![]() What is Legend of Grimrock Legend of Grimrock is a grid based first person dungeon crawler, a throwback to games like Eye of the Beholder. It, more often than not, manages to revitalize a largely archaic gameplay style with more modern design sensibilities. The gameplay is focused around combat and puzzle solving, and while the puzzles are, with a few exceptions, thoughtfully designed; the combat suffers a bit. Combat manages to be engaging but ultimately falls into repetition as you learn the one strategy that works one nearly every enemy. The Story Unlike many RPGs, the story takes a backseat to the more immediate tasks of exploration and survival. You control a group of four prisoners who are shackled together and thrown into the top of Mount Grimrock, a massive mountain that contains a twisting dungeon that snakes it's way down to the base of the mountain. If they can escape the dungeon, their crimes will be absolved. Level 1: Into the Dark Level 2: The Old Tunnels Level 3: Pillars of Light Level 4: The Archives Level 5: Hallways Level 6: Trapped Level 7: Ancient Chambers Level 8: The Vault Level 9: Goromorg Temple I Level 10: Goromorg Temple II Level 11: The Prison Bonus Stuff UZWorm Plays the Accordion Iron Chitlin fucked around with this message at 03:20 on Jun 18, 2014 |
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# ¿ Feb 15, 2025 20:23 |
The video itself was recorded ahead of time and done with post commentary. For live commentary I think most people use a streaming service like hitbox or instagib. I've never done live commentary myself so I'm probably a bad person to ask.
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gatz posted:How do you think Grimrock compares to other dungeon crawlers? Honestly this is a subgenre of RPGs that I really haven't explored much. I've played a SMT game or two, also Paper Sorcerer, but I've played more D&D party-based RPGs that I don't consider to be dungeon crawlers than anything else in the genre. I've read that Dark Heart of Uukrul is one of the best dungeon crawlers, but I've never played it. Some of the Wizardry games are held in high regard, too. Any knowledge bombs to drop, Chitlin, or anybody else? I am hardly an expert on the subject, my experience with the genre is limited to games like Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder, which are Grimrock's primary inspiration. Other games like the Wizardry series are turn based instead of real time, so combat is less about maneuvering your party and more akin to Final Fantasy's menu driven combat, but it also included things like detecting and disarming traps with rogue characters. For the most part, Grimrock is literally Eye of the Beholder with a graphical facelift. I never played Dark Heart or even heard that much about it so I have nothing to say on that. I have played very few of the early dungeon crawlers, so hopefully someone else can give a more in depth answer.
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![]() I'm starting to think we would be better off staying in prison. Level 2
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![]() There are an absurd amount of spiders in this video, you have been warned. Level 3
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![]() Interesting, but not fun. Level 4
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![]() The party has fallen victim to scheduling issues and hardware failures. Luckily we just happened to find a new group right here on Level 5. This may or may not have been recorded directly following the Jurassic Park stream. Big thanks to Best Friend Skull, Danaru, Heavy Sigh, and Brokenogre. Level 5
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Hitman: Blood Money The U.S. Presidential elections are in full swing, the big issue of the day is the legalization of human cloning. Jack Alexander, former director of the FBI, has agreed to an interview with a respected journalist to disclose a story that could change the public perception of the issue. To this end, Alexander begins to tell the story of Agent 47, the greatest triumph of human cloning experiments who also happens to be the world's deadliest contract killer. Meanwhile, the enigmatic Agency that supplies 47 with his contracts is being systematically torn apart by a rival murder-for-hire organization. Watch as Agent 47 dicks around on the outskirts of a plot that he barely cares about. Blood Money is the undisputed best game in the Hitman series and this seems like as good a time as any to do it. This LP will have two audio tracks per video: The first is a more or less standard LP, the second is a 2007 style clusterfuck. A Vintage Year Peanut Gallery Trainwreck
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If you ever wanted to see the mission that takes place immediately before the events of Hitan: Contracts, then Blood Money has you covered. Curtains Down Peanut Gallery Trainwreck
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![]() Oh I'm sorry, did you think we were done? Level 6
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![]() Here have more Grimrock Level 7
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![]() More accordion and some bullshit about a sword. Level 8
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![]() More accordion and some bullshit about lizards. Level 9
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Shoeless posted:I'm going to have to echo Grace here. What? Here you go The first part is all you really need to watch. Iron Chitlin fucked around with this message at 05:50 on May 28, 2014 |
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inthesto posted:Is it even possible to get anywhere in Grimrock without this 2x2 boxstepping that shows up in every combat? As in, if you just facetanked and went toe-to-toe with enemies like it was a Final Fantasy game. The 2-step shuffle is 100% necessary to survive the combat encounters, when playing the game on easy you can tank the damage more or less effectively until you around the halfway point of the game where it becomes essential to actually learn how to do it.
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![]() More accordion and some bullshit about Goromorgs. Level 10 Iron Chitlin fucked around with this message at 22:31 on May 29, 2014 |
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![]() There it's done. Level 11
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This is great, finally people cant watch the only good parts of the LP without slogging through 5 hours of repetitive bullshit!
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UZworm posted:Watch them Freudian slips Chitlin Not fixing it!
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![]() This was the first and only project to be completed by the now defunct Headfirst Productions. Originally being envisioned as the starting point of a series of games using the Call of Cthulhu tabletop game brand, Dark Corners of the Earth(DCotE for short) was ultimately a commercial failure and resulted in the studio shutting down shortly after release. DCotE is based loosely on the events of two different H.P. Lovecraft short stories(novellas?). The main inspiration is "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" with the ruined port city being the primary setting for the game and many events mirroring the story exactly. The other source of inspiration is "The Shadow out of Time" which takes a backseat to the more Innsmouth centered plot, ultimately coming together towards the end of the story. DCotE lovingly recreates the source material with a well done execution of slow building atmosphere that really nails the style of Lovecraft's writing within an interactive space. In spite of a few missteps and a plethora of game breaking bugs it manages be one of my all time favorites. Early on the game masterfully builds it's atmosphere and provides a growing sense of unease followed by outright panic, then it turns into a substandard shooter which tramples all over the good will that was built by the beginning of the game. In much the same way, this LP will feature a bunch of shrieking idiots talking over the game. Part 1: Prologue / Documents Part 2: A Visit to the Old Town / Documents Part 3: Attack of the Fishmen / Documents Part 4: Escape From Innsmouth / Documents Part 5: The Marsh Refinery(Part 1) / Documents Part 6: The Marsh Refinery(Part2) Part 7: The Esoteric Order of Dagon / Documents Part 8: A Dangerous Voyage / Documents Part 9: Devil's Reef / Documents Part 10: The Air-Filled Tunnels(Part 1) Part 11: The Air-Filled Tunnels(Part 2) / Documents Iron Chitlin fucked around with this message at 09:08 on Sep 14, 2014 |
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![]() Jack begins his investigation by talking to everyone...seriously there is a lot of talking here. Part 2: A Visit to the Old Town Documents Iron Chitlin fucked around with this message at 15:00 on Jun 9, 2014 |
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![]() Things take a turn for the worse when the whole town attempts to kill Jack. This is the one part of the game that everyone remembers. Part 3: Attack of the Fishmen Documents Iron Chitlin fucked around with this message at 15:00 on Jun 9, 2014 |
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![]() Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak. Now with 100% less accordion than the last video! Part 4: Escape From Innsmouth Documents Iron Chitlin fucked around with this message at 15:01 on Jun 9, 2014 |
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![]() Jack makes a thrilling escape from Innsmouth...only to be forced to go back immediately afterwards... Part 5: The Marsh Refinery(Part 1) Documents
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![]() Jack descends into the depths of the refinery in pursuit of Jacob Marsh. Part 6: The Marsh Refinery(Part 2)
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Blind Sudoku LP
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Hello 2007 thread, I am currently considering revisiting Legend of Grimrock via custom dungeons, because I don't learn from mistakes. I have a few in mind that I think would be good to show off but I would like to get your feedback on any specific custom dungeons you would like to see us tackle. If you have any recommendations send me a PM or contact me on twitter @IronChitlin and let me know. Hopefully soon we will be 2-step shuffling our way through more grid based nightmares!
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![]() The military has taken control of Innsmouth and are now besieging the headquarters of the Order of Dagon, and for some reason Jack is still here. Part 7: The Esoteric Order of Dagon Documents
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![]() This video is cursed. Surely you don't believe in such things, but I promise the horrors that I am about to relate are accurate. It began, innocently enough, when a jovial band of commentators gathered to perform their peculiar manner of "work." They had done this sort of thing many times before, though not one among them had the slightest notion of the horrors that were to follow that day. It started with the recording of the game itself. I had anticipated one problem that was to arise from the playing of this horrid thing, little did I know that even as I fixed one issue, three more would arise by the time I was finished. The world of the game had fallen away, a once functional set of states and rules descended into chaos and terror. In my attempt to show the product to the world, warts and all, I pressed forward. The second event of this unknowable series I shall now relate as best as my enfeebled and broken mind is able. The group was in high spirits, both in mood and drink, but that quickly soured as the realization crept upon them like the fluttering of a whippoorwill. As time crept on they noticed that the sound no longer matched the scene that played before them. Still the group soldiered on in the face of the indescribable desynced audio, even going so far as to enjoy the unintentional joke that had transpired. While I, your humble narrator, wished to see all record of that video destroyed, B. F. Skull wished to share the foul sight with others. He gathered up the files and set about his dark task. Thankfully for the world at large the true horror of that day was never to be seen. The recording of one such individual, a Mr. U.Z. Worm was reduced to strange stuttering and unintelligible gibbering. Nothing remains of that original recording. Some days passed since that dark time, the strange affliction of the video had been repaired and the group was ready to try their hand yet again. By odd coincidence, this particular recording was observed by a live audience, as I, in a state of drugged delirium, streamed a live feed of the recording of post commentary for anyone to see. It was only by this strange twist of fate that the following video exists at all. You see, U.Z. Worm fell victim to the same affliction which had beset the previous attempt. His audio was a garbled mess and seemed to jump around, seemingly at random, to different points in the conversation. I feared that this would be a retread of the first attempt. I wish to the heavens it had been. Due to the random chance of the my streaming the commentary, there was now a small chance that the video could be salvaged. I set to work obtaining the streamed video files in a foolish attempt to bring this stygian horror to the eyes of man. It was a fruitless endeavor. Try as I might I could not extract the audio from the stream video. In spite of having the files necessary for such an operation, there seemed to be no way to obtain what I sought. It was here that B. F. Skull, in his headstrong desire to bring this to light, offered his assistance. This is his side of the story: "I downloaded the videos, Chitlin had to get his wife to send them to me because he was having LP nightmares. I downloaded them both but for some reason the 2nd video refused to download properly 4 times over so I had to transfer it to my own dropbox. I put both into Premiere but I couldn't load the 2nd video in for some reason so I had to put it into Windows movie maker to shorten it and then it worked. Got the audio out, spliced the 2 files together, sent them back to Chitlin." With the audio at last in my possession, I feverishly set to work in restoring the audio. Many hours of work were spent scouring through the file, separating every other voice from the voice of U. Z. Worm. I was man driven of singular purpose, forgoing food, sleep and even the most base forms of human contact. After a seeming eternity, I was finished. With a flash and a burst of renewed vigor I quickly combined the newly cut audio with the files of the others who were there that day. It was only then that I had realized my nightmare was not yet over. When combined with the other audio a curious thing happened, it gradually became more and more out of sync. With a cry of anguish I once more furiously set to work in a hope of manually resyncing the audio. By the time I emerged from that dark room my eyes were bloodshot and I babbled incoherently in a dozen languages, only one of which could be identified as human. I don't know if there is anything left, what can the pleasures of the world hold for someone who has glimpsed beyond it's bounds? Part 8: A Dangerous Voyage Documents
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![]() Jack washes ashore on Devil's Reef Part 9: Devil's Reef Documents
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![]() I was going to space these updates out a little more, but, well here we are. With this Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth comes to an end. While I liked this game years ago, it has not aged well. Graphically its a grainy and muddy mess. The shooting gameplay is clunky and not very engaging. The story includes several elements from different Lovecraft stories, not because they made the story better, but just to say that it included them. Yet I cant help but have some appreciation for this game. It was clearly a passion project for the developers, it has a heart and soul not seen in many games, even of the time. It's a mess, absolutely, but the people involved very clearly cared about the product. Does that make it better? Not really, but I like what it at least tried to do. Part 10: The Air-Filled Tunnels(Part 1) Part 11: The Air-Filled Tunnels(Part 2) Documents
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![]() I have no words, here's Rogue Ops... Mission 1: La Casa Negra
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![]() I miss Stolen... Mission 2: The Forsythe
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![]() The search for the missing agents is on, and Omega 19's plan is revealed. Mission 3: Silo 7 East
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![]() Nikki heads to Budapest to track down whoever gave Omega 19 the Coldbringer. This is actually the first mission in which limited ammo becomes a problem. Mission 4:The Magyar Klub
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![]() The game puts the player in charge of a self-named corporation in a gritty near-future cyberpunk-style world in the year 2096. The teams of up to four cyborg agents are used in a series of deadly missions, which include assassinations, infiltration, theft and "persuasion" (using a device called a Persuadertron to capture individuals of importance). The game's objective is to establish world-wide dominance with the established syndicate, one territory at a time, while engaging and eliminating rival syndicates and putting down internal mutinies. Mission 5: Stauffer Bank
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![]() Welcome to Toorum mode!* Toorum's Quest *this is not Toorum mode
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anilEhilated posted:Does this game get anything resembling good at any point? All I'm seeing is Sonic 2k6 0.8. It's certainly not as bad Sonic 06, but it doesn't look fun either. The Robotnik stages seem to be the only saving grace of this game, if only because you get to not give a poo poo about enemies and just fire endless missiles.
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Danaru posted:
Is it me or is this game somehow getting worse with each new mission? Why would Eggman blow up the moon? Why is there a half-assed driving section in the middle of the game? How does driving around a floating freeway several times let you catch up to Tail's plane? Was he just following the freeway with his plane? Is there a point to doing anything with the loving Chao babies? Their stats go up when you feed them, but what is the point of these stats? People like SA2 right? This is the game everyone said was really good right? gently caress this game.
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# ¿ Feb 15, 2025 20:23 |
You don't get to walk away, get back in there and play this game again.
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