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Sep 2, 2011

UZworm posted:

Dragon Warrior Monsters LP

Well, you have my attention. I love the first two DWM games to bits, I can't wait to see more of this!


Sep 2, 2011

Capt. J. Linebeck posted:

Ok I need a break from Kaizo Mario World 3, so in the meantime,

Released in 1999, Bangai-O is a shooter game developed by Treasure. Very fun, and very anime.

Levels 1-5

That game over screen is quite Japan. I also love how the boss guy keeps squealing each time he's hit. EEE! EEE! EEE!

Sep 2, 2011

UZworm posted:

Since the top of this page appears to be flush with updates, I'll keep that going!

Let's Play Dragon Warrior Monsters - Episode 6

Same group as last time, much less smooth jazz this time around, and the birth of one-eyed monster Skippy Granola!

Oh poo poo, Amberweed! I remember when I played my first DWM game, it was the second one, and I got an Amberweed with Zap and Explodet on it. I felt so proud and it just seemed to powerful. That brings back memories.

Sep 2, 2011

FinalGamer posted:

And following up on this trainwreck of a night:

Christmas in July Two Months Early: Let's Play Home Alone Genesis!

Part 1: Home Invasion (of a Skype chat call)

I'll upload part 2 tomorrow so as not to choke too many updates out of this page. I'll finish Soccer Kid later on too, I just wanted to swap to a better game for a bit, also these guys INSISTED to be in on this LP and I am so glad that they did.

Thanks for making me not regret going to bed, it was totally worth it :allears:

I'm going to need more of this. This game. Just, wow. This game. :allears: I can only imagine what the home-turf traps the other four houses have.

Sep 2, 2011

I also just finished watching the third update of Soccer Kid. Please tell me you will do James Pond: Robocod for this thread. Please. I never knew I needed this before, but I do.

Sep 2, 2011

Mr DJB posted:

Well let me tell you all about my Pokémon fanfiction...

And yet... still better than most pokemon fanfiction.

Sep 2, 2011

Panboy posted:

One of these is not like the others, one of these is just not the same.

I know, right? Who would do attack helicopter stuff in a heavily urban environment? Clearly the black sheep of the pack. :colbert:

Sep 2, 2011

Mr DJB posted:

Wow FutureFriend, this thread is getting almost as many updates as I did random encounters... in this one goddamn video.


It picks up from here, whoever is still watching!

I'm watching. It's actually kinda nice to have an informative LP of a pokemon game that's not too crazy on the details and info dumping. The need of such an LP is questionable given the availability of the internet and pokemon wikis, but still. I'd show this to a friend who's never heard of pokemon before as an intro to the series.

Sep 2, 2011

Mr DJB posted:

Anyway, I just beat Rock Tunnel and I've caught more than half of them!


Oh, one thing I remember you mentioning two or three parts ago was using Evo stones ASAP on pokemon; that's probably not a good idea in 1st gen, since most of the manz that evolve that way then won't learn any moves after you stone evolve them. So evolving your Nidorino/a once it hits level 16 with that Moon Stone you got means you won't be learning any moves with it again outside of TMs. Which to be fair their move sets aren't so good in Gen 1, so that's what you probably end up doing anyway, but for Gloom/Weepinbell/Shellder/Growlith/Vulpix/Pikachu/etc.... yeah. The stats are really nice, but you probably wanna check your Prima Guide to see what moves they'll get to know when's a good point to evolve them. Just a tip for the young, up and coming pokemon masters out there!

Sep 2, 2011

Mr DJB posted:

Oh yeah, in a standard playthrough you'll want to postpone stone evolutions for everything (except Eevee). I'm just trying to get all 150 of them accounted for as soon as possible.

Yeah, understandable. I don't think you mentioned it in that context, so I figured it was general advice along with how a lot of your commentary is applicable to the standard games. Also, more than half way there, woo! I remember I got to 149 once on a hack that let you get all of them... then I realized I hadn't gotten Electabuzz and I couldn't find him in the Power Plant and just gave up. So thanks for letting me catch all the pogeymanz vicariously through you!

Sep 2, 2011

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Clock Tower

A short game, but a really good one.

You know, with this length of a playthrough you could probably do a couple more runs and see what other OSHA code violations you can find. There's probably all kinds of stuff like unsafe sagging floors in the upstairs portion or something. Gotta find maximum violations to really pin these bastards to the wall legally!

Sep 2, 2011

Danaru posted:

Danaru: that was the Gutsman's rear end episode actually
Grace: excuse me

I'm going to have to echo Grace here. What?

Sep 2, 2011

Iron Chitlin posted:

Here you go

The first part is all you really need to watch.

My god. Roll. Your voice. Your personality. What have they done to you?

Also, everything else in that video.

Sep 2, 2011

Danaru posted:

Wait really? Who in their right mind would spec in earth magic anyway? :shrug: I thought it gave a boost to spell cost as well, gently caress that noise then.

Let's Play Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Episode 3 - Wait, Are We Winning

There's a point where we legitimately forgot we were recording because this game is actually just really fun to play. I like the park management and dino collecting side of it, Grace just likes having dinosaurs.

Is it just my connection, or is the FPS of this recording really, really low after a couple minutes in?

Sep 2, 2011

Danaru posted:

Yeah, I was having Internet issues that day, the other JP vids are a bit off too. Unfortunately it's the source video that's screwed up. I originally was going to scrap the videos, but Grace wouldn't let me do anything that might jeopardize "the babies".

I have a feeling this is going to become a serious problem‎

Maybe once she's not... how to put this... horribly drunk from that beverage, she'll be less protective of them? Also, watching you play Operation Gensis has gotten me to get a copy and start playing. It's really fun!

Sep 2, 2011

This is masterful.

Sep 2, 2011

Iron Chitlin posted:

DCotE lovingly recreates the source material with a masterful execution of slow building atmosphere that really nails the style of Lovecraft's writing within an interactive space. In spite of a few missteps and a plethora of game breaking bugs it manages be one of my all time favorites. The atmosphere is truly top notch and really should be experienced in a dark room with a pair of headphones.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on that. Indeed, there's an episode of Extra Credits that came out very recently that talks about Cthulhu mythos in games and why so many times it falls flat.

I think I need say five words to sum up my thoughts on this game:

Spread out. Search the area.

Sep 2, 2011

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Fable 3 Episode 1 - Chicken Simulator 2011

A couple audio issues here, I fix them all in episode 2 I promise :froggonk:

Dayum, can Walter be the main character of this game? Please? Just that bit where he comes in and is ready to help you out of the castle and lead a revolution, with the talk of the kingdom needing a hero is just... that's really good leadership. He should be king! I'd vote for him. That's how kings work right?

Sep 2, 2011

I have seen the future of popular internet streams. And it is Sudoku.

Sep 2, 2011

A little into the third try, ie second actual puzzle, I realized I found a place where only 1 number could go. Mind blown, I went to that puzzle and tried it myself. Never played Sudoku before. My god. That was actually a sort of fun challenge. And I haven't in recent memory played something where I felt like I walked away with so much more understanding of it than when I started. I feel accomplished!

Question for people who know it better than me: would I be correct in my thinking that the question is rarely, if ever, where can a number go, but instead where can a number not go?

Sep 2, 2011

Shadow gamer posted:

That is correct. Also, do not be afraid to jump around in the puzzle. Sudoku is about trying the find the path of least resistance.

Yeah, I got stuck for a good 5-10 minutes because I was down to 2 numbers left in a box but there was no way to know for sure which went where. I tried guessing and seeing where the guess would take me, before realizing that down that road lies a 50% chance I get it wrong and have to redo a lot of work, and just moved onto a different box. Near the end, I also realized that boxes are for squares, eliminating columns and rows are the real deal. :smug:

Bruceski posted:

It's both, really. Sometimes it's "of all the numbers for this grid, only one of them can go in this square without doubling up on the row-column" and sometimes it's "a five has to go in this row, and there's only one square where that's allowed." And on the REALLY hard ones you narrow a bunch of squares down to pairs of numbers and need to say "okay, if this is 5 then... and if it's 3 then..." looking for something else down the line that turns out the same regardless.

That's what I meant, that you're looking for the places where the number cannot go, until there's only 1 possible place left which must be it by elimination. Since there's got to be a correct place for it, and there's a limited number of possible locations, it's about narrowing down the possibilities that remains. It's just like that famous Sherlock Holmes quote: "When you've eliminated the impossible, puzzle solved!"

Sep 2, 2011

njsykora posted:

I've wanted to do something for this thread for a while so let's get tactical.

01 - The Happiest War

FYI, you might want to lower the game volume for future videos, I'm having some trouble hearing you over the game audio. I love Advance Wars, so hope to see more.

Edit: Having gotten a bit further in, this seems to clear up after a while. It was definitely noticeable at the beginning while in the menus and the initial character text exposition.

Shoeless fucked around with this message at 12:03 on Jun 18, 2014

Sep 2, 2011

Sleepwise posted:

I'm doing a Wipeout 3 LP. It's really just an excuse to drink coffee and talk to myself, but these are the sort of casual LPs I've always enjoyed most. The soundtrack's being swapped out with an assortment of weird records, starting with a Miroslav Vitous album, moving through to Mogwai, and so on.

I've not posted an LP publicly before, and I'd very much appreciate it if someone would give it a look-over. Even if it's just to tell me I'm a stuttering twat.

First part, where I sound like a wheezing lardarse:

Slightly less awful second part:

I really like this so far. One thing I'll say though is that Knack doesn't seem to be so much garbage as it is thoroughly mediocre.

Sep 2, 2011

Ma'am is short for Madam.

Sep 2, 2011
Apropos of a fishman baby waiting for its dad to come back and them not being necessarily evil, we did see that. Waite's wife was a fishwoman, and well. She killed her daughter and let Tom Waite get arrested.

What I'm saying is that fishpeople are dicks and it is good that you killed them all.

Sep 2, 2011

Ramos posted:

Hey man, I'll have you know fishpeople have a very deep and beautiful culture. You just don't understand it because you're racist!

And as long as they keep their deep and beautiful culture out of my neighborhood, it's fine. But if you think my son is going to be seen with one of those kinds of people, you have another think coming.

Sep 2, 2011

Iron Chitlin posted:

Jack washes ashore on Devil's Reef

Part 9: Devil's Reef


So, I have a friend who's an aerospace engineer. I could ask him about the force of wind required to make that fall survivable, if anyone wants.

Sep 2, 2011

Neruz posted:

Forts in AC4 are laughably pathetic and it's pretty easy to just run around and capture all the non-plot important ones that the game will let you capture right after your first round of ship upgrades (profitable too). I will admit however that boat battles in AC4 are quite complex and require you to pay attention to lots of things at once so I don't blame you for being terrible at it with those co-commentators distracting you :v:

I was skimming the thread and saw this, and for a second when I read "Forts in AC4" I thought that there was an Armored Core 4 LP I'd managed to miss and you were talking about Arms Forts. Then I read the rest of the post and was pleasantly surprised to learn fort facts!

Shoeless fucked around with this message at 02:35 on Jul 28, 2014

Sep 2, 2011

UZworm posted:

They thought it was dead.

They thought the danger had passed.

They thought wrong.


If you let the monsters carry stuff they'll just eat all the meat themselves, duh!

Sep 2, 2011

Yapping Eevee posted:

As much as I enjoy this particular LP, I think it's more a question of whether you'd enjoy spending however much time it takes to get back to this point. If you're still not sick of DWM after the amount of times you've played it, I'd say go for it. :)

I'll echo this. I love the DWM games and love seeing them get played. And people's reactions to them. But if it'd be unenjoyable to do then may as well let it rest. Unless you think you can muster up the same kind of sheer hopeless commentary of the M&Ms LP.

Sep 2, 2011

UZworm posted:

You clearly haven't seen my Hudson Hawk LP if you think I can't.

I haven't. Time to search the archives!

Sep 2, 2011

Samizdata posted:

I'm sorry, but the vibe those two give off say they are exes, at the very least.

Reminds me of the two student teachers at the job training I'm in. Except Danaru and Grace are actually funny and interesting to listen to when they bicker instead of being obnoxious.

Sep 2, 2011

UZworm posted:

It can be found only here!

I'm having war flashbacks seeing it again now.

Wonderful, I was wondering what to watch while having dinner.

Sep 2, 2011

Garrand posted:

I don't know which is worse. The comment or the 167 replies.

Or the 220 thumbs up it has.

Sep 2, 2011

Danaru posted:

Actually, selecting "yes" plays a much longer interactive sequence teaching you about stuff, saying you know what's up prompts the shorter explaination.

Your guess is as good as mine :shrug:

I wonder if the Japanese version had that. I know that what with Skyward Sword and Final Fantasy Mythic Quest, Nintendo's got a bit of a history with thinking Western audiences need extra hand holding, so it wouldn't surprise me too much if they put the "You know, just in case you don't really mean that you know" bit in only the international versions.

Sep 2, 2011

CJacobs posted:

Wouldn't be a David Cage game without showering and pissing.

How are we expected to connect with a character if we don't share their most private and intimate moments with them? Geeze you guys, you clearly don't get Cage's vision!

This is sarcasm, in case Poe's Law comes a'knockin.

Sep 2, 2011

JesusGeorge posted:

Near the end, MetaKnight's lackeys all tell Kirby to "Wait!" I'd think "Stop!" or "Halt!" or "Go No Further Amorphous Dream Beast!" would be more appropriate. Japanese game characters tend to do that a lot though... Anyone got insight on that? Seems like a translation error or something, but it's pretty bloody consistent, and I figure there's a reason if no localization team has felt it necessary to change this. Actually, I assume it's lazy adherence to traditional errors, but I'd like to *believe* there's a reason.

I always chalked that sort of thing up to the translators being given the text to translate, but not the context that it occurs in. So while it might translate well as "wait" when you just have the text itself, in the context there it would be better to use "Halt!" or "Stop!".

Sep 2, 2011

Danaru posted:

This entire game is a train wreck, part of why I picked this specific version is because I remember what an unsettling experience it is.

One thing we don't end up showing off is the cacaphony that is the loving auction theme. In a game made of mostly silence, the few musical jingles make you wish it was completely silent. Imagine an armless man playing the piano by smashing his face repeatedly into the keys, and becoming less and less concious as it goes on. That's the auction theme.

EDIT: Actually I uploaded it. I'm sorry in advance.

This is my jam.

Sep 2, 2011

Nidoking posted:

I don't know about that. If you're one of the people in countries where soccer is called "football", you might know the game well enough that this would be more your style.

Why is there a dog in the playing field?


Sep 2, 2011

Orrfieldmedic posted:

My philosophy was pretty much explain when it effects me, and it hadn't really effected me yet, so I didn't explain it yet. But it's pretty much what Worklurker said. pretty much all the SMT games have demons be effected by the phases of moon and in this game it's how bright the sun thing/Kagutsuchi is. So that meter just shows what level of brightness it is. When it's full you can't recruit demons, and there are some skills that are effected as well.

It effecting some of the chests I didn't realize until it was to late, so spoilers, I screwed up on opening a few chests and got poor rewards.

Just FYI, the link for Episode 2 seems to be broken. Polsy just gets stuck loading forever. Though I've noticed this is happening to a bunch of different polsy stuff. So might be something with the site? Just thought I'd mention it.

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