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Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Hello, I'm trying a new thing. Life is stressful, and I play video games to relax and unwind. What better way to chill out after a long, hard day than to play a difficult and very frustrating video game?

Dark Souls 2 is a good video game for chilling out. So I decided that I would play through the game and not get worked up and mad at the total bullshit that goes on in it via the power of relaxation. I personally don't think it's fit for a thread because I kind of ignore the story and stuff so I'm glad this thread exists. Here is the first part. It's probably still processing right now.

(Don't worry they won't all be a million hours long)

CJacobs fucked around with this message at 00:53 on Jul 24, 2014


Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Episode 1
Episode 2 (New!)

Here is another episode of Let's Chill to Dark Souls 2. I guess I'll be posting one a day or so. I'm trying a new audio setup so hopefully it doesn't peak as much, let me know if it sounds better.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3 (New!)

Today on Let's Chill to Dark Souls 2 we make our way to the Iron Keep, then tie up a few loose ends. With this video I tried making the audio a little quieter as a whole, let me know if you like it this way. I think Explosions in the Sky might be a little too 'intense' for the atmosphere I'm going for so I don't think I'll be using them again. Probably more Tycho next time, who knows.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Mister Xenophobe posted:

For what it's worth, I'm really enjoying this.

Thanks, I'm glad. :) I haven't gotten very many comments on it in the places I've posted it but I guess that's to be expected since it's kind of a niche thing. I was gonna make a thread for it since I'm doing quite a bit more editing than this thread demands, but I don't know if it's worth its own because I'm sorta ignoring the story.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4 (New!)

Today on Let's Chill to Dark Souls 2 we explore the Iron Keep and then kill one of the baddest monsters that exists with only a lightning toothpick. Do note that I may encounter problems with copyright stuff on this video, because it features Tycho's newest album in the background. To get around WMG I slow the music's audio track down to 105% of its normal speed, which is almost inaudible at the volume level the music is at, but sometimes things slip through. If it disappears and then reappears with different music, that's why. Enjoy, and please feel free to subscribe to me if you want my videowhatsits delivered straight to your cyberspacebox. :)

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5 (New!)

Today on Let's Chill to Dark Souls 2 we make our way through No-Man's Wharf, the Lost Bastille, and clutch it out super hard with the Ruin Sentinels. As I said in the opening bit, the music for this video is ambient drone stuff instead of the electronic music I've been using so far. If you like it (or don't like it!) please let me know and I'll change it up accordingly.

Also, sorry this episode took so long. Final Fantasy XIV is a very good game and it's been sucking up a lot of my time lately.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
i hosed up this post so im snipping it like two weeks later woops

CJacobs fucked around with this message at 00:01 on Aug 13, 2014

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7 (New!)

Today on Let's Chill to Dark Souls 2 we head into the gutter and stumble our way through a depressingly dark area that I just couldn't brighten in Sony Vegas without washing out the colors and making it look bleh. Sorry! At least the darkness adds to the oppressive atmosphere.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8(New!)

Today on Let's Chill to Dark Souls 2 we kill lots of catbois and push our way through the mist to fight angry scorpion ladies. I make that sound a lot more homoerotic than it is, I'm sure.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9 (New!)

Today on Let's Chill to Dark Souls 2 we SPIDERS. SPIDERS. NO GOD NOT THE SPIDERS.

Then we go hang out with Vengarl for a bit!

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Please forgive my panhandling about being scared of spiders, it's only for this episode since it turns out I accidentally lied and I don't go back. At least I didn't lose my chill, the chill is the most important element.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10 (New!)

Today on Let's Chill to Dark Souls 2 we make our way up Drangleic Castle the hard way, and then fight the Double Dragon(riders) multiple times because I have an aneurysm and forget how to play video games! I was surprised to see that YouTube's auto-music-identifying-whatever caught me for Lymbyc Systym, I didn't think anybody even knew they existed besides me.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Episode 10
Episode 11 (New!)

Oops I forgot I was doing this series. Today we finish off Drangleic Castle and then fight the mirror knight for a thousand years. It's a really fun fight, I promise! Other than that not much happens, but thankfully I recorded it after the lightning bug got fixed so it's not unbearably loud the whole time.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
I will never forget Sonic's "I'LL MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS!! :black101:" in Sonic Adventure 2 because it was so funny and dumb. The transition between the Japanese and American dialogue did not affect the timing of the conversation a single bit, Resident Evil style. I cannot wait until we get there.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Sonic 2006 is the worst 3D sonic game followed by all of the rest of them equally. Sonic Adventure and Adventure 2 were loving great when they came out because 3D video games as a medium were in the middle of evolving at the time, and it just doesn't stand up to those same growing pains now that they are over and the evolution is finished.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Let's Chill to Dark Souls 2, part 12. Can't be bothered to track down the header and previous video links right now. Today we elbow-drop our way through the "infamous" Shrine of Amana! It's gonna be lots of fun!

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
The changes to Ellie's character design from Dead Space 2 to 3 just make me sad. I am pretty sure they made her chest bigger in general, not just more revealing. It's totally pointless too because I'm pretty sure at some point she gets a coat and the boobliness goes away.

Neruz posted:

It's a video game; the artists are contractually obligated to oversexualize any female entity that appears.

Play Dead Space 2 and then feel bad about saying this

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Personally I think Isaac is the sexiest character in Dead Space 3 so really Ellie's 2D(D) character doesn't bother me all that much on its own.

edit: This lets play is reminding me that I should probably be updating my own Dead Space lets play but I have no mic to record with because I'm an idiot who breaks technology just by being within a few yards of it so lol

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Listen, man, all it says in the rules is that you've got to sacrifice yourself and become a necromorph, it doesn't say anything about what you can do before that whole thing happens. Those clothes are white for a reason.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
It's all in your head, apparently. According to the Sonic the Hedgehog wiki (which has 8,500 pages by the way), there are 10 Rouge/Knuckles levels and 20-ish Everyone Else levels. That means that every character has about 5 levels, but since Rouge and Knuckles share a gimmick, you play their type of level more often at least.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

I don't remember if this happens in Sonic Adventure 2 or Shadow the Hedgehog but I'm loving posting it anyway because I just remembered that it's a thing he actually says.

The writing in these games is genius

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Shadow "Where's that drat fourth chaos emerald *dual wields ak-47s*" The Hedgehog is the best character and I will hear no naysay about him.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

azren posted:

Wait, what? I haven't watched past the first video, thinking I might play it myself. They did this too!? GOD drat IT!

The multiple-tools-on-guns and the gun crafting in general is the only good thing about Dead Space 3.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
The reason for only giving you two guns is because there is a hard set limit on the number of guns you can have as a player character in the Dead Space game engine. Visceral has been using the same engine for 3 games now and the PS3/360 do not have enough RAM to account for everything the game requires and more than 4 guns, so it's hard-coded that way. If Isaac still had access to 4 guns at one time, Carver wouldn't be able to use any and vice versa. Therefore, they got around the issue by giving each player 2 guns, and making a gun crafting system so you can put whatever tools you want on whatever engines to make your own 4 guns in the 2 slots you have. It's a genius workaround, really.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Most of the missions, save for each story branch's last one, give you the ability to just say "gently caress that noise" and just run straight to the end like a real true neutral. I think the first stage forces it just as an introduction to the mechanics but after that it's totally up to you whether you want to be good, bad, or "I don't care about any of you assholes".

But then you don't ever get the chance to beat the poo poo out of Sonic and win, so gently caress that noise.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
My favorite thing about Shadow the Hedgehog is that it has 10-ish endings (and the final story), but every combination of levels/choices has its own name in the level select/cutscene viewer menu. There are almost 400 possible combinations. It's the weirdest attention to detail ever.

Seriously, look at this poo poo. Read some of these loving titles.


48. Vainglory or Abandonment? 1D-2H-6D-9D-13N-19H

vainglory is a real word


261. Imitation Complex 1H-4D-6N-10H-16D-20D
262. Steel Combat Boots 1H-4D-6N-10H-16D-20H
263. Protector of the Ashen Moon 1H-4D-6N-10H-16N-21D
264. A Demon Drifting 1H-4D-6N-10H-16N-21H
265. The Ultimate Pride 1H-4D-6N-10H-16H-22D
266. I Know the Will of Heaven 1H-4D-6N-10H-16H-22H
267. Ego Dyed in Black 1H-4D-6H-11D-15D-19D
268. Isolation By Choice 1H-4D-6H-11D-15D-19H
269. Faith Without Falsehood 1H-4D-6H-11D-15N-20D
270. Machine Empire 1H-4D-6H-11D-15N-20H
271. The Eternally-Closed Door 1H-4D-6H-11D-15H-21D
272. The Sealed-Away Ark of Sin 1H-4D-6H-11D-15H-21H
273. Silver Emergence 1H-4D-6H-11N-16D-20D
274. Pulsating Supercurrent 1H-4D-6H-11N-16D-20H
275. The Reason I Was Born 1H-4D-6H-11N-16N-21D
276. The Dark Part of the Galaxy 1H-4D-6H-11N-16N-21H
277. The View From Atop the World 1H-4D-6H-11N-16H-22D
278. Maria’s Testament 1H-4D-6H-11N-16H-22H
279. A Genius Scientist’s Lineage 1H-4D-6H-11H-17N-21D
280. Distorted Truth 1H-4D-6H-11H-17N-21H
281. A Counterfeit Existence 1H-4D-6H-11H-17H-22D
282. Beloved Memories 1H-4D-6H-11H-17H-22H


CJacobs fucked around with this message at 12:46 on Sep 26, 2014

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

anilEhilated posted:

I think my favorite is "Ego Dyed In Black".
edit: Nope, "The Sealed-Away Ark Of Sin".

Shady Amish Terror posted:

I have done many, many stupid things, but getting all possible combinations of levels in Shadow the Hedgehog is, happily, not on that list.



Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Yeah, where Sonic 06 is god-awful, Sonic Heroes is just bland.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

TARDISman posted:

The only thing I really remember loving about Heroes was the theme song.
:byodood: Sonic Heeeeeeeeeeeeroooooooooooooes!

The lyrics don't even really make sense when you think about them, as per Crush 40 Sonic Game Theme Song tradition.



I won't even hesitate.
A second left to alter fate.
I tried to strike, but a bit too late.
I got you hooked by my own bait!

My favorite Sonic game theme song is probably the Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity theme (the weird lyrics thing still applies). That game and to an extent its prequel are criminally underrated and I really liked them!

CJacobs fucked around with this message at 18:28 on Oct 1, 2014

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Disappointed they didn't use the original version where Sonic just cuts Shadow off in mid-sentence. Seriously, that dumbass I'LL MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS makes the whole scene.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

This is how I feel any time I play any puzzle game so I can sympathize.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Cage's games are unique in that at least he tries new and experimental things without regard for the consequences of how they will affect the game for players.

The bad part of that is, of course, the second half of that sentence. Everything from Omikron to Beyond: Two Souls suffers because the experimental nature of the writing basically equates to it being garbage, and then experimental nature of the gameplay basically equates to it being messy or unclear or in some cases just plain boring.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Wouldn't be a David Cage game without showering and pissing.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Well I think it's less of that and more David Cage was that kid that couldn't accept that video game characters never shower or go to the bathroom. Most people just dismiss that thought as being a convention that you just have to give to media in general but David Cage? Not him.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!
Basically, imagine how Mario Bros 1 controls. Now imagine how Mario Bros 1 controls, but lovely. Sonic Epoch.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Danaru posted:

And now, for the natural progression:

Let's Play Monopoly Episode 1 - Monopoly Controls

Grace and I take on common sense and lose. Common sense loses too. There are no winners here.

This is just wonderful.


Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

morallyobjected posted:

I grew up playing this way, but I see a lot of people with unspeakable aggression towards that particular house rule.

It makes the game go on longer and is therefore morally reprehensible to even consider unless you hate your relatives.

edit: beat, and in a more eloquent way too

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Shoeless posted:

Why is there a dog in the playing field?

You can enter in a code in that game to make the ref into a dog.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Danaru posted:

I've honestly never gotten past the first section where you're on foot. That includes when I abused save states. That poo poo was impossible :froggonk:

Let's Play Dankey Kang Episode 3 - Thirty Six Seconds

Slippery ice levels are even worse than water levels. It's even sadder considering I LOVE winter worlds, but in platformers it always means nightmarish slippery bullshit levels :(

I didn't know Donkey Kong Country was a survival horror game until this episode.


Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

In fact the SMT box has this on it which makes it even more funny.

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