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  • Locked thread
Feb 13, 2011

Okay, I'll throw my hat in:

Part 1: Slugs, monsters, stammering, and awful video quality!
Part 2: Harder puzzles, easier puzzles, and better video quality!
Part 3: Floor 4, more of the same stuff, and depressing ineptitude.

azren fucked around with this message at 16:22 on Apr 22, 2014


Feb 13, 2011

I'd have said that the following would be the best explanation for why Kaizo is a thing that's got some merit (the video is priceless, in my eyes)

Feb 13, 2011

Dr. Buttass posted:

I think he's a puzzle solving thing. On that second page there he goes behind the fan to turn it off so you can punch it down; in your video he was offscreen when it happened. I don't know if he can do anything else, though, because I never made it any farther than you did.

He can also find hidden items, including panel transitions. He's also useful for a specific enemy.

Feb 13, 2011

More Lolo!

Part 2: Harder puzzles, easier puzzles, and better video quality!

Feb 13, 2011

chocolatekake posted:

Oh my gosh, I just noticed the sound effect when you get a power up from the flashing hearts! Oh HAL :allears:
I still need to get this game, but I'm enjoying this LP in the meantime.

Glad to hear it! Don't know when I expect the next one, but probably not too far from now.

Feb 13, 2011

e: passive aggressive post removed upon reflection

azren fucked around with this message at 17:58 on Apr 20, 2014

Feb 13, 2011

Psychedelic Eyeball posted:


We're now at World 3... but what the hell happened to the game? I don't really remember that world as well anymore it seems...

World 3 - Water Land?

Okay, who's writing the creepypasta for this?

Feb 13, 2011

Time for some more of our spherical blue prince Lolo!

Part 3: Floor 4, more of the same stuff, and depressing ineptitude.

Feb 13, 2011

Psychedelic Eyeball posted:


It's time for World 5. However, I decided to give the white block item a try. I really, really don't remember it being that powerful. It definitely is game-breaking in the right hands...

World 5 - Sky Land (White Block)

Psych, you are a maniac, and I love you.

As a side note, it's kind of interesting to see different peoples' contributions to this thread; some people taking it more seriously, and some, like the Final Fight post, have a decidedly sarcastic bent to them. Kinda neat cross-section.

vvv I didn't mean anything in particular with regards to taking things seriously, it was meant as a complete tangent to my main post

azren fucked around with this message at 20:53 on Apr 27, 2014

Feb 13, 2011

Danaru posted:

:hfive: The Strike series is the poo poo, and Jungle is my personal favourite. On that note:

Let's Play Jungle Strike 2 - Nuclear Tedium

At least on the Genesis version, you could blow up a section of bridge and gently scoot between the pillars, so you could use the chopper for the whole level.

Feb 13, 2011

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Jungle Strike 5 - K-Pop Chat

Alternate Title: GRACE NEVER STOPS loving SINGING

My God, you guys are the best!

Feb 13, 2011

inthesto posted:

I just want to say that every single one of these videos is filled with stupid commentary over a stupid game and it's a complete delight to watch

I like Jungle Strike... :smith:

e: ...and the commentary.

azren fucked around with this message at 01:22 on May 9, 2014

Feb 13, 2011

Danaru posted:

Protip: Don't watch this

Oh God, why didn't I listen!? :gonk:

Feb 13, 2011

Nidoking posted:

I was going to argue against anyone being as bad as DSP, but I suppose there's a simple test - what would you do if I said (which I don't) that Grace is bringing down the video quality and you should ditch her? If your answer is anything less than banning me from your chat and Youtube channel comments, blocking me on every social media service you have, spending at least five minutes insulting me personally in one of your videos, inciting all your loyal fans to send me all the hate they have, something involving physical violence, and then tweeting ten times in a row that you never did any of those things, then you fall well short of being DSP, 2007 vintage or otherwise.

Okay, I gotta ask, who is this person?

Feb 13, 2011

Danaru posted:

Don't worry, he found another crate so he nope wait he threw it at the wall and ran away. I'm starting to understand people felt while I was on that boat.

EDIT: Don't want to double post, but I forgot I already uploaded this:

Let's Play Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Episode 2 - Grace Starts Gouging

This is the start of the real run, as of right now, this is still the map we're on :v:

Officially looking forward to the inevitable disaster. :)

Feb 13, 2011

Roar posted:

Let's Teach Rora!

As far as I know, this is literally Rora's first time playing a console game. She's 7. This is a travesty. Therefore, we're going to be starting with the basics here.

Let's Teach - Super Mario Bros.!

That was so loving adorable I can't even describe it. It's the game I learned on too; I used to intentionally run into the goombas because I thought Mario's death animation was funny. Mom tried to tell me "that's not how you're supposed to play the game" until my Dad pointed out that if I was having fun, that was all that mattered.

Feb 13, 2011

Okay, you've got me wanting this. What's the best way to pick it up for Win7?

Feb 13, 2011

MassRafTer posted:

Yellow's sad and miserable existence continues in the stamping zone. Green knows about potential embezzlement, what is a candy to do?

Level 5:

Dude, you seriously need one of these. :v:

Feb 13, 2011

FPzero posted:

Super Metroid Z-Factor is a romhack of Super Metroid made in 2012 by a hacker named Metaquarius. It's pretty good so I drag some friends along for the ride.

Part 1 - Spore Spawn Nesting Dolls with Artix, Blastinus, ddinkins and poorlywrittennovel.

Whenever Super Metroid Romhacks are brought up, I can only ever think of axiel's (classic/priceless/2007-as-gently caress) lp of Super Metroid Redesign.

Feb 13, 2011

anilEhilated posted:

If this is "higher quality acting" I don't think I ever want to see SA1. This game looks almost as good as Sonic 2006.

Watch this. That is all.

Feb 13, 2011

Catsworth posted:

It has begun.

Prologue and Chapter 1.

You guys panicking reminds me far too much of Lowtax and Shmorky's "Dead Space" video. Thank you.

On the subject of the 3d Sonic games, I still love SA (except Big) and most of SA2. But then again, I'm one of those weirdos who liked Shadow the Hedgehog, so you probably shouldn't listen to me on this subject.

gently caress 2006, though.

Feb 13, 2011

Damegane posted:

You know, since you can ever only hold 2 guns at a time

Wait, what? I haven't watched past the first video, thinking I might play it myself. They did this too!? GOD drat IT!

Feb 13, 2011

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Kirby Superstar Episode 1 - Player Two

:siren:Grace gets to play this time too!:siren:

After fifty or so episodes of Grace trash talking up a storm, I can't loving wait for everyone to see this.

Considering the second stage boss, I think now is the time to officially abandon the whole Lolo thing I've been supposedly doing.

Feb 13, 2011


Feb 13, 2011

Heavy Sigh posted:


Sonic Epoch #8: I'm sorry
(Heavy Sigh, Jacobus Spades, mateo360, El Generico, and NGDBSS)

So, I'm now terrified to sift through the fangames thread. Are there any Sonic fangames that are... let's go with "not as awful as this?"

Feb 13, 2011

Garrand posted:

The thread actually started off pretty strongly with solid games like Psycho Waluigi. Really you'll just have to browse through and see for yourself. I suggest starting from the top of the OP and going until your eyes bleed :getin:

Yeah, at one point I kinda watched a grab-basket of stuff. This game just made me scared to do any more... :ohdear:

Feb 13, 2011

Edward_Tohr posted:

Before and After The Sequel were both not nearly as bad as Epoch.

Still not quite up to "good" or even "worth the time it takes to download and play", but better than that.... thing.

Shady Amish Terror posted:

Eggman Hates Furries is a Sonic fangame (LP'ed in the fangame thread, even!), that, while still terrible in many, many ways, has some quite fun and ridiculous sections to play, and is so utterly batshit that it's worth the hour(?) or so you might take getting through it.

I enjoyed it when I played just for the sheer absurdity of the whole thing, and it's reasonably fast-paced with lots of checkpoints if you'd like to try it yourself, but if you're not into the idea of playing a questionable Sonic fangame with bizarre, uncomfortable, self-aware humor, bad platforming, and frustrating bosses (which comprise 90% of the gameplay), just hop over to the fangames thread and give it a look.

I did watch BtS and Eggman Hates Furries. They kind of made my brain hurt. I'll admit that Epoch is actually the worst I've seen, but I'm sure there are lower depths to sink to.

Feb 13, 2011

CJacobs posted:

You can enter in a code in that game to make the ref into a dog.

Well, that answers "how" it could happen in the first place. That doesn't answer the "why" part of it, which I feel is a valid question.

Feb 13, 2011

This video is private.

Feb 13, 2011

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 6 - Poison Pond Is Fun

Disclaimer: Poison Pond may not actually be fun.

At around 10:40, Grace made me so happy! I haven't heard that "oh, no...." since Next Life! :allears:

azren fucked around with this message at 17:10 on Dec 19, 2014

Feb 13, 2011

Danaru posted:

I wouldn't say it's skill, so much as pure determination. Grace and I have either a virtue or a problem where we never give up, even when we really, REALLY should. :v:

I deny any and all allegations :colbert:

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 8 - Groundhog Day


So, are you going to be doing DKC2, or have you learned your lesson about making Grace play platformers?

Feb 13, 2011

D...Dante? Why are you in an SMT game?

Feb 13, 2011

NGDBSS posted:

If I recall correctly, Capcom and Atlus worked out a deal in which Dante appeared in Nocturne (character not dissimilar from that of DMC 3/4), and in return one of the character designers from Atlus was contracted out for work on DMC 3.

Seriously? Okay, that's actually kinda cool. I had thought that it was just a thinly veiled ripoff.

Feb 13, 2011

Orrfieldmedic posted:

You're welcome. I'm hoping I can keep it somewhat watchable and not burn out, since SMT tends to be tough and grindyish at times.

Anyway, Merry Christmas! Here's two episodes instead of one.

Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 3–Shinjuku Medical Center
Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 4–Shinjuku Medical Center Annex

And Polsy it to get rid of Youtube recommendation.

Anyway, if you meant Hijiri by Natty Hats then yea, pretty nice he survived. Dude seems to know much more about what's going on, and might let us know once it gets relevant and if he stays alive.

I suspect that you can recruit the knee-biters with Pixie's Seduction, since she speaks their language.

Feb 13, 2011

Full disclosure: I unironically enjoyed Shadow the Hedgehog. It wasn't great, and the story is worth less than the paper the instruction manual is printed on, but damnit, I love am pretty fond of that game. And Danaru is making me want to pick up the GC version because my backwards-compatable PS3 junked last year.

Feb 13, 2011

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 18 - Detective Silver

So Silver is like, canonically supposed to be really stupid, right?

Also I talk some poo poo about Blaze in this episode, but she's actually pretty much the Omega of Silver's story. Once you figure out the controls, and when you're not in Crisis City where controls go to die, she handles pretty drat well. Also I like her vague disinterest in every scene so far.

I love how Silver is basically Trunks from DBZ, if Trunks had been eating paint chips for the better part of his life. Even though it's not the same VA, they even sound the same!

Shoeless posted:

Guys, I just thought of the best burn for Sonic 06.

Crisis City? More like Crisis lovely!

Actual serious talk- the reason 06 doesn't match previous games and stuff is because it was supposed to be a total reboot of the continuity and franchise. So they basically tossed everything else out. I don't know why they put in Shadow with 0 explanation though, with Sonic clearly having known him before, I think that's just crap writing. Truly a stand-out moment with the otherwise excellent writing and gameplay of Sonic 2006 :v:

I'm pretty sure the "reboot" idea was scrapped partway through, and they decided to go with what they already had finished and tried to mash it together with pre-existing stuff.

Feb 13, 2011

I had forgotten how utterly stupid Sonic '06's ending was. It made me think of Drakengard's ending E, except for the fact that Sonic '06 doesn't have a Nier analogue, so there is no redemption.

Somebody should do Drakengard.

Feb 13, 2011

bathroomrage posted:

If anyone should do Drakengard it's the guy dumb enough to suggest a video LP of Drakengard.

...ouch. :smith:

Feb 13, 2011

anilEhilated posted:

I'm always surprised by the positive receptions these games got. As far as shooters go, they look like total poo poo. Lack of FPS games on the platform, I suppose.

Well, I always tried to look at them less as an FPS, and focus more on the Metroid feel, which I feel they capture pretty well.


Feb 13, 2011

corn in the bible posted:


This is a great FPS where you are a fireman. It's good and I like it a lot and here's the first video, it's got me and Great Joe and Ceciltron. It's genuinely a good game and I wanted to show it off!

Okay, this game's pretty neat.

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