump into a pit*


Nov 5, 2009

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 2 - It's No Use

Pretty much the only thing I knew about this game going into it was about the fight with Silver, and how he can basically juggle you to death without any counter. Thanks Sonic Team

Silver is just an awful boss fight.

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